The Amazon Astrology Chart
True predictions and new predictions for the Amazon astrology chart and Jeff Bezos. What happens when you found your company on an unusual line-up and why is a huge financial crossroads coming?
True predictions and new predictions for the Amazon astrology chart and Jeff Bezos. What happens when you found your company on an unusual line-up and why is a huge financial crossroads coming?
Astrology works. It predicted a 2020 virus and economic shock years ago. If you know your birth time, place and date – or even just your birthday – please use it. Could there be any more intriguing way to spend the coming days at home?
Part Two of a special feature by Jessica Adams on astrology and the Corona Virus COVID 19
In July 2020, we see hard times for the Pluto in Capricorn people. Who are they? Nothing and nobody (no matter how high they have flown) is immune from the take-down and come-down of July 2020.
We are in a climate crisis – an emergency – and the astrology tells me we are headed for disaster, unless we act now. That’s why I strike every Friday. No horoscope from me – sorry!
In the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, as the South Node in Sagittarius brings back the year 1983, you’ll notice something. You’ve been here before!
In Part II of this 2-Part Series, I’ll look at when it ends as well as what to expect from it in 2020. Particularly, in regard to the “powers that be,” the countries they lead and what we’ve seen before.
Hong Kong people want freedom – true democracy – and are protesting in rain and shine, in 2019, to get it. What are their chances and what does the Hong Kong horoscope tell us?
Where is this stalled/stilted fresh start that is hinted at on 1st August but will take until 18th August to really get rolling, because of communication, information or transportation issues? Read on.
In Part Two, of this two-part series about January 2020, we see the bigger picture of the changes, and how this affects you and the people around you.
In Part One, of this two-part series about January 2020, see why massive changes in politics, nuclear politics and big business will affect you and the people you know.
Uranus in Taurus will bring an end to banking, borrowing and credit as you know it, by July 2025. So what’s the good news?
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