Your Weekly Horoscope
26 April - 2 May 2021

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 26 April – 2 May 2021. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Something for your diary…I’ll be talking at The Astrological Lodge of London on May 24th from 7.15pm-8.15pm on Zoom. The subject is When Gemini Weather Repeats. Of you have anything in your personal astrology chart in Gemini, you’ll want to know how to use these cycles for the worldwide web, media, education, academia and publishing. Sign up here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

You are undoubtedly going to find some foreign and regional connections with karma, on your radar at this time, because various discussions, letters, e-mails, calls or actual meetings will be unfolding. You may still be amazed at who/what you thought you knew so well (and did not).

If you are involved in a situation which will cost you in terms of your soul’s bank account – then if it does not go as you wish, with another region, country or far-flung face – then do not do anything now. It’s not just the general atmosphere of past-life (or this life) karma, which now surrounds you that could cause delays – it’s the worldwide karma now, from India to Brazil, from Paris to Auckland. The world owes itself, you see, from the last war.

There will be some factors you cannot possibly know about, from 19 years ago, and 19 years before that, now having a karmic domino effect on you, and your life (and your map of the world, too – or your country.) All the more reason to delay big decisions.

Aries, of course when the Nodes move on in January 2022, you get the real story. So, you will find out what’s really been going on in the end – and what you did not know about a spiritual repayment (an apology, perhaps) or what you had to pay up, yourself – perhaps in a practical way.

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Astrologers say, don’t lend or borrow when Mercury is retrograde, or try to sort out the inheritance, the charities and so on. May 15th to July 7th, 2021, is the timeframe so you may want to seriously bank on anything, then, even the bank! This is a useful time to know about this cycle, which begins in mid-May and runs until early July from shadow to shadow. Always read the fine print on paperwork, up ahead, and don’t expect computers, the postal service, telephones, or the traffic flow (or airline industry) to automatically smooth the way for you. To continue quoting from my new book, Taurus, at this time, (in about a fortnight, so plan ahead) Mercury’s chaotic backward motion will affect the entire planet. In the grand scheme of things, your divorce settlement, family inheritance, job redundancy, tax bill or bank loan may well get caught in the muddle. Best to finish it off this week if you possibly can.

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Keep your career options open now. There will be a lot of questions, and apparently ‘conclusions’, but they’re subject to change, of a really terrific kind, from mid-May – and you will either alter your decisions at some point or find other people’s U-turns help you change all your own plans!

This also applies to your other ambitions and goals, if you are a student, unemployed, retired, or have full-time home duties. Your most ambitious projects and plans can be taken higher during this very new Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces cycle, thanks to the global domino-effect, which is now taking with religion, dreams, astrology, Tarot, meditation, Buddhism, spirituality, solitude, therapy, psychology, sleep, hypnosis and so on. There are always good times to write your resume, apply for a job, ask for a promotion, train for a new career, or call a domestic summit. Then, there are historically great times, and in two or three weeks, they roll. This week is part of the cascading surf.

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Funny how you wake up in 2021 to find yourself pursuing the last thing you thought you would be doing, with social media, your friends, the group, and your 1-2 most important circles. The last thing that you ever assumed you would do, is usually the first thing that happens on a Uranus in Taurus transit. Even now, there is exciting room for change. You are really close to a decision that would set you free, and it may well end up taking you further down the road to 2026 than you realize now. That is how central one friend or group actually is, Cancer. You also have these ongoing matters about willpower and self-control, as you know, with your former, current or potential duet. Perhaps, a duel. The face on the other end of the seesaw, psychologically or emotionally, never really goes away. Having seen yet again what happens when you let go and let loose, you may want to take a deep breath and go back to what works, this week. You’re in potentially such a powerful new position but you need to sort a couple of issues out, according to your horoscope.

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Think about life from mid-May to early July 2021, with friends or groups, and consider Plan B, C and D. May 15th to July 7th is the timeframe of concern, with your Twitter account, social life, old friendships, particular clubs, teams and the rest.

I’ll quote from my new book to give you more detail, Leo, as this cycle is best investigated now:

Astrologers are not alarmists, but there is so much evidence on the chaos that Mercury Retrograde brings, that you really need to approach friends, or group commitments, with your eyes open, mid-May to early July. This is also because the entire world will have issues with airports, trains, cars, commuting, ferries and the rest. We’re going to see a Gemini Mercury Retrograde and that means lots of delays, reversals, cancellations and so on. It’s a really good time for taking notes or rehearsing, with friends or groups, but the astrology tells us, we need Plan B and C, and even D and E, from May 15th to July 7th, 2021, so do your pre-planning now. Think ahead: Beta-testing. Dress rehearsal.

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As the Sun passes through the Taurus zone of your chart, the Ninth House, it will single out and clearly pinpoint who you are, at least as far as the rest of the world is concerned. It will show you, very clearly and obviously, how you’re seen in terms of other nationalities, cultures or countries. It’s like standing on an old Hollywood film set under a giant spotlight. You are standing on a map. This may be about multiculturalism for you, or a part of town you find foreign. It can be about French classes if you live in Sydney. Or your Italian roots.

I’ll give you some information from my new book, for a longer reading this week. Virgo, this can be an amazingly illuminating and useful time. The Sun says “How are you doing? How are you rating? How do you feel about the way other people view you on that world map?” If your ego is wonderfully massaged now, then you’re clearly projecting the right image out there, or sending the right signals. If you find yourself bursting with pride, in the most public way, then you’ll know that the work you’ve put into your particular relationship with another country or culture, and your cultural cross-management, is paying off. The Sun in Taurus in your Ninth House is highlighting what you most need to pay attention to, so that by this time next year, you can shine brightly – or even brilliantly.

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Here we are in Taurus weather and it’s ongoing, well into late May, Libra. Thus, your financial position, your salary, and the rest, will be in focus for a while. Your values will also be in the spotlight. That means what you will and won’t sell out for, and also who (or what) you consider to be priceless. To quote from my new book, to give you more detail about the numbers and budgets – as the Sun travels through your Second House, it asks “Is this bank statement a towering achievement, or does it remind you of your must-try-harder moments? Is this investment you made actually something worth showing off, or does it need more work? Does your personal code of values pass inspection, or are you about to receive (again) a ‘Must try harder’ school report from the universe? Actually, Libra, it is about being free. You now need freedom from (insert name here) or freedom through (insert name here). The deal is actually being your own, independent person.

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Communication – your way with words and images, or ideas and messages – is now where you find empowerment and control. Your ruler Pluto is dipping into your life again this week. It’s time to be admired and recognised (even celebrated) if things are going well; your memo, speech, website, blog, statement, essay, academic paper, letter, meeting, postcard, song lyric, screenplay – or just your ‘big talk’ – could work wonders for your self-control, controlling powers, willpower and sense of potency. This may go all the way to power-trippers online and in the media for some of you. In other cases, it is about speech therapy or learning to communicate in a foreign language.

Do this month’s experiences as a launching pad for a very different kind of future – and hopefully one that will make you feel quite empowered by your communication, internet or media skills, rather than wondering what 2018 and 2019 actually taught you. Remember: when Pluto is in the Third House, people will be reading, listening and watching with greater focus, because they know just how much you can weigh in your hands. Never assume you can just ‘get by’ with an important speech or assignment now; your audience will typically be much more attentive than usual.

It’s the same with a website, or even Twitter.

Choose your destiny. You can either be proud of your expert understanding with newcomers like Tik Tok now, or not. Everything is far more exposed and important now. Pluto’s angle to the Sun ensures that. So, give it your best shot.

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Children, babies, teenagers, Millennials, parenthood-potential sex and part-time interests which also involve the younger generation (like bands, or sport) are in the frame There are so many different scenarios that will bring you to these questions, space does not allow for me to list them all. However…

A post-baby lack of libido may be part of the cycle for some Sagittarians. Or an estranged son. A difficult stepchild. Children who are in custody arrangements with your former wife. A Millennial going through Pandemic issues. Your new online date who has children from another relationship. Your emerging offspring and the education system. You see? Your story is your own, now. This Chiron cycle is seeing where the goalposts have just moved to. How is the game changing?

Children (your own or other people’s) need a second and third look now. The world of children can include areas like adoption, abortion and fertility – past or present – and childcare and education. We are obviously dealing with pandemic conditions now, in so many countries, Sagittarius.

What happens now depends on where you’re at in life, but you will find that everything about your connection to a younger generation is now up for general inspection. Don’t be surprised if a son, daughter, godchild or young relative is now the catalyst. The new possible is the old impossible. What can you get away with Sagittarius? This may be paid or unpaid work with children or teenagers, or Millennials. Who can show you what’s changed?

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Plan ahead for Mercury Retrograde, May 15th to July 7th, 2021 from shadow to shadow. Mercury is planning. Retrograde is backwards. Let’s consider the health, fitness and wellbeing aspect of this cycle first. I’ll use my new book to give you more detail. Everything about your body from the Sun’s entry into Gemini, in the final week of May, will be a lot more obvious then – which is why it’s classically a time for a medical check-up. Yet, you are going to need Plan B or C, according to all the laws of modern astrology. People get their teeth done at this time – and either bask in their dentist’s praise or crawl off to the chemist for dental floss. The Sun reveals (within a few days of this cycle beginning in late May) what you can be proud of, in terms of your health – and what is clearly in need of attention. It exposes what is central and important – what can’t be overlooked.

Even if you are already receiving medical or alternative health treatment, this three-week period is extremely useful, in terms of going back over information, as it can give you much clearer insights on everything once you realize Mercury Retrograde is about reviewing, rethinking, rescheduling. You’ll get a better view of what’s actually functioning, or not functioning, now (and that includes your doctor, natch.)

You’ll be put in a position where it’s easier to clearly rate treatments, diets, gurus, opticians, ‘miracle’ cures, doctors, hospitals, clinics, nurses, surgeons, health insurance staff, and associated areas, just because you have to go back, and back. Or you are held up. I am flagging this ahead of time so you can prepare, Capricorn, because Mercury Retrograde is best managed ahead of time.

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Let’s talk about Neptune in Pisces and your money, and look ahead at May-July, when Jupiter (solutions, opportunities) also moves into Pisces. Mortgages, tax, inheritance payments, partnership investments, commission, loans, settlements, debts, joint assets and shared resources look so positive, now. Perhaps you already know why. Maybe you have something to sell. Maybe a really good accountant has just got in touch. Aquarius, what you own, earn or owe in relation to a second or third party is currently rather fuzzy. The boundaries are unclear or there is a fair bit of white noise, or baffling paperwork. Perhaps, a big bandwidth of digital distortion. Jupiter will bring the glittering prizes you’ve got some kind of stake in, or share in, thanks to sheer luck, from the 13th of May 2021. The sense of escape will be huge, Aquarius. For now, though, your focus this week may as well be on who/what has been so out of focus, for months. Maybe even years. It’s a really good time to start pulling it all together.

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The South Node in Sagittarius has thrown you a couple of paid or unpaid work decisions since last year, or choices about study. You are more than your career, or your social status, or your ‘position’ in the world. But – karma is calling from 19 years ago, and 19 years before that, with your business card, your achievements, your success, and your mission. And if you are only with a partner whose money, power and/or children defines your own status? That role too, will be up for karmic settlement. Pisces, you may be owed (hugely) by somebody in 2021. Maybe a couple of people, or organisations. It can feel very lopsided. You have some fork-in-the-road choices by Christmas, but one thing you may not realize, is the long-term implication. The Node cycle goes forwards in time another 19 years, you see, and so you can’t really wash your hands of 2021 and forget about it.

If you’re getting it right or wrong, you’ll know about it, this week. You can get promoted now, but you can also be called into your boss’s office or whatever passes for ‘the boss’ in your particular industry or field? Pisces, karma involving your CV and success rating is complicated, no doubt about it, but one thing is clear. If you’re not happy with a couple of faces or places, based on what you’ve seen and heard in the last few months – there is a substitute. It will not be obvious until you look.

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