Your Weekly Horoscope
19-25 July 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 19-25 July 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

On the 26th of December last year I made this prediction about Australia in July:

This is a month for mourning although there is hope for a better future. COVID-19 has not gone away and will make headlines again.”

Sometimes, as an astrologer, you would rather be wrong. Yet – Australians can and will beat the current Delta wave.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Your Saturn friendship cycles, which takes effect at this time, will present you with an unavoidable situation which is here in 2022 as well. In order to cope, you’ll come up with A Sensible Plan or A Strategy. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. But life will be tough now, and you need answers – so this is a good time to test what you think might work, with one friend in particular, and also with the group. If the Universe believes that what you have in mind for yourself, is also going to benefit the wider community (even the planet, if the ripple effect is big enough) then you will be on track for solutions, as Jupiter moves into the same sign as serious Saturn, one more time. It really depends on what the nature of this group effort is, Aries.

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The Sun Sign describes what makes people stand out – either because they’re incredibly confident about showing it off, or because they’re constantly struggling to ‘make it’ in the life areas described by that sign. So, with the Sun entering your family tree and household zone this week, you’ll see where people are, in terms of their visibility and also your assessment of how they stand with you. This may be a parent or a flatmate. A live-in partner or a niece.

I’m going to flip you over to natal astrology now – horoscopes drawn up for your time, date and place of birth. If you do have factors in Leo in the Fifth House, then this is likely to be about children, pregnancies or younger adults. You will be working hard on it (or you should be) until the minute that you end the Sun Leo cycle, in the third week of August. In recent years, a chain of Leo eclipses will have shown you where you repeatedly and permanently had blind spots about a family or household member. Well, now there is clarity.

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People should always give Gemini and Virgo more room when Mercury is retrograde. You recently had this cycle in May and June, Gemini and it only ended in early July, so you are still catching up. Gemini Sun people like you do pride themselves on their ability to negotiate, network, debate, trade, research, analyse, bargain and question. When all that starts coming unstuck as it recently did, your entire balance was disrupted. You stand or fall by your ability to make connections, but now it is time to put the puzzle back together. Mercury was actually stuck in your own sign, so it was personal for you in May-July. Making up for lost time is what this week is all about and actually, you’ve had time to clear your head. You can be more philosophical about what needs to change in terms of your profile, too.

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Well, July has been dominated by a couple of oppositions from Capricorn, for you, and that can make the month as a whole challenging. When you are having a difficult time in your life, it’s usually down to one of these planets – Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. You’ve had Pluto in Capricorn for a long time, and he is triggered twice this month. These cycles can bring rough astrological weather, especially if they are also creating difficult patterns (aspects) which bring the kind of life-changing days you could do without – like oppositions. Cancer, a silent request to the universe to help you find a creative, productive way to manage your issues with the other person. Clearly, this is a duet or a duel.

The unseen world has a stronger and more powerful effect on our lives than most people know.

Close the door in a room where you won’t be disturbed. Focus on the idea that you are an organic part of this living, breathing planet. You’re also part of this massive process of change/create/change/create which goes on every day of the year that Pluto in Capricorn is triggered.

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Leo, do send a silent message to the universe that your problem with a duet or duel, can now be converted into something which can help you move forward. Jupiter is here to help. Saturn is still here, too, making life extremely challenging – yet there is hope. You may have someone or something specific in mind, that you’re appealing to. You may have no idea any sort of God or spiritual umbrella at all. None of this is as important as the fact that you’re asking. Leo, results, when they do come, will leave you astonished at the rightness of the timing – and the deep intelligence behind the whole process. The planet Jupiter, when in unison with Saturn, knows.

Whatever you are facing with or through the other side, or the other person, remember that it brings you back to issues with yourself – and everything is here to be sorted out.

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Each time Saturn changes signs, it starts to shift the horoscope in a serious direction, towards a new area of your life, presenting you with a situation you can do nothing to change, and a reasonable amount of caution, too. Saturn brings the issue that will not go away. Your Saturn cycle, for quite some time now, has been about lifestyle, wellbeing, work, housework, daily routine, health and also mental health. Now, with Jupiter alongside Saturn, answers are here. If you step back, you will realise that someone or something is an absolute blessing. Yet, it is also going to take work to get you to Christmas.

Without these uncomfortable feelings, you wouldn’t be motivated to change your life, and put all that work into a practical plan which can help you feel more secure. Jupiter in the Sixth House of your solar chart, alongside Saturn, is a reminder to make work (say) and certainly your wellbeing an absolute priority for six months and to be a realist about 2022, even 2023. Plot and plan.

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You have come to this weekly horoscope, Libra, because you are undoubtedly having a problem with your Saturn cycle. Fair enough – it is notoriously difficult for anyone to have this planet affecting a house of their horoscope (and an entire life department) for around two years. Yours is very much about a son or daughter. Conception or unwanted pregnancy. Nieces and nephews. Stepchildren or child custody. Godchildren. Maybe the younger faces (babies, infants, schoolchildren, younger adults) are not even personally involved with you. Maybe you are a teacher or have a younger generation in your life for other reasons, Libra.

The beauty of Saturn, now alongside Jupiter again, is the unusual chance it gives you to build some firm foundations. Libra, if you a) come up with the right response and b) work extremely hard at it, you could c) create what other people might call a lifetime achievement. And that is very likely what a child or teenager actually is.

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Astrologers say that after your wrangle with Saturn, you can become an authority, an expert, a ‘wise woman’ or ‘wise man’ about the particular area of your life that this planet has been affecting.

Well, for you, this was (and is) the family. The household. The apartment. The house. Now, Jupiter is also in this same sector of your chart, so there are brand new solutions and stunning opportunities.

It is part of the deal that progress is always painstaking! Saturn specialises in situations which seem to require inch-by-inch progress – just as Jupiter shows you the blessing. And it truly is.

The sweetest success, they say, comes not from those big, big Jupiter opportunities alone. True soul satisfaction is about rewards for hard work and inner strength.

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Let’s look at your lifestyle. Your health and wellbeing. Your work, unpaid work or study. Let’s talk about your mental health too. All of this belongs to the Sixth House, where we find Uranus in Taurus, making waves. Uranus tends to say ‘Move on up’ when you aren’t ready for change, and then it propels you into your own future, in the space of a single day. Consequently, you can go into shock. I am likely describing what has happened to you since the pandemic was declared in March 2020, but depending on your birth chart, you may only have had the sudden ‘moment’ since 2021 began.

Well, walking in natural surroundings is one answer (it grounds you and centres you) but most of all, it is time to try and find a way to meditate, relax or even use hypnosis – to open up to options that are highly inventive, very new for you, and dependent on developing technology or some very fresh trends.

Trusting the wisdom of the universe can be difficult now. You may want to dig your heels in and resist, as you cling to the apparent safety of the old working life, and the old mindset about your health. Actually, the answer in your astrology chart is to be radically experimental, but to come from a place of safety. You can achieve that with (say) hypnosis or yoga. With wild swimming or anything else that makes your body, mind and spirit restore.

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The world of babies, children, teenagers or young adults is calling you, as it spins on its axis and tilts. So much for the known world – this is the new world. This also applies to sexual relationships which might make you a parent; stepparent or introduce young in-laws. Finally, the world-spin can happen on a professional or unpaid level with young people. Capricorn, there is always the temptation to resist. To go back to safe, familiar things which are still with you. Not everything about your old self and your old life has to fall away now – those things which you can still take with you, for the journey into your future, can be kept on board. Even though it’s hard, if other people’s agendas for progress and change (their vision of how the future for children’s education should be, or their ideas about population control or IVF) is making you question your life, at least try to see all the alternatives, no matter how alternative they are. Capricorn, the keynote of the Uranus in Taurus cycle is freedom. You are being offered independence from – or independence through. It may be liberation from ever having to have children (for example) or liberation by suddenly realising you do want them, and there is a way. Your personal chart will tell the story.

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Your family? Your home? What is coming now is so new and different, that you cannot possibly be expected to ‘get’ the whole picture in a few weeks. Uranus in Taurus is a pretty rare cycle and you have had Ceres in Taurus, too. In fact, you could take the second half of 2021 as a whole and say it’s not like anything you’ve experienced. Trust that there is method in the universe’s madness, though, and that in the fullness of time you may even come to appreciate why everything had to move and shift.

This may be your own overwhelming need for change, in terms of the house or apartment, in the face of other people’s resistance. You’ll have your own ideas about progress now – but be careful. If you jolt other people out of their comfort zone in the family (say) there may be no place to go. Orchestrate it. Your vision of the future – if is truly worthwhile – needs time, planning, persistence and sensitivity if you’re going to make it work. You are ruled by Uranus, the planet now in charge of your home life, family or household. That gives you an advantage, because you know what the answer is even though it’s quite revolutionary.

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It’s time to talk about writing. About public speaking. About teaching or study. About the worldwide web, primarily, and your use of the net.

Uranus tends to come as the big surprise factor you were never looking for. It’s the last thing you expected, and yet it lands in your lap, like a kind of electrical storm designed to make you leap up. The word ‘galvanised’ is associated with Uranus cycles.

Uranus in Taurus is now triggered in your chart, in the Third House, which rules all communication. Uranus works in weird and surprising ways in order to deliver you from stagnation and to deliver other people from entrapment. Pisces, perhaps you are on the verge of going offline. That is indeed a revolution. Leaving a project. Being left by it.

Starting a project (if it sets you free). Your personal chart will tell the story. Suddenly you are free – thanks to a course or to Twitter. The revolution is here. Perhaps, because of new phone technology. Uranus can sometimes set the agenda without any contribution from you, Pisces.

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