Your Weekly Horoscope
5-11 April 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 5-11 April 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Come along to our Aries Weather events – all free – on YouTube and Zoom, this week. Tara Buffington, Natalie Delahaye and Stephanie Johnson will join me to help you to use the past Uranus and Chiron in Aries cycles, to enjoy the future – with Jupiter and Neptune in Aries to come. Premium Members in Sydney, I look forward to afternoon tea with you this weekend. Bring your chart along. Signs ups below.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, the practical aspects of your life, like the financial and property arrangements you have with other people, or big organisations and institutions, make it clear that almost anything is achievable. This Uranus in Taurus cycle could cost you money or make you money. It is unpredictable. Essentially it is about breaking free from who/what will confine you.

It pays to ask for second and third opinions from people who are qualified, about your plans for a business arrangement, a home, an investment, or a specific sum of money. People who are financially involved with you, or connected to you through business and property, will also show you what’s radical and what is not, now. By May it’s complete (or it should be) – aim for the first half at the latest.

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Your travel plans will require self-control if you want control, now – as you are aware, Taurus. Thus, the main question is, can you continue to find the steely self-discipline? You are unlikely to want anything on the holiday agenda that does not require willpower, while Pluto is in the Ninth House. You’ll now have very different ideas about what’s realistic, thanks to Covid, in terms of your regional or international trips – and that in turn will alter your travel agenda for the future. In truth, a lot of the rewritten, unspoken rules about travel in the 21st century have been field-tested by Taurus types since 2020 when Covid arrived. Now, you look at the map. Local now feels global. This general message about testing the water, also applies to emigration and to temporary relocation. Self-control puts the reins in your hands.

Your relationship with people from other cultural and national backgrounds will also encourage you to be – shall we say – more self-controlled. This may well happen when you’re on the trip described above, now or later, or discovering new places to live or work. Those whose racial, national or cultural background is different to your own show you, one more time, that self-discipline is your superpower.

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If you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties, this week’s general message about escaping from reality applies to your most important ambitions there, as well as your career. How do you define success? Where are you headed, in terms of your status and achievements? How is your bubble of non-reality floating along? Amazingly, you will find the gust of air you need to go even higher in May.

Neptune in Pisces isn’t about ‘good’ or ‘bad’ career decisions. It’s just about staring down the lens of what other people say is unrealistic. Your twin goals (reality) and Neptune (challenge reality!) are here all the time, so it follows that you will now be in a career phase when you need to find out what’s actually there. If you want to know when the timing is right, think in terms of May, June, July initially, then run your non-reality checks through your Tenth House of success, in April 2022. Yes, that far into the future. Then, Gemini, you will find out where your best allies, assets and resources were, all along.

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A revolution? A radical shift? You see it differently. With enough self-confidence and preparation, you believe you can do anything in the interests of your own or other people’s freedom. That’s the way it goes with Uranus in your friends and groups zone.

If the goals you share with a group of like-minded people, or friends, change the planet as a whole – and if there are lots of groups like yours, joining up together – you could collectively revolutionise laws, trends, beliefs and whole countries (if the wave extends far enough.) This is a liberating week. Freedom from (a group) or freedom through (a group) is indicated. If you are rejected by others, or find yourself rejecting them, take heart. Independence is the next exhilarating outcome.

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Aries weather. With travel, foreign people and places, other cultures, publishing and/or education, you now reach a crossroads when you have to face yourself, and ask ‘Am I going to get away with this?’

It’s extremely common to find people pushing the boundaries of ‘reality’ by having this Aries and Ninth House Chiron cycle now. On April 12th, 2021, you will find a new beginning. A new way to journey, or journey in the mind.

This peculiar half-comet, half-planet, Chiron will give you the super-confident mentors, guides, tutors and father figures that you need to go as far as you can, in terms of your relationship with yourself and a particular part of the map or the worldwide web.

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Your life in terms of pregnancies, existing children, grandchildren, other people’s children or teenage causes, nieces, nephews or godchildren – will trigger more than one ending or beginning now. What you do with willpower, will also give you real influence now. It is what you do in your own time and space, which will ultimately take you higher. Despite the fact that nobody has a clue about how you have managed things with your son (say) or your pregnant partner – you will find that you are left holding the reins now. It is common for people to face circumstances which seem to take their power away on this cycle, yet by sheer self-control and focus, turn things around, so that they end up running their own lives in a spectacular way. This also applies to sexual relationships which may end in co-parenting, or to paid or unpaid work involving much younger people.

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Your sign is all about the lifelong quest to balance and harmonise with your former, current or potential partner. Behind every Chris Martin there is a Gwyneth Paltrow – a Libran, like you. This is why I mention ‘former partner’ because Paltrow’s phrase, ‘conscious uncoupling’ is so perfect for what you do, when partnerships must end. And maybe it’s happened to you since 2011, on this long Aries cycle.

Is your life in April the story of two lovers who try to beat the system together? Maybe it’s the story of a duel. That can happen. You are here to really work the issue of partnership, equality and coupledom. You are on the planet to figure out what it takes to balance the scales with lovers from your past – lovers very much in the present – or people who might become your partner. It is this balancing which defines who you are and what you do.

Have a look at the New Moon on the 12th of April 2021 for all the turning points and milestones involving your former, current or potential partner this year. This will show you some of those defining moments, which make you who you are.

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You are the local traveller and explorer, whose life mission is to take on new villages, cities, regions or districts and make them your own. This is the Pluto in Capricorn cycle in your Third House of short journeys, Scorpio. Scorpios on this cycle, particularly this week, are the nomads and travelers of the world. You need your space, and you need to roam. It gives you control. It empowers you. Yet we live in a pandemic. There are rules. The occasional park picnic or Zoom picnic is not enough for you to feel fulfilled. If you are typical of your sign, then you are now ready to go to the next level. To find a new way, that will involve roaming far – online or in the real world.

For you on this cycle, Scorpio, the world is your home, rather than any particular patch of turf, but you channel that need to translate, communicate and connect – not far from home. Thus, it easy to decamp mentally or spiritually, and make a new place your own, or even to wander the world for a different (local) version of Jack Kerouac in On The Road. This is also your mission.

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The South Node in Sagittarius? Well, on this cycle, you are intensely concerned with appearances and image, if you are true to your sign. This cycle in your First House of image, is the one we associate most with ‘the look’ – as it defines who you are, and how your life will be. It’s about your Zoom face. It’s about the noise you make on Zoom. It’s about how you move, using body language, style, shape, wardrobe messaging and hair. The packaging and presentation are central to who you are and exploring this is part of your life mission this week, Sagittarius.

At the same time, you have to pass through these image gateways to understand that the surface is not the substance, it is also true that on this cycle, you will learn more about how appearances work, than any other sign, based on karmic cycles from 19 years ago. And 19 years before that. Thus, self-interest, self-confidence and intense individuality now show you about your own self-expression, not stereotyping on the basis of gender, age, race or anything else. One particular moment this week will bring that home.

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And so, we come to big questions about charity, property, business, finance and trade. With Jupiter and Saturn in your zone of money, property, business and precious possessions and Aries weather (houses or apartments) this week is also very much about the house or the flat – rented or owned. Invested, permanent or temporary.

You can uncover this property or money mission by looking at the hard-won lessons of 2021 (already) in terms of the rather complex world of finance, property and business, good causes, non-profits and charities. The Easter Bunny knows April is big business for the chocolate industry. For you, Easter and April are where major issues about money and your life budget come up. Thus, understanding your own value – and then doing all you can to make it yours, and keep it yours helps you with your true estimation of what cannot be bought and sold.

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Karma calls with tribes of friends and allies. Your friends and allies need your karmic collection or payback, too, but even though Aquarius is nothing without the tribe, and vice-versa, Aquarius also stands well apart from it.

Aquarian Germaine Greer helped create the Women’s Liberation movement but is fiercely independent within it.

From the political party or charity you favour, to some band you were once in, there is a strong message about groups, clans and tribes with your sign now and you must pay back karma from about 19 years ago or enjoy collecting it. These Sagittarius South Node transits in your chart also mirror strong patterns involving heavenly bodies in the sign of Aquarius in your personal birth chart. Thus, in your personal horoscope, as well as your solar chart, there is a powerful Aquarian theme in your life. You may feel profoundly Aquarian this week. The group needs you. Your friends there, need you. Yet you cannot immerse yourself in the circle.

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The North Node in Gemini is calling. You are tremendously karmically involved with your neighbourhood, town, village, county, state or country this week and will now question how you fly the flag, in some way. Or why you have issues with that flag or coat of arms, perhaps. One parent, much more than the other, has been a major influence on you in terms of karmic debts and credits, here. Sometimes a grandparent, aunt or uncle plays this role, but you tend to have a karmic pattern on this cycle, which accelerates this week.

Richard Burton and his deep connection to his home country, Wales, or Tom Jones – gives you the basic idea. This is beyond flags and any coat of arms, so it ends up being spiritual for you, Pisces. You are here to own your turf psychologically and spiritually. If you cannot, then you have to settle up, karmically. And if you are bonding more than ever this week? This is something to really watch, because you are setting up karmic patterns about your city, country, village and so on – for the future.

Pisces Prince Andrew and Pisces Prince Edward flew the flag for England no matter where they travelled. That was then, this is now. Part of your soul journey on this cycle is to really understand what home means – and to develop your relationship with your own city, village, town or country very deeply.

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