Ten Ways to Handle Saturn in Sagittarius
You will know if you are dealing with Saturn in your chart, if you are around people, organisations or situations which feel stuck or slow.
You will know if you are dealing with Saturn in your chart, if you are around people, organisations or situations which feel stuck or slow.
Astrology is alternative timekeeping. History repeats itself and astrologers noticed. We look at the patterns and read the story.
Mars is now in Scorpio, in exactly the same place where Saturn (the planet which times slow, stuck and serious situations) recently lingered.
Your Saturn Return in Sagittarius describes the time span, now through 2017, when Saturn will travel back to the original sign (Sagittarius) he occupied, in your birth horoscope.
From Monday 15 Jun to Friday 18 September Saturn will be back in Scorpio. Saturn is about reality checks and life the way it really is and you answer for your actions.
Astrology is concerned with time because astrologers use a book called an ephemeris which looks like some version of Doctor Who’s Tardis instruction manual.
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