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You’ll make some important new friends in 2021-2022 who teach you life lessons that you need to know. And old friends will continue to show you what’s real. There will be nothing particularly easy about the friendships. It’s almost written by Shakespeare. Nevertheless, your friendship will also educate all those who are around it. Aries, without your example to follow, other people would never know, nor understand. For the two years or so that this Saturn cycle is in effect, the friendship can seem like the stuff of myth, film, novels or television drama. It casts a serious story around itself. It becomes easier from the end of July, when Jupiter changes signs, but in 2022, you will have to remember what was promised in 2021 and why.
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Drugs and alcohol can trigger questions now, with friends or others in the group, so if the friendship or circle of people depends on getting drunk or doing a lot of mind-altering substances then be aware of Neptune in Pisces in your Eleventh House of networks. Your ability, and theirs, to function in the real world is affected in this cycle, The best advice? Use the fantastic new options presented by your Jupiter cycle, to resolve any Neptunian friendship or group situation. Friends and this particular group of people at this time may be a loose, informal network (like a shared household with attached friends) or something more formal, like a meditation circle. Sometimes no substances at all are required for there to be confusion over boundaries. You are in a fantastic position to resolve any fuzziness left over from 2020, Taurus.
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Success? Well, it’s different in 2021 and 2022. People or situations which represent a complete escape from the real world, will now draw you. The more these people or situations offer you the chance to lose yourself and forget who you are, the more lost in this other reality, you will be. What you yearn for, and long for, can either be good for you (relief and release), or just confusing. It may be difficult to tell, because you have been lost to reality for a long time.
Fortunately, Jupiter is now alongside Neptune in this area of your chart, which rules ambition, position and mission. So past confusion can be sorted out.
The golden rule with any Neptune cycle is to look at your situation as if you were completely outside it – as if you did not have a great big wave to surf – and then choose. The potential is fantastic by 2022, Gemini, but this has to grounded.
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You will be acutely sensitive to power and control issues in a duet or duel now because Pluto has a way of reminding you that there is more to people politics, on a two-way street, than others can see.
Your personal power will be awarded to you (or taken away from you) by your willpower regarding this person (and the duet or duel) at this time. What Pluto asks now, is that you take whatever steps you have to, by changing the game. You need a game you can win. Or a game you can both win, which is harder. Compromise is Pluto’s ultimate reward and no matter how hard this cycle has been since 2008, the heaviest part is over. Now, you can use prior experience to use self-control to gain control.
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You can ‘win’ in your life, now, if you pursue freedom and independence, and do this current revolution, too. At the point of your greatest achievement and success, you may decide to do the unthinkable, and change the game you’re playing. That’s fine. It’s normal on a Uranus transit, Leo. If it’s all too predictable out there, this may well be the only move that satisfies your soul. If so, why not?
Here’s another option. If you wake up and find yourself with the revolution firmly in your hand, use that to navigate new journeys. One can be yours, the other can be theirs. As long as you are confident that the other faces (staff, employers, clients and so on) are in the wave of change with you. Over the next few weeks, a deal will be done, Leo.
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Virgo, in the grand scheme of things, you have no guarantees that particular journeys, head trips, courses, foreign connections, multicultural pursuits – will even last. You are gaining from the rather exciting game you are playing with others now, but you are also giving your freedom away, if you think this is permanent. You’re also succeeding by adhering to a set of new, no-rules, rules. This cycle also brings decisive, dramatic, exciting, liberating and quite unpredictable chapters affecting a place on the map. It really depends on how much you’ve invested in the old game you’ve been playing. The freedom question will go once you let the old system vanish from your life and start the search for who/what is so radically different.
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Karma from 2002 rules the written and spoken word, now, and how you communicate in other ways – through symbols or images, for example. Karma also rules short journeys, so cars, trains, aeroplanes, ships, boats, bicycles, motorbikes and public transport are a big focus now too and take you back to 2002 in a kind of circuit or time-loop. You have been here before, in a different way, in another time, but the repetitive nature of certain issues (driving, perhaps, or sorting out your computer) is really a big flashback to your last South Node cycle, Libra.
After January 2022, when this cycle ends, a strange combination of decisive endings, and powerful new beginnings, all at the same time – unfolds. At this time in your life, you will experience this karmic cycle’s impact through the plans, projects and ideas which use your communication skills, and finally, through the journeys you take. Altering your attitude and angle is easier than trying to change what never changes. And that is the making of you.
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Your ruler Pluto reminds you that control is self-control and willpower is empowerment. You need this, otherwise you may feel taken over in May.
The world of words, ideas and communication in general will also teach you about reconstructing the old system, now, and beginning a new set-up. You have everything to gain by changing the rules if you feel things have been slipping and sliding. Go for the potent substance inside you, as this is where the chemical reaction is right – with other people, or even large organisations. The media, the internet, academia, education, publishing all qualify now.
The trips you take, regionally or overseas – and even small-scale stuff like your car or use of public transport – will also compel you to make changes in yourself, and in your life in 2021. That would be the case even without a pandemic. Short journeys away will be a good test of your self-control and willpower. Never mind the map, the travelling that takes place now will be spiritual and psychological. Even a brief trip could send you on a soul-searching mission to find the reins that you need to hold.
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Property will be an intensely karmic business in this cycle, no matter if you are renting or owning, and send you back to 2002 and/or 1984. Your newfound karmic power in the property game from January 2022, will have a far-reaching impact on your own and other people’s emotions. That is – if you settle up now, and into the remainder of the year. Perhaps you have always funded the lion’s share of a mortgage for your husband. He owes you. Maybe there are long-ago issues with landladies, or tenants, or landlords. Maybe you owe someone. Once the emotions have been processed, you need to promise yourself you will play a different game from January 2022 when the Nodes change signs. Try an alternative property strategy that better suits who you actually are next year once you realise that what goes around comes around, and what puzzles you about a situation is very likely the fact that 19 years ago, or 19 years before that, you cast certain karmic patterns out. Now, ripples return.
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What can you get away with? Capricorn, the version of family life you have experienced until now keeps on inviting you to experiment and explore. So much for the old rules and roles. When Chiron in Aries comes along, you will find yourself dealing with a family situation which feels like the challenge to change. To do things so differently. The family game you were playing thus far gave you no room for the ‘possible, impossible’ at all. It’s time for a new game, a new approach, and a tutor, mentor or guide who can show you that there are very few boundaries.
Moving the goalposts with the family or shared household proves to you and others that the times are right for something very different. Better? Well, put it this way. It will give you a lot more space.
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Your relationship with the world of babies and children, teenagers and Millennials, will go through a deep karmic transformation during this cycle. Your son or daughter may move from childhood to adolescence – or adolescence to adulthood – or there may be the karmic realities of abortion, adoption, miscarriage or IVF treatments, from the past. You have the North Node in Gemini in your Fifth House of parenthood, generation gaps and younger faces. Thus, your old attitudes and expectations fall away by January 2022 to be replaced by a new outlook. There are many different ways in which the karmic repetition involving children or youth will manifest now. As with all Node cycles, though, this one is about letting go of what ends, by January 2022 and accepting what begins in its place. A new order is coming once you are repaid, or others are. Spiritually, but perhaps in practical ways.
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Friends? Groups? Pluto says, don’t treat your influence lightly or carelessly – and why use your ‘pull’ to manipulate others, power-trip them, or even play people politics? Fortunately, you have learned so much since 2008 that you are wise to mistakes made in the past. You are also far more advanced in your understanding of friendship and group involvement which disempowers you or makes you feel you have given up the controls. You have not. In fact, it is the powerful Pisces who masters his/her feelings, and runs on self-control, to gain a true sense of control.
What aspects of your personality did you discipline yourself with, on social media, or in the real world – last year – so you could survive in your old friendship game? Chances are, those are the very things which are going to empower you now. So be yourself and play your own game.
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