Trump, Russia, Mueller, Astrology!
How astrology nailed Florida and North Carolina as trouble spots in the Trump election over 2 years before the Mueller enquiry into Trump Russia. What’s next?
How astrology nailed Florida and North Carolina as trouble spots in the Trump election over 2 years before the Mueller enquiry into Trump Russia. What’s next?
For now, you just need to know the whole (fantastic) cycle begins with really strange weather. As in, Mercury Retrograde weather. In fact, from the moment that Jupiter breezes into this new sign, you hit Mercury Retrograde.
It’s Mercury Recovery time…were you personally affected by the strange Leo weather in July, August and early September? Mercury the planet of communication and information was going backwards – and the eclipses and Node did the rest. Now for the good news!
What is Mercury Retroshade, the term created by the Astro Twins which has gone viral? It’s Mercury Retrograde Shadow. How does it work in your personal birth horoscope? Read on. Mercury Retroshade 2018, 2019 is worth tracking!
Mercury Retrograde Shadow is the days before and after, when Mercury ‘loops the loop’ and it is often when the biggest problems occur.
Do you have Leo factors in your personal birth chart in the Fifth House? The more you have (over three is unusual) the more your life will be complicated by the events of July-September 2018.
Astrology predicts UK fires in 2018 as Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde hit the new UK astrological chart. Can horoscopes help prevention?
This is a whole chain of cover-ups, secrets and lies affecting the President’s children and young in-laws – and it began on 11th February 2017 and will not finish until 21st January 2019.
I can’t quite believe that the World Cup draw has taken place on Mercury Retrograde Shadow, the cycle when information, communication and negotiation is a mess and a muddle.
Jupiter and Venus, the planet of opportunity and the planet of relationships, both meet in the finance sign of Scorpio on Monday 13th November, 2017. How does the rare Jupiter-Venus conjunction benefit your sign?
Mercury Retrograde Shadow in Sagittarius brings weeks of muddled travel plans for all of us, as we go into the Christmas holiday season.
Your Mercury Retrograde dates from 2016 to 2020 including risky Mercury Retrograde Shadow periods. Don’t get caught!
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