Your Weekly Horoscope
15-21 March 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 15-21 March 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

An invitation. Want to change your luck? Join me at The Conscious Café on Tuesday, March 30th, 2021 to pick up all the dates that work for you on our new Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces cycle, starting in May. I will look at your regular Sun Sign horoscope and also your personal birth chart. We’ll also see how astrology and Tarot work together to predict your (luckier) future. This Zoom event goes out from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm in London. 10.00 pm to 11.30 pm in Sydney. Sign up here.

change your luck jupiter in pisces with jessica adams - Your Weekly Horoscopes March 15th to 21st

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Don’t be fooled. Although one career, unpaid work or academic situation in your life is over, you are not. Strong feelings directed at others, perhaps, or just directed at yourself) suggest you need to look at yourself, and your life, all over again. A great deal of who you actually are – and what you’re all about – in terms of ‘success’ appears to have been forgotten, for the time that you have been involved in certain arrangements that came along in late 2020. I will quote from my new book to give you more detail. Aries, look inside yourself and get to know all of you – not just the bits you were trying to work with, for the sake of various professional, unpaid work, charity or academic deals or understandings that were in place. It’s your whole self that Pluto is interested in, not the version of yourself you were trading with before. That whole self is what you must now take forward, into a new life where success really is success. Release the past. Process the feelings. Then set the co-ordinates in a direction which serves you, rather than that situation you were in – or even the world at large! Steer your own ship, on your own course. It’s your key to real, priceless, power.

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Karma. The point at which others’ cash, home, possessions or other resources puts you up there on the karmic wheel, is the point at which you need to use that position properly and look back at 2002 to understand what is going on. That means taking the larger picture of others’ lives into account, but also promising yourself that now you’re in control of the past, you’ll start living a life which honours the future. You start all over again in January 2022, Taurus. For now, you are on the wheel. Chained to the wheel, to quote the song. That can be okay. You can learn so much. Who inherits what from you? How do you manage the money? Where are your values? What about your business needs to alter? Look back, back, back for the answers and you will see why you must settle up or hold your hands out.

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You begin a new cycle with your ruler Mercury now, alongside Neptune. Jupiter goes there in May. It’s about achievement. I’ll quote from my new book to give you more detail, Gemini.

Your ambitions, your ideas about success, and your mission in life will trigger a journey of enjoyable soul-searching now, and result in fascinating changes in your path. A complete change of position, status or employment is possible. So is a new place in the world, which gives you extraordinary holidays from the real world.

A bubble to ride around in is now in the driveway. This cycle will give you some amazing new solutions and options in the particular game of success or achievement you have been playing. The end results for you will be exactly the same, no matter if you feel you are out of the game, or on top of it, or want a different one. For your own long-term happiness, you’re going to have to dig deeper inside yourself, and change what used to seem like reality.

Discussions, news and online information flow this week will put you on track. From May? 2022 calls.

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So, is this a duet or a duel? Past, present or potential? I will quote from my new book to give you details.

Cancer win or lose, whatever kind of duet or duel this is – you must now dig deeper and begin a new game, with a new role, which suits who you actually are, beneath the surface. Never mind the other person! You will need time and space to go inside yourself at this time, in order to start the search. You have it, as wheels turn in your Twelfth House.

What is it about yourself at the deepest layers, that could genuinely give you the reins in your life in terms of the other person, or the other side? Plot your own path, now, by operating from your soul, not the old ‘pairs’ game that either worked – or didn’t. A new life is here. During this time, you will find out who you are – at your core – by allowing yourself to leave certain group involvements behind and going it alone. You could also join new networks. What follows could leave you in a very exciting new space indeed.

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Let’s talk about Mars in your Eleventh House, Leo.

The groups you are involved with now will change, but the message remains the same. No matter if it’s a circle of friends, a rock band, a book group, a charity, a yoga class, a management committee, a professional association, a political party…whatever. Each time you remix the chemistry with particular friendships or circles, you firmly leave the old you behind. Leo, you will be given a rare chance to dig up all those bits and pieces of your personality which were not examined before, so that you can finally bring all of you to the story on Twitter or wherever (even the real world). This cycle does not only concern you with the wider group. It’s also about one-on-one friendships. The dynamic between you meant that, for a lot of the time, you must accept all the feelings and powerful emotions. Yours, his or hers. But once these have passed, release what you had, and set about the business of ‘know thyself.’ How on earth could you have any real energy, in the game of friendship you were playing before?

It is through, or with, your friends and group commitments that you can also hit the heights, now. Once you figure it out! I would expect that no later than April 23rd, Leo. New friends, old friends revisited, new energy, time-wasters – gone.

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What you do in terms of self-control with the world of babies, children, teenagers or Millennials – will also give you real influence now. It is what you do in total confidence, which will ultimately take you higher. Virgo, you will find that you are left holding the reins now. Use them while you’ve got them. As your current position rests on the fact that you’ve been trading on certain aspects of yourself best described as maternal, paternal or just ‘mentoring’ (while burying or forgetting others) you may want to start by bringing all of you into the picture. Only you can judge just how ready the world is to welcome you, as you really are, as a parent, godparent, teacher and so on. But as that’s the only way you’re going to feel genuinely in control of your life, Virgo, it may be worth a try. Just make sure that the all-of-me thing benefits other people too. That way, your newfound power has the best possible chance of lasting. I’ll use more from my new book to give you greater detail, next.

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This cosmic Deja vu with your life on the internet, with the media, publishing or academia will also be happening with your general communication, at this time. The South Node is in the Third House while the North Node is in the Ninth House, is behind the ‘stuck’ feeling about a certain someone! I’ll use my new book to give you more detail, Libra.

The two Nodes feel dramatically different to work with. The North Node’s influence on your projects or plans will probably short-circuit you. The South Node is a much easier force to work with because you’ve seen it all before. Even though you’ll feel as if you’re watching life press the rewind button, you’ll feel wonderfully detached about all those endless webs, book, educational or media issues. That can help you make some wise decisions.

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Karma will be played out with business, property, finance and possessions at this time. I will quote from my new book, to talk more about what is going on with your inheritance or legacy, or the business end of things – perhaps, the charity. While the South Node is in your Second House, the North Node is in your Eighth House (which classically rules other people’s money, homes and assets.) Consequently, you get a double whammy. It can feel as if every past-life debt and credit that you ever chalked up, has come back to haunt you. I would certainly say to you that the year 2002 is important.

If your financial affairs, business interests, possessions or property interests are tied up with another Scorpio or Taurus, then the evidence for a past life connection increases. The wheel turns.

Whatever signs are involved, though, the North Node is all about life experience. You will now meet situations which are both overly familiar, and also strangely familiar. Let me explain more, Scorpio.

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If you’re looking at money, property, charity or business on this cycle now, it’s no surprise. I will quote from my new book to give you more detail.

The line will be very clearly drawn. When it comes to your life budget (that credit card bearing your name, your own PayPal account, your own salary, possessions or property) you will have a lot of intuitive wisdom to draw on, along with a lot of life experience. You’ve been here since 2008, Sagittarius. It’s only when you need to face the involvement of a second or third party in your security, though, that you’ll have that typical ‘stuckness.’ Some of this comes from old, tough experiences. Maybe it’s time to let go of some baggage. What did not work out last time may not repeat at all. Perhaps you should think of particular new options as empowering.

Maybe it’s time to find your potency via a new agreement or plan, Sagittarius. Forget 2018-2019.

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And so, we come to the Pisces weather. This cycle rules short trips. Don’t be surprised if you keep going back (and back) to one particular destination in these next few days (or going back in your mind). Alternatively, you may drive or fly to a place you’ve never been to, depending on your Covid situation locally – and find a strange sense of familiarity about the entire experience. You are in quite a repetitive Mercury and Neptune cycle now, Capricorn.

You will face all-too-familiar issues with short-haul flights and the whole business of summer holidays. Even in our new world. Because you keep ‘revolving’ with the same scenario at this time, it is also time to figure out when to try what is new.

Your car, motorbike, bicycle or other method of getting from A to B (train, bus, plane or ferry) is also triggered by this cycle. You’ll handle all this cleverly now, because you not only find yourself facing the same scenario from last year, but also because astrology says you have new knowledge to bring to the situation.

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While Uranus (radical change) is in the Fourth House you will meet some past-life issues with your family, and also burn off some cultural or heritage karma too. To read more about the family tree or ancestor issues, see the Uranus in Taurus discussion on this website (hit Search) You’re going to have to work extremely hard at that one! Why? This is a revolution. You are rebelling. Maybe you already rebelled. This is about where you come from, right? It may be your property too. Your local area. Perhaps it’s just your clan or kinship on some level. Your country? Your particular kind of patriotic feeling?

Aquarius, when it comes to family relationships, your previous incarnations with your mother, father, brother, sister – or other family members – will help you bring some amazing intuitive experience and wisdom to your home life. Yet, make no mistake, this is a revolution, and you are looking for freedom. You want independence from something or someone. The only caveat is – if you’ve gone too far, or intend to go further, you will surely have to pay a price.

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Karmic loops, now? Well, with the North Node and also Mars in your Fourth House, you’re circular at home. Pisces, the domestic, decoration, renovation and DIY situations you experience in these next few days, will make you feel as if you’re stuck on a loop – but in the nicest possible way. I’ll quote from my new book to give you the angles. The Node will enable you to relax and take the long view of any home-based situation, because it’s either a repeat of what you went through in 2002, or it’s a repeat of what you know from another lifetime! When that building work starts, or when that flatmate moves in, you may even have feel that you know the end of the story. Your approach will be helped by your innate wisdom at this time. You will either hit repeat scenarios of situations you have faced many times before – or come across something new, which still seems strangely familiar to you. This sense of familiarity, or ‘knowingness’ is one of the reasons it’s now possible to take the world of houses or apartments in your stride. Property investments, too.

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