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Your Monthly Horoscope​
for February

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for February. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


Welcome to February

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Astrology predicts the future. It’s the human weather forecast, designed to warn and protect – when it has to.

Astrology predicted global bugs and viruses, way back on 28th March 2019, specifically for 10th January 2020 which gave us the Microsoft Killer Windows 10 Bug, as well as the first Corona Virus case. Read the original astrology bug and virus 10.01.20 prediction for more details. It’s here. Read down to the end.

How far ahead did astrology see the floods and storms of February 2020? Over two years ago, so you could plan ahead. Date-stamped predictions about Sydney, London and other world centres were published here on the 7th of September 2017. 

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

You will play a waiting game that benefits you, February-May, Aries. You will be stuck between one side of the family tree, and the other – in terms of location (town or country), people (the relatives), culture (history and heritage) or more spiritual reasons.

This may be your mother’s side or father’s side. Your side, or your partner’s side. The reason for this is the strange, stuck behaviour of the Mean North Node in Cancer. This is the zodiac sign which rules your place in the world. Your roots. Where you belong, or which two places you might go between. We’re also seeing Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, which is the big dangle! That is further ahead, but you need to be aware of it in February. The actual karma is over with your family, house, city, country, apartment or household – from May. Just three months away! Yet, as your diary would typically have plans for a family vacation, relocation, holiday, home repair/renovation in mid-2020, you need to know when Mercury is looming.

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House, Apartment, Family, Town, Household, Country

Those dates for delays, reversals or changes are June 2nd until July 27th, 2020, so count June and July as a whole. Whenever we see Mercury stuck, going backwards or suspended on the same degree (he manages to hang around at 14 degrees for about a week in June) there’s a hold-up. Either you cannot make your mind up about your direction, or you find that life trips you up.

I drew a couple of Tarot cards for you, Aries, and they both said the same thing in different ways. There is a real need to belong. To feel at home. To have a sense of place. It may end up being two places, or a big choice between one or the other. You really feel this in February 2020, but as I said – you need to plan ahead.

We also have an eclipse in Cancer, in the same spot – home or family tree, place or space – on June 21st, 2020. That doesn’t exactly make things any clearer, so please be aware of it if you had major family, home, property, vacation or flatmate/roommate plans ahead. The fact is, the North Node and South Node make angles to the Sun from the final week of February forwards into March, so it’s very much in the air.

The pay-off for you is spiritual awakening. You have Neptune in Pisces, so you need to be stuck, so you can become enlightened. There is another eclipse in Cancer on July 5th, 2020, so it’s going to take quite some time for you to get moving, shake yourself back to life and make some kind of choice.

Spiritual Awakening and Soul-Searching

Aries, there is so much more to February 2020 and the next few months than just where you live, or to whom you belong. So, let’s take a look at the spiritual awakening and soul-searching.

Debbi Kempton-Smith wrote of Neptune that he symbolised the Rolls Royce of human endeavour – ‘honesty, causing hurt to no one, compassion, service, sacrifice, empathy, humility, subtlety – ‘ At its best that is what a Neptune cycle in the Twelfth House can produce. Without action of any kind you fall into meditation. You receive spiritual truths. Your soul progresses.

Dangling February-May 2020

So, dangle away. But, at some point, you are going to have to heave yourself into action, Aries, as that Node is leaving your home and heritage zone, and you must figure out what feels right for 2020.

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When you see Pluto, Saturn, Ceres, Jupiter and other key factors like the Mean South Node, all line up in your travel and relocation zone, as 2020 begins – well. You tell me! The only issue is making the finances a reality, so that you can afford the time, or afford the obvious costs, to be on your way. In any case, I think you’ll have major connections overseas, interstate or out of town and these are heavily fated. You may even have seen the same issues in a previous lifetime, if you are open to that – Taurus.

Richard Sterling, way back in 1968, was describing Jupiter as “the planet of good fortune, expansion and opportunity” and nothing has changed. It’s out there for you, beyond your front door, or airline security – or coming in, the other way. You see, you are also in a position to welcome some kind of exchange or visit.

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Expanded Horizons

You are going to see Jupiter expand your horizons throughout 2020 and open the gate to other parts of your country, or foreign places, spaces and faces. Yet, I can also see you have a major karmic settlement year with money, as the Mean North Node moves into your Second House of cash flow, the bank and debts.

The Mean South Node moves into your Eighth House, which rules other people’s money. So – marriage and mortgage. Or family money. Child support and your overseas business revenue. Those new Asian/Australasian/European/American agreements having an intensely personal impact! Those are just a few examples which will be obvious as you go into February, Taurus.

The gateway to travel or moving, is also the gateway to new knowledge. You could learn a different language while you are there, or train before you go. Yet, there is really no point unless you have made the big emotional and psychological leap about money. Feeling you deserve it – feeling it’s real and not just a tantalising piece of potential – is really important.

Move, Emigrate or Travel Ambitiously

Otherwise you are going to move, emigrate or take an ambitious trip away (perhaps find a holiday home) without what you need. And what you need, in order to have the full-blown Jupiter experience, is money. This is a Jack Kerouac kind of year, for so many Taurus people (On the Road) but it’s very Taurean, in the sense that you’re out there because of the dollar, not the road.

There is this other cycle going on in your personal birth chart too, with Uranus (radical change, freedom, liberation) going through Taurus, and thus your Second House of rent, mortgages, salary, debts, investments and so on. The fact is, if you want to be free, you can be, but you are going to have to reach for it, financially.

Soon after the Nodes change signs in May, it’s game on. In the year 2020, it is also possible that you are going to learn just as much, from visitors, tourists, travelers or migrants. The faces behind the import and export.

As much as you are on the inside staring out at Europe, Asia, New Zealand, Canada and so on – others are looking in. This raises all sorts of interesting questions about home exchange, but that’s another story.

Foreign Places and People

If your life revolves around foreign trade deals, out-of-town agreements, export, import, local currency exchange and so on – I predict this will be a really huge year for you, not just in terms of you stepping out with your bags packed, but also because of who wants to come in. You’ll be teaching others about your culture, background, beliefs, language – just as much as they teach you, Taurus. This is obvious in February 2020 and is true all year.

Your ruler Venus spends a very long time in your Second House of money, price tags, life budgets and the rest in 2020, spending April-July going backwards and forwards and that may be when you do your sums about an escape in a new place, a couple of really major trips – or a different life elsewhere. In other cases that may be when you welcome in visitors or permanent residents. In February 2020 you are still pretty much concerned with the intense Cancer-Capricorn weather of January which has brought this into your life. So – you’ll be dealing but keep dealing too.

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The Bigger Picture

In February, we see the first of the Aquarius weather which will reshape your thinking in 2020, Gemini. This is not just about the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius (which rules the bigger picture for you). It is also about the imminent arrival of Ceres in Aquarius.

You will teach or study (perhaps both) in 2019 at a remarkable new level, with those who are very special. Of course, teaching or study does not have to be formal. You do not have to be a professor to pass things on. Nor do you have to be writing a thesis to learn.

In the year 2020, we find Ceres, Jupiter and Saturn all taking their turn in Aquarius, in your house of knowledge and belief. Richard Sterling described Saturn as “the planet of Destiny” back in 1968 and so it is. There is a strong feeling of ‘now is the time’ in 2020, however you choose to play teacher or student.

With Neptune in your house of achievement, we find you (according to Margaret Hone, some seventy years ago) with your head in the clouds, but also at your most inspirational and perhaps spiritual. These are all key words for Neptune. Hone likened Neptune to acting under inspiring urges from the intangible and that’s where we find you this year.

Understanding and Knowledge

With expansive, open, fortunate Jupiter nearby – together with cautious, controlled, practical, serious Saturn – you will embrace what there is to learn, know and pass on in 2020 – but knowing just how responsible you have to be. If you do happen to be a teacher, 2020 will be an unforgettable year for you. Of course there are many Gemini people in the media, or on the internet, who also transmit and broadcast, without needing a desk.

The North Node and South Node move backwards into Gemini, your own sign, from May 2020 – and Sagittarius, the sign to be associated with academia. That’s only three months away as you read this and it’s very much hinted at in February. Academia, education, informal self-study, workshops, seminars and worldwide web passions – all you can read and watch – show up.

The Gemini Node puts you center-stage and in fact you have done this many times before, at intervals of 19 years, moving backwards into time. Some Indian astrologers would say you are remembering a past life as a priest, shaman, lecturer, guru or similar.

One of your two twins will now step forward. Gemini is associated with communication, intelligence and also the use of the hands in writing or manual occupations. This is where we find a magazine columnist as much as a storyteller or translator – a linguist or publisher.

The Sagittarius Weather in 2020

Hinted at in February is the Sagittarius weather to come. Sagittarius is associated with horse trainers, lawyers (the kind who teach the jury), philosophers, astrologers (the prophetic kind), rabbis, barristers, ministers. Gemini, given your multi-tasking and juggling abilities you might pick and choose from all sorts of disciplines to both educate yourself in 2020 and pass it on.

In this sense you are rather like a lightning rod or a conductor for what comes, as well as what is known. Together with that Neptune transit, this is a year to inspire, but also be inspired. I know that your ruler Mercury is Retrograde Shadow, as February begins, and so you are going to spin your wheels with these broader intellectual, internet, spiritual or global horizons! It can be frustrating to go forwards, backwards, see nothing happen at all – then have to go over old ground. Yet, even if you wind up doing this in March, you should still heed February’s big signals.

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She (or He) Who Matters So Much

February finds you taking stock of January, when so much took place involving your former, current or potential partner. You are being given a chance to absorb and process, ready for the next stage, Cancer. And, of course, it’s Saint Valentine’s Day, which has a big pull for so many people born under your sign.

The year 2020 finds Jupiter, Saturn, Ceres, the South Node and Pluto all in your house of duets, double acts, partnerships – and also, it has to be said, separations, divorces and partings. It really depends on your personal birth chart and how you have been dealing with the recent eclipses in Leo over the last few years. (Leo rules pregnancy and children in your personal birth chart). I really don’t think this is anything new for you to read! In fact, you have been immersed in this phase of your life since December.

Back in 1968, the brilliant astrologer Richard Sterling described Jupiter as a symbol of expansion and that is what will now strike you about a one-on-one connection. Things feel wide open for the two of you.

If you do decide to call it a day with your husband or wife, the new life begins. And it will feel very new indeed. You may use the situation to pass through the gates of a relationship or marriage that is no longer close, and head towards friends and groups in particular. We have major Aquarius weather in February-March, Cancer, and so for a lot of people born under your sign, this is really about the money. The funding or business. The investment or shares. The possessions, house or apartment. This may be a past, present or potential partnership in purely professional, business or charity terms. Not just the heart!

As the year goes on, Cancer, you’re going to see social media, your social circles, and the social round matter more – in the context of this other person. The other side. Your other half of the see-saw. Why friends and groups? Uranus, the planet of change, is in that house of your chart. First, though, let’s look at what is going on with the other half of your equation.

This may not be sexual or romantic at all, as I’ve said. It may be a professional partnership which is now reaching an amicable close. You two would still be tied, but not connected. More commonly, after you have been dealing with many years of transits in your Seventh House, Cancer, you find yourself with a parting of the ways in a marriage or common-law marriage.

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More Space Between You

If you two are to stay together beyond Saint Valentine’s Day, into the months ahead, it would be with more independence, space between you, and a very different structure in the relationship. Jupiter has a way of throwing creative solutions at a marriage or partnership and it may be that you move further apart, in order to stay more fruitfully connected. This also throws open the doors to the new importance of friends or groups in your lives.

Together or apart (or coupled with someone new, which seems inevitable for single Cancer people, or those looking for a work partner) life is enriching. The British astrologer Margaret Hone associated Jupiter with all that was fortunate, large in outlook and optimistic. This planet now joins Pluto, which she rightly associated with renewal and regeneration. This is a year of beginnings and endings.

The key to ‘two’ in 2020 is to understand that you can be very much together with someone without having to be close, no matter if this is geographical closeness (a long-distance relationship is possible) or psychologically too close (nobody wants to be suffocated in a marriage).

Amicable Separations or More Space?

So, an amicable separation or divorce for many – and the beginning of a very open new relationship for others. Within a committed marriage or partnership, you would expect there to be a new sort of connection and communication between you. You can very much operate as a unit of two (of course) but have a totally different system – one with so much more independence.

I mentioned your social life, the groups, societies, circles and communities in your world – and the friends. They seem central to the whole business, actually. And they’re not the usual suspects, as Uranus in your zone of socialising suggests those who are unusual.

“The urge towards freedom” wrote Margaret Hone, many years ago – and there is a great sense of space, showing in your chart. The welcome mat is out for this very different kind of life. Hone did not use Ceres (she was only promoted to planet in 2006) but this heavenly body is also very important.

Ceres in Your Horoscope

Ceres describes division, sharing, carved-up territory – and that is why 2020 seems certain to begin with just that sort of understanding between you and a key person. You’ll both figure out the turf between you and find that the distance opens things up for you socially. We’re going to see this planet move through your financial, business, property and charity sector in February and beyond, so the numbers are a big part of the discussions.

I know a lot of astrologers don’t use Ceres, but this powerful planet, the equal of Pluto, has been influencing your double act, duet or duel since November 17th, 2019 and has forced a new way of operating and communicating by Friday the 31st of January 2020 – with more to come. Now you are over the really emotional intense aspects, Cancer, I suspect February-March will be about the numbers. Price tags and the ‘cost’ (spiritual, emotional, psychological) of the issues between you both is February’s core.

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Adjusting to Your January Lifestyle Changes

Ever since December 21st, 2017 you have been putting up with work politics, or difficult questions about who is top dog in your profession, university, college, industry, business – or with your unpaid work. January was intense. In fact, it was historic. Now, you are moving into the adjustment/acceptance zone of February.

You can be Jacinda Ardern, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama on this cycle (all Leo) and have had Donald Trump to live with. It may be that your entire field of operations has been hit by someone who tried to take over your turf, specifically in 2018 or 2019. January was obviously the big shift.

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Your Place in the World

Back in 1968 Richard Sterling described Uranus as ‘the planet of sudden change and unexpected events’ and that still holds. Uranus is now transiting your sector of work, high society, the men and women at the top, the pecking order – and ambition. This is hinted at in February 2020 but as you are obviously planning your diary for the year ahead already, it is worth knowing more about work. Perhaps, too, your voluntary involvements, or your studies.

You will be relieved to hear that 2020 is a big improvement. Let’s see why and look at some specific dates for you. Late April to late May is one period to bear in mind. Your ruler the Sun joins Uranus in your Tenth House of achievement, at that time. This is really not that far away, and the wheels are turning now!

I quote the brilliant astrologer, Howard Sasportas: “If we haven’t acknowledged our need for some sort of change in our work situation at this time, we may be forced into changing.” A snap promotion, or an equally sudden axing of the boss (to be replaced by someone so new) is possible. I suspect you would know about this April-May when the Node leaves your work, unpaid work and university/college zone, as the Sun enters your goals/roles zone!

The Mind and the Body

In astrology, we don’t separate the body from the spirit and mind. So, what has happened to you at work (or home) in 2018, 2019 has affect how you feel physically or mentally. This was really obvious in January, just gone. It was about the ‘machine’ – being you! As I write this on a Hobart-Sydney flight, above Australia, the woman opposite me is standing in the aisle giving herself a full back massage. I kid you not. Leo also rules the back.

Maybe that is your issue! But your personal birth chart will reveal what January was telling you, in terms of your body and its needs. So often in December-January the body acted out whatever feelings you had, regarding – work, housework, unpaid work, study.

Queen or King of the Zodiac

You are the Queen or King of the zodiac but there have been serious, long-lasting, challenges regarding your place in the hierarchy. So, this very new year – so far – has been about the politics between boss, staff, colleagues. Professors, students or teachers. If you’ve been the reigning monarch, it can be very hard to accept that other people are boss.

What will happen in 2020, with Uranus (the planet of sudden, exciting events) in your career, success, ambition, achievement, mission and position zone is exhilarating. It’s not guaranteed, because you have to want it! Yet, Leo, it’s hinted at in February. I would describe this as ‘potential all-change’ in your field, or at home, if that is where the chain of command is.

You have to believe in it, reach for it and make it happen. But – Leo – you could either become Queen or King in a flash, in your chosen field, following a bolt from the blue – or accept a new leader. A person who is actually worthy of the title she/he receives. High status that’s earned. February suggests what 2020 can bring.

Accepting a new employer, boss, or other leader might be the only thing you need. A change at the top. I’m not discounting you getting to the top, either. It depends on how much you want it.

We’re also going to see Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, join Pluto, the planet of reshuffles, in your sector of work, duty and service in 2020. This, together with the shock value of Uranus in your achievement zone, suggests a new King or Queen. Maybe more than once, if you believe it’s possible. Regime change.

Do You Have to Serve Somebody?

Wherever you feel you have to serve somebody, though (to quote Bob Dylan) you have been experiencing huge issues about who or what is in control. Who or what has the power?

What you’re going to see in 2020 is new room at the top. There are so many ambitions for you to conquer. Nothing can really happen until the pecking order is sorted out, though.

Uranus is about the ‘Wham, bam’ factor in life and it can come from nowhere. It’s a little like King George III waking up to realise he was no longer King of America.

Pluto in your Sixth House of work does rather suggest something dramatic in 2020. Margaret E. Hone D.F. Astrology. S. associated Pluto with ‘beginnings and endings’ and all that is revealing. She also associated Pluto with ‘quick, eliminative, getting-rid of action’. This was written in 1951, almost 70 years ago.

Using February to Plan April-May ‘Unplans’

When we also find Uranus, which she associates with all that is disruptive – in your sector of achievement and ambition – there’s a story to tell. My money would be on Monday, April 20th until Friday, May 1st, 2020, as a possible window for radical change at the top. You really need to use February to plan your April-May ‘unplans!’

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Tactics and Strategy in February 2020

Everything about 2020 is tactics and strategy, Virgo. February is a huge part of that. You are going to learn a lot as the Sun changes signs at the end of the month. What sinks in, will help you all year – and for life. What I am seeing in your chart is a lot of action in your opposite sign of Pisces, which means you have to box clever. You can be pre-emptive this year, for example, and remove any potential for an issue with people, before it ever develops.

You have Mercury Retrograde opposite you in Pisces. You have Ceres against you, also in Pisces. Neptune in Pisces, the sign always in opposition to you – is familiar. This is an excellent time to figure out strategies and first moves and get far ahead of the game. You are a superb tactical and methodical thinker, and now is the time.

This does not mean that literal groups of Pisces have to be where you duck and dive. People, groups or organisations who are symbolically Piscean, though, may be easy to recognise. As much as you know February or March birthday people Margaret Hone wrote this about 70 years ago, in The Modern Textbook of who might be the issue now, it’s more symbolically Pisces types who are likely to be your priority, from February on.

The British astrologer Margaret Hone wrote: ‘The dubious nature of much that is Piscean is reflected in the expression that the possibility of treachery or deceit is termed – ‘something fishy.’ It’s plain to detect when something fishy is going on, and you’ll smell the whiff anyway. You’ll be one step ahead. Three, even.

You are ruled by Mercury who is quick and clever, which is why 2020 is all about outsmarting others – when you have to. I am watching this planet go backwards and forwards in February, which is when it’s time to box clever, as I said. Like Henry Cooper.

A related issue, at a distance, is your house, apartment, holiday home or other residence. There is karma here, you see. It goes back in 19-year loops, all the way to 1945, and further back in time – even to the Middle Ages.

We could also include your local area of country in this. Astrology is an odd thing, but it works. February will show you. This is a past life cycle, and this may be why particular situations which involve the family, your domestic life, your home, town, country – feel so familiar. As the Mean South Node moves backwards into this area of your chart after May, you could just be dealing with some old soul debts or credits. These likely involve the family, or others you share your home with, or depend upon – like a landlady. You’ve been here before.

Ceres in Pisces

The fact is, with Ceres in Pisces, a few weeks from now, likely opposite your Sun in Virgo at some point (decided by your actual birthday) you have to plot and plan. Why? Because others are, too. Your great achievement will be to outsmart and outwit anyone you need to. You’ll then figure out the rest, your own way, and it’s likely to involve your own front door, or the roof over your head, quite specifically.

I’m going to give you some eclipse and Mercury Retrograde dates, when you need to look where you’re going and be aware of your own blind spots, Virgo. I’m aware you are planning your work, university or unpaid work diary in February and need to know. Plus – you are a Virgo! (The scheduler of astrology).

Mercury, Ruler of Virgo

Let’s take a look at where you could be planning ahead in February. Your ruler Mercury is off-balance (but don’t you be) June 2nd until July 27th, 2020, allowing for world time zone changes. Across that period, we also find an eclipse on 5th June, another on 21st June and another on July 5th, 2020. As a rule of thumb, June and July are good times to be far more aware. Sharpen your senses.

Debbi Kempton-Smith, whose book Secrets From a Stargazer’s Notebook is literally in five pieces in my study (from over-use) suggests, “Down with confusion! Slay the dragons of Neptune and get hip to the trip of consciousness!’

This is a really good way to describe her/him/them – but also yourself. I’m really not going to let up on talking about these people, because awareness is all. Remember, Neptune rules Pisces, those fishy creatures who are so hard to see (just like the real thing, swimming around at the bottom of the ocean). If ever there was a year to wake up, look sharp and get moving, it’s 2020. It’s worth it – have to say, the residence, accommodation, house, apartment, caravan, luxury tent or canal boat in your horoscope looks like a thing to behold.

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Enter the Next Generation

New babies or adoptions are in store for so many Sun Libra people in 2020. You have not only Ceres, that powerful little planet, but also Jupiter and Saturn – all moving through your zone of parenthood. This is also where we find your godchildren, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, stepchildren and so on. It’s not a strict rule of this transit but it is very common. February is a massive hint about this, as Ceres changes signs to this zone of your chart, and the Sun does too.

Back in 1968, Richard Sterling, Australia’s legendary astrologer, was talking about Jupiter as ‘the planet of good fortune, expansion and opportunity.’ The idea of all that is bigger and better is part of this cycle. Saturn is alongside Jupiter, in a lasting way, from December. Sterling associated this with ‘heavy, restricting obligations’ and that is also true.

What is a Christening if not a solemn declaration of responsibility? It can be symbolic, too, Libra. The ‘naming’ or honouring of someone or something so special. A golden ritual. Sometimes on this cycle the issue is not a particular baby, child, infant or teenager – but the next generation as a whole. So, the issue for you may be the church choir, all of whom are yet to have their little voices break. It may be the infants you are kindly allowing to learn to swim in your pool. A teenage audience? Young adults in a queue to learn from you? You’re son’s football team?

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Teaching and Guidance

It goes on. There is often a teaching role, a guidance position, or some kind of counselling or coaching on this cycle which begins in such a major way in February 2020. It may be spiritual, from your end. Perhaps – religious. It may be about faith, so embrace Buddhism. Philosophical slants on life, like environmentalism, could also be passed on.

Depending on your age you may be teaching people old enough to be your children – or engaging in public speaking, lectures, online forums and so on. It feels like a birth and it is. And it’s very much in tune with what you believe!

I mention all this emphasis on what you believe, and what others believe, because in 2020 you see the Mean North Node moving into the area of your chart associated with church, but also with the Dalai Lama. This is not far away. About three months, from February – you will see hints now.

Thus, there is more to the next generation, or the one after that, or the one after that – than just the wonder of it all. There is deeper and more serious purpose behind all this.

Spirituality and Beliefs

Debbi Kempton-Smith wrote this about Jupiter, in her book, Secrets From a Stargazer’s Notebook: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” That’s the twenty-third Psalm.

There is a touch of that version of Jupiter in your chart this year, even though he takes 12 months to arrive. He is preceded by Ceres and Saturn in your house of children, on and off, throughout. Kempton-Smith associated Jupiter with the word ‘WOW!’ And thought his motto was ‘Be big about it” and there is a really huge wow factor showing up in your 2020 chart, Libra.

If you have bypassed children, have no particular interest in your godchildren, nieces, nephews and the rest – this heavy new Aquarius cycle may affect you in other ways. There may be the ‘christening’ of a project aimed at children, teenagers or Millennials, for example.

Maybe – a plan to get unemployed young people off the dole queue. A girls’ football team that springs to life. You get the picture, Libra. Yet – the emotions will be as powerful as those attached to any birth. My money’s on a very special and important Christening, though – for so many of you, born under Libra.

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The Money-Go-Round

Scorpio, watch the dollars, pounds or euros revolve. Financial good karma owes so much to the year 2001 and perhaps you can even remember the dates, from October that year. What you shared or gave so freely, either via your money (or by donating your time and energy, free of charge) now returns. This is Paul Weller’s ‘Money-Go-Round.’

February sees horoscope factors move into alignment with the signs Gemini and Sagittarius, which rule your finances. So, the wheel turns and you should really be seizing it.

The fact is, 2020 is a milestone for your money, property and lifestyle not possible in 19 years. In the month of May, the Mean North Node and Mean South Node move backwards to your sectors of legacies, wills, houses, apartments, investments, shares, business, security, pensions, superannuation and the rest. That’s not far away. Some three months or so, Scorpio.

This is the cycle of the Lunar Nodes and it is likely it was known to the people of Stonehenge. It is certainly known to the ancient Indians who call the Nodes by the names Rahu and Ketu.

What goes around comes around. The other big change this year is the shift of Jupiter, Ceres and Saturn (three equally important planets) into your family zone. This is about your children, grandchildren, stepchildren, any younger siblings, nieces or nephews.

Your Family Tree and Ancestors

We also need to think about your parents, grandparents, any older aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings. It’s the full cycle of time. This is really obvious in February as we have such strong Aquarius weather. Mercury goes in there. The Sun moves there. Ceres moves there! Later on, Saturn and Jupiter follow.

You don’t see this Aquarius cycle involving Jupiter, Ceres and Saturn very often. I’ll give you some key dates. Ceres enters Aquarius on Saturday the 1st of February, just after the New Moon (also in that sign) on Friday the 24th of January 2020.

I pulled a Tarot card for you in 2020 to confirm what I was seeing in the stars, and Pamela Colman Smith’s illustration for the Ten of Coins clearly shows the wavy Aquarius logo hidden in the left-hand corner. It’s quite extraordinary.

Aquarius rules your family tree, Scorpio, but the sign itself is very much associated with sharing, co-operation, and great respect and tolerance for the differences between people. It’s about space. So, this is not about a financial or property arrangement between a family that is too tangled up. Too close. Too complicated.

Yet, there is a tremendous sense of concern here for the older generation in particular. Saturn enters Aquarius on Monday, March 23rd, 2020 for the first time in about three decades.

I defer to a legendary astrologer, best known for his books and columns with The Australian Women’s Weekly, here. Richard Sterling was one of the masters, when it comes to definitions of this cycle you are in now, Scorpio.

For him, Saturn entering the financial sector of a chart was about “Consolidation of income; money from things that have been maturing for a long time, e.g. investments, restrictions on impulsive spending.” At the heart of it is concern about senior care, retirement, pensions, superannuation or trust funds, perhaps.

Yet, the actual arrangement is very Aquarian in that this has a light, breezy, easy feeling about it, and if you include your dogs as family, they will also play a part in what is decided. This may be because we’re talking about an apartment or house here, or land – and the dogs must be a factor.

When you look around the world of Scorpio you find some very generous people. Philanthropy and charity are ruled by your sign. In the year 2020 you will be sorting out who gets what in the money-go-round, but given your keen eye for investment, you should be able to make a great deal from what is in the air.

We have a very long Venus retrograde (and Venus rules the finances in a relationship – like marriage and mortgage) from Friday 10th April until Wednesday 29th July and I would expect that to be quite a long period of discussion or debate for you and your partner, or for another couple within the family tree.

Scorpio, whatever comes of this new carve-up with the family and the finances, it will have to hold good for another 19 years, as that is the moment that once again, the Mean North Node and Mean South Node will return to the financial sectors of your horoscope. February is absolutely the month to plot and plan ahead.

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yg8cz i5u30 600x400 - Your February 2020 Monthly Horoscope

February raises questions about your house, apartment, local area or country. As always, your eyes are going across the map. Sagittarius, you will be on the road in 2020, either relocating, or taking ‘The Road Less Traveled’ as the book has it. You will come into your own, as you were born under the sign of the centaur, who gallops across the land in search of adventure. You are the explorer of the zodiac and so you will feel completely at home in 2020, even though you will be away from home for several weeks. Perhaps – several months.

What we are seeing in your horoscope is a couple of things. First of all, tremendous action in the sign of Pisces, which rules your apartment, house, caravan, holiday home, yacht and other residence. There is a real need to escape and cut loose in 2020.

Be aware you will spin your wheels February-March as Mercury Retrograde is with you. This may be your house, a property investment, an Air BnB arrangement or even your entire town. We are in Climate Emergency now, and unfortunately, I am seeing climate chaos for the next six weeks. I really hope you are not affected but do be aware!

We are also seeing the new Aquarius weather come into your zone of short-haul flights, road trips, short cruises, ferries and hiking/mountaineering. This is the Third House of your chart and back when astrologers were defining it, centuries ago, they were lining it up with Mercury the messenger of the gods, with his winged helmet and winged sandals. This takes place from March.

This is not just another trip, or series of trips, or relocation. You’ve done that before. This has a meaning behind it – a message. We do associate Sagittarius with the need to spout forth, it must be said, and you have a quest. Your particular brand of knowledge, ideas, visions, philosophies, faith or beliefs is your only baggage.

Something I would warn you about is the need to take proper precautions and listen to those who are trying to make you slow down, or at least look before you leap. The reason for that is Saturn in Aquarius between Monday 23rd March and Wednesday 1st July, then again from Friday 18th December right into 2021. This does rather bring in end-year plans to travel, too.

Your zodiac sign is linked to export, international diplomacy and foreign trade and as you also have solid activity in your finance and business zone in 2020, perhaps you are also on a mission to sell or exchange, buy or strike a bargain. A new feather in your cap, Sagittarius, particularly if your personal birth chart also shows factors in Scorpio and/or Capricorn.

I mentioned the patterns in your zone of housing, accommodation and property. These are pretty strong all year, but I would draw your attention to Mercury Retrograde, if you do happen to be thinking of relocating or moving during this period: Tuesday, February 4th until Monday, March 30th, 2020.

Check all possible routes and itineraries, be a realist about the impact of the new Climate Emergency on holidays and vacations and obviously have insurance. That last one is a basic necessity on Mercury Retrograde because we so often see cancellations or rescheduling, repairs or maintenance bookings.

Overall, though, let’s just say you’re the practical type of Sagittarius who loves the thrill of spontaneity and wild adventure ‘beyond’ (even if you’re only crossing the Thames). Yet, for all that, you’re not about to get in your own way. Listen to sensible, serious Saturn in your zone of expeditions and missions, and do this right.

Beyond weather disruption, you may be affected by the usual Mercury Retrograde issues: disorganised people, unreliable sources, unforeseen circumstances (as the insurers say) or transport strikes. Just to be on the safe side I’ll give you the full, extended Mercury Retrograde cycle in your business, credit card, currency and finance zone (watch those foreign exchange rates).

That’s Tuesday, June 2nd until Monday, July 27th, 2020, which I realise is the summer vacation/holiday season for half the world! Yet, when we see Mercury getting stuck as early as the second week of June, we just know we’re in for a sticky summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Travel, export or move in a big way – but don’t get caught.

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Pixabay lady justice 2388500 1920 600x450 - Your February 2020 Monthly Horoscope

January was so important for figuring out the scales of fairness. The scales of equality. The scales of justice. This may be been a partnership or a dispute, Capricorn. If you are involved in a court case in 2020, hand it over to a higher power and accept that justice will be done.

The Seventh House of your chart is represented by the scales in astrology. You are going to see a major turning point in May, when the Mean North Node of fate, finally changes signs. So, in February, it is time to review what happened in January! This helps you see the bigger picture and plan ahead

The North Node is just weeks away from a new cycle now as it leaves your Seventh House, which is where the legal system often takes over and you and the other party have to bow down. May 2020 is an important month because just a few weeks later, you go through Mercury Retrograde in the same part of your chart. I’ll give you those dates a little further on. February is the month to review, rewind, rethink – and then peer a little further ahead.

If you have no legal matters on your agenda as you read this, and none appear in 2020, then the likely concern will be spiritual justice. We’re looking at profound questions here about equality, fair play, and a situation being put ‘bang to rights’ as they say in London.

I mentioned the Mean North Node of fate. This strange point in your astrology chart moves backwards in times, through the 12 zodiac signs, and never forwards. This takes you back into issues like karma, past lives, cosmic balance, universal settlement and so on. Capricorn, this is very much about you and the other side.

This may be your current or former business partner. Your husband or wife. Your current or former employers. Perhaps, the government or another body. Maybe some really powerful people or organisations!

This Mean North Node in Cancer cycle, right opposite your own sign, has already seen an opposition to your natal Sun, or will do so, between now and May 2020. An opposition is just what you might expect. It’s like two opposing sides in parliament. Two opposite football teams. A divorce or just a constant face-off.

One of the great things about the departure of this Node (the Node cycle was known at Stonehenge and also referenced in Winnie-the-Pooh, of all places) is the finality. You are free for 19 more years and that is why the nature of the settlement, the words used in the agreement, and the acceptance of what comes – is so important. This has to last, karmically.

I’ll give you some specific dates for Mercury Retrograde in your opposite sign of Cancer (remember, this cycle begins right after the end of your fated, karmic Node cycle). February is just after Lunar New Year (Year of the Rat) so it is the right time to plan.

This Mercury Retrograde period is Tuesday, June 2nd until Monday, July 27th, 2020, after a pretty momentous month of May, when the justice issue clicks into place.

If you know that you’ve betrayed justice on any level, put others at an unfair advantage or disadvantage, or just literally been unfair to people – you have to accept that the Node in your opposite sign of Cancer must do its work. Acceptance with a smile and shrug is better than trying to rock the boat or upset the scales. There must be, can be and will be harmony and equilibrium after this is over.

And if you feel absolutely wronged by the most unfair or unjust situation? There will be arbitration, perhaps from on high (the cosmos itself seems to turn in favour of what is true and right) or just from a judge. Maybe you’re involved in a class action on Climate Emergency against climate criminals, with Millennials! There are quite a few radical Capricorn people out there.

We’re slowly emerging from one of the darkest periods in history, did you know? Saturn, Pluto and the Mean South Node all in Capricorn, your own zodiac sign. It’s been very, very heavy. This historic cycle has seen ‘the few control the many’ and the elite run things, for their own self-interest, at the expense of the majority of people. It’s been a real lesson for astrologers, who wondered what this cycle would bring. Perhaps, if you live your life at a very high level, you have been personally affected by this global phenomenon.

We’ve literally seen a President, a Prime Minister and a Premier try to take total command of the weather. That’s how out of control things became at the worst of this cycle in 2019. There have been these massive questions about what is fair and unfair. Wrong and right. Black and white. Karma has called.

So Capricorn, in the year 2020, we come to a big game of ‘fair is fair’ and a profound judgement. Of course, this may be intensely personal for you. Maybe you need your husband’s ex-wife to back off. Perhaps you are very concerned with a situation which is not legal but is emotionally very demanding. Maybe you have a lesbian love triangle to deal with and you’re the ousted party. Honestly, the questions I have from so many readers here born under your sign go into every kind of permutation!

Submitting to divine justice means great wisdom on your part. And that applies no matter if you felt you won, lost or had to compromise.

The 2020 outcome will be greater than the sum of its parts, including you or the other side. Those are the rules with the cycle of the Mean North Node, which has been watched for thousands of years. You’ll be watching it too, as it finishes in May. The usual Mercury Retrograde backwards/forwards and stop/start resolution will appear in June-July. This is something to think about now.

The settlement, cosmic hand-out or ‘deliverance’ will work on every possible level. Spiritual. Emotional. Psychological. It’s more than just a levelling or balancing of the scales, on any practical level. It’s a soul debt or soul contract, neatly divided in the middle.

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ebkej9ch5b4 600x400 - Your February 2020 Monthly Horoscope

Changing all the rules you have made for yourself about your house, apartment, property investment or holiday home is a very smart idea in 2020. It would set you free, Aquarius. This is hinted at in February, as you begin to see your ruling planet Uranus in the work/property/security/lifestyle zone of your chart make strong patterns.

Perhaps your ‘system’ is that you overwork, in order to pay the mortgage or the rent. Perhaps, taking on more than one job, or too many projects, to pay off a home, or to buy your first home. You may have even reached a point where you are so heavily burdened by plans and projects, that you can’t even see the wood for the trees anymore, and you’ve lost sight of the fact that the whole purpose of a home – is a lifestyle. What lifestyle do you have, if you’re just putting one foot in front of the other every day?

February is time to stop and take it all on board. Where are you heading, work wise, in 2020 and why are you doing it? This question about lifestyle comes because you have the Mean North Node travelling through this area of your horoscope, where you have to sort out the work-life balance. It may have an impact on your health or will do so in 2020. For example – people who spend too much time on the road (taxi-drivers) or hunched over a computer (Hollywood screenwriters) get back, arm or hand problems!

The great thing about your chart in 2020 is the month of May, when the Mean North Node changes signs. That is when any stuck, repetitive, unchanging patterns in your work-life-home story can easily be dropped and you can come up with a different way to operate. This will involve a radical rethink of ‘home’ or property investment, but in 2020, the time is right.

It’s worth thinking about that now in February. Your ruling planet Uranus is in your zone of houses, land, apartments, house boats, caravans, real estate investment, home exchange and AirBnB for the first time in your adult life.

Uranus is a symbol of revolution, reform and radical change. There is a great phase in Australia, where I spend half the year: “Stuff that for a joke”. The point at which you decide to ‘stuff’ your own way of working, doing the housework, doing unpaid work (for charity), shouldering responsibilities – will be quite remarkable.

Yet, your chart suggests you’re getting closer all the time, what with the Node quitting your lifestyle zone, and your ruler Uranus in your zone of home. Ever since 1781, when Uranus was discovered, we’ve associated this planet with very sudden, new moves. And – a vastly different way of doing things.

Just be aware that with Mercury Retrograde in your zone of work, housework and unpaid work you will have to allow about two months to sort out plans, projects, tasks and chores. If you are planning your new 2020 diary you may want to look months ahead, for this cycle. That’s Tuesday, June 2nd until Monday, July 27th, 2020, when you may feel like you’re trying to sort out a jigsaw. Yet – the bigger picture, beyond any jigsaw, is very much a different relationship with the rent, the mortgage or the property investment. You’ll be a new person.

In fact, with Jupiter entering Aquarius for Christmas, you may physically look very different indeed, if you make these bold and radical moves. (Nothing like a new lifestyle to help you look and feel better). That’s another story, though – in your 2021 horoscope!

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January was a real moment for you and the group – or you, affected by groups. Friends as well – of course. This is a breakthrough year in terms of how you feel about the friendships and group involvements in your life, no matter if we’re talking about charities or more personal commitments. This may be Greenpeace, the R.A.F. or Alcoholics Anonymous. The Rural Fire Service, an astrology association or Mumsnet.

The friendships may be the old, familiar bonds of your childhood or teenage years, which have lasted into adulthood – or more recent friends who have shown themselves to be true and loyal.

You’re seeing the end of the Mean South Node in Capricorn, in the month of May 2020. That’s big. It has not happened in 19 years and will not happen again for a further 19 years. We associate this cycle with karma and so in May, things come full circle. There’s a sense of equilibrium and balance.

February is really the month to put January to bed but think about May and what you’d like to change. That’s when the story over the last few weeks starts to shift.

This feeling of flow and symmetry with friends and groups is also there because of something which may be affecting your personal birth chart. If you’re a Premium Member, you’ll know if you have factors in Aquarius. Well – if you do – 2020 is the beginning of an amazing new phrase with friends and groups for you.

You could easily be invited to join (or go in more deeply) with a very special circle of people who are the living proof of what people power can do.

No matter what your personal birth chart looks like (or even if you don’t know it) there is a big message about solidarity in 2020. This may be sisterhood, so – feminism or all-female circles. On this cycle, you also tend to get groups of friends without borders, so age, gender, race, nationality, is not an issue. Some church groups are like this – Christianity knows no barriers.

I’ll give you some specific dates to watch. For a start, you’re seeing the back of Saturn in your zone of social life, social media, clubs, teams, associations, societies, causes, bands and the rest. That’s a relief and a release. The astrologer Richard Sterling, writing back in 1968, linked Saturn with “heavy, restricting obligations” and that’s about right.

Well, Saturn is out of your life on Monday, March 23rd until Thursday, July 2nd, 2020, and then, for good – from Friday the 18th of December 2020. So, it’s about seven weeks into the future, as you read this – ongoing.

What you’re also watching in 2020 is the healing, helpful effect of Jupiter bringing an overall ‘cure’ to what has been such a problem for you, within the group. This may have been Facebook or the real world. Jupiter makes some powerful patterns with Pluto three times in the year ahead, bringing what can only be called a sweeping remedy. In fact, Jupiter is associated with abundance, as well as flow, so the feeling you get with particular social media circles (like Twitter) or particular communities of friends and acquaintances, might be ‘my cup runneth over’. That would describe it nicely.

Further up ahead you have a glittering prize which might be yours one day. It’s pure ambition that would make you set off in search of this astonishing trophy, but if you want it to be real – it can be. Every journey has to start with a single step, though, and you will take that step once you have completed this task in your life, which is to get your friendships and your group commitments to a new and very special place.

After that, with the Mean South Node in Sagittarius, at the very highest point of your horoscope, you have until January 2022 to achieve an astonishing climb to the top of your personal Everest. Everything is possible, Pisces.

As you are now officially in Lunar New Year of the Rat, February is the ideal moment to review January and start thinking long term.

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