2018 World Cup Final – Psychic Astrology!
Tarot and astrology in combination give us a clear picture of the 2018 World Cup final. It’s psychic astrology. I hope you can tune into your own sixth sense and back a winner.
Tarot and astrology in combination give us a clear picture of the 2018 World Cup final. It’s psychic astrology. I hope you can tune into your own sixth sense and back a winner.
Watch the England team horoscope if you’re an England supporter. And even if you’re just curious about the way the World Cup can be decided months or weeks before it even starts.
One look at the FIFA 1904 chart with its Mercury Retrograde in Taurus and you have to say – she needs a new horoscope. Fortunately, FIFA will get one.
Every week in The Astrologer’s Diary I predict media headlines using horoscopes for countries (many people are surprised to hear that nations can have astrological charts, but they do)
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