Your Weekly Horoscope
12-18 July 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 12-18 July 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

We’re now in Leo weather. If you know you have a Leo theme in your chart, in the Fifth House of pregnancy, babies, children, teenagers and young adults – a decision is coming by August, which will put you on track for months. Perhaps partners, family or friends have Leo factors? If so, it will be obvious. If you want to check, try the Family and Friends charts, which are fast, affordable personal astrology birth charts, delivered to your email box. You can find more information here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Your part-time or full-time job, your studies or social position will now challenge you to find a new way to look at a situation which challenges you with its predictability. What you can change, within that workplace set-up which never alters – is your own sense of mastery. At some point in this Pluto cycle, your only way out, is to be reborn as a far more interesting – and interested – person. Why? Willpower. Self-control. Taking your own reins.

If you are retired, unemployed, housebound or just have full-time home responsibilities, all of the above applies to your own daily routine, and usual domestic life. Yet, this Pluto cycle is about great ambition, and it has been since 2008. Wanting a big hit. Wanting the top job. Wanting the peak. Within that, Aries, you have also had to deal with politics.

You’ll now need to treat each day as a brilliant chance to create a new way of experiencing and appreciating life. Pluto is opposed in July, and that shows you what you are doing right – or not. Yet, Aries, you will be helped to be the CEO of your own existence, in terms of success and how you define it.

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Let’s talk about the money, house, charity, business, possessions or apartment. Can you change the other person? No. Can you change the set-up? No, again. This cycle is not meant solely to stretch you, though. In actual fact, it could permanently change your attitude towards the material world, in a way that expands and improves your entire life. But…you’re going to have to work at it. Begin with the idea that you cannot alter your fate, but you can alter your state of mind. Taurus, this will help you to manage a ‘repeat, repeat, repeat’ situation with that financial or economic concern, it will also show you how extraordinary it feels to change your reality, by changing your point of view. The cycle ends in January 2022 but until then, an inner shift helps.

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Duets and duels are ruled by this cycle now, with the South Node in Sagittarius, your opposite sign, Gemini. This applies to husbands, wives, lovers, professional partners, enemies, opponents and rivals as well. You will seldom be caught off-guard where he/she (or the situation) is concerned because it is essentially the same every time. This may be down to a 2002 karmic inheritance, now being replayed, or it may be the result of their personality and situation now. Anyway – here’s an opportunity to examine the situation from all possible angles and come up with a perspective that truly works. Yet, the cycle ends in January 2022. Then a circle will have become complete. You can’t really control other people trotting through their karma with you. It goes back years and may have more to do with them, than you. What you can control, though, is your response.

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A solution is in sight even if it’s not forever – with taxation, inheritance, investment, mortgages, leases, assets, debts and accountants now. There may also be timely economic trends unfolding which make you feel optimistic. In fact, Cancer, you are picking up Jupiter’s re-entry into Aquarius in late July. So, that person/situation/organisation which has leapt into view lately is quite right for these times. I am sure with money, business, charity, property or possession so far – May-July has been an overwhelming time when you have had to work hard on your headspace. Your financial, business or property situation is like a multi-faceted crystal at this time, with hundreds of angles. Now, Jupiter is showing you a sparkling diamond. Light at the end of your tunnel is shining through.

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Well, when it comes to your old friends, your social life, and even more recent friendships – nobody likes hearing the same stuff all the time or being stuck with the same set of circumstances – or watching friends go through the same predictable motions! This time is important, though, because the sheer repetition of what you are facing will teach you a great deal about how you should be reacting to it.

By selecting how you prefer to respond you learn superhuman skills that will be with you for years.

Unless you alter your own perspective and behaviour about these people, you’re going to feel extremely stuck indeed. Leo, you are now on the road to the end of this by January 2022 – be it the Democrats or your old club or team memberships. Focus on finding a unique angle or ‘spin’ on your life that brings the most peace of mind. That’s the key with the North Node in Gemini.

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If you treat your career as an excuse to master your own 2002 karma, you can develop professional superpowers now, which will change you (for the better) for the rest of your life. Let’s not mince words, though – you will spend long periods of time feeling stuck. The North Node in Gemini does that.

If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, then this applies to your unpaid mission in life; your position as a professional, housebound wife/husband/partner; or other roles that define success and status for you. Round and round you go. Even if you cannot remember 2002, others have set some kind of odd circuit or loop in their wiring from that year and that is why you’re being sent back.

Virgo, this cycle finds you facing a career situation which never changes. The North Node in the Tenth House is helpful if you hope for soul growth in this incarnation. By stranding you with clients, bosses or colleagues who do and say the same thing, every single time, it will force you to change something about yourself, so that you are actually progressing.

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Leo weather! During this cycle, your friends will be in focus until August. Groups of all kinds will also be the focus now. Your involvement with a band, club, team, association, online community (or any other social network) could be central to everything else, as you appear to be in an annual check-up with these people. The groups may not directly involve you, but they could still be an important part of your life – so a football team or a village preservation society, or a charity. The key to all group and friendship situations here is the July-August Leo weather cycle. While this cycle operates, you can’t change the basic pattern and shape of what is going on. The only way out is to drastically rethink your view, no matter if old friends, new friends, small groups – or enormous organisations – are involved. A dramatic attitude shift, in other words.

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Financially, you are now well and truly in a circuit.

What is likely to block you most is the endless repetition of the same questions, scenarios and outcomes related to this money or property matter. There is a way through, though, if you are prepared to work extremely hard. The shift will come when you reorganise your thoughts about this stuck situation. It’s very likely that you fall into a fixed way of responding, every time you hit the same predictable scenario. Yes, the South Node will lock you into a karmic loop from 2002. Life, the universe and other people will keep you there, until it passes next January. Your own ability to stand back from the situation and see it in a new light is the answer and experimenting with your new perspective could change everything.

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The South Node in Sagittarius in your First House is all about your image, reputation and personal style. Put them together, and you are facing a fascinating period in your life, when you will spend a lot of time and energy on your appearance, public profile and ‘package’. Why? Because 2002 keeps coming back and you appear to be on a circuit.

What repeats, in terms of your image or look, will demonstrate what is not just about hair colours, teeth bleaching, public relations campaigns, or advertising. It is about changing on the inside.

When it comes to the way you look, and the way you are seen, you will gain from adopting a very particular attitude which actually sees you gain.

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Chiron is here with your house, apartment, garden, hometown, family, household and sense of place.

People’s jaws hit the floor when Chiron goes through your Fourth House, because they can’t quite believe what you’re up to with property or family. Remember, Chiron was discovered in 1977, the year that Punk Rock broke around the world. When Chiron is around, your inner punk tends to take over. The world says, ‘Oh no you can’t’ but Chiron makes you think ‘Oh yes I can.’ And each time you try, you extend the parameters a little further, leading to even more cocky experimentation! This is a really interesting week for you in terms of where to live, how to live and who to call ‘family’ or clan.

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Let’s talk about your use of the media, social media or the internet. Perhaps, publishing or education.

Chiron gives us the audacity to attempt what is supposed to be impossible. Sometimes we pull off achievements which are positively outrageous (using television for some grand objective.) This half-comet, half-asteroid, was discovered in 1977, a year which proved that he (or she) who dares, wins. It was a big year for test tube babies, Punk Rock and Apple Macintosh computers. Chiron is about pushing the envelope and taking new risks. I mention computers there, because some aspect of developing IT will help you push the boat out even more by 2022.

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It’s natural to want to test the limits when Chiron in Aries is around in your zone of income, business, property, banks and the rest. It’s unwise to rattle other people’s cages too much, though, unless you know it’s worth it. People are funny about money, but they are even funnier about ethical or moral values. Chiron was a major player when America was born, in the form we know it now. A lot of the words associated with Chiron are slang words from the USA – chutzpah, balls, far out, crazy, and above all, wow. Some people will scratch their heads in admiration now, but others will be confronted. It may be because your value system differs from theirs (the things you will and won’t sell out for, outrage them.)

Far more common, though, are cash, business, charity, shopping, sales, property or ownership issues which you will take as far as you possibly can. Just because ‘they’ say something is impossible or unacceptable is never a good enough reason to demur. You know that. And also – Uranus in Taurus? You will move the goalposts when it comes to your brother, cousin or sister now. Or they will switch the goals around. You’ll change the parameters, and shift everybody’s ideas about what is right for now, but also 2022!

In order to experiment with the rules like this, you will need a lot of craving – principally for freedom. That’s okay, though. If your brother, cousin or sister is involved, you’ll aim, shoot and fire. This is a revolution. It needs a bull’s eye, or it won’t really bring the independence needed. This may be space and autonomy for you with him/her – or their total freedom from you.

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