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Sunday, August 1st, 2021:

You now have North Node karma in your Fourth House, Pisces. It ends in January 2022, for you. The Fourth House of your chart rules your home (typically, your house or flat, but sometimes your temporary accommodation). It also rules your family (that means parents, siblings and relatives, as well as partners and any children.) Because ‘home’ often means flatmates to people, they will also be prominent in this cycle. And, of course, the place you think of as home can also mean the country you were born in, or the country you live in now. The wheel spins from 2002 and balance must be found.

It’s Sunday – Have some time for more perspective? If you have your personal chart, check the planets and other horoscope factors for today here, absolutely free – and see if they hit your chart, and what that means.

What it means to be Pisces

20 February – 20 March

Pisces Sun people shine brightest when they demonstrate other realities and other worlds to us. Art or science is an outlet for this. So is film or meditation. The two fish in the sign swim in opposite directions – towards the real world and away from it. At your best you guide people to appreciate the alternatives in life. At your worst you are confused and confusing, and like the fish, can be all at sea. Living in a dream world to the point of deception is also a pitfall.

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Your Week

As your current position with your profile, brand or appearance rests on the fact that you’ve been trading on certain aspects of yourself with Neptune in Pisces, you may want to start by bringing all of you into the picture by October. Can you get away with it? Absolutely. Read your full Pisces Weekly Horoscope for 29 August – 4 September 2022.

Your Month

Religion, Therapy, Tarot, Spirituality Let’s talk about your soul or psyche. It’s the private, secret core of yourself which now offers the most room for exploration, discovery and achievement. It has nothing to do with money, sex or work, and everything to do with who you really are, when nobody else is watching. Read your full Pisces Monthly Horoscope for August.

Your Year 2025
Well, Pisces, Saturn and Jupiter are now in your Twelfth House and thus your inner world and inner space, is where the growth is in 2021. That all sounds rather mysterious, but most Pisceans have a relationship with the Universe. It may be religious. It may be scientific. It may be spiritual. Read your full Pisces Yearly Horoscope for 2021.

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