Your Weekly Horoscope
26 July - 1 August 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 26 July – 1 August 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

With over 100 comments every day, this feature is currently the most popular astrology talking point on this website. It’s about friendship. And, if you have factors in Aquarius in your personal birth chart, you will be affected. Jupiter re-enters Aquarius this week so it’s the moment for solutions.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Uranus in Taurus, in your money zone, is the 2018 ongoing revolution that continues to keep you free, today. It’s a great cycle to invent with and innovate with. The area of your that it is affecting, could be ripe for experimentation. Property, charity, salary, shopping, sales, business and the rest. If a group joins you, or you join a group, the effects will be widespread and extremely exciting. Uranus is about electricity. It generates a buzz, or a pulse. It rules the new-fangled. Like Bitcoin. You can tell when this planet is at work, because conservative, Luddite or Old Fogey/Young Fogey types tend to shut down.

‘I’m never using a plastic card instead of money,’ they used to say, in the 1960’s. The beauty of this planet is that even though it sends us into shock half the time, with furloughing, income support or even wild property price increases, it also drags us towards an economic future which – in the long view of humanity and human progress – is the right one.

Why? Because it sets you and other people free, by 2026. Free from what or whom? You know.

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The power you receive in a Pluto cycle always relates to the areas of life it is touching at the time. Yours happens to be about foreigners and foreign countries. The power comes two ways – through ‘success’, wealth, a popularity vote, or some other kind of control and influence – and also through loss. The loss is especially pivotal because it gets rid of who and what you do not need. This new you will also set an agenda that empowers you – another massive transformation. Perhaps you needed to get out of tourism. Maybe you needed to rethink the relationship you have with a different nationality.

Taurus, despite the two hurdles you have faced in July, as the month ends, you can also ensure that your Pluto experience not only lends you lasting power; it also becomes a vehicle by which you can empower others and bring about important changes. There may be aspects of publishing, the worldwide web, education or academia involved. In general, though, this cycle is about travel and distant places.

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The internet, media, publishing or education, now? By rights, Gemini, you should feel a tremendous sense of confidence – feeling ready for other people’s attention. The ability to shine brightly (even brilliantly) in the spotlight. An ego massage, brought about by other people’s admiration for who you are.

The Sun in Leo, with Leo weather in the background throughout August, puts the focus on the connections we make through telephones, the internet, faxes, letters and discussion. The exchange of information – from hard facts to gossip. The networking that keeps us informed, but also informs others. This is actually your stock in trade anyway, Gemini, and internet connections based on mutual understanding of each other’s needs, which focus on genuine teamwork, despite any differences – can take you forward. A shared commitment to create harmony and balance online makes the wheels go around with all your projects and plans. Jupiter in his new sign of Aquarius suggests foreign people and places will be part of a new, better agenda – solving so many issues created there before – by December.

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Friendship in 2021? Well, it’s an ongoing revolution. A radical change. Moving forward into the future and leaving the past behind. New angles and completely different perspectives. One leap forward which results in a domino effect of changes for everyone. Your sector of friends and teams, clubs and groups has been occupied by Uranus since 2018 but it is only now that you are seeing the true fallout. Much of this is pandemic-related of course, Cancer.

Yet, with friends in other countries, or friends who are foreign, you have also been dealing with Neptune. A lack of boundaries. The most confused and confusing merging with people, substances, places or situations. Not knowing who you are. Not seeing what is realistic or practical. This has been very true of one friend or group from another culture or country, too. This cycle ultimately brings a dramatic change which results in a powerful new beginning. A situation with extremely high need for freedom and independence is calling you from the future (October) – which offers the chance for a new role with a group, and a new social life.

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Let’s look at foreign people and places now, Leo. Chiron is in this sector of your chart. The result? Audacity. Doing what others say is impossible, or sometimes totally unacceptable. Testing the parameters of what is realistic. Getting away with something outrageous, thanks to a mixture of timing, cockiness and ability. The process will depend on self-confidence and self-expression, and a sense of showmanship and display will be central to what happens. The Sun in Leo, your own sign (and your own ruling planet, together) forms a stunning pattern with Chiron. The process will involve some kind of exploration. This may be literal, so travel or relocation is involved – or the quest will be literary, tied to the worldwide web, or academic.

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Chiron in Aries is here to show you what audacity means and how chutzpah can work out for you.

What happens will directly affect a two or three-way agreement involving money, possessions, property or other assets and debts. Jaws are usually on the floor at such times. What can you pull off this week?

As your money affects just about everything else, what happens will directly influence a trip away, a move, a course, a publishing issue, a foreign question, or a multicultural connection. You do have a substantial decision coming up by August, Virgo.

The Astrology Oracle on this website gives immediate, accurate answers to those kinds of questions, so please do use it – or use the Tarot here – to check you’re in tune and on track. Later on, in August, the Sun enters your sign and forms a perfect trine to empowering Pluto and liberating Uranus. Later on, then, as you go into September, there is a tremendous sense of confidence – feeling ready for other people’s attention. The ability to shine brightly (even brilliantly) in the spotlight. An ego massage, brought about by other people’s admiration for who you are. This week? It’s preparation time.

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There is quite a road now, with your friend and the group. The process will depend on self-confidence and self-expression, and a sense of showmanship and display will be central to what happens. The Sun in Leo can be like that. The atmosphere with friends and groups is quite different to the atmosphere with partners, duets or even duels. There, you have Chiron at work, so August is about chutzpah. Audacity. Doing what others say is impossible, or sometimes totally unacceptable. Testing the parameters of what is realistic. Getting away with something outrageous, thanks to a mixture of timing, cockiness and ability. Juggling both these angles is what this week is about. The tools you use with friends are quite different to the tools you use with partners or those against you.

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Your lifestyle and health now? Your working life? Chiron is here to help you experiment. Audacity! Try doing what others say is impossible, or sometimes totally unacceptable. Testing the parameters of what is realistic is on the agenda by August. Getting away with something outrageous, thanks to a mixture of timing, cockiness and ability is certainly the path.

The process will involve ideas about status, success, ambition and achievement. In most cases, career questions will dominate what happens. Work can be paid or unpaid on this cycle, or you may be studying, but Chiron cycles are about the grand experiment.

What happens will directly affect the state of play with a partner, potential date, ex partner, or a person you think of as the enemy. Your sector of duets and duels is also an experiment. The goal is freedom and independence, for one or both of you, so your day-to-day situation with work or health has an impact.

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What is it that sets you apart from other people – in terms of study, publishing, education, academia, the worldwide web? What is it that’s truly special, even brilliant, about you in terms of foreigners and foreign countries? What happens over the next three weeks will help to reveal all.

Alternatively, if you are way off track, the Sun in Leo will expose what needs to be corrected and adjusted. You are now in Leo weather until the end of August.

The most important aspects of your academic abilities, your teaching or lecturing skills, your Zoom life – and even your potential as publisher or author – will be on display now. It will involve foreign faces, places and spaces, Sagittarius. There will be a fresh start, up ahead, too.

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What happens over the next three weeks will either give you quiet pride in your ability to fit in with the financial, business, charity or property agenda of others – or be an obstacle course. Either way, this could be your finest hour, as the Leo weather rolls past, or a chance for a major reassessment. Mortgages, tax, inheritance payments, partnership investments, mates’ rates, deals, commission, exchange, loans, settlements, debts, joint assets and shared resources are now in the spotlight and up for discussion. Get the calculator out for some weeks, Capricorn.

The Sun in Leo can highlight special achievements – the glittering prizes you’ve got some kind of stake in, or share in, thanks to other people. The Sun can also hand you an uncomfortable memo. Drop everything to sort out the house or apartment, the business and so on.

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Your partner, ex partner or potential future partner will be in the spotlight now. This can be love or work. So, will your enemy, opponent or rival if you have one. This is the cycle for duets and duels, Aquarius, with a big choice coming in August. The Sun will illuminate and expose all the corners of your key relationships with partners – past, present or future. The Leo weather in general will start the discussion, open up the chance for fact-finding and set the agenda with a duet or duel for the rest of 2021. It’s your chance to examine how well you’ve handled the duet, double-act, pair or feud to date, and where things stand now. Aquarius, the Sun will shine a torch into the most closed-off areas of your two-way street, so prepare yourself for this. The advantage for you? Total clarity.

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In rolls the Leo weather, and with it, a new focus on your body, mind and spirit. We are, of course, living through a pandemic so this cycle has more importance than usual, no matter if your issue is sleep patterns, vaccination or something serious.

Let’s consider the health, fitness and wellbeing aspect of this Leo weather cycle first. Everything about your body will be a lot more obvious now – which is why it’s classically a time for a medical check-up. The Sun reveals what you can be proud of, in terms of your health – and what is clearly in need of attention. That is the case until August, Pisces, as the Sun leads the Leo weather upfront.

Even if you are already receiving medical or alternative health treatment, this July-August period is extremely useful, as it can give you much clearer insights on everything. You’ll be put in a position where it’s easier to clearly rate treatments, but also your lifestyle. This brings us to work, and the hours you keep, and the housework too – or the relationship with the staff.

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