Monthly Horoscopes at


Your Monthly Horoscope​
for January

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for January. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


Happy New Year! You can pick up your 2019 Horoscope right here. If you are a Premium Member, throughout January you can also collect additional Tarot and Astrology Oracle forecasts, diaries and journals to download, which cover your whole year ahead from all angles. Also, this month? True news predictions from 2018.

Are you in Hobart, Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney in January and February? I have free astrology events for you with special guests Stephanie Johnson and Joanne Madeline Moore. Waitlist here now and put your name down early to avoid disappointment as place are limited. Premium Members can join me for pre-event exclusives and post-event drinks. Fun.

PS: I’m coming to Adelaide too. Check out this interview with Cosmic Carol on Radio Adelaide to see what’s in store for March.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

The only issue with Jupiter, the planet of ‘more, more, more’ and ‘never enough’ is that you can spread yourself too thinly across two parts of town, two regions or even two countries. You now need to sort that out, if possible, as the potential is fantastic for you in 2019, but as we just had a very long Mercury Retrograde alongside Jupiter, you may be a little off balance or disorganised. You actually need to be as focussed, centred and grounded as possible (even if you keep the two places on the map connected). The reason for this is differences in opinion between yourself and others. This is just a communication issue. The irony is you all have remarkably similar ideas or views anyway. Together you could do so much! You’ll see this group situation unfold from January 21st and from the 25th you do all need to start talking. Given the vast number of Tweets or emails that could be involved, maybe you want to do this face-to-face? Just a thought. With any luck you can sort this out by the New Moon on February 4th.

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We have a total eclipse on 21st January in your zone of extended family and immediate relatives – or your household, if that feels more like your family. This is always a blind spot. What you need to pay attention to is one particular relative or flatmate, as although things feel secure, one face in particular is not all that settled. Attention must be paid, as Arthur Miller said. You begin 2019 in a good place with your groups, teams, clubs, bands, societies, associations, political parties, networks and the rest. Yet again, you may want to look at the people here as individuals and give them what they need, rather than just allowing everyone to function as some kind of backing or background, en masse. All too soon we find Mercury Retroshadow from mid-February and you will be glad you had everything watertight by then, as any loose ends with your friends or others in the group could so easily unravel by March.

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You are financially secure in January and have more than enough to go around, with some interesting apartment or house questions hovering in the background. You can thank the Capricorn and Cancer weather for that, as both these zodiac signs rule your security, assets, savings, investments and wealth. One interesting question for you might be about the ‘flow’ part of cash flow! Are you hanging on too tightly or clinging too tenaciously to what you have? Is there a smarter way to manage your money? Maybe you need to put it into a place where it can grow or be tax-efficient. Perhaps there is too much Cancer-the-crab style pincer movement here! (If you are a Gemini there is a very good chance you have Cancer factors in your personal birth chart, which can bring out your inner clinger). Gemini, this is also the right time of year to look at bubbles, particularly with property, and with any kind of share or stock that takes both your feet off the ground. It’s the kind of month when you can really sort things out with business, charity, the bank, property and so on – but tried and tested advice would be very handy and maybe a second opinion could help too.

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You want to travel or move, or perhaps both, in January. Quite right too. You have Neptune, which is your escape from the real world, making tempting patterns in your zone of yachts, cruises, flights, road trips and removal vans. There is a very good reason for your longing for a new location (even if it’s just across the bridge and on the other side of town). You have 2-3 really promising ideas or plans which are going nowhere, in your current location. This may be because your work place, professional life, unpaid work environment or university is just not right. Going further, it may be your entire city, region or country that is not exactly helping things grow! Quite rightly, you wonder about other possibilities elsewhere and the fact that others are pioneering that, gives you the motivation. They are prepared to try, so why not you? Cancer, the only thing to say here is that Neptune can make you a little ungrounded, but also somewhat blind to what is actually in hand. The fact is, you may be overlooking a couple of really promising brainwaves or plans, in favour of what is front-and-centre. Try to multi-task. You’re also speculating without actually having the time-frame figured out. You have go-faster stripes but you’re not moving. Try to get your head around the calendar or schedule. Some of these concepts of yours are really time-dependent if they’re going to take off elsewhere. Finally – Cancer, sometimes you have this cycle when you never leave your desk or chair but do it all online. Thus the ‘journeys’ are with your computer mouse! The same message applies. Figure out a realistic time frame for this if you can.

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You will be closer to the man at the top of your profession, university degree, unpaid work or family network this month. If you are an older Leo male you may well find yourself questioning your position, mission and ambition. What will it take to stay there? Do you want to stay there, even, or find another mountain to climb? In most cases, Leo, January is about figuring out what it would take to gain approval, co-operation and support from your boss, lecturer, VIP colleague and so on. It has taken a very long climb for this man to get to where he is. Recognising that ascent and also understanding and respecting his position will help you get closer to this all-important person. If you want to get anywhere in 2019, Leo, you are going to have to put this man first, in January. Are you after his job? Do you just want him to hire you? Are you concerned about his plans for you, the company, organisation and so on? We have a huge amount of activity in the ambitious, careful and cautious sign of Capricorn now in your Sixth House of work, study and unpaid work.

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We have clouds of Neptune billowing across your horoscope this month. Neptune rules illusions that only become real when you understand that you have to be practical and reach for what you want. Also, perhaps, to avoid what and who you don’t want. You have some visions of unloveliness in your imagination or perhaps your dreams. This is natural with Neptune in your zone of opponents, enemies, baddies, toxic people and organisations and so on! It’s also mythical. Why are you letting these puffs of nothing take up space in your head? You would be far better off considering the money you could be making or saving. It’s out there for you. It may be there in the shape of a particular apartment or house. A valuable asset. A career related possibility! Rather than being paralysed into inaction by who/what you dislike or fear – or what seems so tempting but out of reach – try to bring it all down to earth. You are an earth sign after all. If you want to be richer in 2019, you can be. There is no reason why on earth not. Uranus is leaving your finance and property zone, so stability can return. Chiron is moving in, so nothing is beyond you.

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If you need to begin 2019 with a much closer relationship with your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, the stage is set. If you are interested in someone you kissed on New Year’s Eve or ended up in a haybarn with – the stage is also set. Do you need to heal a rift with your ex and get back together? Are you wondering if this is the time to become engaged, get married, move in together or start a pregnancy? Libra, there is something bigger than you going on this month and it’s called Uranus Direct in Aries. This is your opposite sign and it rules your opposite number. Your (former) opponent, which is often the partner you are doing battle with, or someone who is in your past. It is also your opposite, sexually, in terms of ‘opposites attract.’ This planet turns direct on January 7th and this is his last gasp in this area of your chart. From March, Uranus is gone. The not-knowing vanishes, then. At the moment you are in the not-knowing space, but if you have children, or babies/adoption/step-parenting is the big question here, you’re likely to start talking seriously from January 25th. Libra, if you are ready to leave – to break up or even divorce – this really is now or never. If you did get married, though, there is no way the planets will let you forget your church wedding vows in January.

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You will be travelling or moving in January or deciding which international face to make a commitment to. You will be spoiled for choice, Scorpio, as parts of the United States, Europe, Great Britain and Australasia will all be calling you (or their locals will). Try to keep it real and make a decision while you are in this great space for doing so. If nothing feels quite real, it is because you have not made it so. Yet, while we have Jupiter (opportunity) in Sagittarius (regional and foreign connections) for the first time in 12 years, the world is your oyster. The price will be right, or the timing for business will be ideal. Even if you just plant a few seeds now and pack your bags or boxes later in 2019, there are some fascinating options here to explore. The other rare pattern right now involves the North Node in your zone of exploration and adventure for the first time in 19 years. There’s a lot of ‘rare’ about January, Scorpio.

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Children, teenagers or younger people (with a noticeable age gap) are here to distract and divert you in January. If you are a Sagittarian Cougar you may be tempted by a dalliance with a date who is young enough to be your son. In most cases, though, January is just about learning from those born 20+ years after you. We have an interesting phenomenon called Uranus Direct on January 7th, and that means experiments, discoveries, departing from the beaten track and allowing for everybody and everything that is unique. As Uranus changes direction in the area of your horoscope associated with your son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandson, stepchild, godchild and also – young people’s needs or entertainment – it’s time to dance with life. You also have a pattern in your relatives’ zone which suggests immediate or even extended family could be where life becomes confused and confusing – if rather entertaining. This is a schoolchild or Millennial who inhabits his/her own little world. Will you join in or just get your feet wet?

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Mars, the planet of action, changes signs on January 2nd so it’s time to roll up your sleeves and sort out the family tree, or your place in the world. Uranus, the planet of new beginnings – and the fine art of chopping and changing – also makes important patterns on January 7th. You are leaving 2018 behind so rapidly and with such force that you probably leave a wind current in your wake. Sometimes, Capricorn, is it another member of the family who wants to break out like this and break through. This is possible too. Yet, rather than let someone else seize the day, you may want to take full advantage of these horoscope shifts and ask yourself who or what needs pruning, cutting, trimming or even axing. If you feel that one branch of the family is all over the joint, for example, that might be a good place to start. I mentioned your place as well as your people. If this is really about what feels like home to you – again, you have a mission to accomplish. A proper quest! As a secondary but related matter, there is also a group, network, circle, team and so on that needs to regroup. The structure has to change, and it will, by the third week.

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It takes time for money to grow, and also to round, as you desire. January is about cultivating wealth or security. Saving or making cash. Mars spends the first day of the new year in this area of your chart. Dreamy Neptune is there all month long. There is a lot to be said for constructive daydreaming, Aquarius, as I am sure you know. It’s served you pretty well so far. Yet, Neptune is also associated with fuzzy thinking, hazy ideas and a lack of proper perspective. It is important that you keep it real, in this time of unreality! I mention that because all too soon you are going to hit the usual befuddlement of Mercury Retroshadow and the second half of February and most of March will be a real stretch unless you sort out the cash now. What are you missing? You have something right at your feet that you need to sort out.

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You are allowed to go within, during January, as from the 21st we see Aquarius weather, one sign behind your own. Going behind the scenes, under cover, below the surface (into your own inner space) or just under wraps is perfectly understandable. There are also good reasons for this need for privacy or solitude. Beyond the Aquarius weather, which extends into February, you also have some emotional matters to deal with. You need to figure out who and what to keep, for 2019 and who and what to leave behind. Are you going to move on or try to do some repair work? You are currently dealing with karma going back 19 years and more (even into past lives) and it directly concerns the pregnancies that did or did not happen. It concerns children, godchildren, stepchildren, young relatives. It concerns lovers and partners for whom parenthood was/is a massive issue. No wonder you need to figure things out by yourself. You need a lot of time and space for that, and you will get it. Yet when the moment is right, reserve your right to choose what to do about 2019.

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