Virgo Horoscope

Birthday Horoscopes

The Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2020-2021

You hear a lot about this phrase ‘releasing the past’ when people talk about letting an astrology cycle go. This one has been a really long time coming, Virgo.

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The Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2019-2020

Moving forward into all that is new, different and better. Keep an eye on that combination of travel and the internet, as more than any other sign of the zodiac, you are likely to find it is the cutting edge of technology, apps, mobile phones and so on – that offers you an entirely new way to explore other regions, cultures or countries.

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The Virgo Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

This is the cycle when ‘foreign’ can mean in the next state or county, or just over two hours on a long train trip, even a ferry ride can take you to another world, with its own language. One of the hallmarks of this cycle is that you are often offered a variety of mediums and sometimes technology to experiment with, to get your message across in a new, more interesting way.

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