2021 Predictions


Nostradamus’ Corona Predictions

Nostradamus has just proven himself to be the greatest astrologer of all time. How? He named the COVID-19 variants, as far back as the 16th century. So, what else does the master see for 2021 and beyond?

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Taurus Weather 2021-2026

The Taurus Weather of 2021-2026 will affect your finances, house, business, apartment if you have Taurus factors and/or Scorpio factors in your personal birth chart.

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The Mars-Uranus Conjunction 2021

The Mars-Uranus conjunction 2021 falls in Taurus. It also falls on Inauguration Day, January 20th. Read on to find out why psychics and astrologers agree about danger. And why I need to sound the alarm about churches, mosques, synagogues and other religious centres.

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Mercury Retrograde in 2021 and 2022

When will Mercury Retrograde increase the risk of rescheduling and cancellation in 2021 and 2022? Here are all the dates you need for your natal astrology chart and also your usual Sun Sign horoscope.

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Your Virgo Planets and the Virus

Do you have Uranus and Pluto in Virgo? (You will, if you are in your fifties). Maybe you actually are a Virgo, or you have another planet or asteroid in that sign. The virus was predicted with astrology specifically for March 9th 2020 back in November 2019. How will you be affected and what is the bigger message from the Virgo factors in your Premium Member birth chart?

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