Monthly Horoscopes at


Your Monthly Horoscope​
for October 2019

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for October 2019. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


Welcome to October

Mercury Retrograde is with us from Friday October 11th until Saturday December 7th. Expect global share market shocks with massive losses and gains on Wall Street and swinging currency. When it comes to your mortgage, pension/superannuation, will, legacy, insurance, bank loan, credit card or shares please remember the rules – this is a time of rescheduling, product recall, statement retraction and plan reversals. Put ‘re’ in front of everything connected with paperwork and the internet, transport and travel on Mercury Retrograde.

Now…Are you in Melbourne, Australia in November?  Join my fellow Sun Sign School tutors Stephanie Johnson and Joanne Madeline Moore for a free astrology event in St. Kilda on Saturday 30th November. We’ll be joined on screen, by our colleague in Britain, Penny Thornton. Afterwards we’ll walk the Solar System Trail on the beach and enjoy complimentary pizza. Numbers strictly limited – save the date and follow me on Twitter @jessicacadams for details.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

Income 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Income, Mortgage, Investments, Insurance, Business, Banks

Much as you’d like to set October aside as the month to see your accountant, sign paperwork, negotiate finances, or hit a property target, it’s unsuitable. In fact, it’s downright unstable.

Uranus in Taurus is on the move near October 7th (opposite Mercury) and 12th (opposite Venus) and on the 28th (opposite the Sun). You are likely to be on the opposing side, or find yourself in opposition to, those who come from a different direction, financially. A classic example would be your own ideas about money separating you quite dramatically from your partner’s own values. The differences are more obvious now and more disruptive.

In other cases, the Scorpio weather – opposite the Taurus weather in your chart – is about family money. One thing is sure, though. This is not a rattling piggybank or one solitary eBay bid. October is about the big-picture assets, debts and credits. The saying ‘Until debt do us part’ might be relevant.

We are now in the zone for legacies, an inheritance, or the contents of a will to be examined – or a mortgage and marriage. Uranus is a tremendous symbol of the new world. The new reality. It does not arrive without a great deal of odd, unusual and unique developments (and sometimes people).

Things have really come out of the blue this year – the most memorable and important financial, property, charity or business developments have concerned people, places, plans or organisations which were never on your radar. Ever. Eyebrow-raising episodes which have stalled and gone nowhere will now begin to look far more real to you, as the year winds down. In fact, you could reach a firm plan with yourself in October to make so much more of who/what suddenly swept into your life and swept out again. Do not sweep this aside. If you think about this very, very carefully you will realise you were being offered independence for the future. A way to build much more freedom, space and room to move in your life. October should make that clear to you. In fact, Aries, you may even reach the point where you realise that what came out of the blue so far in 2019 is actually your only real investment and well worth the time and trust you are about to give it.

The Taurus-Scorpio axis of your horoscope is about the irreconcilable differences between your own value system and the values of your former, current or potential sexual partner. This is the one where ‘Until death do us part’ starts to make sense.

There may also be an issue here about your parents’ or other relatives’ inheritance to you – what you bring with you from them – or perhaps your own legacy to your son or daughter, or other close family. It’s really the big picture stuff we’re talking about here; shares, pension/superannuation, savings, a property or valuables.

I realise that October brings wild and ‘blowy’ weather, astrologically, but you can’t go wrong by making changes. Before the year 2018 you had set a course with this person. Now in late 2019, approaching 2020, you realise that unpredictable, fierce and quite erratic ‘weather’ is blowing you North, South, East and West. You may feel as one with this person or have parted company. He or she may feel close or utterly distant. Sometimes people just pass out of your life.

What matters now is the new Uranus in Taurus cycle, urging you to place a price on what it means to be liberated in terms of the money, house, possessions, apartment, charity or business. This can only highlight the huge contrasts, polar opposite point of view and even the conflicts. Yet, out of all this, you go into November ready for a fresh start between late April and May 2020. That is really where all this is leading, Aries.

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image 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Image, Profile, Reputation, Appearance, Identity

Taurus, with Uranus in your own zodiac sign in October, making his presence felt, you seem certain to relaunch, rebel or utterly revolutionise the way you appear to others. A break with the past is indicated, and it may be a break with your old photographs, Twitter feed, YouTube footage, portraits and so on. Uranus is associated with disruption so there may be something/someone which jolts the bull. You are an earth sign. Grounded, rather stubborn about holding a position, fixed and rather slow to get going. What happens close to the New Moon on 28th October is really about your former, current or potential partner. Your enemies, rivals or opponents. Yet, by holding up a mirror to you, this other face will reflect you back to yourself. The experience with your other half, or your exact opposite – even your opponent – will reveal to you just what has to change, about how you appear.

This may be a matter of your hair or weight. That can happen when beginning or ending a relationship or going into a new phase within a marriage. Sometimes the issues on this transit are not so much how you physically appear, but how you project your personality on the internet, and to the media, if they concern you.

It takes more than a Full Moon to have a dramatic effect on a relationship or marriage, but if you are experiencing that in October, it is very likely that you have Libra or Scorpio factors in your personal birth chart. Both are triggered now.

In the main, Uranus in Taurus is about all that excites and exhilarates you, about yourself. If you’re doing it right in October, you should characteristically feel a little wired. Imagine a bull in the meadow – Ferdinand – experiencing an electrical storm as gate after gate swings open for him, into new pasture. That is what is happening to you this month.

Your ruler Venus opposes Uranus on 12th October and that is a defining moment in your year. That is the moment to ask yourself about the extent to which your former, current or potential partner influences how you carry yourself, what you wear, how you see your (naked) truth, how you prefer to be known – and so on. There is also some truth in the fact that the enemy can also strongly influence how we present or dress. The more they lean towards a particular style, or attitude, the more you pull away from that and stand in firm opposition to it! Depending on your personal chart, you may experience one or other issue in October. But and this is a very big but for you, it is time to change. Not just superficial change, but a gate that will get you into a new space, like that bull.

The Other Person

The other person in the story in October, most obvious to you near that Full Moon on the 28th, is most likely your husband or wife. Your boyfriend or girlfriend. Your professional partner. If you visualise a tightrope with yourself walking towards the center, and a particular person coming the other way, that’s your trigger.

This may be your legal opponent, an old enemy, a jealous rival in love or career, and so on. It can also be the person you fall madly in love with, as the two of you must engage on the tightrope wire. The Seventh House, where we find that New Moon just before Halloween, is as much about a duel, as it is about a duet.

Cher is a Sun Taurus. She was coupled with Sonny and her identity was bound up with him, until she left the marriage and the duet. She became, publicly, a different person. That is just one example of how this month’s patterns can manifest. Joanna Lumley is a Sun Taurus. Her most famous role is with Jennifer Saunders in Absolutely Fabulous, as the iconic Eddie Monsoon and Patsy Stone. That duet relaunched her career. She reappeared on the front covers of magazines after a long period of absence.

This idea of the other person reshaping you in some way is central to October. In any case, that New Moon is a new beginning and although it may be the beginning of the end for some Taurus people, it can also be the start of something. You may, for example, go from being independent, free and single – to being very publicly attached at the hip – to a person who has such a strong personality or reputation that your internet profile is transformed.

Beyond the passing Scorpio weather of October, though, the real story is Uranus in Taurus for the first time in your adult life. Even Her Majesty the Queen, a Taurus like you, has only had this cycle once. -and she experienced it before she grew up. If you feel inexperienced, confronted, challenged – that is perfectly normal. You are not used to this, in terms of your reputation or appearance. Not used to it at all! Yet, the reward of Uranus, eventually, will be to liberate you from who/what has tied you down for such a long time and restricted you. It may only be your public face, but these things matter.

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Spirit 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Soul, Spirit, Conscience, Psyche, Secrets, Inner Life

That part of you which dreams; astral travels; moves through time and space when unconscious (or passing to spirit) is now well and truly waking up. Your soul or spirit is center stage in October.

This may necessarily involve questions about your psyche or inner self. Your unconscious mind. Your higher self. It could be a matter for your priest, psychic or psychologist. With Uranus just one sign behind you, the action well and truly moves behind the scenes, particularly near 7th October when your ruling planet Mercury opposes Uranus. It is the first of a number of clashes this month, so you could rightly expect there to be inner conflict, some very mixed feelings – or perhaps circumstances which challenge your relationship with your own soul. This could involve the relationship you have with your God, or your beliefs about astrology, for example. In the Middle Ages you would have experienced this transit with the help of a priest, monk or nun. Today it’s a different matter and you may be reaching for a psychiatrist’s phone number, as much as you reach for the Bible. Yet, it may very well be a ‘bible’ of one sort or another – perhaps a bestselling self-help book – which is your companion in October.

Uranus is a symbol of necessary revolution in the horoscope. The revolution becomes unavoidable and inevitable because the restrictions on freedom are too great. There is a feeling of being tightly bound to something, or someone, which just can’t be tolerated beyond a certain point. In a true spirit of independence, then, you have to embrace quite radical change in October. And it will be change on the inside.

Workload, Housework, Lifestyle, Daily Routine, Health

We are moving into Scorpio season, and this is really about how you function on a daily basis, with every detail taken into account – the quality and duration of your sleep. The state of your teeth. Your time in the shower or bath. The commute, and your breakfast. The productivity (or lack of productivity) you have with the work that you do. The housework, from washing-up to the washing machine. Your sense of duty to others, including the cat or dog, but your duty to your own stamina, energy and above all – your mental health. Anxiety and depression, of course, are the most common manifestations of mental health issues.

You will have your own story and if you have personal factors in Virgo in your chart, which you can check as a Premium Member, it may be that a specific medical issue which began in September now takes you to chapter two.

Whatever your chart looks like, the tremendous focus on the tiny details of what you eat and drink; the drugs you take; the need to oblige others, but also look after yourself – dominates October. The scheduling with your paid work, unpaid work or housework is likely to alter and that means you have to then look at the time you are spending on every aspect of your day, including lunch breaks.

Your ruler Mercury is retrograde in this area of your chart between October 11th and December 7th. You may want to treat this entire period as an experiment. A journey not a destination. In fact, you may be going around in circles with work, housework, unpaid work or study – as you make plans, only to find they stall or alter. They may do this more than once, so it is smart, astrologically speaking, to have a flexible diary and an eraser handy.

From all this, comes a new approach, right at the end of the month. It may be that you start seeing a new doctor or add a spiritual healer to existing medical treatment. You may start a diet or give up smoking.

Work is part of this. You will come across new projects, roles, tasks all month long and perhaps a personnel change as the faces around you switch. The idea of juggling is very close to October as you will have to keep moving and keep tracking all the way – without hopefully dropping anything. The Sun’s transit through Scorpio does not begin until the final week, so it may be that you have to wait for illumination – enlightenment – about a test result, or the realities of your health and fitness. Yet, well into November, you can use that feedback or insight to alter course. Just be aware that along the way, your initial reaction or the very first plan/approach may have to change or even be scrapped. It’s that kind of month. It’s an excellent month to begin thinking of a developing new plan/program which serves you, as much as you need to serve others. A variation on a theme you tried before, perhaps, with the gym, or walking, or swimming – certainly with your paid or unpaid routines for others. Develop, adapt and keep ‘stitching’ rather as the women at Dior and Chanel create couture. Remodel and remake your life, stitch by stitch, bit by bit, until you realise you are just ahead of Christmas and have created something so new for 2020 – and it will last.

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Children 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Babies, Children, Godchildren, Young Relatives, Lovers, Youth

The Scorpio weather in October is focused, intense and will bring some new pathways for you with your son, daughter, nieces, nephews, any future children, godchildren and so on.

Into this we also move issues like adoption, abortion, fostering – and in a wider sweep, larger populations of much younger people who are the age your own children would have been, had you become a parent. Millennials. Generation Y. Generation Z.

Sexual relationships, for one night only, or for years, which might produce pregnancies are also very much part of this cycle.

You are ruled by the Moon, so the lunar cycle is more important in your horoscope. The New Moon on 28th October also sees a Sun-Uranus opposition, which although it will happen every year, for the next few years, is still something very new and different for you. It’s confronting. No doubt about it. This new chapter in the story of your life as a parent, godparent, uncle, aunt, grandparent, teacher, mentor or guide (to an intern, perhaps) – is rather challenging, because it is born out of polar opposites. You may be at odds with yourself, just before Halloween. Others may be at odds with you! If you can pick any day at all for key decisions or discussions about adoption (say) or your son’s education, your teenage audience at work and so on, you may prefer to avoid the 28th. Allow a day either side, too, for the world to catch up with itself, as this is an uncertain, experimental fresh start for us all.

If a baby is conceived then, or you hear news of a baby on the way in your circle, there is something quite unusual about this small boy or girl, who will appear in 2020 – he or she will be a catalyst for change, for the parents – or actually, the circle of friends and family around the birth.

Mercury Retrograde takes place in this zone of your chart in October and runs from October 11th to December 7th. You may prefer to treat one matter as a process in motion, and allow for that process to stall, run backwards and forwards, and result in quite a reshaped outcome by the early days of December.

A very common example is the decision to enroll your child in a particular school or college. The paperwork may not arrive in time, or your son may sign in haste, only to change his mind about a subject by November.

If you have the luxury of putting off any important decisions about babies, children, teenagers or young people as a whole, you may prefer to wait until you are past the final shadow of Mercury, on 7th December, to commit yourself.

Be aware that teenagers and people in their twenties (if you are in your fifties and older) can be unreliable at this time. Flakey is the word that springs to mind. Don’t read too much into what appears to be a done deal or likely outcome, as things change on Mercury Retrograde and minds can change once, twice, three or four times.

In short, October is a great month for a first draft, dress rehearsal or beta test involving younger faces in your world. A process in motion, as I said, but with a few twists and turns by December.

Friendships and Group Commitments

Be it a private members’ club or a trade guild; a board of trustees or a darts team at the pub – you must now turn to the way one particular group operates in your life. This is the group you belong to, perhaps, or are crucial too in some way. You are affected by this circle of acquaintances and friends, but you also affect them.

We have a chain of oppositions here or challenging ‘bridges to cross’ throughout October so solidarity may be hard to come by. In fact, depending on your personal birth chart (which you will have if you are a Premium Member) you could break with the group, or the group could break with you. This sequence of Uranus-led oppositions can be quite dramatic, and we know that this transit can unlock very quickly, changing lives in minutes.

Perhaps your chart is less tilted in this direction and the new pathways opening up with/through/about the network will be less significant. It may be that the rules need to be reshaped within the group (like a rock band or political party) so that you have more space and autonomy, and others also feel far more independent.

You don’t really associate Uranus with close-knit communities of intimately connected, deep friends. There isn’t a lot of hugging with Uranus. At best, you get people power, but with a great deal of personal and psychological space between various friends and Twitter tribe members. In Ancient Rome, where our modern astrology comes from, Uranus was the father of a very mixed bunch. The wild, wired, weird and wonderful in fact! This ‘family’ was not normally related at all and they operated rather like fellow travelers on the same spaceship.

If you think about the origins of the United States of America, with all those different tribes thrown together, and somehow having to make it as a new nation – you get the idea. The central group around you in October is very much like that. As I said, not a great deal of touchy-feely friendship there, but rather a lot of emphasis on tolerance, arms-length respect and so on.

Anything at all about a friendship, or your social life, or social media, which you feel restricts and confines you will have to go. Either the bonds will be loosened and altered, or you may walk. Of course, others can sometimes leave your world too. That happens, if things have reached a point where nothing else will do the trick, except a departure.

Along with the phrase ‘freedom from’ we also have ‘freedom through’ with Uranus transits, and in October you may very well find you have freedom through a friend. Freedom through a group. There is a world of difference between slamming the door on some dodgy cult – and joining a liberating and exciting new yoga class, for example. It really depends on what you have been doing with your life these last few years. Something so simple, like the decision not to turn up to a school reunion, or army get-together, can mark Independence Day for you in October – just as much as signing up for a rather wild environmental organisation! Cancer, if you are friends with someone who ties you down or keeps you small – failing to let you become who you are meant to be – then it may well be that you rebel and walk. This is far more likely at the Venus-Uranus opposition of October 12th.

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Achievement 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Career, Success, Ambition, Position, Mission, Achievement

Uranus is a symbol of quite revolutionary change in the horoscope; the kind that turns everything upside-down in a flash. You meet this in your career, unpaid role or with your course near October 7th, 12th, 28th. This will be an enlightening month when like a lightning bolt, Uranus in the success zone of your horoscope will illuminate what is there in quite a sudden and unexpected way. To be free from – or free through – is the best way of describing it. You insert the name of the person, organisation, project or role.

Alongside Uranus in Taurus, at the top of your chart, we also find Proserpina, a symbol of negotiation and compromise. This is likely to be a piggy-in-the-middle or go-between, as someone is bridging the gaps, or you may be dealing with a larger group of people who act as mediators.

Uranus has only been in this zone of your chart since May 2018 and you are only a short way into this long-running cycle, which will alter your aims, goals and ambitions over 6-7 years in the most drastic way. The idea of a rebellion or revolution is very close to Uranus, and there is usually a sense that the outsiders have the real story. We also put the ‘U’ letter in front of words to see what Uranus is about in a chart. Thus, this is an unconventional chapter in your career, with your unpaid work or your university/college degree. There is something rather unusual or unlikely about what is set to take place and it may represent a U-turn for yourself, or another person or organisation. Independence is very much a new factor in all this, but it is independence which is at the heart of your life, from this point on.

It’s a very good idea to move with the times in October. Try not to hang on to your ideas about achievement, ambition or position as they were in 2017 and earlier. That was then and this is now. If you feel excited this month, that’s a good sign. At its best, a transit of Uranus can be exhilarating. What comes out of this period in your life was never in the plans, though. Try to work with that!

House, Town, Country, Apartment, Family, Household

The New Moon on 28th October suggests you will be renovating, moving, reshuffling the household or making new family plans. There may be a completely fresh start involving your town or country. Just remember life will be complicated with plenty of stops and starts, as Mercury is also retrograde from October 11th.

You may prefer to get everything finished before that date, when Mercury Retrograde Shadow begins. If you must go ahead then have Plan B and Plan C and allow for delays, standstills, reversals or a reshaping of your original plans – not once – but twice.

Don’t be fooled by news, paperwork, meetings, discussion or negotiations on the Mercury-Venus conjunction of October 30th as you are liable to see things substantially held up, altered or even scrapped by December 7th. Allow for those possibilities when you are talking or exchanging signatures.

Just before Halloween there is quite obviously a complicated relationship on your radar, and it may involve the kitchen, the council or your flatmate/roommate. Rather than accept that as a final outcome you would be better off, astrologically speaking, marking this as a process not a full stop.

This is a good period for first and second drafts of architectural plans; initial discussions with/about a family member; a first step in a long process of negotiation about residency, emigration – or the initial phases of a protest against local developers. Try to see this as a zig-zag pathway until December which will take you backwards and forwards – and sideways.

From December 7th the loop will be complete and you will be back to where you started (once more with feeling) but this time the situation will have altered considerably. As Mercury is the ruler of transport, travel, commuting, computers, telephones and the post – you may want to be aware of that, in connection with your plans for the house or apartment in particular. If at all possible, speed things up as much as possible so you have completion before Mercury Retrograde begins, with the pre-shadow on 11th October.

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Bridges 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Travel, Transport, World Wide Web, Multimedia, Connections

What we have in October is a series of bridges to cross, involving your ruling planet Mercury. I am sure you know Mercury was shown in art and sculpture as the winged messenger – he has wings on his helmet and shoes. Today that translates into short-haul flights (say, from London to Paris) but also trains, like The Flying Scotsman. The internet logo of an envelope with wings, signaling a sent e-mail, is another modern update.

So what happens when Mercury Retrograde begins his weird transit in Scorpio, the sign which also rules your projects, speeches, books, websites, plans, media commitments and the like? Essentially you get this odd mixture of forwards/backwards/forwards/backwards right from the start, and that for you is Friday October 11th. As everyone is affected at the same time there is a very high chance of cancellations, delays, strikes, technical problems, computer issues, power outages and the rest.

It’s a good month for a dress rehearsal. Astrologers in the know, use Mercury Retrograde quite deliberately to start a project they know will go through 2-3 drafts and aim to finish it at the end of the cycle, which this year will be December 7th.

Product recall, product returns and refunds are associated with Mercury Retrograde. In fact, the ‘re’ prefix goes in front of most things in October, if they directly concern the internet, your telephone, any project with a microphone and naturally, the world of education, academia and publishing. We might also bring in your car, yacht, motorbike, bicycle and other modes of transport, like riding – even – as my readers lead interesting lives!

While you have this transit in your Third House of short journeys and communication, you are also experiencing Uranus (a tremendous symbol of radical change, upheaval and revolution) in your Ninth House of overseas commitments, foreign cultures, the bigger picture of teaching and study, the book world and the more demanding and thoughtful spaces on the internet.

As you are ruled by Mercury and so wired/connected (you do tend to live in your head, if you are typical of your sign) September will test you and stretch you at every point. Specifically, near October 7th when Mercury opposes Uranus. This reverberates throughout the month, with this central idea about quite radical change, affecting the way you travel (or travel in the mind) uppermost.

It may be that you have to redraw your map of the world, but also reboot the way you think about cultures, belief systems, languages and viewpoint which seem utterly foreign to you in every way. The challenge is keeping everything in chronological order, as Mercury’s peculiar retrograde motion typically gives you a stop-start process. In fact, if you are on a journey now, it may be interrupted, held up, rerouted or rescheduled. Much the same could be said of a course, workshop, book, thesis, or relocation.

The standard advice applies. Have Plan A and also Plan B and don’t assume that October will give you the same experience you had at other times this year/last year. This is not that itinerary or schedule. The temptation can be to try and resist change, keeping your feet firmly on the ground – as you are an earth sign. However, that is not the way with Uranus in Taurus. In fact, the New Moon on 28th October coupled with a striking Uranus-Sun opposition suggests you need to surf the waves of change. It may feel like riding a lightning bolt in an electrical storm, but it’s the only thing that’s going to work for you.

Uranus was discovered in 1781 by two outsiders. They shocked themselves and the world. This idea of everything that is marginal, on the outside, on the fringe, set apart – is very strong in your chart in October. This is who/what will call you, probably from a different country, race or nationality. No matter how inexperienced or unprepared you feel, it’s a smart idea to answer that call.

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Wealth 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Finance, Property, Business, Charity, Valuables

You can’t really stop the winds of change, as Patric Walker used to call them, when Uranus is moving swiftly through your finance, business, property and charity zone. From artwork to diamond rings; from holiday homes to your pension; from your credit card to your cash debts to family or friends, you now have to accept that there is no going back to life as it was before 2018.

In fact, ever since the planet Uranus changed signs in May that year, the stage has been set for a sweeping revolution and radical shift, with currents coming in from all directions to build what can only be called a perfect storm, set for April-May 2020. Out of this storm, if you can dance in it, will come new freedom. By that I mean, freedom ‘from’ something or someone which completely shackles you – or freedom ‘through’ a particular person, organisation or plan which allows you to break with the past.

Libra the more hemmed in, tied down, restricted and trapped you have been (by debt, for example, or by an unhappy marriage with tremendous financial complications) the more you are going to feel those gale-force winds of change in October.

Specifically, your ruler Venus opposes Uranus on 12th October and that really sets the tone for the whole month. One word of advice, though; what unfolds from around 11th October will go back and forth until December. It will fluctuate or stand still. It will be delayed or not end up as you originally assumed.

The reason for this is Mercury Retrograde in your Second House of banks, income, debts and so on. October 11th to December 7th is the full cycle, from shadow to shadow, and what you assume is a done deal in this period may not be! Be aware of that. Apart from anything else we are going to see tremendous uncertainty on Wall Street and other share markets where nobody can really fix a price or a value to a particular corporation, or even a commodity or currency – for very long.

This all has a trickle effect on you. Now, some people do very nicely from this cycle and make a fortune buying bargains then reselling them again quickly at a profit. You must know what you are doing to play with Mercury Retrograde like this, though.

October is a good month to rehearse moves! To piece together a plan which allows you to change your mind along the way or adjust and adapt to fluctuating circumstances. To accommodate a long waiting period if you have to. That kind of rehearsal or ‘first take’ is a smart move when the planet of communication, negotiation, information and transportation appears to be going backwards in time, even as it is moving forwards.

Long after the matter concerning your own income, your own debts, your own life budget has ceased to matter (from November, in fact) – you will be left with the really big background story, which runs for many years. That concerns your will. The legacy left to you by others. Marriage and mortgage. Sex and money. Death and money. Life insurance. All of it!

With Uranus in Taurus making his presence absolutely felt in October it is time to accept the revolution is here. The best thing to do in any revolution is side with those who want to be free. Remember those phrases ‘freedom from’ or ‘freedom through’ and life will start to feel like the kind of weather you can work with.

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Rivals 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Your Former, Current or Potential Partner, Enemies or Rivals

The oppositions to Uranus this month suggest crunch time with or for your partner. Your former partner. Your potential partner for 2020. There may also be a clear enemy, rival or opponent here. By crunch time, I mean a series of crossroads which makes you think harder about what it would take to be free.

You can expect those crossroads near October 7th, 12th, 28th (allow 24 hours either side for your time zone, as all times are set for Universal Time). Scorpio, you were offered two quite distinct ways to be free earlier in 2019. It takes great insight to remember those two offers or introductions and see deeply into their true potential. In fact, just saying ‘Yes’ to both and then acting upon it at the time, would have set you that much further along the path to a far more independent existence.

Just narrowing your gaze and peering into 2020, 2021, 2022 is not a bad idea in October as if you take the raw materials of who/what was on offer – out of the blue – a couple of times since May this year – you will soon see how things might unfold for you. This may have been a flirtation with a man at a party, if you were getting over a divorce. It may have been a possible professional partner making overtures after meeting you at a conference.

The thing is, with Uranus in Taurus in your Seventh House, you don’t get to choose. Life descends upon you with all its lack of predictability. It is only then that you can figure out a plan. This is particularly the case with your archenemy, professional rival or personal enemy. Maybe, a legal opponent.

Uranus is associated with the unusual, the unconventional and the unique. The absolute one-off situation. If you have been single for many years and being single has become like a jail for you, then the oddest twists of fate can conspire to take you into a relationship which would liberate you. All is possible now.

I am not saying October is a smooth ride. Far from it. But if you need to break up with your husband after all these years, that is now open to you, likely with serious discussions when it’s all much easier next April or May. Easter and Spring 2020.

This is impossible to categorise for you as Uranus does not fall into common categories. Your situation is likely to be absolutely your own, and his/hers – and it won’t tick boxes. It may be that you want to come out as a gay man or lesbian for example and begin dating on those websites. And sometimes…people get back together with their ex-wives. Whatever sets you free.

On a far more serious and delicate note, if the issue is your partner’s health, or even the long and winding road involving a partner who passed to spirit in October, try to remember that the whole point of everything – no matter how challenging – is to show you what it feels like to be completely independent. No compromises. Independence Day sometimes happens in a way that requires all the mental concentration, heartfelt commitment and patience with yourself that you can find. Yet, everything about your chart suggests that Independence Day is coming.

Image, Identity, Name, Profile, Reputation, Appearance

How you are seen and how you appear is a tremendous concern at the New Moon in Scorpio, your own zodiac sign, on October 28th. The Sun is also opposite Uranus on the same day, which never happens – or at least it has never happened in your adult lifetime.

What is unleashed with, through or for the other person, is the mirror which reflects you. It is rather like a spotlight trained on your name or face, particularly online, at the same time that the mother of all electrical storms is unleashed for you as a couple. For you as the survivor of a particular partnership. For you as a single person.

Out of this comes a relaunch for you. It may be your title, so if you marry now, there is obviously a surname change. You can also go back to your maiden name if your husband no longer feels like your husband, to you!

There is nothing like love or war to make us change our appearance, either. We get our hair cut. We lose weight. We see a dentist. We invest in new clothes, or cosmetic surgery, or a public relations consultant, if we are famous enough.

What goes down as October goes down, at the setting of the Sun, as the New Moon shows in the night sky, is really a reflection of who you need to be for 2020, which in turn is a direct outcome of the revolution now taking place with an all-important certain someone.

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Lifestyle 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Lifestyle, Workload, Daily Routine, Mental Health, Well-being

Your unpaid work, paid work and the relationship you have with your body now goes to the top of your list. It is time to accept that if you want more freedom and independence in your life, you can have it. In fact, you were offered the keys twice in the last few months and took them but never used them. Too busy? Very likely. Too preoccupied with other things? Absolutely!

What October will do, thanks to a series of dramatic oppositions involving Uranus, the planet of freedom, is show you the way out once more – and the way through. I’m not saying it will be easy. I’m not even saying it’s something you feel you are choosing because you want it – you may have to!

This is really about your mental health and physical wellbeing and fitness – your suitability for the housework, paid work or unpaid work – and nothing else should get in the way. You just can’t begin to factor everything else in as well, because there is already enough here to sort out.

The kinds of revolution you can see on this cycle include huge weight loss, which in turn makes you far more eligible for jobs you know you would have been rejected for, earlier. We might also be talking about a long period of semi-employment in the gig economy, coming to an end. That in itself can be liberating – and your new part-time job may involve travelling away from home for a couple of nights again. More freedom from the family.

The deeper and more serious implications of a Uranus transit in the Sixth House can involve your health and wellbeing, no matter if we’re talking about depression or a serious medical challenge. This automatically and immediately alters the work picture for you and that in itself can be liberating. It may take great insight and awareness to realise that a particular gig or role, for so many years, was actually like a ball and chain for you. Sometimes your body responds in an unexpected way and it is your doctor who gives you the key, to turn the lock, into time out, or time off, or just a completely different lifestyle direction and work path.

Every Sagittarius Sun person is different and if you were born in the 1960s, with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, October may be a double whammy for you. Your body directs you to change your lifestyle and work style too. Or, your job situation, university degree or unpaid work commands you to alter the way you treat mind, body and spirit – from cigarettes to eating factory-farmed chicken, for example.

The Uranus in Taurus transit is something you have never experienced before in your adult life and there is no handbook. There is astrology, however, and the experiences of Scorpio people who had this cycle before you. It will ultimately, utterly change your views about your career and what job satisfaction means to you. There may also be quite necessary changes with your lifestyle – you may take up hiking; shed a few pounds; see a therapist.

The Twelfth House New Moon of October 28th

The Twelfth House of your horoscope describes your relationship with your God. It also reveals your soul or spirit – or your psyche. The New Moon on October 28th (allow a day either side for the world to catch up with itself) is about this hidden, mysterious, part of your personality. It can often show itself in dreams. Meditation also uncovers it.

This is a new beginning, as all New Moons are, in the sign of Scorpio. It may not be until the second week of December that the whole story is clear, though. You are likely to hit waiting games, standstills or reversals. A good example would be your application to join a Tibetan Buddhist retreat which is waylaid by the postal system. Another example might be your commitment to counselling, which goes in fits and starts, because your therapist is on vacation.

Despite this, you are more or less on your way with a new path. If you can see that the path is rather like an escalator which sends you back where you started, then up again, then back, you’ll get a feeling for this particular cycle, which involves Mercury Retrograde. When it comes to your religious beliefs, your conscience, your secrets, your inner workings – you do in fact get there in the end, Sagittarius.

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Freedom 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Lovers, Babies, Children and Young People – Freedom Calls

Freedom is really what you achieve for facing three hurdles involving a parenthood-potential lover; babies; children; young people. October will give you a bridge to cross, three times, near the 7th, 12th and 28th of the month. Finding more room to move, emotionally or physically, is what the cycle of Uranus in Taurus is really all about.

Thus, it may be that looking after a new baby makes you so tired you don’t have sex with your husband – so you hire a babysitter for your other child. That’s space from your husband and space from your second child! Yet, changes seldom happen without upheaval.

Another common example might be your eldest becoming old enough to leave home. Freedom! If you are single, and have never had children at all, you may find yourself falling in love with a divorced single parent. If you become a father to her sons, you may find that liberating.

One thing is sure, Capricorn. When you experience the transit of Uranus in your Fifth House, which rules parenthood-potential lovers – as well as your existing children – nothing is predictable. This may sound odd in an astrology column, which is supposed to predict your future for you! Yet, ever since his discovery in 1781, this planet has been associated with everything that is unique, unconventional, unexpected and highly unusual. It is never in the plans.

It takes great insight to step back from your life three times this month and understand that what/who is so temporarily disruptive or confronting, is actually allowing more oxygen into your life. Uranus oppositions (you have several of them) can make you feel as if you are two people at odds with yourself, in one body. They can also present you with an opponent, or ‘opposing circumstances’ in life, so that nothing really feels easy or straightforward.

Take it on board and try to see that you are being set free from someone or something which would always have restricted you. If your boyfriend suddenly leaves you, because he says you do not want children (and he does) you may be left reeling on a Uranus opposition, but years later you will come to see that your rather small-town boyfriend would have trapped you with babies you never really wanted, and keep your life equally small. As I said, it takes insight to appreciate what this cycle is achieving for you.

One thing we do know about astrology and history is that you are much better off embracing radical change in October, rather than resisting it or denying it. If there are signs of cracks in a marriage where both of you have children, it may be the start of a process of thoughtful separation, where in fact your son or daughter benefit from having two parents who are happier (apart) than at war (together). We do associate cracks with Uranus, but also lightning bolts. We associate this planet with splintering and shattering – it breaks things up – and it asks you to break from the past.

If you are a Premium Member and you see that you have a large number of factors in Libra in your personal birth chart, then it is likely to be the more dramatic end of events that catches you in October.

The Scorpio Weather – Mercury Retrograde

October is about your friendships and the groups you belong to, and are most affected by, Capricorn. We also have Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, so you can bank on plans being held up, changed or even coming to nothing. Be very wary of applying to join a new team, club, society, association or other circle of people now as you may find the application process is ridiculously long, or there are issues with the paperwork or internet.

It’s also the kind of month when you may join a board of trustees (for example) or resign from your role within some other community group – only to find that by December you change your mind. Mercury rules mental processes, translation, adaptation, negotiation and above all else – communication. When we find him moving in a peculiar way, which we do from October 11th to December 7th, your social media, social life, friendships and group commitments also move backwards and forwards.

Uncertainty within a group, like a political party – the American Republicans and the British Labour Party are stuffed with Capricorn people – is another classic example of Mercury Retrograde at large. There may be petitions, or letters, or announcements, or handshake agreements. Promises or pledges. And yet, you find that as Mercury flies backwards and forwards from our point of view here on earth, so does the dialogue. The talking points do not stick.

This is a superb month for dress rehearsals and first takes. Second attempts and third drafts. In fact, Mercury Retrograde can be a creative and useful time when you gradually move towards a final outcome that is the very best you can all expect. If you are in a theatre group for example, crafting a script all the way through to December with several revisions will help hone the result.

Mercury does rule people who operate as ‘connectors’ in the media, on the internet, and as couriers. Newsreaders, journalists of people who are gossips may now be at the heart of your social  life. Be very cautious with what you are told or read by some of these people as you may be dealing with a trickster or even an outright liar. No need to be paranoid but do be aware. It would likely concern other friends in your circle. Facebook is notorious for this kind of problem.

Most positively, people power within a tight circle of acquaintances and friends can produce year-changing results if you are prepared to treat this as a shambling process with creative potential, rather than some three-week plan with a firm outcome. It just won’t be. If you are making plans to get together for Halloween, Bonfire Night or Christmas with friends, or going away as a group, please have Plan A and Plan B as this Scorpio weather is quite erratic.

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HomeSweetHome 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Home, Family, Household, Property, Hometown, Homeland

This new cycle of quite deep changes takes many years – so it doesn’t all happen at once. Yet, October will still give you a chain of challenging and quite unexpected events affecting life with your house, apartment, relatives, local area or even your country. This is where we assume things will stay the same forever, or we can go looking for grounding – security. Actually, this Uranus cycle  is not about that at all. You’ve only had this in your life since May 2018, but I am sure you have already seen the classic ‘spikes on the graph’ that this planet brings.

They resemble jagged lightning bolts and that is how Uranus operates. In fits and starts. You have already been handed a couple of sudden, unexpected, introductions, opportunities or open doors since May this year. Your chart suggests you were too busy or preoccupied to really appreciate what you were being given or shown.

You may, for example, have been approached by a person who clearly wanted to meet you in the middle over an Air BnB arrangement but done nothing about it.

What you will experience near October 7th, 12th, 28th in particular is here to alter your agenda. We associate Uranus with ‘free from’ and ‘freed by’ so this may be the month that you become free from a shared household arrangement with a flatmate/roommate which was keeping you trapped. It might also be the month that you are freed by switching to a new bank, so that your mortgage interest rate is lower.

On the broadest, biggest scale we are talking about your country, your people, your heritage and culture. Your sense of history and belonging to a nation. This brings in tremendous issues for many Aquarians now, ranging from politics, to the question of emigration – for some.

It is a good month to become open to the idea of quite radical renovations, or a relocation. It’s a good time to open your mind to very different ways of having a home or having a home life. There is no such thing as convention or tradition this cycle. You basically have to see who or what comes and be honest with yourself about how much space you actually want in your life, and why.

If a particular branch of the family tree is intriguing you, that is for a very good reason. Sometimes the rule of ‘free from’ and ‘freed by’ can apply to identifying yourself with relatives you can love, as opposed to feeling restricted by relatives you find hard to live with. It’s that kind of example which  can help explain how Uranus in Taurus operates.

There is usually a break with the past, or a sudden break in the climate, with this planet. This occurs quite dramatically just a few days before Halloween. You are ruled by Uranus, actually, so respond quite naturally to the sudden nature of Uranus transits. You were built to adjust and adapt quickly. It may very well feel like a few minutes, that changes a few months of your life! If you can see past the initial confronting news or developments, though, you will understand this as a step on the road to independence. Liberating yourself from people, plans, places, situations or organisations which – from an outsider’s point of view – do keep you rather tied down. True?

Success, Ambition, Rank, Status, Achievement

Aquarius, you will see quite disjointed progress with your aims, goals and ambitions in October, November and early December. You will get there in the end, but it may not be to the exact outcome or deadline you were talking about earlier in October. Mercury Retrograde is here, so this is a process in motion, and it makes sense, astrologically speaking, to be flexible.

October 11th to December 7th is a prolonged period of delays, changes and the chance of a complete reversal. You will certainly see rescheduling and perhaps some retracted statements. This Scorpio weather is really about your place in High Society, but also the rung you occupy on the corporate ladder. Your position within your profession, business, trade or industry. Your ranking at university or college.

Two steps forward and one step back, just about sums it up. However, you will be given time to think. To plot and to plan. This period of enforced waiting will enable you to be far surer of what you want, why you want it, and how to achieve it. Yet, it may not be until the first week of December that you can eventually say things have come full circle and you know where you stand.

An example of this might be a commission you accept from an editor (this happened to a reader recently) who turns out to have a flakey boss. There are three rewrites of the commissioned story and then it is ultimately rejected. The smart money is on being aware of Mercury Retrograde and having Plan B and Plan C for such eventualities.

You can also find yourself applying for a position which moves you up the social ladder somewhat. Later on, you realise you don’t like the people on the A List with you and decide to quit. That is also a classic outcome on Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio.

There will be a new beginning near 28th October, but it is not the end of the story. Far from it. You’ll be handed a new project, role, plan or goal around that time, or see major fresh paths involving your staff, boss, clients and so on. Mercury is yet to completely spin his wheels, though, so you need to be aware that November is likely to change the details, or even send you back to the drawing board. The true, real, ultimate path – the known pathway – won’t emerge until the Christmas trees are in the shop/store windows around the world. Then you can get on with it!

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Multi Media 600x289 - Your October 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Multimedia, Communication, Old Media, The World Wide Web, Publishing, Public Speaking

What do you do in a month when you have Uranus (unpredictable outcomes) in Taurus, in the horoscope house which rules your use of social media, the internet as a whole, or your involvement with publishing, public speaking or multimedia? This cycle has a reputation for delivering just about the last thing you expected, so traditional advice from astrologers tends to revolve around a flexible, open, attitude. Zig-zagging when you hit a zig-zag slope is smart advice.

The issue in October is a little different, though, because you also have Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, in the Ninth House of your chart, which rules the larger picture of academia and university life; traditional and digital publishing; travel and travel in the mind.

In other words, something or someone foreign is coming into the picture. This may be your contacts in Russia, the United States or Saudi Arabia – or your interests in China, Hong Kong or India. We tend to find this cycle is about cultures, backgrounds, nationalities, belief systems and languages which are extreme. So, extremely foreign to you – very different.

It can happen in your own country of course, and indigenous people have this issue all the time. Other cultures with other values and belief systems can reveal a huge gap in ‘ways of seeing.’

Pisces, you would be well advised to treat October as a dress rehearsal. November, too. Mercury Retrograde begins on October 11th and until December 7th you will experience delays, reversals or changes to the original plans. Travel is one obvious example. So is export/import.

Mercury is the planet we associate with communication, transportation, information and negotiation and when he appears to move forwards, stand still, go backwards, stand still, retrace his steps…you get the picture. Don’t believe what Google tells you about this period. Google, according to so many professional astrologers, gets it quite wrong. Always use the shadow period at the start and end of Mercury Retrograde, because history and astrology tell us, the shadow is absolutely key.

Thus, October will present you with some real bridges to cross involving those foreign faces, places and spaces you deal with online. Watch for extreme weather, transport strikes (airport baggage handlers, pilots, crew), global uncertainty in exactly the cities you deal with, and so on. There may also be issues with your computer or telephone; you’re I.S.P. or microphone. Mercury can show up as media people who are deceitful so please be sharply aware of that. This may affect a small number of  Pisces people. Mercury was a trickster in Rome, where our modern astrology comes from. Tricky customers, slippery people, tend to show up.

The Ninth House, ruled by Scorpio in your chart, is all about travel in the mind, as well as actual travel. We associate this zone of your chart with academia and university life; workshops and seminars; conferences and evening classes. It is very much about foreign ideas, people and places, as you’ve seen, but it also involves the publishing world; libraries; extensive websites.

You would normally expect a new beginning – nice and simple on the New Moon of October 28th. Instead, we have a New Moon across Mercury Retrograde, so be very wary about going straight into a new plan then, as you are far more likely to be at stage two or three of what will be a rehearsal, or first draft. A beta testing period, or a first take.

If you absolutely have to travel, enroll in college/university, relocate, emigrate, release a book or other publication, welcome a traveler or exchange student, sign on export/import deals – go right ahead. Astrology is not like some fairy story where the sky falls! Yet, you would be doing yourself a huge favour to have Plan B and Plan C tucked up your sleeve. And please check the travel conditions the day before/day of your departure, if you’re heading off somewhere in October.

This is a very good month for sketching out your plans to study or teach in 2020. For preparing the first version of something you’ll publish later, like a blog. It’s a terrific month to research an ambitious trip or far-flung arrangement and continue the homework in November. Mercury Retrograde suits that. Just be aware that your computer or mobile/cell phone may not be delivering the usual performance, as Uranus (all that is unpredictable, sudden and erratic) is making some cross-current patterns in your house of communication.

At a certain point in October you will realise you long to be liberated to say what you want, and write what you feel. Even though this month is disruptive in that regard, you are being shown what it would take – and how to get there. Freedom of speech is a constant theme in 2020 too.

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