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2021 Psychic Predictions

All the 2021 psychic predictions about the Corona Virus and…yes, some good news. PLUS The 2020 psychic predictions that all came true, from Donald Trump getting COVID-19 in October, to Brexit – and Meghan Markle.

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Vaccines and Astrology

I am posting this feature in response to questions about my 2020 astrology prediction that there is no vaccine for the disease/illness we call COVID-19. The virus has mutated several times and Vaccine Escape means there is no single ‘vaccine’ to end the pandemic. Instead, the search for vaccines will go on.

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Conscious Cafe 2021 Astrology

If you were a guest at The Conscious Cafe on Monday 23rd November, 2020, then you may have questions about some of the predictions I made, or want to follow up with your own chart.

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