January 2019 Eclipse Astrology
On January 20th and 21st, 2019, a total lunar eclipse finishes a Leo astrology cycle in your life. What does it mean for your sign and also your personal horoscope?
On January 20th and 21st, 2019, a total lunar eclipse finishes a Leo astrology cycle in your life. What does it mean for your sign and also your personal horoscope?
Saturn in Capricorn 2018, 2019, 2020 needs careful management. This planet is associated with holly. Why? It can hurt. You need to learn how to handle it. Astrology can help – here are some tips, tricks and strategies.
The whole point of astrology is to help us understand what is going on and what it all means.
I was sitting down to write your weekly horoscope column the other day, when I noticed an explosive series of patterns in the skies.
What Do We Mean By Astrology? written by Alfred H. Barley contains astrology predictions made just over 100 years ago.
Jupiter is back in Libra, the sign which rules war and peace, and we are about to see a new peace movement.
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