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Sunday, August 1st, 2021: Taurus, your financial position, your salary, your money management, your assets (possessions or property) and your debts, will be in sharp focus as karma comes back from 2002 again. That year cast a long shadow. Your values will also be rotating on the karmic wheel. That means what you will and won’t sell out for, and also who (or what) you consider to be priceless. The cycle ends in January 2022.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart, and what that means.

What it means to be Taurus

21 April – 21 May

The highest expression of the Sun in Taurus is compassionate philanthropy. Charity and generosity for its own sake. Equal to that is conservation and preservation, no matter what the price tag. This is your shiniest, best-ever self. Taurus the bull is a symbol of bull markets on Wall Street and gold bullion. The downside of Taurus is greed and a willingness to sell out the planet for money. Another common downside is cheap behaviour – a Scrooge complex.

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Your Week

Taurus, the world is not responding to you now – it is reacting to your name, your face, your style, your persona, your image. You will be acutely sensitive to this, because Uranus in Taurus lends a strong sense of ‘me in here’ and ‘them out there. Read your full Taurus Weekly Horoscope for 29 August – 4 September 2022.

Your Month

Success, Status, Ambition and Position This Jupiter in Aquarius cycle, which can only happen to you every twelve years, is going to open up new possibilities for success and achievement, Taurus – born as a result of obstacles and waiting games. Read your full Taurus Monthly Horoscope for August.
Your Year 2025
Taurus, by the end of 2021 you will have been promoted, offered a new position in a much easier role, accepted the most prestigious unpaid appointment, or excelled as a full-time or part-time student. All you have to do is take the sign post you see, as Jupiter and Saturn go through Aquarius. Read your full Taurus Yearly Horoscope for 2021.

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