Monthly Horoscopes at


Your Monthly Horoscope​
for May 2019

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for May 2019. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


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Our guest tutors include Natalie Delahaye who was famously asked to prepare a wedding gift horoscope for Prince William and (as she was then) Kate Middleton. In fact, she was the first astrologer to acquire Kate’s true birth time. Penny Thornton needs no introduction, as former astrologer to Diana, Princess of Wales, and I am sure you saw her recent profile in People magazine in the U.S.

I’ve also been thrilled to have the support and enthusiasm of Debbie Frank, who also worked with the late, great Princess Diana and is another Sun Sign household name. So do we have some kind of royal approval here? Maybe!

I’d love you to learn Sun Sign astrology for yourself – to predict your own future like a professional – but also as the launchpad for a new part-time or full-time career. This is a global school. We launched in Los Angeles in late May, and as we approach June, are 24 hours away from issuing invitations to join, to those of you who waitlist. So don’t hesitate.

Internationally known names in astrology, like Stephanie Johnson and Joanne Madeline Moore in Australasia – and my former Cosmopolitan magazine colleagues Maggie Hyde and Barbara Dunn in Great Britain – are with us. So too are guest tutors like Neil Spencer (The Observer) and Victor Olliver (The Lady). Do waitlist now. Places are limited. You’ll pick up discounts, videos, podcasts and special event invitations, for a one-off access fee of US $100 – and then land the chance to learn, one-on-one, with myself and other professionals. Hurry!

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

Money, Property, Business, Charity, Valuables
This may be about the mortgage, the legacy or inheritance – or just ‘filthy lucre’ – as it has been called. Aries, you have such a chain of decisions to make, all month long, that it may help to realise the background cycle runs for around 7 years. During this time, you will repeatedly put a price on your own independence. We associate May 2019 with ‘freedom from’ (you fill in the space) or ‘freedom through’ (again, fill in the space!) Yet this is just a taste of what is to come, as slowly but surely the new Uranus in Taurus transit, which rocks the entire world economy, will play its part. There may be a direct link with three buzzing stories now: money laundering (particularly by human-rights abusing people, governments or corporations), the arrival of Blockchain in the banking world and even the rise of the electric car. In other cases, you feel the ripple effect from a very big stone on the Full Moon, 18th May. I will leave it up to you do the life sums. To do the arithmetic. The fact is, all bets are off, compared to who/what you placed the highest price on, before 2018. You are waking up in a different world and it will be a world which has turned upside-down, very close to May 8th and 18th. I don’t think you’ve really tasted this kind of sweet freedom with your finances, property, charity or business in your adult life. You may have sampled it a little this time last year, or even at the end of April, but it’s only May 2019 that will show you what space and oxygen costs in pounds, dollars or euros. Saying ‘No’ and hearing ‘No’ will be the one thing that sets you free.

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Travel, Emigration, Study, Teaching, Publishing, Internet
Keep the faith. You have a deal to make. You may be travelling, moving, emigrating, studying, teaching, publishing books or consumed by worldwide web plans in May. People from other cultures or nationalities will very likely be involved. There is the most stunning outcome possible for you by November, but even before then, you will hit one peak after another, if you nurture, protect and care for special plans best described as ‘budding.’ I mentioned a deal. You are going to be compromising quite fiercely, dividing up the control and sharing the power, of which there is a great deal. To say that your plans in 2019 are potent is a bit of an understatement, Aries. You just don’t have chances like this for another 12 years so please keep your eyes on the prize (the prizes, plural, perhaps) and aim your focus straight and true to the end of the year. Do not let anything or anybody put you off the bigger picture or higher goal. Sure, there will be communication issues, transport or travel questions, language differences – perhaps. None of this is going to be a walk in the park, but if you don’t mind a bit of an obstacle course near the 5th, 25th and 28th the sky’s the limit. Better still, what you pull off with your move, trip, course, book, website or foreign connection between now and the end of the year will reward you for years to come. The closing days of May reveal a deal. The power or control is substantial, if you can both/all agree to differ and make it work. The results will show spectacularly with a trip, relocation, book or course!

The Internet, Multimedia, Communication, Commuting and Short Trips
On May 4th, 5th or 6th (depending on your Twitter time zone) you may want to slow down and cool down online, with multimedia, or telephone text messages. These words are hard to erase once they appear and as your ruler Mars is involved it would be so easy for you to push too hard or too fast. Then it is so much more difficult to take your words back afterwards, Aries. In fact, the whole month is really about figuring out how best to be heard, read and understood. I expect the car, train, plan, bus, tram or boat will be part of that, as a pilgrimage is either about to take place or be planned. Maybe commuting is your daily pilgrimage! None of this is half as important as the bigger goals (see above) but it will play its part and it’s not a bad idea to set aside more time for it all.

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Money, Business, Shares, Charity, Possessions, Property
You have until November (likely a peak moment of solutions or rewards) to sort out your money, house, business, apartment, charity, shares, company, valuables and the rest. You are well-known for your values (whatever these are) and with the Sun entering this zone of your chart in the final week of May, it is time to stand up and be counted, but also do some bean-counting yourself. You have quite a crossroads coming with all this on May 4th, 5th or 6th when life will speed up and heat up. As an earth sign, symbolised by the steadfast bull, you prefer to take it slowly and take it easy but there is a very fortunate way out, or way through, at that point and it may require you to move your hooves. You are quite clearly looking at the mother of all deals or compromises in May. The Full Moon near the 18th is a time of reckoning when you will need to look at what/who you are so well-known for, in financial terms – against the backdrop of complex arrangements, perhaps involving your mortgage, legacy or inheritance. Essentially, the numbers translate into power and control in May. There are huge questions here about how to share. How to give and take. You are very lucky to have Jupiter, that symbol of protection, natural good timing, luck and ‘flow’ on your side in 2019, specifically with your former, current or potential partner or perhaps a family member. Sometimes the connection is far more intimate, secret or explicitly sexual. Choices are calling you. Time to remind yourself what your values actually are and what the price tag on life maths is. Put a price on empowerment too. And your share of the control. You are clearly going to be subtracting, adding or dividing quite intensely in the final week as Ceres triggers your chart.

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Image, Reputation, Profile, Title, Identity, Brand
If some aspect of your surface self, or superficial internet ID has restricted you or even downright trapped you, then a few cages will shake or chains will snap as Uranus in Taurus times an unusual situation for you near May 8th and 18th. None of this is your true self or real self, but it still matters a great deal and a reasonable percentage of Taurus people are well and truly ready for the revolution. It’s really a situation of finding freedom from/finding freedom through, where your face, shape, style, name or Twitter headshot is concerned. Taurus, it is possible you have been on the freedom road with your relaunch since your birthday last year, in which case these transits are not going to do much more than take you to the next U-turn. That letter of the alphabet (U) is about what is unique, unusual, unexpected (to put it politely), unconventional, unorthodox and so on. The shell you crack in May is your own. Giving birth to yourself will be an exhilarating, electrifying experience. Other people played midwife the first time. This time you are your own midwife!

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Your Spirit and Soul in May 2019
You will need (or be given) more time and space to yourself with the heavy Taurus weather in May 2019. It sweeps through the horoscope zone where you find your faith in God (perhaps) or something else entirely. This area of your astrology chart has been associated with inner demons, angels, the Universe, your spirit and your soul – for centuries. Now, we find radical changes. In fact, if there is anything about your inner world that has trapped you, or confined you, then there may be an electrifying moment for you near the 8th and 18th. This is why you will need to give yourself as much peace and quiet as possible – as much time alone – so that you can deal with what is within, rather than having to constantly deal with people in the outside world. Freedom is calling you. What kind of freedom, and on what basis, really depends on your own…spirit and soul. Religion may be part of it, but astrology also qualifies. This is really about what you make of ‘heaven’ however you define it, Gemini – and how you can best find your way to Independence Day, symbolised by the Uranus in Taurus weather in your Twelfth House in May.

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Former, Current and Potential Partners – Enemies, Rivals and Opponents
The partnership may be intensely personal or professional. A marriage or a work duet. The feud or conflict may also be quite personal (a former lover, perhaps) or strictly business – someone who is your natural opponent or rival. Gemini, the face on the other end of the scales, or the name on the other end of the see-saw, is worth all the time and thought you can devote, near May 5th, 25th and 28th. You are in a strong position here if you need to sort out a concern – fix an issue – or just pursue the biggest and best. Jupiter is a symbol of opportunity, solutions, problem-solving, resolution, win-win outcomes, the big picture and all that benefits you and others. Sometimes Jupiter will appear when matters must rise to the surface to be flushed away so new growth can begin. That is entirely possible now depending on where you are at with him (or her). If you are much further along with your relationship, or even with a battle, then May will stretch you – no doubt about that – but it is the kind of stretch which helps you grow. If you two are willing to see what is possible then by November 2019 you could be reaching for the stars. Gemini, if there is a conflict or ongoing duel in your life, then slow down and cool down near the Mars-Jupiter opposition on May 5th please. Mars turns up the heat and speed and it is not always useful. Yet – fate is on your side. There is an answer here. It is an answer that will resolve a great many obstacles holding you back. The final week puts Ceres in the frame. Largely ignored by Gen Y astrologers she is hugely important as a symbol of division, carve-up, power sharing and ‘the controls.’ You two are going to have to figure this one out. You may be in a duet. You may be in a duel. Yet, if you want the solution or opportunity that 2019 presents, you’ll negotiate and decide.

Image, Brand, Name, Reputation, Profile, Appearance
May is also about how you are seen and appear to the world, Gemini. The Sun in your sign from the final week will illuminate and highlight your name, reputation, face, title, personal appearance and internet ‘hologram’ version of yourself. Long-term this is less of a story than that developing around a crucial man or woman (see above) but it is there all the same. Time to see yourself reflected in the mirror held up by other people. Time to look at the portrait painted of you online.

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Friends and Groups Spell Change and Freedom
Friendships, group commitments, communities and circles of people you belong to – or are affected by – dominate May 2019. We associate this new cycle with ‘freedom from’ and also ‘freedom through’ so you are likely to face choices about either. Perhaps you need to be liberated from a group or set free from a friendship – on a soul level. You may thus break with the past this month, in order to do that – or find that fate takes a hand. The ‘freedom through’ option is also intriguing as it is through a friendly face in a wider collection of people that you might just find the space, oxygen and sense of room to move that your heart desires. This is the kind of cycle when people join or leave bands! This intense Taurus weather in your horoscope will also highlight and illuminate exactly what a friendship is in your life. Why friendship can matter as much as marriage or family.

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Lifestyle, Workload, Daily Routine, Duty and Service
You stand to gain in 2019 as improvements or overdue repair work on your lifestyle, workload and daily routine is on offer. You will certainly see this in May at the Jupiter-Mars opposition near the 5th, so the month opens with a definite offer, opportunity, solution or option. This is likely to involve your body as well as your mind and spirit. In fact, you are in a cycle when any question about your work ethic or sense of duty to others might be answered with another question about your ‘machine’ – your physical condition and state. It is also true that if there is a concern with the body, you really need to look at your workload and how you feel about serving others. Sometimes dogs or cats appear to be our masters on this cycle! More commonly it is about housework, but also paid work, volunteer work or university/college life. You may feel as if you are ducking, dodging and diving in May, but you are also getting somewhere. You are either taking on issues which are well and truly ripe to be resolved or may be grabbing opportunities with both hands and running with them. This is not the stuff of great, glorious achievement. It is about a job well done. And your own physical health and wellbeing, of course. That is likely the most important task of all. In the final week there will be a carve-up at work, university or at home. A classic example of this is a reshuffle. It is really important that this new arrangement can work long-term. It will ultimately turn out to be a great thing for you, directly or indirectly – and your lifestyle.

Angels and Demons
We all have angels on our shoulders or inner demons to deal with. This is sometimes what emerges in dreams through the unconscious mind. It may be felt more powerfully in a church or cathedral. Cancer, you have quite a lot of Gemini weather in May, and Gemini is the sign which is one behind your own. This takes you behind closed doors, or below the surface. You really do need your time and space as the month goes on because these kinds of intensely personal questions about your own soul can’t be tackled in the noise of everyday life or internet distraction. You may believe in God, Buddha, the ‘Universe’ or something else entirely but this is your annual maintenance check.

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Success, Achievement, Ambition, Position and Mission
It’s about where you’re going to in your career, with your status and success in life, Leo – but also where you come from, in terms of the family tree or your home town and homeland. I daresay the news near 8th May will come from nowhere, like a lightning bolt. This is what illuminates the picture so you can see who and what is really there, in your profession, with your studies or your unpaid work. By rights this is a time to embrace independence and freedom. However, it comes! Near 18th May you get the second wave of lightning, so the first three weeks really will feel like an electrical storm; the kind that brings relief and release after rather a long period of tight tension. The Full Moon on 18th May is decisive. You’ll remember I began your forecast by talking about your family tree, home town and homeland – well, that plays a part in a rather complicated choice on May 17th, 18th or 19th. This may be about the actual house or apartment, or more emotional matters close to home. We have so many asteroids across this zone of your horoscope in May. Aesculapia (so one situation, organisation, place or situation will come back from the brink in your career) and also Fortuna, spinning the Wheel of Fortune with your home, family or household. Minerva is there, bringing wise advice and sage counsel to your questions about your profession, voluntary work or university/college degree near the 6th of May. Hygiea is there too, near the 11th, reminding you of the maxim ‘prevention is better than cure’ with regard to your ambition, role and goals in life. What can you do to protect the future then? Bacchus is there near the 28th of May which is a champagne moment – the feelgood factor with your success in life will be very high then. Most of all, Leo, you need to be philosophical about your home, family or property. Every low point is a high point in the making. Every high point is a low point eventually. The wheel spins so keep your sense of humour. Avoid the 18th May for important meetings, signatures and so on unless you actually like hard work, though! And do think long term about success and what it means to you. Surely it means freedom, independence, progress, reform, new technology and a new world to you these days? This process began in the tiniest way in May 2018 and it will go on for 7 years into the future, Leo. Do say yes, even if it means hearing ‘No’ or saying ‘No’ close to 8th May and again near 18th May.

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Babies, Children and Young People
Leo, you have compromises to make and deals to strike in May. These involve your son, daughter, godchild, niece, nephew or grandchild – perhaps an adoption, pregnancy or fostering process. There is also the chance that a sexual relationship which may bring younger faces into your life (the next generation) is also centre-stage in May. Any paid or unpaid efforts with the next generation (old or young enough to be your children) the younger court – also falls into this cycle, Leo. You were born to lead, mentor, guide and set an example to younger people. To teach or command. Now, you see the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years, together with a trade-off. The power or control must be shared evenly and fairly. If this has a climax in November, it will be well worth the long road. Then, you will see for yourself just why ‘from little acorns mighty oaks do grow’ Leo. If you are curious about this cycle do look up Jupiter and Ceres on Search: they are the planets to watch. The final week brings a compromise that may involve mother and daughter, mother-in-law and son-in-law, husband and wife. It directly involves children or young people; perhaps a pregnancy. It’s going to work out really well for you. It will be emotional for at least one player. If you are curious about this, you might look up Proserpina and Pluto as well. I realise that Gen Y and some Millennial astrologers never use these horoscope symbols at all – but they really matter! Ceres is Pluto’s mother-in-law who lost her daughter. Proserpina is that daughter, who wound up dividing her time between Mother and Husband. Pluto was the husband who was insanely controlling. This is very occasionally, literally, what you have to deal with on this cycle.

Friends and Groups
Your social life, social media, clubs, teams, associations and other networks are in focus in May, in a way you have not seen in 12 months. It is far better that you all unite to ‘fight the good fight’ together on May 4th, 5th, 6th. The potential for friction is there, or even a battle, within the group or with a particular friend, but this is a silly waste of time and energy. Panacea, Diana and then the Sun and Mercury in this zone of your chart suggest answers, remedies and solutions. Tremendous questions about freedom, space and independence. And, on May 20th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 25th, 26th an important talk or piece of news. The connecting thread throughout will be your plans involving the world of babies, children or young adults (see above). In fact, that is far more important than the rather fleeting questions about a particular friend or group! Perhaps that should be the priority.

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Travel and Travel in the Mind
The Taurus weather sweeping through your horoscope in May suggests a trip or head trip. Travel or travel in the mind. A real journey or a symbolic, intellectual journey. A major relocation or perhaps the relocation of your old ideas, beliefs or faiths. The catalyst for all this is a culture or nationality so different to your own. In fact, you are likely to find this quite liberating, if you can see through the sudden lightning bolts near May 8th and 18th, to get to the truth. What is the truth? Well, they say it sets you free. We may be talking about education, academia or informal learning here, or the casual knowledge exchange of the worldwide web. Perhaps this is more formal, wrapped up inside a particular book, publisher or author. Uranus in Taurus has not occurred in your adult lifetime and it may seem all rather new and different. Confronting and challenging. Exciting but also completely outside your usual experience. This is par for the course so take a deep breath and see where you can find ‘freedom from’ or ‘freedom through’. One or the other is really what May is all about.

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Your House, Apartment, Hometown, Homeland, Household or Family
There is fantastic potential for tapping solutions (if you need them) or just tapping into brand new opportunities to have more, do more and enjoy more in 2019. May is a key month as it begins with a Mars-Jupiter opposition which sets the mood. Even if things move swiftly then, and the emotional temperature also rises, your chance is nigh. If you need a breakthrough or a way out/a way through it is on offer. Perhaps you can see no progress or growth until the ground is cleared, Virgo! If you are further along with the process of growth, as you began it last year, then you will likely find that your house, apartment, home town, homeland, family and/or household is at the heart of some wonderful possibilities – but also real-time rewards. Keep on building this dream as it will peak in November. We may be talking renovations here or big family plans. May is a crucial month for it all. The final week brings a trade-off in terms of time sharing, perhaps (child custody?) or likely, issues around the in-laws. In other cases, it’s not a literal translation of the Pluto-Ceres-Proserpina myth (very much about in-laws) but a symbolic carve-up with the family or your flatmates. It is amazing how often specific rooms in a home, a fence line and the rest can become a metaphor for power and control issues among relatives, or with live-in partners or roommates. You are in a fantastic position to get something that works out of this.

Success, Status, Ambition, Achievement, Position and Mission
As the Sun puts your C.V. in the spotlight from the final week, and a flurry of Gemini weather crosses your chart, it is time for your annual inspection and maintenance check. This may be your career, unpaid work, university/college degree or other leading role in life. This kind of illumination is very useful as it allows you to see clearly every detail of where you are, where you need to be, and what kind of mountain you are climbing. Wrong mountain or right mountain? Now is the time to step back from your own position, mission and ambition and figure it out.

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Your Money, House, Apartment, Business, Valuables or Charity
Nothing like a Full Moon on 18th May to lay it all on the line for you, Libra! This is really about the complicated financial and sexual or emotional relationships that are in your world. Marriage and mortgage are one. A will, inheritance or legacy involving the family is another. You are in a completely new cycle here and may be wondering where the manual is. Actually, you get to invent life as you go along, so be open to what comes and meet change – with change. The month begins with a lightning bolt. It is the kind which leads to breakthroughs, but also, perhaps, a break with the past. I do say this a lot, but you need to put a price tag on freedom. Look at your independence, or that of others (former, current or potential partner – family member) and price it in pounds, euros or dollars. It is this kind of ‘heart and soul’ arithmetic that will make far more sense than other people’s ideas about what makes you rich or poor. A great many Sun Libra people have Scorpio factors. If you do, then May 2019 could be a game-changer. Try to see why freedom, liberty and independence are so precious (to the point of being priceless) to yourself and others. This goes beyond the money, the company, the taxation, the valuables and so on. It’s soul stuff.

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Pilgrimages, Lectures and Bibles
If this was 17th century London I would be talking to you about pilgrimages, lectures and bibles in May. The modern equivalent is your car, train, plane, boat, bike or motorbike – and a Google Map. You have some fantastic options in May. An issue can be resolved, if you need it, or you could go to the next level with a really amazing opportunity for you as a commuter or traveller. Thus, the pilgrimage! Lectures and bibles these days translate as the worldwide web, blogs, websites, Twitter, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, public speaking and the rest. Again, if you need a way out or a way through, it is on offer. If you already did quite a lot of work since November last year, you will now be lifted up where you belong. This goes beyond getting your message across. It takes you higher as a writer, a singer, an orator, scriptwriter, poet, student, teacher and so on. The actual project, course, plan or goal will be subject to change in the final week as you need to carve up the control with others – or maybe with the universe – or just the internet! Finding that level of individual empowerment, while also taking them/her/him into account is really important.

Travel and Travel in the Mind
The closing days of May and the month of June suggest foreign people and places, foreign faces and spaces. This can mean cross-cultural knowledge exchange in your own home town, of course. Yet, there may also be a pilgrimage (see above) to an exotic location not too far away from you. This is the Sun in Gemini ushering in all kinds of possibilities, opposite Jupiter in his famous 12-year cycle, opening doors all over the place and throwing repair kits your way, if you need to knuckle down and sort things out. The ‘travel in the mind’ part of the story is really about formal education or academia; informal learning; publishing in both digital or traditional formats; libraries and the web. You could be on the road to something really special in November as a result of choices now.

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Money, Property, Charity, Business, Valuables
Scorpio, 2019 offers huge solutions, big opportunities and excellent natural timing for you – with your house, money, apartment, business, company, valuables, charity and so on. The stage has been set since November 2018 and the more you have done during that time, the better. For example, if you needed to clear the way for new growth – perhaps better cash flow, maybe genuine abundance – May 2019 now makes that possible. Even if you just need to roll an obstacle out of the way, the obstacle course you face in May will do that for you. It is rather like jumping hurdles in Chariots of Fire to get to the champagne glass. Do use this cycle to build and create the biggest and best for yourself and others, in terms of receiving, saving and passing on. I suspect the Mars-Jupiter opposition on May 5th will be the real turning point. You will experience open doors either side of that date, or on the day itself. May 21st, 25th, 28th (allow 24 hours either side) are also key moments in your personal financial year. You are in the Jupiter in Sagittarius cycle which allows you to access the deepest of answers (detoxing a situation if necessary) but if you have done the work and prepared the ground, you could see rapid take-off early in May. One of the year’s most important discussions, pieces of news or signatures will take place late in May. You will reach a compromise then with a trade-off in terms of the controls. Make it a good one.

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Your Former, Current or Potential Partner. Your Rival, Enemy or Opponent
The person on the other end of the scales from you, is clearly visible in May, when you can examine all the details and inspect the scales too. These are the scales of balance, perhaps of justice (if there are legal issues) and certainly of equality, harmony and fair ‘weighing’ between two very different people. This may be your husband. It may be your ex. It may be a love rival. It may be a professional partner – or a work opponent. The thing is, Scorpio, there is something in the air that smells a lot like freedom. The more urgently you or he/she needs that freedom, space and independence the bigger the events of May. You can be locked into a duel as much as you can be trapped in a marriage, for example! I mentioned ‘doing the work’ in the paragraph above, about your money cycle. Well, it is the same with your other half or opposite number. The more work you have done since May last year when Uranus (a symbol of independence) first moved into your opposite sign of Taurus, the less dramatic May will be. The more natural the evolution will be, because you have already been on the freedom road anyway – or allowed the other person to be. If there is tremendous restriction, confinement or even entrapment between you and he, though (or you and she) it is very likely that the developments of May 8th and 18th in particular (Full Moon) will feel like an electrical storm that comes from nowhere, the better to break up tension, stagnation and a tremendous sense of ‘stuckness’ on your part of his/hers. As always with these aspects, dance in the storm if so and allow others to do that too. Scorpio, given the emphasis on the house, money, apartment and the rest in May, it is hard not to put two and two together, and see you making really big choices involving sex and money, marriage and mortgage, family and property, legacy and inheritance questions and so on. I’m just going to repeat what I say a lot with Uranus (freedom) in the finance sign (Taurus). The time has come to do your life arithmetic and hang a tag on independence, liberation and autonomy for yourself or another. New calculation!

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It’s All About You, You, You
The smart use of Social Me, Me, Media is to treat yourself as a brand, the way that Tate & Lyle treat their famous Golden Syrup as a brand. What’s on your packaging? Sagittarius, you are the zodiac sign who has the most to gain from focussing on image, presentation, name, title, appearance and the other superficial aspects of yourself this month. In fact, as early as the Mars-Jupiter opposition on 5th May, you seem likely to dive headfirst into situations designed to have you front-and-centre or thrusting yourself forward, headfirst, especially online. Mars in your opposite sign of Gemini suggests tremendous heat and speed in the atmosphere regarding your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps your enemy, opponent or rival. When in doubt slow down and cool down and do not react in the moment. Nobody said you had to jump to some kind of instant response. Yet, Sagittarius, with Jupiter in your sign all year and particularly so this month, you have wonderful solutions to pursue, fantastic opportunities to snap up and the kind of natural good luck and timing with ‘Me’ that can only happen once in 12 years. You have this weather until November, and it would be churlish to turn away from one open door after another. A very simple and common example might be – the need to compete on Tinder for a person you want – which pushes you into getting fit, getting your teeth bleached and relaunching. There you go. Another less common example might be the politician who hires professionals to sort out her online branding, in the light of a fierce battle with an opponent in the opening week. Long-term this serves her really well/him really well, long after the rather aggressive other side has gone! You also have Ceres in your image zone in late May. You’ll need to reach a compromise over your image and share the controls. This may be with your hairdresser or an opinionated partner!

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Focus on Him/Her
From the final week of May through June, a huge amount of light will be shed on the chemistry you share with your former, current or potential partner. If you need a fierce spotlight on an arch enemy, rival or foe of any kind – for whatever reason – then every detail will be exposed and illuminated from the last week of May for the first three weeks of June. This gives you the chance to apply really fine-tuned scrutiny to his face, her face, and what is behind that face. Sagittarius if May begins with a love-life ‘kick’ in the first week, then do think long-term and allow until the end of June to really sort this out with he or she who matters so much. There is no need to rush or push or be pushed or rushed. These cycles are valid through end of June.

Workload, Lifestyle, Duty, Service, Body, Mind and Spirit
Uranus in Taurus suggests a moment of truth (twice) in May which will set you free or increase your independence, day-to-day. This is really about your paid work, housework, unpaid work and/or university degree. The less conscious you have been of the need to create more space and oxygen in your daily life, and particularly as regards your health, wellbeing and fitness – the more dramatic the electrical storms of May. These lightning bolts may act for you as they do in nature. They suddenly turn everything around in a very new and different, unexpected direction, where you must ‘change to meet change’ and even welcome the new freedom. Sagittarius if you have been on the freedom road quite consciously since May 2018 then May will not be quite so confronting, in terms of electrical storms and lightning-like enlightenment. Instead, you will just be shown what you have to do, why you have to do it and when. I dare say the Full Moon on the 18th will pull you or others in two different directions, regarding your workload and lifestyle – or your body – yet it is a productive Full Moon because it allows you to sort out pros from cons. A smart decision can be made after that. Make no mistake. 2019 is the year of independence.

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Children, Babies, Young Adults, Sexual Relationships
Capricorn, you now come to one of the most important phases of the year, in terms of your relationship with a younger generation. Your son, daughter, young relative or godchild? Perhaps you have paid or unpaid work involving younger faces who stand to inherit from you – your inheritance being financial, perhaps, or just about your personality, guidance and influence. This cycle is also about sexual relationships with parenthood potential. Capricorn, the more restricted you or others have been, the more radical the changes to come. If you have been really out of touch with the ‘ties that bind’ you or others – then it may be that an electrical storm, twice in the month of May, is enough to loosen those ties and shake things up for a new start. If, however, you have been on a more independent path since last year, preferring space, freedom and room to move – for yourself and others – then May will be less dramatic. Call it progress. Call it overdue progress, actually, as despite all the rules, regulations and social norms surrounding children and parents, there is always room for something new. Something better. Something quite different. I dare say the Full Moon on 18th May will have a lot to do with this. Full Moons are never easy but at least they show you who and what matters most.

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Your Soul and Your Spirit
Your inner life, soul and spirit are the business of the church, often, but also the Buddha, perhaps Hinduism, astrology, Judaism and so on. It is your very private and personal take on all that is, and what is ‘up there’ above you and also ‘out there’. 2019 is an incredible year of breakthroughs, solutions, repair work, opportunities, growth, hope and a new path – on the inside. Your timing is right in May, as early as the first week, when a decisive Mars-Jupiter clash in your chart suggests one of those moments of truth. Put your soul or spirit first then. Slow down and cool down, though, and allow for others to do the same. Action stations is all very well but if it’s all action and no stations – especially with a work or health related matter for you – then no real headway can be made. The month as a whole is about evolving, growing and progressing within. Nobody can see or even fathom what is going on within your own soul, but it’s an important leap forward. This is an intense process Capricorn. The final week of May suggests deep questions about how powerful you feel, how empowered you are, how much control you have – and where others fit in. Perhaps where God fits in. Or, I should say, ‘your God’. Expect changes.

Body, Mind, Spirit, Work Ethic
Towards the end of May, the Sun changes signs and your body, mind, spirit and work ethic are your priority. Everything is illuminated! You can see clearly, and all that. By the third week of June you will have made some important decisions about your lifestyle as a whole. Housework, paid work and unpaid work. Study, perhaps. Your fitness and health, in terms of what is required of you every day. How you feel about serving others – from the cat and dog at home – to your boss or client. What you need to know and see, will be revealed and shown so you can update and do your annual maintenance check, Capricorn.

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House, Apartment, Family, Household, Hometown, Homeland, Ancestors
Aquarius it is amazing how often your house, apartment, garden, land, local area or country can become a symbol for a deeper change taking place within you! So, in May, if you realise that repairs are required, or something is disrupting your street, or your nation is going through some kind of climate change impact – it may well be an uncanny playing out of what is going on for you emotionally and psychologically. The fact is, ever since last May, when your ruler Uranus changed signs, the new buzzwords with your family or household (even your sense of belonging to ancestors or a place) have been independence, revolution, freedom. We have a couple of lightning bolts in May involving Uranus, and these electrifying, challenging, potentially life-changing moments will really make you think about how free you are – and how free others are too. This may come down to the mortgage or rent, the tenants or the renovations. It may be about the council or government. The best advice astrology and history can give you at such times is to avoid the Full Moon for major decisions (the 18th) as it’s hard work anyway. And – most crucially – dance in any storm. Aquarius, what comes out of the blue in a month like this is there to release you from people, situations or places which would have restricted you long-term, or may already be tying you down even if you don’t consciously accept that. So be aware. If you are curious about this cycle, then do look up Uranus on search. For so many Aquarians, May will be about property prices, or rent variations. Your personal birth chart will tell the full story.

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Friends and Groups, Growth and Solutions
You are at your brilliant best when you feed the group what it needs. Oprah does it through online forums and by energising huge crowd audiences. She builds community. Malcolm McLaren fed punk rock and John Lydon fed The Sex Pistols. The artist Pamela Colman-Smith continues to supply Tarot groups worldwide with her amazing cards – she also ‘fed’ the glittering literary occult scene of 20th century London by hosting salons complete with Opal Hush (red wine and lemonade). So, how do you supply your community? There is so much support in your chart in May 2019 for this. If there are problems to fix, or issues to resolve, regarding specific friendships, or the wider circle of people, then answers will appear, as early as 5th May. If you are already on a really interesting new road (which you began last November) then expect superb timing, lucky breaks and fortunate events – as opposed to Lemony Snicket’s ‘Unfortunate Events.’ Jupiter in Sagittarius is your friend. New friends? Better friendships? Meetups? Maybe you want to run for the Democrats in 2020. If your group goal peaks in November 2019 take that as a sign and push hard. Ceres is across your chart too so there will be a trade-off or major compromise in the controls, with your friend, or perhaps the club/team/band/party/association as a whole. Think final week. It is terribly important to take someone seriously then, but also to be taken seriously yourself. You will both/all need a new way to run the friendship or group which honours individual feelings!

Babies, Children, Young Adults, Sexual Relationships
May and June shed so much light on the world of babies, children, young adults (for example, grown-up sons or daughters) and sexual relationships with parenthood potential. You need to see, and you will be shown! This is an update and maintenance check. How well do you mentor, lead, guide, set an example to and ‘rule’ that generation? This may be your godchild or grandchild, niece or nephew, or a whole class of pupils. It really depends on your personal chart. What you can now view in some detail is chapter and verse on where things are at in 2019. This only happens once a year and it’s really useful. It’s an impetus for a fresh start, made by June. The sexual relationship with parenthood potential may be with a divorcee with a child from a previous marriage, or just a literally fertile partnership with someone who is a going concern and could add a growing concern. Be aware of that!

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The Worldwide Web, Multimedia, Publishing and Communication
Well, Pisces, what do we have here? A revolution? It would seem so. A revolution involving the world of books, podcasting, television, radio, public speaking, social media like Twitter, blogs, websites and so on. Even good old-fashioned debating or oratory, of the Hyde Park Corner kind. This cycle (Uranus in your Third House) can only happen once in your adult life. You have never experienced it before. Now, a couple of really potent electrical storms in May will deliver it, well and truly, so that you can ‘meet change with change.’ Pisces, if there is anything about your life online that has trapped you, confined you, or even tightly bound others in some way – that will now have to unwind and unbind. The way that happens is likely to be quite unexpected, unusual or unique. If, however, you have been on the freedom road with online life or multimedia, publishing, communication or education since May last year – expect an easier leap forward. Less lightning bolt, more excitement. Crackling energy in the atmosphere and the prospect of experimenting wildly with new technology or the cutting edge of smartphones or computers, internet or television, is one example. I think the phrase for May is ‘Freedom of speech’ and you have to give it as much as you embrace it. Whatever it takes. Emerging technology will play its part. Just skip the Full Moon on the 18th please. It’s hard work anyway and you really don’t need that for launch or sign-up, purchase or…chapter one. Pisces, if you feel that getting ‘the word’ out there in a new way, using a different medium, or just fresh possibilities – would liberate you – then go ahead. Liberate and be liberated! As I said, you literally only have this cycle once in your adult life.

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Success, Ambition, Status, Position, Mission
Keep climbing the mountain, Pisces. If you want a different mountain, then hop off the old one and start with the new one. By November you will have made it to the top. This is a year of promotion, awards, big hits, prestigious new positions and other big leaps forward. High Society? Maybe. A level of social status that has not been possible in 12 years is calling. It all begins with a bang in the first week of May thanks to a Mars-Jupiter opposition. I’m not saying it’s easy, peaceful or relaxing, but it will push you forward. If there is a problem you need to solve with your boss, client, staff and so on – trust a sweeping solution to present itself. If you already cleared the ground for new growth, progress, expansion and world domination (I’m joking) since last November, then expect something bigger and better up ahead. This is your year, or it could be and should be. Slow start, perhaps, but May will show you what is possible by November. If November is your deadline for launch then make like NASA and eyeball that far, far horizon. You could star. We need to talk about Ceres in all this. I see so many Gen Y astrologers on the internet ignoring this planet, but she is a symbol of compromise, deal-making, power-sharing and often time-sharing or job-sharing. She is also right across your success chart in the final week of May. Divide? Yes.

Family, Household, Apartment, House, Home Town, Homeland
All eyes on this from the final week, especially as news, paperwork or important discussion is suggested near May 21st.

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