The Taurus weather continues to affect your money, house, apartment, charity or business in June. And, if you have more than three factors in Taurus or Scorpio in your natal chart, you’ll want to watch this YouTube exclusive.
You can choose to be radical with your own financial, business or property situation now – or you can opt out, because it’s easier to keep up old habits, attitudes or set-ups, despite the instability. The choice is yours. Do you now want to turn your back on those ‘same old, same old’ people and situations, or will you make a really adventurous move? The cost of freedom or price of independence (and the reality of other people’s money, other people’s property and other people’s possessions) is a great truth, this week. You can afford to reflect on all those quite astonishing situations which are now being fast-forwarded again, since this cycle began in 2018. If you have unpredictable financial, business or property-related issues to deal with at this time, the trick is always to surf the waves of change rather than try to plant your feet in the sand and push.
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This Chiron cycle will put you in touch with your religious beliefs (if you have any), or with alternative ways of finding your faith in life. It’s about the ongoing experiment with your soul or spirit, which may (or may not) have any connection to your own culture, education or background. Sometimes a new spiritual awakening for you, is the result. In other cases, you might find this wake-up call through therapy, dreams, Tarot, hypnosis, counselling, meditation, Buddhism, through the occult, or by returning passionately to a philosophy or faith you’ve visited before. Chiron is here to show you the so-called unthinkable, outrageous or impossible.
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During this cycle, Saturn will automatically pass through the Ninth House of your chart at the same time as Jupiter, though the latter disappears for a few months. This area of your horoscope, the Ninth House, rules foreign people and places, travel in the mind, knowledge and learning – and the worldwide web. The Saturn in the Ninth House transit now answers this call to know, or to see, and to pass on knowledge – on a deeper level. Even if you are not a natural student, you can expect to go on a serious quest for knowledge and understanding now, tied to foreign places or people. This search for meaning and truth, on a spiritual level, may start with something as simple as the first realisation that no, tourism does not work in a plague – or it may begin with your PhD in Ancient Civilisations. Throughout the period that Saturn is in the ninth house, your lessons about the universe or the world map will be well and truly triggered.
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Any experimental changes which take place in your career, unpaid work or studies now won’t seem like particularly extreme changes at all – the shape of the events unfolding will be familiar to you from the last few months. Being fostered, mentored or guided to test the boundaries of what is supposedly not allowed, or not possible, is part of the Chiron cycle.
Classically, you will now meet one major professional situation which is an uncanny repeat of something you went through a few months ago. Another experiment in the laboratory of life. The whole point of this cycle is to see what works. If you don’t work full-time or part-time, this cycle tends to affect your other roles and goals. It may influence your life as a carer, for example, or your unemployment-benefit musical career, or your university degree. Cancer, the whole point of this cycle, is to encourage you to use your ‘life lab’ experience and your knowledge of how far you can go, to help you move get away with it all. You may well have something to show others who (unlike you) haven’t seen it all before.
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Friends and groups? The overall atmosphere now is repetitive, and life 19 years ago, and 19 years before that, is guiding you back to some very old karma. You’re dealing with people and situations which you’ve been exposed to dozens, hundreds, maybe thousands of times – thanks to karmic experiences in this life, or in others. That’s why this cycle has a reputation for taking you backwards, socially, rather than forwards. The North Node in Gemini next to your ruler the Sun this week, says: ‘I have taken you to this point, so that you can lean on your past wisdom to go further.’ This will require some effort on your part, but you could navigate through fascinating new emotional or psychological territory. This is not about them, or that. (The situation breaks next January). It is about you and how you fundamentally change your attitude towards who/what is on repeat. You can massively shift on the inside, and ironically, enjoy your life more.
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Your role or goals in life? Your status and ideas about success? Once again, as you saw a few days ago, the issue will be debts or credits from other lifetimes – favours, promises, grievances, forgiveness, or other kinds of collections and returns! There are no accidents in astrology, or in life. If you just happen to stumble into this, or fate seems to be pulling you inexorably towards a particular loop or circuit– take it seriously. Virgo, you may have made soul contracts with each other, prior to this lifetime, so that you can meet up again and fulfil some old promises. At the very least, life 19 years ago will have its part to play.
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Foreign people and places? Regional differences?
Don’t be blocked by the endless time loop now. It’s quite true that you will meet the same situations, again and again, to the point where you wonder if you’re ever going to get off the merry-go-round. This can be quite a cosmic time, though, if you work at it, even in a global pandemic. By consciously developing the best possible attitude to these ‘loops’ in your life, which for logical reasons, as well as astrological reasons, involve places or people far away – you will be able to cultivate a state of mind which could improve your entire being.
If you cannot change the situation, then at least be clever enough to change your attitude towards the situation. This becomes the grit in the oyster that helps cultivate the pearl. In this case the pearl might be a bigger sense of humour, or a more philosophical outlook, or greater wisdom. The cycle ends in January 2022 anyway, Libra.
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The North Node in Gemini is in conjunction with the Sun in Gemini this week. Big sentence for short statement: The financial film of your life is stuck. It’s also about karma. It is now your destiny to be stuck in an ancient time-warp, where nothing ever changes, and nothing moves on, except your own mastery, of your own point of view. This peculiar period in your life which is so much about the charity, the inheritance, shares, bank and so on – offers a unique chance to work hard on your inner self, as nothing else can be controlled. Restructure your head so that you are free to interpret, understand and use all those ‘repeat, repeat, repeat’ situations in a useful way. Be creative about it. What can you learn, gain or exploit? You’ll have dozens, even hundreds, of opportunities to practise now!
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That strategy about your duet or duel now – is your own decision to choose how you’re going to feel about things! It is impossible to escape the endless time loop that comes with this cycle. You may literally be facing the same people (like your wife), saying the same things – or doing the same things – all the time. Alternatively, the names, faces and duets or duels may change, but the situation will feel like you’re rehearsing the same Woody Allen film.
The North Node in Gemini, your opposite sign, is in conjunction with the Sun this week. So, everything is obvious to people. You are owed. You may owe. The time has come for collection and settlement, and this may apply to a new date you’ve just met, to your former husband. A two-person shared household, perhaps, or a work partner.
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While you go through this cycle, your ruler Saturn will be in Aquarius, in your Second House, which rules money, homes, possessions, charity, business and valuable assets. You’ll feel an astonishing sense of familiarity about all those situations too, if you are old enough to remember life as it was about 28-29 years ago. So – all in all – it’s a time to make the most of being stuck on rewind. The shift forward that comes when Jupiter returns with solutions and opportunities, in a few weeks from now, will begin with your willingness to deal with ‘repeat, repeat, repeat’ scenarios from 28-29 years ago (if eligible) but also to learn from the voice of experience. Older and wiser people are good guides, now. Capricorn, you were thrown a really great opportunity at Christmas that unfortunately fell very short a few months later. You moved on, and now you have another option with your money, charity, business, house, apartment and so on.
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This cycle with Chiron in Aries, is about the written and spoken word, and other ways of getting a message across – like sign language, or work with images and symbols. It naturally involves the technology that we associate with communication too, computers, fax machines, and telephones. Here are some more specifics that come up repeatedly now – your ability to communicate with others who speak a foreign language, your relationship with the media (if this is part of your career or lifestyle) and your regular attempts to be heard and understood.
The most audacious, experimental, creative, clever, productive ways of responding and reacting to life are on offer. A person who is a foster figure; mentor; guide; tutor – is around you. The lesson is how to get away with what ‘they’ say cannot be entertained or tolerated. If it’s out of the question, it’s the question.
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The Fourth House cycle of the North Node will strand you in a time-warp where property, houses, flats, families, households and domestic life is concerned. You’ll long for a change in the astrological weather, but it’s unlikely to come while the South Node remains at the bottom of your solar chart. I’m quoting from my new book, here, to give you more detail about this week’s North Node-Sun conjunction, Pisces. Do use the opportunities you are being given to practise your response. Exploit the endlessly rewound tape of your life, so that you can take the time to cultivate a point of view which will make you feel happier. This kind of practise could change your life, not to mention your view of reality. It will not only give you the tools you need to feel calmer, jollier and more philosophical about the things you cannot change – it will also show you why it’s the inside of your head that matters, not the stuff that is going on in the outside world. This may be about your son and his father, whom you divorced. Perhaps to your second husband’s children, from his first marriage – your erstwhile stepchildren. It may be about your mother or father. In all cases, Pisces, the key to this cycle is knowing that it ends next January, but in the meantime, you can select your response to what repeats.
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