Scorpio Horoscope


The Scorpio Birthday Horoscope 2019-2020

2019 was intense, and as you read this, on your birthday in October or November, you are only just coming to see that 2020 cannot possibly continue in the same way. You have to make changes.

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Scorpio and Taurus Horoscope Factors – Part III

Find out how to use the Scorpio-Taurus factors in your chart and what to expect from 2019-2026 while Uranus (radical change) triggers that part of your horoscope. This is the final feature in a three-part special series.

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Scorpio and Taurus Horoscope Factors – Part II

Do you have both Scorpio and Taurus factors in your personal birth chart? A great deal of your life will revolve around charity, business, taxation, banking, shopping, selling, collecting, legacies, wills or property.

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