The Queen

U.S. dollar banknote with map

Money Laundering Predictions

How Christmas 2020 brings Father Christmas down the chimney with a sack of money from frozen assets belonging to some of the biggest names in government, entertainment, politics and business. Ho, ho, ho. Money laundering is over, if you want it.

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Australian Election Astrology 2019

Expect shocks on the road to Australia’s election, May 18th 2019. The banks will play a bigger part in the results than you might think. It’s also a Full Moon election. Intense! Are you ready?

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Shocks on the Brexit Road in May 2019

Despite appearances, as of 15th April 2019, No Deal Brexit has not gone away. Here’s why. There are shocks on the Brexit road due on May 3rd, 6th and 10th. Bring your brolly!

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2020 Predictions for Britain After 2020

The ‘Britannia’ astrology chart from 55 B.C. shows women dominate until 2050 and Scotland goes her own way. What does the future hold and how will it affect your life? The astrology timing on Brexit has been accurate all along – so what’s next? And how does it affect you, based on your own chart?

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Top 5 True Astrology Predictions 2018

What are the top five true astrology predictions made in 2018? These date-stamped horoscope forecasts made at least 3 months in advance include a crisis for Goldman Sachs and a Mastercard deal.

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True Astrology Predictions July 2018

You can trust astrology. Horoscopes do show exact timing and specific predictions – no matter if it’s about North Korea and Kim Jong Un, or Donald Trump and his UK trip – or even the UK heatwave of July 2018 and its World Cup performance.

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Prediction! The Royals in 2019, 2020

In March 2019, Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Charles will feel the aftershocks of her decision of her 23rd May 2018 decision to grant Royal Assent to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act.

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Uranus in Taurus True Predictions

Uranus has now been in Taurus – the revolution and the world economy – for almost two weeks. See astrology’s true predictions, how alternative timekeeping works, why history is repeating – and why HM the Queen and Prince Charles are all wrapped up in royal assent.

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