Aries Stellium


Your Aries Stellium and Destiny

On average you should have 2-3 factors per zodiac sign, like Aries, in the First House, which Aries rules in the Natural House system. If you have more than 3, you have a stellium. An unusually high ‘count’ in that sign and house. So, Aries is going to dominate your personality, more than it does other people, and the First House of image, presentation, appearances and reputation will play a much bigger part in your destiny.

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Your Aries Stellium

If you have an Aries stellium, you’re a blend of David Beckham, Rocky, Tracey Emin and Aretha Franklin. True?

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Monthly Horoscopes by Jessica Adams
Astrology Basics

Astrology for Absolute Beginners

If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign – you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.

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