Your Weekly Horoscope
17-23 May 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 17-23 May 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

If you have a few Gemini factors in your chart, then the worldwide web, education, publishing, academia, domestic travel or the media is central to your life. What happens when Gemini Weather goes backwards? How can you use May-July 2021 for a great rehearsal? And sort out some old karma? Join me for a Zoom discussion through The Astrological Lodge of London on Monday, May 24th, 2021 at 7.15pm with a special Q&A feature online for Premium Members. Sign up here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

We have Aries, Taurus and Gemini weather this week. You are the image or portrait of the idea. The same advice about ‘Me’ applies to any new project, special work plan or new role you take up while this cycle operates. Do read up as much as you can, on what’s actually going to be important, in profile terms. Self-promotion, publicity or public relations. Knowledge is your greatest defence at this time. Aries, you need to do your homework. The more you can live in the real world about the image projection you’re choosing, the better off you will be. Not just generally but perhaps, financially.

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You are in Aries, Taurus and Gemini weather now. This will really stretch your patience, financially. It may even confound you at times. But it is your best bet, despite the Mercury Retrograde delays and reversals, as the economic alternatives (trying to forget what’s happening or trying to pretend it’s not there) are no alternatives at all. And if Plan A isn’t right, use Plan B. Mercury Retrograde actually requires A, B, C and D in my experience. So, this may be about the bank (and banks can be chaotic until July) or sales/purchases. This cycle breaks in early July but until then you will find beta testing and dress rehearsal works really well for you. Go final on the big financial decision later, if you find that Mercury Retrograde tends to complicate life.

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You are now in Aries, Taurus and Gemini weather. Let’s talk about the group(s) and the friendships.

Be practical and make a list of what you trust will work best. Go to good books, trusted advisors, or older, wiser people if you must. And give it time. You have a group involvement which is going to require quite a lot of sustained hard work and careful management. It’s genuinely an experiment. It could be a rock band, political party, book group, investors’ circle, golf club…whatever. If you’re not really a joiner by nature, this group could easily be your usual circle of friends (your social life on Twitter, as a whole) or perhaps it’s just a network of people you are temporarily involved with – like a yoga class. Destiny will line up the people you need most, at this time, to teach you the most about your own experiments. You can then get on with the business of trying to make your life in this ‘laboratory’ of 2021 work.

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This cycle – in Gemini – will give you a rare chance to get to know yourself better and learn about what really makes you tick. You can expect a long confrontation with yourself – just you and the mirror, or you and a diary – or even you and a therapist, or priest. To give you some more detail on the Gemini weather, until the end of July, I’ll quote from my new book. Basically, Cancer, you can expect to spend more time by yourself now, either by choice or by circumstance. Who are you when there is nobody else around to react to? What are you really made of? This cycle will teach you all this and more, as it encourages you to take a long, hard reality check about your inner self. Sometimes this cycle coincides with a period of staying at home (COVID-19 rules), or a change in your working life or domestic circumstances which finds you marooned by yourself for a while. There are many possibilities, but Gemini weather in the Twelfth House typically finds a way to remove you from the outside world and put you on the side-lines.

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You are now in Aries, Taurus and Gemini weather. Try to detach yourself from whatever career realities or basic ambitions are pushing you to do all this work…on work. At times like this you need to take a deep dive into who or what would set you free, actually. Of course, they (above you, or competing with you) are your big motivator now, but can you view your work objectively, and still agree that it is worthwhile? This is a key question, as your plans will absorb a lot of energy. You’ve always looked a certain way, professionally or academically, or been seen a certain way, in terms of status, unpaid work or role. And now, everything is changing. You’re either desperate to progress or being forced to completely alter things. Uranus in Taurus is like that. It might be your role, your personal situation, your professional set-up, or beyond. Uranus is challenging you to experiment now, without guarantees. However, you will be guaranteed one thing – a far more interesting and exciting set of possibilities.

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Virgo, you are now in Aries, Taurus and Gemini weather. Sometimes, you will feel so trapped by your situation with foreign people and places in these years, that you will take dramatic, radical steps to escape it. If you genuinely feel tied down by the world, then you may be tempted to take the most sensational U-turn. Virgo, the effects you have on other people now from other nationalities, cultures or countries could start a chain reaction which will inevitably rebound on you and end up rattling your cage. So, think about what you are doing/saying.

You can’t stay stuck in the box that the world has put you in. And you shouldn’t. But every successful revolution has to happen when the time is right.

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If you believe your unique values are worth it, you may stage your own budget revolution in this cycle. Watch out for the financial impact you are having on other people involved in the accounting or larger organisations, like banks – though. If you cause too much wavy gravy, you will begin a recipe that is completely unpredictable, and at some point, the entire set of pans may well fall on your head.

Uranus in your money sector (including property, business, charity) works best in your life when you honour the wildness of progress and change. And Libra, sometimes technological advances or new inventions and ideas (from Robin Hood to Pozible) push everything (and everybody) forward. That’s your cue to go to the next level of this unprecedented global economic pandemic, as well. If you try to stay where you were, you will not only be uncomfortable, but you may also find that you need to make up for lost progress.

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Change with the internet, media, education, publishing can be chosen by you now, as your ruler Pluto is in the communication zone. Alternatively, the change may be forced on you, by circumstances beyond your control. It’s actually not possible to hang onto the old set-up now, any more than it was in 2008, because you will either feel tremendous pressure to change, or you will reach a point where you push your own agenda. Scorpio, your attempt to find a different place in the scheme of things is about using your willpower to become empowered, and your self-control to gain control. Soon, you will see that the change you have chosen (or the change forced upon you) has opened up all kinds of new possibilities, for a different set-up, ahead of 2022. Sometimes the issue is communication manipulation on a personal level. Someone ignores your emails, or doesn’t hear you, or doesn’t listen. It can be on that scale too, but don’t be power-tripped. Pull the steering wheel back your way.

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Sagittarius, this new Saturn cycle (Saturn without Jupiter, until July) rules communication. Your way with words, and information, and the world of the telephone, computer, Tik-Tok – and no doubt, sign language, publishing, education, academia and foreign language, too. It’s about the way you get your message across. Thus, if the faces at Facebook are getting you down, then this cycle will allow you to choose a way out, from late July, when your ruler Jupiter comes back in. Of course, you may not be on Facebook or Instagram anyway. Perhaps you have better things to do! What does progress with communication mean to you, in 2021? Is it learning a foreign language, seeing a speech therapist, taking a journalism course, or starting your own website? This is the hard part, but in August-December come epic solutions as Jupiter changes your future.

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We are in Taurus weather, with Uranus, the planet of radical change, in that sign. The slow revolution rolls on, setting you and a younger generation free. Let’s start with the world of babies and children. This covers obvious areas, like any sons and daughters in your life, but also includes young relatives or godchildren, professional or social involvements with children, and issues which affect parenting – adoption, custody, nannies, babysitters, schools, child welfare, children’s health and so on. IVF treatments are also on this list. A strong sense of ‘That was then, this is now, and this is the future’ will encourage you. Life as it was before 2018 when this cycle began is ancient history. And this may be about dating a man with children from a failed relationship, or it may be about dealing with Millennials in your profession. The generation gap is the space in which you mix the wild experiment. Or they do. And from that comes real space, for you, he, she or they.

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This Uranus in Taurus cycle is about the jumping-off point between the past and the future, with your home, and depending on how radical you feel, you’ll either take small hops, now, or huge leaps.

A new angle on the old house or apartment, even a new area to live in, is the result, sometimes more than once on Taurus weather (it runs until 2026). But there are many possibilities, Aquarius. You may remain in your current property position but become involved in local movements for change which call for a new order in the village or town. Your own version of progress will be unique to you and also to the times you live in. Experiment!

This is the ‘raw, experimental drive’ that the wonderful astrologer Caroline W. Casey writes about, when talking about Uranus. However – if you move too far or too fast for people who do not wish to have their lives disrupted, you will either be forced back to square one, or find yourself in a conflict which offers no guarantees.

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You’re likely to take a progressive approach to your internet life, publishing, course, education, plan, project, media or basic communication now – or you may find that a certain someone wants to take a progressive approach with you. Why on earth remain stuck where you are? It’s Taurus weather and a deal will be final by the end of July at the very latest, with Ceres in Taurus. Progress online is freedom, progress with the media is change, progress is equality – at least according to the planet Uranus, also in Taurus. All of this will now tempt you now, as you navigate your way through the words and ideas jungle. Sometimes, progress will appear in the shape of a new man or woman in your life. This person will be an agent for change in some way – your chance to take the great leap forward. Typically, you will want the freedom to move ahead, now, without being confined where you were before 2018 when this cycle began.

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