Birth Chart


Aquarius Full Moon: Lunar Astrology 2019

The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on 15th August 2019 at 1.29pm in Britain. It is the most important Full Moon of the year. It draws in the events of 2017-2018 but also predicts your future, starting The New Age of Aquarius on December 20th, 2020.

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The Alan Turing Astrology Chart

If ever there was a man who could never be alone, either in work or love, it was Alan Turing. Yet, Libra is also about ‘fighting the good fight’ and correcting the balance. It is about war as much as love.

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Scorpio and Taurus Horoscope Factors – Part I

This is the first in a three-part special series. Find out how to use the Scorpio-Taurus factors in your chart and what to expect from 2019-2026 while Uranus (radical change) triggers that part of your horoscope.

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Britain, Brexit and 1066 Astrology

What is really astonishing about Great Britain is that she also possesses other ‘birth’ charts quite apart from 1066 which also gives us the same story about 2019. Global expansion. New exploration. The world map, written in a new way.

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The North Node in Cancer 2018-2020

Do you have personal horoscope factors in Cancer? Karma is calling, thanks to the North Node in Cancer. In this two-part series, read how the past (and past lives) influences home and family 2018-2020.

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Astrology Basics

All About Your Birth Chart

What do all those planets, asteroids and the rest mean in your personal birth chart? Sometimes called the natal chart this is the key to everything you need to know.

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Astrology Basics

Why Birth Times Matter!

Unless you can do some detective work and figure out a likely (real) birth time. Otherwise you could be in serious error. And here’s why –

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The Theresa May Horoscope

Suddenly, the spirit of Margaret Thatcher is all over British politics again in 2016. The Iron Lady’s birth chart is connected to Theresa May’s very closely.

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Do You Have Planets in Aries?

f you have three or more, then that’s a significant dose of Aries in your personality and also your life. This side of you is fast, sometimes furious, energetic and fearless. It also needs handling.

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