Scott Morrison

Australia map filled with pins

Sex, Australia and Astrology 2021

A Full Moon set to trigger three Australian astrology charts on Tuesday 27th April 2021 brings D-Day for questions about sex, Australia and astrology in 2021. Christian Porter, the Chanel Contos petition, Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins have put rape on the front page. A revolution is coming.

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black and white analog device

2021 Psychic Predictions

All the 2021 psychic predictions about the Corona Virus and…yes, some good news. PLUS The 2020 psychic predictions that all came true, from Donald Trump getting COVID-19 in October, to Brexit – and Meghan Markle.

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map of Australia

Australia in 2021 Psychic Astrology Forecast

What does the Australia in 2021 Psychic Astrology Forecast reveal about PM Scott Morrison and his church, or the Liberal National Party, In April? Why is local travel for campers, hikers and bushwalkers set to boom? What month will New Zealand seal a deal with Australia?

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Australian Fires – Astrology Predictions

How do the 2020 Australian fires show up in astrology predictions, using the five different horoscopes we have for the nation? Will PM Scott Morrison last in 2020? And is this the new summer?

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Impeachment Astrology Predictions 2020

Trump impeachment in astrology sees predictions for 2020 falling into line, two whole years after you first saw them here. Find out what’s going to happen, why and when.

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Australian Election Astrology 2019

Expect shocks on the road to Australia’s election, May 18th 2019. The banks will play a bigger part in the results than you might think. It’s also a Full Moon election. Intense! Are you ready?

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Mercury Retrograde February-April 2019

From 20th February to 17th April you will experience rescheduling, cancellations and delays as we go through the chaos of Mercury Retrograde. It begins and ends with shadows. How are you affected? Why will tsunamis, storms and floods sweep the world?

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New Astrology! Australia in 2018-2019

Australia now has a new Prime Minister. For the moment. Thrown into the job on Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde Shadow (just to name two cycles which are all about uncertainty) new PM Scott Morrison’s wobbly future path is already showing up in the Australian horoscope. What does the astrology say? Well, it was right about April, when Julie Bishop claimed the coup began!

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