Monthly Horoscopes at


Your Monthly Horoscope​
for June 2019

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for June 2019. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


Are you interested in learning astrology, just for yourself, or perhaps to make a new part-time or full-time income? The Sun Sign School is a new way to learn the world’s most popular kind of astrology – Sun Sign horoscope prediction. Your teachers include myself and the British astrology authors and academics, Barbara Dunn and Maggie Hyde (all three of us have written columns for Cosmopolitan magazine – two of us are number one bestselling Amazon list authors, I’m happy to say!). On the other side of the world, Stephanie Johnson and Joanne Madeline Moore (two of the best-known astrologers in Australia and Asia) have amazing experience to pass on to you, via Cleo, the Australian Women’s Weekly and Marie Claire magazines – and world-famous Solar Fire and Astrogold software and chart reports. Someone who sums up the Sun Sign School approach really well is the one and only Penny Thornton who is not only an author and horoscope columnist, but also sees personal clients – of which Diana, Princess of Wales, is the best known.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

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The Worldwide Web, Multimedia, Communication, Commuting, Short Trips

You’ll make a fresh start online, with your computer, telephone and/or microphone near 3rd June and if you are one of those Aries people with Gemini horoscope factors in your personal birth chart, a substantial project or course will begin around that time. The spotlight will turn on every tiny detail – so that you can step back from your ‘voice’ – across all mediums and media – and see how you connect and communicate with others.

One particular project, plan or idea will involve a complicated relationship near 11th June, and it seems likely that this two/three-way street will produce end results which are very much from the passions, not so much the objective mind! That is because the chemistry in this situation brings out so many feelings and emotions in one of you, involved.

Throughout this entire period there is a bigger picture developing. This involves you teaching or studying at peak level; writing or publishing books, eBooks or websites; travelling or relocating; dealing with foreign and regional differences. I will talk more about that in a moment, but suffice to say, you are going to have to do quite a lot of juggling in June, not only with your telephone and computer, but also with the big picture, versus the small picture, of communication, commuting and connection across different cultures or countries.

The Full Moon on 17th June is a global full stop on issues like the internet, the travel industry, export and import trade deals, large media corporations, public transport and particularly car and telephone/telecommunications companies. At about the same time the world tries to negotiate with itself over all these pressing questions, you also find you have a ‘full stop’ in your life and must find a compromise. A typical example would be the deadline for a book, versus the immediate demands of a chain of meetings where your opinions will be set in stone.

With Mercury, the Sun, the New Moon, Diana, Venus, Minerva, Aesculapia and Bacchus all in the ‘words and ideas’ zone of your horoscope – not to mention ‘short journeys’ – from bicycles to trains – June is absolutely packed with discussion, and a few unpacked bags. What comes out of this will make a lasting difference to the way you are heard and read, for around another six months, before particular technology, organisations, projects or people are put to the test.

Broad Horizons and Bigger Pictures

Even though June finds you focused so intensely on the internet or other media, or perhaps one project which uses your way with words – it is also about the big picture. This may embrace cultures or nationalities far removed from your own experience, stretching from Asia, to America, to Europe and back to Iceland. There is likely to be a trip or even a relocation on your mental agenda and depending on your personal chart, 2019 could be the year you make the big commitment to move or even emigrate. You would certainly be tempted by one of those vacations where you expand your mind and explore your beliefs, philosophies and ideas. Thus, June is not so much about a lazy hotel room-service experience, as some kind of education.

This is the year to end all years, in terms of opportunities and solutions for you in other locations or countries, or among different nationalities and cultures. June will be hard work. No doubt about it. The Full Moon on 17th June is a very big stretch. Yet, if you want to reach for something exceptional, June is worth the effort, with a peak moment coming in November.

Aries this may involve a book or website, a course or workshop, or a less formal knowledge exchange. Rather than aimless exploration or wandering/meandering, though, you would be far better rewarded by figuring out who and what is the absolute priority this year, and just how many compromises you can make. The more you engage in give and take with others, the better. There is really no point in going for total control or absolute perfection, but you are certainly in the running for special outcomes and deeply satisfying results. Jump every hurdle thrown at you in June.

Imagine yourself as Nigel Havers in Chariots of Fire, defying gravity as you leap over every wobbling champagne glass. If you persist, Aries, the champagne is on ice at the end of this year and your very new, most intriguing, relationship with quite a different accent, passport or language is assured.

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Money, Valuables, Values, Charity, Property, Business, Shares, Banks, Currency

The Full Moon on 17th June lays everything on the line for you Taurus. Your sign is famous for its value system. What you refuse to sell out for. What you’ll happily cut a deal over. Now, this may be tax return time if you are in Australia, or some other mid-June deadline, but you stand to gain. There is an epic solution here, or a way out or through. There may even be the chance to profit from a situation. Venus, the planet which rules you, and also rules valuable transactions and meaningful financial relationships, clashes with Jupiter on 23rd June.

There is something lopsided then – off kilter or off-balance – but as the planet Jupiter is associated with being born lucky, getting away with things, and happy endings – you will ultimately gain from what happens near that date.

You will be aware of the New Moon on 3rd June ushering in a fresh start with your life budget. You may be a shopaholic, an eco-warrior who recycles everything, or down on your luck. You may be a Socialist or a Wall Street piggy banker. Yet, the New Moon is the same for all Sun Taurus people, bringing with it an exclamation mark and a capital letter F for Fresh  and S for Start!

We have some asteroids in the mix this month. Also, the dwarf planet Ceres in Sagittarius. You know, Taurus, 2019 is going to be one long compromise or deal. This may be about your other half, if you two are all about the marriage and mortgage. It may be about the family if you are concerned with a legacy or inheritance. Ceres is an old symbol of power imbalance, that must be made right again.

This is undoubtedly an incredible period for you, right up until early December, with so much to save or make. Yet, to get there from here, you are going to have to deal with ‘the deal’ on the Ceres hard-work days, which include the 20th of June and one week before, the 14th. Sharing out, dividing up or cutting your losses is a smart idea. You do actually have so much to gain.

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Image, Brand, Profile, Name, Title, Appearance

With not only Venus in Gemini, your own sign, but also Aesculapia, Bacchus, the Sun, the New Moon and Diana – you are allowed to be self-conscious in June. It may be your birthday, of course, in which case you will be on display, likely on Twitter if not actually in front of the candles on the cake. This is a good month to be upfront, and to be front-and-centre as well. There is a certain amount of enjoyment in your own reflection or image on the internet. You will undoubtedly be in the spotlight. In fact, as early as the New Moon in Gemini on the 3rd there could be a relaunch or rebirth. None of this ‘Me’ weather is necessarily life-changing or long term, although if it’s your birthday near the 3rd or 17th of June, there will be a project, plan or big idea that frames your name or photograph – likely, online. It speaks volumes about you.

Former, Current or Potential Partners

The other person on the opposite end of the see-saw to you, is the focus in June. This may be your former, current or potential work partner. Perhaps your old, current or potential wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/lover. There is fantastic potential here for a major solution, an amicable split (if you need one) a breakthrough for you two as a couple, or a next-level opportunity. It really depends on your personal birth chart and in many cases,  there will be a relocation or holiday for both of you. Moving or travelling, for example, could take you both higher.

You have Jupiter and Ceres, the dwarf planet, in your Seventh House all month, but for most of 2019, so this is a really important period for the chemistry you share with a certain someone. You are going to have to cut a deal, sharing the control, the time or the rights, roles and responsibilities. This also applies to work partners. There has to be a carve-up, Gemini. Just make sure it’s a yours/mine/their situation which you can live with long term. Yet, keep your eyes on the broad, sunlit horizon as well, because you have every right to think bigger and better about this person. You will see why, if you keep the faith, in November 2019.

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Your God, the Angels, the Universe, Astrology and Your Demons

There is a private space reserved for your soul or spirit – perhaps your unconscious mind, if you prefer – in your horoscope. It is often felt inside the confessional box of a Roman Catholic Church by Italian Cancerians who believe. It can also concern that which you do, behind closed doors, for less orthodox reasons. This may not be religion at all, but paganism. This cycle in June is about waking up to what is there, inside you.

Who is your God and why? Maybe you are more inclined towards ideas about astrology, the stars and planets, the universe and karma. Here too you have a wake-up call in June. The Sun in Gemini, one sign behind you, will highlight, illuminate and expose whatever is deep inside. Now, this is often the stuff of dreams. It can also be what pours out of your mouth in a counselling session with a psychologist, or a session with your Rabbi. The New Moon here, very early in June (and you are ruled by the Moon) suggests a new beginning in your very private, hidden, interior life. A fresh start for your very soul, actually, Cancer.

Workload, Routine, Lifestyle, Health, Fitness, Mental Health, Daily Life

If there is one area of your life which you can fix, boost or take further in 2019, it is your daily routine, incorporating your housework as well as your paid work or unpaid work for others, once you leave your front door. This is where you look after others, but also yourself. You can’t be expected to do your duty by those at home, at work, and even your animal companions – unless you are fit for purpose.

This means your physical and mental health, from your immunity system and energy levels, to your mental health, as depression and anxiety are the ‘common colds’ of that, in modern life. Cancer it looks as though you will hit a series of crossroads decisions about this in June. It may be down to changes with your boss, staff, lecturer, classmates, clients, colleagues or the actual organisation. Your chosen sphere in life is the target here, and although 2019 is about progress, solutions and improvements you will have to do the work in June. It’s a stretch, no doubt about it, and the Full Moon on the 17th is the perfect example of your ruler the Moon pulling in one direction, while the Sun pulls quite another way.

We have in June, quite a close encounter with your own soul, as well as your own body, so it’s time to take the machinery apart and look at it. You are not and never will be a robot with an apron, or a pipe! Taking apart every single detail of the situation in June will help you see what is required. In fact, by November you will be fulfilled by a vastly improved way of living, working and looking after yourself. Even if this feels like a hurdles exercise, keep the highest goals in mind and trot towards them. Just remember to leave more time and space alone for soul-searching.

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Pregnancy, Babies, Children, Sexual Relationships, Young Adults

Leo, you shine brightest when you play King or Queen to a younger court. These may be your own heirs to the throne (sons, daughters, young relatives, godchildren or stepchildren). They may be ‘heirs’ in a broader sense, rather like the Harry Potter readership of J.K. Rowling or the Millennials who are so influenced by Madonna. Your sign is associated with leadership, guidance, mentorship and setting an example, all of which makes 2019 an unforgettable year, in terms of the younger faces around you.

Sometimes the issue is a lover or partner, with whom you could have children, adopt them, foster them, become a stepparent to them and so on. Thus, the parenthood-potential sexual partnership may be the real story in 2019. Essentially your personal life is packed with choices if you are true to your sign and you will either be the classic maternal Leo – Meghan Markle, the late Princess Margaret, the Queen Mother, Princess Anne all being good royal examples – or you may find a less conventional way to set an example to your heirs. This naturally applies to male Leos as well. You have to find your own path to be ‘King’ to a younger court in 2019.

June is absolutely essential to your progress. This is particularly true near the 10th of June when Jupiter (the planet of opportunity, solutions, expansion, growth and hope) makes three strong patterns in your chart.  Yet, Leo, in June 2019 you are very much going to have to do the work. Key dates for this are near the 12th, 14th and particularly the Full Moon on the 17th June, which you may prefer to skip for date night as it’s a stretch.

Again, near the 20th and 23rd, you are shown why work is involved in ultimate reward. The fact is, along with all the dazzling potential of 2019, you must also compromise, repeatedly, in order to find a fair amount of control and power. A classic example would be negotiating time with your daughter, if she has just married a man who takes her away from you. A broader example might be engaging in serious give-and-take with a young, Millennial apprentice in your hair salon.

Ceres is alongside Jupiter in your Fifth House of parenthood, substitute parenthood, guidance, teaching, mentorship, leadership and also courtship, in 2019. (The kind of courtship that could lead to pregnancy or step-parenting). As much as Jupiter is a fantastic symbol of improvement, progress, big answers and sweeping new outcomes – Ceres is about gritting your teeth and accepting what you cannot change.

Leo, the fact is, nobody can have total and sole control. Not you, he, she or they. There must be a moment of truth in June when all of you, or just both of you, realise that if you are going to sort things out with each other, there will have to be a fresh agreement. A new order. A different world.

Friends and Groups

This is easily the most important month of the year for friendships, groups of all kinds (from teams to clubs) and for people power, within a community. As early as 3rd June on the New Moon, there will be a new beginning. You may join Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, the Wilderness Society or Friends of the Earth, for example. This may be when you join Twitter or Pinterest. Essentially, June is about understanding that old and new friends can be just as important to you as family members, or even partners and lovers. Friendship means a great deal this month.

Daydreams, wishes and far-off goals that seem out of your reach, can become achievable with people power in June. There will be quite a lot of effort and time involved near the 10th, 12th, 14th and particularly the Full Moon on the 17th, with another hurdle near the 23rd June, when Jupiter is opposed by Venus. However, you don’t get a sparkling new public swimming pool in your town, without a huge amount of effort made between all of you, both collectively and as individuals. Using this as an analogy, let’s just say that if you want the dream, then very near those dates I’ve mentioned above, you are all going to have to do the work.

Groups can be the most interesting distraction in the world, now. Yet, you are going to have to remember the usual Leo rules. If you do end up with a leading role, within a trade union, political party, professional organisation, football team, rock band – and so on – then you have to honour that responsibility by following role models who have shown outstanding leadership in the past. How did they do it? How is it done?

Equally, if you are just another face in the crowd, you have to remember to play your part, and take your place alongside everyone else. Thinking with the Hive Mind is the best way to create a buzz, if you are all pursuing publicity or Twitter impressions. Perhaps you just need to achieve something that you could never do alone, nor with a partner. Only a circle or network of people can deliver it in June, which is why you have work ahead. The Full Moon, when your ruler the Sun in Gemini is opposite the Moon in Sagittarius, will bring things to a head and polarise people, or chime with an inner conflict for you. Thus, the 16th, 17th, 18th June might not be the easiest dates in your diary for a dinner party, group launch, friendship reunion and so on. There are easier times.

Yet, Leo, June is still very much a month for true friendship, for people power, for solidarity within a group and for learning how to make a diverse community of people harmonious. You do have a gift for this, as Leo is the sign we associate with the Queen or King at court – like King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, or Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Camelot at the White House. As long as you don’t lord it over people (a common Leo failing) you should be drawn into the most fascinating and worthwhile social, friendship and group situations now.

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Career, Unpaid Work, University/College Education, Success, Social Position, Achievement

This is the kind of month when you could be hauled in for an inspection report by your bosses, or start your own business, under full scrutiny. It really depends on your personal birth chart, because if you are loaded with Capricorn planets, then 2019 is a major career year and June will be a crunch month. If your chart does not show a particular overload of Capricorn factors, though – it may be that June is just about your C.V. being more prominent than usual – or at least your Linked In profile.

A strong Gemini weather patch is sweeping your chart and as early as the first week’s New Moon you are off to a flying start with a particular project, role or plan. You may also start a new job or course then, naturally. Mercury is your ruler and he lines up with Panacea, a symbol of remedies and solutions – cures, if you like – on 3rd June. There may be an ethical or moral quandary here, Virgo. You know something, or someone, is your answer – in terms of success or status – but it’s a grey area.

With the Sun opposite Jupiter a few days later on 10th June ,push comes to shove, in your efforts to carve out a niche for yourself. There is an awful lot going on at the moment with your unpaid work, paid role, or studies. The fact that everyone has an opinion on it makes you see your position in life as others see it. That mirror being held up is very useful. Use what you see reflected there to make some overdue choices, particularly around the Full Moon on the 17th when it’s all about pros and cons.

Your Apartment, Family, House, Home Town, Homeland, Household

The shape of things to come is very positive indeed, with your apartment, house, family tree, relatives, household, home town, homeland and so on. In fact, all things being equal, you should be very happy by November. To get there from here, you can follow up on advantages and opportunities which appeared in the closing days of May. You only get one cycle like this every 12 years and you could be moving, renovating, redecorating, enjoying family news, reshuffling flatmates to your satisfaction or just gaining from a face in your space.

There is a suggestion here that you need to cut a deal, though. It may be about time-sharing (so a child goes between two families) or just about dividing up the space; the territory. We tend to find a carve-up when Ceres is around, and this may be about your council making new laws, or your flatmate trying to sort out refrigerator racks with you! It really depends on your personal birth chart.

Virgo aim high and keep your eyes on the prize with what you want for home and family in 2019. The door keeps banging open in June and although none of this is particularly peaceful or easy, you have to keep jumping up to answer opportunity when she knocks. You may be looking for a major solution to an old issue here, or just keen to enjoy more of what life can offer. Yet – your luck is in, if you are prepared to do some very hard work.

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The Worldwide Web, Twitter, Multimedia, Computers, Mobile Phones, Commuting and Travelling

By November, when this Jupiter cycle peaks, you will be sitting pretty with a particular project, course or big idea – and have used the technology to its fullest. In June, you may feel as if you are being pushed and pulled in different directions but try to stay with it. Like any good Tug-of-War there has to be a certain amount of puffing and heaving before you get over the line. In truth, 2019 is your best year in 12, for the most effective kind of writing, voice projection, sales talk, beat poetry, stand-up comedy and the rest. It really depends on how you communicate best! Yet, in June, you will be told – there is a better way.

This month is also about getting around town and going on short-haul journeys. The Jupiter and Ceres patterns which are picked up by the New Moon and Full Moon in June (look to the sky to see the Moon going from narrow to huge) suggest change. A different mode of transport or just a new route, perhaps. An altered idea about a holiday destination or business trip.

You are going to have to cut a deal and make a compromise over the project, plan or concept, by the way – or the course. You can’t have it all your own way, but neither can anybody else. Yet, from this, comes your biggest and best moment yet, as 2019 is the year you reach your targets, get your message across and say your piece.

Foreign People and Places, Education, Academia, Publishing, Relocation, Emigration, the Web

The big picture calls you in June. People, faces, places and spaces across town, if that is unfamiliar to you – or more likely across the nation, or the world. If you have Sagittarius factors in your personal birth chart, which many Librans do, you will take off now, and learn so much – or even relocate altogether. The Gemini weather picks up the Sagittarius weather very nicely in your chart, no matter what kind of personal horoscope you possess. Thus, June is about big-picture thinking about basic communication – rather like writing a book about your experiences in another culture or country, then realising you mislaid your dictionary.

The Sagittarius-Gemini weather in June 2019 is intense, stoked with asteroids and also the fierce little dwarf planet Ceres. You just can’t control the end product, Libra, as there are at least 2 other players who also want to make this their own or call it ‘mine’ and have done with it. The giddy joke of this all is, you would both/all do so much better collectively than apart. The trick is in knowing when to bend and knowing when to whistle!

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June is a really important clearing house for your finances. In Australia, this is your tax return, of course. No matter where you live, the ‘Crosstown Traffic’ of Sagittarius and Gemini in your horoscope will really stretch you. There may be a definite need to put other matters last and turn your attention to the calculator. Beyond the actual monetary value of your house, apartment, shares, charity, valuables, debts, savings and the rest – you would gain from a life budget. A new one, too, signaled by the New Moon on 3rd June. This will be tested at the Full Moon on June 17th, give or take a day. This test is useful because it will help you steadily save or make money, with a peak moment due to you in November 2019.

Much of this is down to what or whom you actually treasure. This is not what other people, or even the world, necessarily places a high value on. Peace of mind is priceless, isn’t it? So is integrity. These soul values never trade on Wall Street or show up in business news, but June 2019 is a cycle not seen in 12 years in your chart, where you get to take stock of what you have, what you actually need, what you want, and what you can release.

The whole world is going through the Uranus in Taurus cycle and by 2026 we will have seen individuals, perhaps whole corporations, brought to account for money laundering. Their jail terms and the seizure of their assets will release a flood of money back into the system, crash property prices (according to my colleague in Sun Sign School, Joanne Madeline Moore) and turn the world upside-down. Countries like India, never taken seriously as financial players before, may well come to rule the roost.

Now, how does this all affect you, where you live? The ripple effect is fierce all year, actually, and you do stand to gain, as Jupiter (opportunity, solutions, profits, abundance, cash flow, bargains, savings) is in your Second House of money, houses and apartments. Also, cash in kind, it must be said.

One way or another you are going to have to do an awful lot of work with the numbers in June, but you will also find there is flow, through six degrees of separation, coming from Wall Street or Washington, via Shanghai and Beijing, via Auckland! My friend on Twitter, Señor de la Vega, calls this ‘geopolitics.’ Now, that might be the last thing on your mind as you open up your eBay account to sell your wares, or figure out your tax – but being across this kind of information can help you in a cycle designed to save or make you rather a lot of money, between now and the first week of December.

At the moment your time is best used, according to your horoscope, figuring out a new life budget. Who or what is so precious to you, that it is priceless?

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Branding, Image, Relaunch, Appearances, Name, Title, Profile

On 10th June we find Jupiter in Sagittarius, in your own sign, encouraging renewal and rebirth, for yourself. This is relaunch time. You already did it once, now you can think about doing it again. You may be adjusting your title, role, personal appearance, name or online profile in June itself, or planning to do so, later this year. November, near your birthday, would be a very good time to proceed.

Does this image stuff really matter? Absolutely. In fact, we live in an age when facial recognition technology is literally deciding our fate with the police force and various governments. There is a major global fightback against that, for the obvious reason that cameras get it wrong – and in any case, who wants to walk around being spied upon when they are doing their shopping? My point is, though, you absolutely have to take your face seriously in 2019, 2020.

Jupiter is a really great piece of news in June, as the door will open to change. Maybe it’s your hair, your glasses or contact lenses. Maybe you are looking at cosmetic surgery or just the way you present and package online. Are you using Pinterest or Twitter as they were meant to be used, for example? Maybe you’re sick of Facebook. The First House of your chart, which is where we find so much movement this month, has long been associated with the head, the headshot, and ‘facing up’ to the world. It is also about fronting up, being upfront and being front-and-centre.

Sagittarius, none of this is easy or quick. It’s going to be really hard work, okay? Yet, you gain. You gain now or later. This may be weight loss for some of you. In other cases, it may be about your role or title in the world – what is there on your business card. With Ceres also in Sagittarius alongside Jupiter there will be a fair amount of tussle and negotiation about yourself. You may be doing this with your hairdresser, your publicist, or just with a huge corporation online, like Twitter, which has quite a lot of say over how you are seen, and how you appear. A blog or website is another obvious example, or maybe you are sorting out your job description or volunteer role label.

Much as we’d love to live in a world where other people read our very souls, they do not. We are sized up quickly, just as we size up others. In June, it has seldom been so important to update yourself on the realities of all this. This is relaunch, renaissance, rebirth year for you. Now, what are you going to do about it?

Former, Current, Potential Partners. Opponents, Enemies, Adversaries, Rivals

I am teaching my first intake of students at Sun Sign School now. A really common question is, ‘How can the same area of my horoscope be about my wife, as well as my enemy?” Also, “How can the guy I am taking legal action against, be ruled by the same part of my astrology chart, as the guy I have a crush on?” The answer rests with the set of scales which symbolises this area of your life. Sagittarius, the person on the other end of the scales is your concern in June. Actually, there may be two sets of scales and thus, two people.

So, this may be about your wife, but also about the man you can’t stand – your adversary – Moriarty to your Sherlock. If you were actually Sherlock, we would say that this situation was also about Dr. John Watson, your other professional half. You get the picture. June is about one or two sets of scales, or one or two see-saws in your life, and how you ‘weight’ things with the other person.

The scales may literally be those of justice or the legal process. In general, on this cycle, which can only occur once a year, they tend to be about the spiritual or soulful balance between two people. What is fair, at heart? What is equal, at the bottom of the matter? I am sure you can see this in the relationship you have with a former, current or potential partner now, because we have a New Moon on 3rd June which suggests you, he or she seems ready to make a fresh start.

The Full Moon on 17th June is a stretch by any means. You may prefer to date someone new, go to court, issue a firm email, get married, submit to a marriage-mortgage application and the rest – another time. The sky does not fall, Sagittarius, it’s just this Full Moon is hard work anyway. Why make it harder by attending to the scales or the see-saw with this person then?

You are absolutely going to have to face the emotional truths on 12th June, about a week before, on the Venus-Ceres opposition. It may help to remember that Venus is about all that is irrational, often based in vanity, and about passion, not common sense. The weather with your other half near this time will be just like that – swirling feelings, not sensible conversations! Venus often brings envy with her. It all helps you, he or she to figure out who/what matters most, doesn’t it?

This situation may be about ‘your good name’ as image is such a concern in June. It may be about being seen as Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. It really depends on your personal birth chart. If you have Aries factors there, then it makes sense that June would be about so much more than balancing the scales with another person. It would be about you, and how you are profiled and presented in the world. I dare say that 14th June is another key date (allow 24 hours either side as I have readers in Auckland and also Los Angeles). Minerva in your opposite sign of Gemini, faces off with Ceres in Sagittarius, your own sign, then. Oh, the solution! Oh, the wisdom! The sage brilliance of what you or others realise, at that point, is going to help you a great deal with your set of scales, or your seesaw. The 23rd and 24th of June also seem like obvious dates for you two to sort something out.

You were not born knowing how to negotiate relationships or partnerships. How to handle conflicts or contests. This stuff needs to be updated, and June is a really good time to pause and find that bestselling self-help book, or to hit the websites where people with long expertise and experience can assist you. This applies no matter if you are figuring out what is fair with your partner or dealing with the dating jungle for the first time, in a long time.

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Your God, the Universe, Astrology, Inner Demons, Counsellors, Therapists and Angels By Your Side

This is the year you triumph with your own soul, Capricorn, which you might also call your inner self, your higher mind, your consciousness, your unconscious mind or your spirit. It really depends on what you believe. If you believe in psychology this may be a matter of dream interpretation for you, or counselling. If you are a pagan, then it may be the Goddess. If you are a Roman Catholic it could be about your priest, and if a Jew, about your Rabbi. It’s intensely personal. At the very least you may have space in your life for astrology, because you are reading this!

This is your quiet time. Your solitude. Your relationship with your own core truths and inner essence. In 2019 you make wonderful progress here, reaching a turning point in your relationship with your God, or finding great improvement with what we might call mental health issues, like the ‘common colds’ of mental health – depression and anxiety. Capricorn, in June 2019, the right people, books, websites or organisations are around you, to help you with any obstacles or impediments. You might also just want to go higher, further and faster – in terms of your spiritual evolution.

I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, or fast, because June is not like that. In fact, the Full Moon on June 17th is a challenge to get over. Yet, if you keep your eyes on November as a deadline for final outcomes and hold onto high hopes for a thorough improvement on the inside, you will get there. According to all the laws of astrology you can only have this cycle every 12 years, and you are having it in 2019, and intensely so in June. If you do, by any chance, hear the call of religion, Buddhism, astrology itself and other ways to work on your interior life – take that call in June. Jupiter in Sagittarius in your Twelfth House of inner demons and angels on your shoulder is here to help, and the cycles are right – even if they require effort.

Lifestyle, Workload, Duty, Service, Health, Fitness, Daily Routine

As early as the New Moon on 3rd June, you will make a fresh start with your day-to-day life, involving your paid work, unpaid work and housework. Your physical and mental health and fitness is part of this story, so you may (for example) take on a project that gives you more time for a daily swim, or switch jobs so that you have less stress, and more time to relax. These are two examples of many possible outcomes, Capricorn.

In general, June is about feeling the stretch of pros and cons, in both directions, as you attempt to reshape your daily life. Your ideas about what you owe other people, in terms of your service and duty to them, will take quite a while to settle down, as you will be experimenting with what/who works for most of the month. This is down to the Crosstown Traffic of the Sagittarius-Gemini patterns in your chart.

The Full Moon on 17th June will call out any compromises you need to make, no matter what the core questions are about the work or study you do, and the shape you are in to tackle the usual duties and chores, the obligations or terms of service. You may prefer to avoid that day for major decisions, as it’s a stretch anyway! When the Sun is opposite the Moon, you tend to deal with polar opposites, or inner conflict, regarding doctors, food, drink, drugs (prescribed or illegal), surgeons, healers and the like. We might throw gyms and swimming pools into that too. And of course, bosses, staff, colleagues, clients, lecturers or classmates.

The Full Moon is a full stop. It lets you see how things have gone on for you since 3rd June and makes it necessary to end the month with a series of trade-offs with yourself and others as you reshape your lifestyle and work style.

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Friends, Groups, Clubs, Teams, Unions, Societies, Charities, Bands, Associations, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube

You could reach ‘peak Aquarius’ by November 2019 if you do the work now, with that group of people. This may be purely social, so it’s a yoga class or a book group. It may be about genuine, long-standing friendship (pre-internet) that goes back many years for all of you. Aquarius, you are also the famous ‘feeder’ of good causes or people power, so perhaps June for you will be about a political party, environmental organisation like Sea Shepherd or the Wilderness Society, or a trade union. Better than any other sign of the zodiac you understand what a community can achieve. Shared group goal weight loss? Maybe. How about changing the world? Because you can in 2019.

The Sagittarius weather begins with Diana opposite Jupiter in that sign, on 10th June. Across June 9th, 10th, 11th you will be shown what is possible, how to achieve it, how to keep the door open – and turn the key in the lock. This is a really slow process and I don’t think June will be fast or easy for you. Yet, you have to hold your gaze to the biggest and broadest horizon. Everything is possible.

You go through a relaunch in December 2020 like no other, and the year 2021 will be very different for you, in terms of your name, face, profile, title and the rest. Perhaps what happens in June is a nod to that, if your particular group involvement also depends on your image relaunch.

Even if it’s not about ‘me’ or you, you, you – June is certainly about friendship. Aquarians have a particular gift for that, feeding the community. Supplying the people with what they need, to lift each other up where they belong, is your stock in trade. Germaine Greer still supplies feminists with the right words – the right ideas – when she is not busy shocking them. John Lydon still supplies musicians with inspiration. Oprah Winfrey is a famous ‘group feeder’ and her online community is powerful.

You shine brightest as a friend to everyone. You understand friendship for its own sake. No agendas. No game-playing. You can be a friend, and have friends, in a really remarkable way in June, as Jupiter rotates through his 12-year cycle of improvement, growth, repair work, expansion, hope, healing and ‘higher ground.’ By November you will look back at the work you did with particular friends and groups in June and see what you achieved. For now, believe. Have faith. The transiting South Node goes into Sagittarius, by 2021, and that means good karma collection for you. Do all you can in June 2019 to renew and build precious friendships within the wider circle.

Pregnancy, Babies, Children, Millennials and Generation Y, Sexual Relationships

As early as the New Moon on 3rd June, Aquarius, you could be welcoming a new child in your world. It really depends on your personal birth chart and the factors you have in the zodiac signs Cancer or Leo – yet, much is possible. This may be a friend’s baby who becomes your godchild, or your own adoption process.

The more diluted news on 3rd June will be about an existing son, daughter, young relative, stepchild or godchild – perhaps younger people en masse, like a group of Millennials or a vast General Y audience. Still, it feels like the birth of something new and it is. This new pathway will be tested several times in June as you have to stop over temporary obstacles. Long-term, you will know where everything stands for you as a parent, aunt, uncle, godparent, grandparent (or through your professional involvement with younger faces) on the Full Moon on 17th June.

That will be a time of reckoning, as June is really ’reshape month’ when you get to grips with what matters, and who matters, to you most. As a parent, mentor to younger people, guide to teenagers, life coach figure to children, teacher and the rest – you have your work cut out for you this month. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, though. The more you pour into this, the better, as when the North Node goes into this same area of your horoscope (obvious in 2021) karma calls. Every little trace on your Akashic Record is noted down, from June 2019, at that time. So do your best. Give your best and hope for the best.

Sexual relationships with parenthood potential are also a keynote of this cycle. If you do not want pregnancy then be aware of the risk of it, now.

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Success, Ambition, Position and Mission

2019 has huge potential for your career, unpaid role or university/college degree. You will reach peak outcomes in November, so if you want the very best, do the work in June. It really will be work, too, Pisces! If you are going to remove obstacles that stand in the way of your success, or just reach higher and further to some ultimate accomplishment, then now is the time to put your head down and plough through.

The opposition of Diana to Jupiter on 10th June, on the same day that the Sun also opposes Jupiter, is a case in point. You can see the solution or the huge open door. Yet, getting there will probably feel like a real stretch, either because of polar opposites around you, or your own internal conflict. Mixed feelings on the outside or inside. This is repeated with the Venus-Ceres opposition on 12th June, so this part of the month feels like a real ‘ask’ in terms of staying the course with what you want.

Going to score goals is a smart idea. Rather than fixate on one project, organisation, company or brand – think about the general scope of what you want. You should very obviously see the potential status points or sacks-of-success as you draw closer to 23rd June, but rather than ‘name names’ in your vision of achievement to yourself, it may be more useful to visualise the broad brushstrokes.

This cycle is associated with social climbing. Going from working class to middle class. From middle class to the upper classes. From the upper classes to royalty. It is associated with prestige, elite status and Room at the Top, to quote that British literary classic. This cycle is about climbing higher within the system. It is associated with promotion, awards, number one hits, new roles with prestigious responsibility and title and – sometimes a complete change of field or profession – if that is the only thing that will allow you to fly higher.

June is very hard work at times, as the oppositions near the 10th, 12th, 14th, 17th make evident. You also have Ceres alongside Jupiter in Sagittarius in your Tenth House of ambition. Ceres is a dwarf planet associated with demotion and promotion – reshuffles – changes in the balance of power. For all that Jupiter is giving you opportunities and solutions this month, Ceres is likely to ‘dwarf’ particular people or organisations in your chosen field and shrink them down to size, minimising their importance and standing. If you are swept up in a restructure it will ultimately work out for you as you are protected by Jupiter in 2019, with peak outcomes in November.

Ceres in your Tenth House of success, ambition, social climbing, promotion and aspiration is opposed by Venus on 12th June, Minerva on 14th June, Aesculapia on 14th June, Bacchus on 20th June – so from around the 12th to the 20th, depending on your country (I have readers in Los Angeles as well as Auckland) – you seem certain to be dealing with an almighty reshuffle of rights, roles and responsibilities. A compromise and a carve-up.

From this will come a terrific solution or fantastic opportunity, but it will take time – months – and in June itself it will require very hard work.

House, Apartment, Family, Hometown, Homeland, Household

You will have a fresh start with your people or your place near 3rd June, Pisces, and a classic example would be a relative switching her life decisions, or a painter arriving to sort out your kitchen. Depending on your personal birth chart, if you have factors in Cancer in your horoscope, the news could be bigger. A relocation to a new property, or a birth or departure in the family.

The Gemini weather in June does not change your home life or family life, unless you do have that Cancer placement in your birth chart. In general, it is about spring-cleaning in the Northern Hemisphere or an autumn ‘Spark Joy’ (thank you Marie Kondo) in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s really about house guests, home repairs, perhaps new flatmates, a decision by your Dad, and so on. The Sun-Jupiter opposition on 10th June is interesting, because it highlights what you need to see and know about your people or your place.

On a wider scale this is about your hometown and your homeland, so the political may affect the personal. It will be a stretch on the Full Moon on 17th June, when you may prefer to clear the decks and keep life nice and simple, as you will have enough to deal with, without adding to that.

This also applies to home maintenance, family reunions, flatmate/roommate summits and so on. Skip that Full Moon which you will feel across 16th, 17th, 18th June. It’s really just that you, or those around you, are feeling pulled in opposite directions then. There are easier times to address your home, property interests, family, council, government, residency and so on!

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