Saturn Return


Russia and her Saturn Return

What happens when the Russian Federative Republic (born 12th June 1990 at 9.45pm GMT) experiences her first Saturn Return in January 2020? It’s the end for many people and organisations. And it’s the start of a new, reborn country in 2021.

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Saturn in Capricorn 2018, 2019, 2020

Saturn in Capricorn 2018, 2019, 2020 needs careful management. This planet is associated with holly. Why? It can hurt. You need to learn how to handle it. Astrology can help – here are some tips, tricks and strategies.

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Your Saturn Sign and House in Astrology

Your Saturn Sign is triggered by your birthday from 28 through 30, but also once a year, when the Sun travels past. Saturn describes your hard karma. Your unavoidable fate. Your destiny, using astrology, is to work with it and minimise the issues! Here’s how.

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Your Saturn Return in Sagittarius

Your Saturn Return in Sagittarius describes the time span, now through 2017, when Saturn will travel back to the original sign (Sagittarius) he occupied, in your birth horoscope.

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