

NEW EVENT! How to Predict the Future

If you missed out on the waiting list for our Astrology and Tarot Meetup events, you can pick up an early bird discount for a ticketed event with me – on prediction. PLUS, a chance to win tickets for a Nicholas Campion event at the conference of the year, Breaking Down the Borders 2020.

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True Psychic Astrology Predictions January 2020

Meghan and Harry. The impeachment of Donald Trump. The end of Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson. Australia’s koalas-versus-coal bushfires. How astrology predicted date-stamped outcomes, two years before you saw the news.

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Impeachment Astrology Predictions 2020

Trump impeachment in astrology sees predictions for 2020 falling into line, two whole years after you first saw them here. Find out what’s going to happen, why and when.

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Greta, Astrology and Climate Predictions

The astrology chart for Greta Thunberg shows she’s going to win. The only question is, how good is the new world going to be? That is where you and your horoscope come in. See why predictions from two years ago are already coming true…

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Predicted! Trump and Boris – September 2019

How astrology predicted the exact date – September 25th 2019 – of a brilliant Brexit free trade deal between the USA and UK – 11 months before it happened. PLUS – The astrology prediction about Trump Russia in September 2019, made back on 23rd February, as impeachment begins.

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What Astrology says is next for the USA

One thing that works perfectly, though, is the USA national chart. And this chart tells us that September 2017 is a possible Watergate for the United States, for reasons we’ll see in a moment.

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