Your Weekly Horoscope
4-10 January 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 4-10 January 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
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A friend called Alfie 386x600 - Your Weekly Horoscopes January 4th to 10th, 2021Are you a Premium Member? Pick up your 2021 Animal Astrology calendar here. Choose from cats or dogs and find out the best days of the year.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Your money, house, apartment, business, charity or possessions? Uranus is here, together with Mars. It is about larger economic reforms which tend to sweep you along – like Brexit, or the new Biden-Harris leadership. Specifically, like the impact of the pandemic on property prices, wages or benefits. This cycle asks you how independent you feel, and how much freedom you have.

To quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars“If enough other people also share your concerns, you may all find that you move forward together, breaking free of your old lives, and forcing a massive chain-reaction of change. Uranus is associated with groups and you might typically find yourself involved with a community of people now. Pozible or a board of directors. Perhaps a crowd who feel the same way as you about business, or charity. As part of a network, you can start a revolution if you want to, but be aware – you will not be able to predict nor control the results, as your decisions will trigger unpredictable effects up, down and sideways.”

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Let’s talk again about foreign places and people, or regional differences (say, between states, counties or territories) which seem quite foreign to you. How much power do you actually have? These are important questions during the years that Pluto is steadily transforming your life until 2023. Interestingly, no matter if you feel you are holding the reins or losing them now, particularly at the Pluto-Mercury conjunction this week, the impact on you will be the same. Taurus, until you find the strength to let go of the baggage from the old life in 2018, 2019 and most of 2020 (and your old self) – you cannot find what you are really made of. It is willpower will empower you now. At last, after 2-3 years of obstacles, you can now look ahead to December 2021 and think about the new, incredible control and influence you might have in around 12 months – so go on excavating, and find yourself as you really are, below the surface.

To quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars: “Every ending that you experience now with foreign people and places, or regional differences, will immediately force a new beginning – a new life for yourself, and a new sense of who you are. ‘There must be more to you than this,’ is Pluto’s challenge to you at this time.”

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You begin 2021 with karma to complete, involving your former, current or potential partner. Of course, Christmas has just passed and New Year’s Eve has also come and gone. Both these events usually bring questions about a certain someone. The South Node is now in your zone of old, existing and potential partners – usually in love, but sometimes in work. This Node is also known as the Dragon’s Tail – it is joined to the North Node – and the two travel together, in opposite signs, through the houses of your horoscope. The South Node delivers people, places and experiences which are all too familiar from other lifetimes (or from this one, particularly the year 2002), and is similar to the North Node, in the sense that you may feel ‘Been there, done that’ about what happens when it comes around.

I’ll quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars to give you more detail on what is going on, Gemini:

“Like Bill Murray’s character in the film Groundhog Day, you may be repeating the past, especially the themes of 2002, on a regular basis now – however, the more you go over old ground, or meet with oddly familiar situations, the more you will learn. The idea now is to grow and go forward, even if the universe is playing the same old tape. It all comes to a head in the final week of January, Gemini, when the North Node and South Node form what is known as a T-Square with Neptune.”

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Let’s talk about your career, unpaid work or course in 2021, Cancer. Chiron is well and truly inhabiting that zone of your chart. I’ll quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars, to give you more detail:

“Now – Chiron was the star of the show when the United Nations was born; during the U.S. Declaration of Independence; and when the first ‘test tube baby’ was created. Chiron is a symbol of audacity. It will challenge you to attempt the most audacious acts and take the most outrageous decisions – for better or worse. Chiron was discovered in 1977, year of punk rock, too – it’s about getting away with things that make people’s jaws drop. It is named after a centaur superhero, famous for his skills with a bow and arrow. The symbol also looks like someone holding a bow and arrow. Just like a medieval archer, you will now find yourself faced with the seemingly impossible task of either a) hitting your target from an unthinkable distance or b) trying to hit several targets at once. The English astrologer Dennis Elwell equates Chiron with a kind of cocky impudence. It brings tests of nerve. How far can others go now? Watch out because they’re going to try. And you can too, in 2021.”

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Your zone of former, current and potential partners is lit up in this cycle, so your ‘partnership’ personality will be in the spotlight for a few days, as people scratch their heads trying to work out who you really are, and what you’re really all about – in the context of that person who belongs to your past, your possible future, and maybe your present.

This is just one example of the intense focus you can expect on your chemistry, in terms of the alchemy with a particular person at this time.

The Full Moon of January 28th, 2021, falls about two weeks before Saint Valentine’s Day this year, so with the scorching self-analysis that comes from a Leo Full Moon in your zone of image, do remember this week, that when you ask yourself “Who am I? What do people think of me? How do people really see me?” this goes far beyond your name, face, reputation, image and appearance. It’s about your surface, on the 28th of January, as opposed to your emotional or sexual substance, but when your ruler the Sun passes through this zone of your chart, opposite the Moon and in your Seventh House of duets and duels – it will single out and clearly pinpoint who you are, in terms of this person.

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The Sun in Aquarius, soon to enter your zone of lifestyle, workload, wellbeing, health, mental health, housework, unpaid work and study – is neither negative nor positive, it just tells you that you’re more important now, in the scheme of things. The cycle starts on January 20th, 2021, and you’ve had since December 21st, 2020, to realise ‘something’ is going on. That something may be just on the edges of consciousness, or right in the centre. I’ll quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars, to give you more detail:

“January 2021 is an excellent time to work out what you’re doing right, and what you’re doing wrong. Are you worth the price of admission if work involves being inspected or judged? Are you worth a full roll of camera film if your unpaid work is YouTube? Are you one of the Seven Wonders of your suburb if you volunteer locally? Do all you can now, to make sure you’re up to scratch. Remember, everyone will be looking. The real deal for you as a Virgo, though, is that you cannot serve others unless you serve yourself. You cannot work for others unless you have time and space to work on yourself. That means working out in a home gym or working out yoga moves on a towel. Maybe, more seriously, working out immunity and protection in a time of pandemic.”

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When it comes to the world of parenthood-potential sex, babies, children, infants, teenagers, Millennials and adult children – you’ll be given a chance to judge how well you’ve handled all those opportunities and possibilities that have come your way, soon. In all cases, this cycle finds you asking “What do you think of me? How did I do?” by Christmas 2021. You have an issue to resolve. A concern to solve. The answer is sweeping and wide. Accept, accept everything and everybody that comes your way now through the end of Mercury Retrograde (mid-March) and call it research to a better end. If there have been issues with or about offspring, godchildren, a Millennial demographic, fertility and so on – they are fixed, one way or another (to quote Blondie) within 12 months.

You could become publicly admired and acknowledged for your efforts with all this, from the final week of January into the third week of February. Have you done brilliantly? Are you an ace negotiator with your son’s school? A clever DIY fertility monitor, using Moon cycles? Now is the time you’ll get the ego massage or pat yourself on the back. For a week or two, you could bask in the limelight as your integrity with younger people and principles in terms of children turn you into a star.

And…if the late January, mid-February picture with the next generation (or the generation after that) falls short of your own, or other people’s, expectations, use this chance to make a plan for the next 12 months.

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Communication – your way with words and images, or ideas and messages – is in the spotlight now. It’s time to be admired and recognised (even celebrated) if things are going well; your memo, speech, website, blog, statement, essay, academic paper, letter, meeting, postcard, song lyric, screenplay – or just your ‘big talk’ – could work wonders for you now. I’ll quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars, to give you more detail on this cycle:

“And if all is not what it should be with the internet, publishing, media, education, basic communication? The Sun in the Third House says ‘Take a course, buy a Thesaurus, brush up your language skills, clean up your handwriting, upgrade your computer, update your web knowledge, ask advice, learn how to connect…’ You will have another chance to shine at all this, about this time next year, so use this month’s experiences as a launching pad for a very different kind of future – and hopefully one that will make you proud of your communication skills, rather than uncomfortable or even regretful. Remember: when the Sun is in the Third House, people will be reading, listening and watching with greater focus. Never assume you can just ‘get by’ with an important speech or assignment now; your audience will typically be much more attentive than usual.

What kind of driver are you? What sort of local tourist or regional traveller are you? How would you rate yourself on the road, in the air, or on the water? How about public transport? Oh, it matters in 2021. All these questions matter more now, too.”

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The Fourth House of your chart, now dominated by Neptune and Ceres, ahead of a stunning Jupiter cycle in March-July, December and most of 2022 – rules your home (typically, your house or flat, but sometimes your temporary accommodation). It also rules your family (that means parents, siblings and relatives, as well as partners and any children.) I will quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars, to give you more information:

“Because ‘home’ often means flatmates or roommates to people, they will also be really important in this cycle. And, of course, the place you think of as home can also mean the country you were born in, or the country you live in now. In relation to all of the above, Neptune asks you to merge, lose boundaries, escape, go into an alternative world. Ceres says, you need to remember boundaries, put in new lines in the sand, make a deal and get real – by February.

It all depends on how much work you’ve put in, of course, but also on your promising good fortune in March-July, December and 2022, to some extent. You can put your home up for sale March-July or December, or 2022 – and be thrilled to find it sets new records for property auctions in your street. Your ruler Jupiter can be like that, in Pisces, in your Fourth House. Or you can open the cellar door one day and find that the dampness problem you’ve been ignoring is now resolved, once and for all by a mad and magical stroke of luck.”

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Children, children who are now adults (depending on your age), the sex that might lead to children and projects involving children or young adults, are in the gaze of Mars and Uranus in Taurus now. There is no other cycle where your sex life (or lack of it) seems quite so important. There are so many different scenarios that will bring you to these questions, space does not allow for me to list them all. However, the Fifth House where we find Uranus (revolution) and Mars (acceleration) can lead us into potentially quite angry situations involving a son or daughter, or nieces and nephews. That is one example. Then we’ve got – a very, very fast internet dating flirtation that goes nowhere (because of the children). I could go on. There are also professional or unpaid work involvements with much younger people. The intern who is old enough to be your son. The Millennial demographic you are facing.

Sex is so personal; I have no idea what will come up for you now. But I do know it will be A) Vitally important and B) Your chance to get total clarity and insight.

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The Full Moon in Leo dominates the opening two months of 2021. What you set up now will last. Your partner, ex-partner or potential future partner will be the focus of the Leo Full Moon in the first quarter of this year. And maybe a concerned third party (his former girlfriend or her friendship with someone you distrust). Everything about these relationships will be on show to you now. I will quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars, to provide more detail about January-February 2021:

“What’s your marriage like? Is your ex-partner still single, or does s/he have someone new? Is your current crush right for you, or not? Those key relationships with partners – past, present or future, are revealed by the big Leo Full Moon of early 2021.

Even if you broke up years ago, this person will be back on your radar. It’s your chance to examine how well you’ve handled the chemistry to date, and where things stand now. Are you going to win the Nobel Peace Prize for your astonishing diplomacy and Dalai Lama like compassion? Or is this all going to end up in a repetition of past patterns? Aquarius, this is all the more important because you had a chain of eclipses (blind spots or cover-up jobs) in recent years. So, you have history. She/He has form.

If you marry or become engaged now, expect more attention than you imagined because early 2021 and the Leo Full Moon is a look-twice combination.

The advantage for you? Total clarity. No confusion, no illusions. You did the eclipses, and they are over. They concealed, they never revealed. You will be able to look at your marriage, relationship, single life (or connection to an ex) and be updated. It’s a wake-up call. This Leo Full Moon cycle in early 2021 is your annual inspection and maintenance check.

If you’re single, a new person may come along who highlights what you need to work on, in terms of your dating style/technique – or who shows you (gloriously) just how brilliantly you’ve developed since your last break-up. This is all about working out what you can congratulate yourself on (and stick to) – and addressing where you need to work harder and learn more. As I said, we have a ton of Leo patterns this year, in your Seventh House, which rules former, current and potential partners. Big year of attention paid, and results.”

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Chiron asks you, about what you can get away with, Pisces. And it will ask you all year. Mortgages, tax, inheritance payments, partnership investments, commission, loans, settlements, debts, joint assets and shared resources, from fridges to art. It’s about what you own, earn or owe and Chiron will single out all the important issues for you now, so you have a chance to sort out what (or who) is making you feel the thrill of audacity, temerity and chutzpah. I will quote from my new book, The Secret Language of the Stars, to give you more detail:

“Chiron can show you about crossing the line, bringing closer (in 2021) the glittering prizes you’ve got some kind of stake in, or share in. Chiron often turns up as a teacher, master, mentor, tutor, guide, learned friend. The lesson in 2021 is about all that you earn, own or owe. Where did the line just move to for you? Keep moving it?”

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