6 Month Good News Horoscope – Part II (July to November 2018)
If you are a Premium Member, I have specific dates for you to pencil into your diary, or plan events around.
If you are a Premium Member, I have specific dates for you to pencil into your diary, or plan events around.
Tarot and Astrology for July-December 2018 and a special invitation for British readers.
The Ninth House of your horoscope is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter. It describes travel and travel in the mind. Real journeys and intellectual, educational, academic or spiritual journeys.
Lucky, lucky Sagittarius cycles start in a small way from 27th January 2018. How are you affected?
If you are a Premium Member, so you can look up your personal birth chart and see exactly what is going on with your own natal horoscope.
If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign – you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.
A global boom in money and property is also coming, with a rapid spike in October and November 2017 and more good news in 2018.
Ever since 2008 you have transformed the way you deal with your money, house, company, business, apartment, possessions and so on.
We are about to hit a risky cycle in August and September 2016 as Mars and Saturn join up in Sagittarius.
If you’re typical of your Sun Sign or have a stellium (more than three horoscope factors) in that sign, you may be a walking advertisement for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on.
Your fashion, fragrance and beauty choices – even your hair – is down to a combination of your Sun, Moon, Venus and Rising Signs.
What does the Sagittarius horoscope reveal from November 2015 through December 2016? Part of the story involves several chances for outstanding success.
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