My event with Jane Teresa Anderson in Hobart, Time, Prediction and Dreams on Sunday, March 14th, 2021 at the Salamanca Arts Centre, still has a few open places. It’s free, though Premium Members have priority. Please bring your astrology chart along. RSVP here now.
Once the emotions have been processed, you need to promise yourself you will play a different game with your career, unpaid work, or course. Try an alternative strategy that better suits who you actually are, having survived 2018 and 2019 in particular. Where you work, and how you work (paid or not) is your key to the most tremendous empowerment and also influence now. And you’ll get up there, too. With Pluto in Capricorn, it all adds up to power. Tempting though it may be, try not to power-trip other people with this. You’ll be in a privileged position now. It is no exaggeration to state that this cycle will do more to permanently transform the state of play within your profession, or academic life, than any other in your life. So, get ready. So much for the old rules and roles. When Pluto comes along, you will find yourself dealing with a situation which feels like the end. Sometimes it’s social status (High Society) as well as your professional or academic life. The real reckoning will be November-December 2021 when you’re going to see a reshuffle – but for now, this is a week to be highly strategic.
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What happens with your plans in other regions or countries, or with other nationalities or cultures, will give you quite remarkable influence now. There may be a change this week, which means you realise you have more influence or a more direct impact. The passport itself may become your passport to power now. Having been through God knows what in 2018, 2019 and most of 2020 – you are now ready to commit to the new life. Your connection to a foreign accent or language could be your calling card. In all these cases and more, though, learn to use the reins wisely as Pluto is not here for no reason. You can get an awful lot of what you want now as you’ve seen in January, February. So why not pursue an agenda which reflects who you actually are, in a deeper, more interesting, commitment which ends up empowering everybody? Who/What seems ‘foreign’ to you is usually a Pluto target on this transit? It’s willpower and self-control that will work best now.
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Time to look back at 2018, 2019 in particular and part of 2020. That was an unusual cycle, pulling in your finances, house, apartment, business, shares, charity, valuables or company. What you had, and what you did, did involve important numbers – but it was also only using a fraction of your real, authentic life budget. So, use this ‘loss’ period you are coming out of, to find out who you truly are, in terms of the price tags you hang on things – then set yourself a different course – one which actually empowers you.
This week, the situation with your investment, bank account and so on, will also trigger a few new beginnings – and final chapters. A budget itself may go through dramatic phases (start – stop – start – stop, as Mercury is also retrograde) at this time. Or you may go from one choice to another. Pluto says, don’t treat your influence lightly or carelessly – and do grab a torch and a spade, and start digging for who you actually are, in terms of your values. What you will or will not sell your soul for. Who or what you consider to be priceless?
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This cycle, with the South Node in your Sixth House, will alter the way you approach your health and wellbeing. I would say that even without COVID-19, Cancer as it is literally in your chart. By being stuck with ideas, habits or set-ups which aren’t appropriate for 2021, you think differently by 2022. Not surprisingly, this cycle often sees dramatic changes in the way people eat, drink and exercise, and also in the way they approach addictions (anything from sugar to cigarettes falls into this category.) It can also change the way they think about the connection between their mind, body and spirit. If you have been at home for longer than usual, and who hasn’t, then this may bring in yoga, meditation, a home gym, power walking, wild swimming, Zoom Pilates and so on. Things are not the same. (You can say that again). And you have some choices to make about who or what you slide ‘up’ in your life, and who or what you slide down. And yes, some aspects of your lifestyle or daily routine, work, housework may just be dismissed.
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It’s possible you will hit a life-changing reality check, in terms of your health, fitness, wellbeing or mental health now. What didn’t work out for you, or even who didn’t work out for you (in 2018-2020) is not important. I’ll quote from my new book to give you more detail about this, Leo. What matters is your ability to sit quietly with yourself long enough, to discover what it is about yourself physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually that’s actually down there! Pluto in the Sixth House says, “I’m sorry, but you were in danger of forgetting who you actually are.” If illness, or a permanent change in your health, came along in 2018-2020, it will trigger a necessary, long overdue, voyage of discovery in 2021. You’ll ‘win’ the health and wellbeing game if you use your self-control and willpower. Make sure that those incredibly empowering lifestyle, medical, diet or alternative health choices you are making, stick.
This cycle famously affects your working life, as well. If you have home duties, this means your domestic chores and commitments. If you have a part-time job, or full-time job, this means your career in general.
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Neptune remains, though Ceres has gone, from your Seventh House of duets, pairs and couples. The ‘two’ here may be platonic, business or more typically, romantic. The ‘two’ may be past, present or potential. So, no matter if you are madly in love, getting married, divorcing, dealing with bereavement, or managing a work duet, Neptune’s challenge to you now, is to keep the unreal, real. Just knowing that this is some kind of escape from the real world is the start, but that was pretty unavoidable since November 10th last year. The loss of boundaries you experienced in 2020 may have arrived as a marriage or relationship shifted, as one partner passed on, or as the partnership changed shape, for other reasons. The Ceres cycle that accompanied the Neptune cycle (November 10th, 2020 to February 21st, 2021 may have also come when a dramatic shift in the dynamic of your relationship or marriage makes you feel as if everybody is everywhere, all over the place, all the time. Now Ceres has moved on, you can forget about the person you were trying to be, and the game you were trying to play, and get on with the business of finding out who you really are. The Full Moon in Virgo on Saturday, February 27th, 2021 should take care of that.
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Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. You’re not going to get too far into 2021 without some life-changing decisions about the numbers. I’ll use my new book to give you a more detailed explanation. This cycle will dramatically change the amount of control and influence you have, in terms of money, property, business interests and your assets and possessions. The changes will come as a result of dramatic turning points involving other people’s stake, share, debt or other position. Expect some final chapters, which alter everything forever. And… expect some amazing breakthroughs too – the kind which give you freedom, independence and space.
A break with the past will come more than once by 2026 and that will set you free. One may be coming. Pluto is also here to show you the way with the house, apartment or other residence. Self-control gives you control, and willpower feels empowering.
What doesn’t work out now, in terms of finances and property, will have a feeling of intense finality – in 2021. A decision about the house or apartment is already showing up for Christmas this year, actually.
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The Node cycle in your finance, property, business and charity sectors picks up this week. The Node cycle is about using the distant past (2002) to sort out the present. Happily, though, most people going through this cycle get rich on the inside (or get emotionally and psychologically secure, at least) and are smart enough to use their new position to figure out the numbers. The old life budget may not work. We are in a pandemic. Yet, you can still add up your life in a way that has value for you. In a way that is even priceless, and that has nothing to do with cash. The point at which others’ cash, home, possessions or other resources puts you up there, karmically, is the point at which you need to use that position properly, according to astrology, to settle up spiritually. That means taking the larger picture of others’ lives into account, from 2002 and also 2020-2021 – but also promising yourself that now you’re in control of how you choose to respond, you’ll start living a life budget which honours all the aspects of yourself – including those which are literally priceless. Credibility, self-respect, integrity. All that.
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The Aquarius weather in 2021 will allow you to set a new agenda with communication, the internet, publishing, the media, spoken-word presentation, Zoom, education – and play a new game, rather than the version of it that you were relying on before.
Your journeys in the mind, your studies, your new online environments, your ventures into publishing (the internet is included in this, as is YouTube), and your exploration of what it means to be heard, counts. You’re into the first stage of this now.
It began at the end of 2020 and you’re on your way. In fact, you may find yourself at the peak of your influence, and at the height of your powers of communication by Christmas. Throughout this cycle, there will be times when you have never felt better placed to get through to people, in terms of the reaction you are getting. Keep going, though! Just because you’ve won this particular game from late 2020 doesn’t mean you can give up now. For all that Jupiter is saying ‘Here is the opportunity. And here’s the second one’ – Saturn is telling you about patience.
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This cycle (most challenging in 2018-2020) will give you some now-or-never, extremely intense times when you are forced to accept how powerful – or utterly powerless – you have become, in the particular image or reputation game have been playing. This goes into your face, shape, wardrobe, photographs and video clips, as well as questions about your name, online profile and so on. I will use my new book to give you more detail about this, Capricorn. The end results for you could be really impressive at Christmas, but it will mean you’re going to have to dig deeper inside yourself and change course. You may feel you already did that a couple of times, quite dramatically. And that’s right.
Yet, it’s not enough, as you head towards March. If you really want to feel that incredible power, that might be yours, you’re going to need more willpower, with one eye on December as a deadline.
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Aquarius, this week you realise that the person you have become (online), to get this far, has done a great deal for the person you actually are. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. This began in December and you’re now edging towards a couple of really obvious truths about your image, appearance, reputation, profile and so on. You may begin to see that sticking to your old online role – even if it widens your influence, perhaps it’s not really giving you more scope – means your real qualities will never be used. And is it worth it, to play this old game about ‘Me’ if your influence will only survive for as long as others remain passionate about you. Aquarius, you can now dig deeper and begin a new game, with a new role, look, brand, title, persona – for 2021 – which suits who you actually are, beneath the surface. You will need time and space to go inside yourself at this time, in order to start the search. That’s really where the Pluto in Capricorn cycle comes in, but that’s another story and you probably know about it, just from regularly reading about it. What is it about yourself at the deepest layers, that could genuinely give you the reins, with image, in your life? That’s the other side of the issue.
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This Pluto cycle? Well, Pisces, it’s about what a friend should be, but also what people power can achieve in a group. A different kind of friendship, however, will give you just the kind of social role you need – preferably one which respects every last part of your personality, soul, history and needs – even though 2018-2020 was very, very tough. In fact, you were plodding through an obstacle course that now (looking back) you see was outrageously tough.
Now, willpower gives you empowerment, Pisces.
It is through, or with, your friends and group commitments that can also hit the heights, in December 2021, January 2022. One specific person or network could be your key to influence and status. You may share this together, or experience this new sense of empowerment by yourself, but either way the potential is huge. So, what will you do with it? I’ll use my new book to give you more detail. Pluto says, on a social level, how about taking that rather useful new position you find yourself in, and working to get what you really want? You’ll still have to play the game (other people’s social game) of course. But right now, you have an unusual opportunity to hang onto the controls, at the same time that you cunningly introduce your own agenda. If it’s an agenda that empowers those around you, as well as yourself – as you truly are – you might just find Pluto leaves you up there forever. People power is a potent thing in a circle, in 2021-2023.
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