Your Weekly Horoscope
28 June - 4 July 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 28 June – 4 July 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Welcome to July. We are now in Leo weather. The Sun enters Leo on July 23rd. Mercury enters Leo on July 29th. Venus is in Leo until July 22nd. Mars is in Leo until July 29th. What happens, from this week forward, will ask you to look at a cover-up or blind spot from August 2017, when we saw eclipses in the Leo region of your chart. On a world scale, expect to see new headlines about Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein – soon.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Opportunities to make much more of your home life will appear now, and you could easily move, build, emigrate, make home improvements, decorate or renovate as Jupiter makes a terrific angle to Mercury shortly. Whatever gives you a bigger picture in terms of your domestic life (even a more adventurous approach to family or flatmates) will suit your lifestyle now, as Jupiter in Pisces in a great angle to Mercury (paperwork, discussion) on July 13th encourages you to look at this new month, for more possibilities in your life. The New Moon on 10th July is another big green light.

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This cycle with Venus and Mars in Virgo, from the end of July, will bring important new possibilities linked to children, babies, infants, teenagers and young adults. Plan ahead and see what is possible, as Mars and Venus will pick up trines from Uranus, and Pluto, by September, kicking off at the end of July. In fact, this entire period is worth planning, well into September. Let’s look at children first! What happens in terms of your own, or other people’s children, will help you to progress. A confirmed pregnancy, for example, or a big leap forward for (or with) your son or daughter, younger in-laws, nieces or nephews, godchildren and the rest – is a very common outcome. You could have a baby now or be taken on the most extraordinary life journey by your grandchildren. It’s time to set some goals for the next three months.

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I know of no other cycle than this Jupiter and Neptune transit which opens the doors to new possibilities for success, greater status – even the spectacular cure – of career conditions you have been stuck with for years. Seek and ye shall find. Sometimes you just need time to deal with your challenges; if so, that may appear now, as you have the luxury of July (until the 29th) to address issues. Alternatively, you just need professional, unpaid work or academic breakthroughs; workplace advances; hi-tech inventions or new people in your world, who can improve your quality of life.

Jupiter says, “Have faith, think big, don’t waste this chance.” Anything or anybody that goes off the radar at the end of July will reappear after Christmas and January 2022. For many of you, this will be a new role or project.

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If you are single, and open to a new relationship, you can now team up with someone who can teach you about empowerment and control or give you a much larger angle on life. Never mind the influence and clout you possess. Alternatively, you’ll end up with Pluto transit triggering your chart, with a partner who is keen to test the power couple theory, but also your place in the world, versus his/hers too. His or her momentum will carry you forward into this new phase in July, triggered by a recent Full Moon on 24th June. Cancer, the pairings or couples can be purely professional. So, work – not marriage. They can be platonic (two friends sharing a house). What sort of duet do you have here? It will show you the realities of the upper hand – who has it – and how to share it.

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Well, let’s talk about Saturn in Aquarius in July. If you are already in a personal or work partnership which is basically good for your growth and development, it will take you even higher now, from July 29th – but not before an obstacle course. Dealing with the pandemic; having children; moving; starting a business; restarting a work project; marrying or moving in together – are all common on this cycle. Whatever happens to take you further together, or further apart – expect more bandwidth in your life from the relationship, after July 29th and until Christmas. It will feel like going from hard-work mono to Dolby once you are further into August. Vast options this duet (whatever form it takes) are possible in August-December 2021. So don’t waste time! If your marriage or relationship is keeping you stuck, or stagnating, then you will have a way out or through presented to you after Jupiter changes signs at the end of July. The astrology says – expedite this by Christmas at the absolute latest.

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The money, property, possessions or assets which belong to people in your immediate circle – or big organisations or government departments – is now your key to the laboratory again. The experiment goes on. What is given, paid back, lent or shared could now give you a chance to follow a mentor, guide or tutor figure – and offer you a new pathway which simply was not there before – as others found it too beyond the pale. Too far beyond the known limits. Chiron in Aries is about to receive a series of trines (flow patterns in your horoscope) in July and August. So, catch a wave. Surf into the laboratory. Find out which experiments work, now.

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Your health, lifestyle, wellbeing, mental health and constitution will help to trigger enormous growth, understanding, learning and development now. This Jupiter and Neptune cycle, triggered in July, can happen in any number of ways. No matter if the pandemic has touched your life or not – you have a lot of new ground to cover, with your body, mind and spirit. Libra, life will seem bigger and richer afterwards, as if you had suddenly gone from tunnel vision to 3D cinemascope with Dolby sound. You can do this until the end of July, then again from Christmas, and into early 2022. In fact, it may be that there is a schedule in your diary which involves July, then the Boxing Day-New Year interval, or perhaps the first quarter of 2022.

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Leo weather is imminent. This cycle, which can only happen every twelve months, is going to open up new possibilities for important C.V. decisions. In July, you start to see the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Leo do their work. You can expect an outcome by the third week of August. The New Moon in Leo on August 8th is worth any amount of planning this week, as your professional horizons for 2022 are now in view, and the oppositions from Jupiter in August to both the Sun and Mercury, will expand your view dramatically now. Expect an invitation to go forward, explore and trade on your gifts which may be almost impossible to refuse even though what triggers this is difficult and complex.

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Your ruler Jupiter is now in the chart zone ruling your hometown, homeland, house, apartment, holiday home, family and/or household. Symbolically and literally, Jupiter in Pisces is telling you to look up, and then look out. If you stay where you are before this cycle begins, or even attempt to go back, you will be turning away from a unique set of circumstances which may never be there for you, in quite the same way again. July offers some stunning trines between Cancer and Pisces, the two water signs, so ‘go with the flow’ could work well.

A sense of vision, hope, faith and optimism could take you to a better place with property, now.

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Local is the new foreign. This works really well for you, Capricorn, with Jupiter and Neptune (the great escape) in your zone of regional holidays and localised exploration. Before the pandemic, of course, other countries were your exotica (you will still hold old foreign passport visas or keep in touch with those have noticeably different accents – even be bilingual – but that’s it.) Your experience of life, or your network overseas, could be the beginning of something else for you, taking you into undiscovered territory – miles from the front door. In other words, you want what you had, but you want it safely. And also, depending on where you live, legally!

Your friends could also be from the city (if you live in the country) or from the country (if you live in the city.) That is one example of how this July cycle works out for you. They may come from other states or regions. In this case, you’ll have the same passports, and speak the same language, but despite this, their background will be so dramatically different to your own, that you’ll feel as if you’re on a major learning curve. The next suburb along is exotic. The long walk or bicycle ride is your flight.

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Karma from October 2002 calls. If you have the chance to commit yourself (karmically) to achieve balance with a group, band, team, club, charity, association, committee or other network of people now, then it will open up a whole new realm of spiritual possibility for you. There could be some soulful payoffs if you are stoic enough, patient enough, and strong-willed enough. This is a rare chance for you to become a part of something karmic which is bigger than you, in every way (although it ends in January). Groups you are already involved with will also hit karmic breakthroughs over the next few months as you are given a chance to repay others or be paid back in some way.

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Saturn in Aquarius is here, ahead of Jupiter, and this makes July crucial for your religion, spirituality, psychic ability, therapy, self-help or soul-searching.

You will be absorbed in a project or plan which speaks to your spirit or psyche – which means you must hibernate at this time. It may take weeks, but it will be impossible for you to share it or involve others very much. Keep at it, as the closing days of July usher in the most marvellous solutions and answers, which lift you up where you belong. Alcoholics Anonymous falls into this category, but so does an interest in (say) the mystical power of numerology. It’s personal! Even if this period of your life is anti-social, what you do behind the scenes will now accomplish more for you than you guess.

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