Monthly Horoscopes at


Your Monthly Horoscope​
for February

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for February. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


Happy Lunar New Year! This goes out especially to all the readers across Asia who have been coming to this website since I first started writing about astrology for Elle, Marie Claire, Cleo and Vogue in South Korea, Japan and Singapore. I always love hearing your feedback about each Lunar New Year as it arrives. Now – Year of the Pig (Boar) begins on 4th February at 9.0pm UT. A life-changing New Moon will take place that day and the (global) year starts here with huge celebrations from Chinatown in London, right around to the streets of Tokyo. This really is life-changing, too. What you begin on 4th February will reward you in February 2021, be put to the test in February 2022 and transform your life in April 2032. If you are curious about Year of the Pig, Asian astrology and Lunar New Year, please see all the special features this month. If you are a Premium Member you can pick up exclusive extras to help you in Year of the Pig in the best possible way. Important! Mercury Retroshadow begins around February 20th depending on where you live in the world. Please read more about this cycle now by seeing the feature I wrote on this website. Don’t get caught out.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

The Capricorn Weather – Status, Success, Achievement, Ambition, Position and Mission
Ever since 2008, you have been learning so much about what (or who) makes you feel most powerful and empowered – but also learned about people politics over the last 10-11 years too. Nothing is the same. In fact, nothing will ever be the same – and that applies to your life right through March 2023. Aries, in February 2019 you will be dealing with rather heavy, slow-moving or stuck situations which put your commitment to success to the test. This is particularly so near February 18th and 26th, when you will need to weigh everything up in a complex chapter with another. On these dates, Venus conjuncts Saturn, then the South Node, so this balancing act with a particular woman (or man) has quite an impact. In mythology, Venus was the goddess of desire, jealousy and vanity. All that will come into play with what is essentially a career issue, or a matter that deeply affects your unpaid work, university degree or your place in high society. Take your time with it, and if you think you’ve seen it all before, you have! You went through such a similar chapter in May 2000 and now, you might say, all your chickens are coming home to roost. Play a long game here. You have until 2023 to reach a peak.

The Pisces Weather – Secrets, Psychic Matters, Psychology, Solitude, Dreams, Life Behind the Scenes
Try to complete all the really important confidential issues, classified discussions, psychic projects – or the chief tasks with a psychologist or dream coach – by February 20th. If you are still pursuing this after that date, allow for changes, reversals, delays and even the deepest muddles until around 17th April. I’m talking here about the side of you which is hidden from view, below the surface or perhaps so mysterious it’s unfathomable. It’s another world – another reality. Very occasionally this cycle, which you have been going through since 2011, suggests prescribed drugs, alcohol or recreational drugs are ‘what lies beneath’ and if so, you need to be aware of just how much Neptune (and Mercury Retroshadow) can distort things. Aries, everyone needs a holiday from the real world, and you have found something over the last year or two, which involves covering things up, being alone or delving into the world of your unconscious. So far so good but try to complete plans by the 20th if you possibly can. Should you be involved in something which is top secret or classified, be extremely careful as the potential for getting in over your head is so high, particularly in March.

The Aries Weather – Brand, Image, Name, Face, Shape, Style, Profile, Self-Promotion, Reputation
This is another long-running cycle, which has been with you since 2010 and does not end until 2027. No wonder ‘Me’ has been such a priority for the last eight or nine years. Aries is associated with people who go upfront – who front up to life – who are not backwards about coming forwards. You can be quite combative and competitive when you wish, and don’t mind being front-and-centre. Now, your ruler Mars joins Uranus, the planet of revolution, freedom, independence and radical change on February 13th and this is the last big push for more space. More possibility. A new you in a new year. Mars can create problems if you allow yourself to be pushed or rushed by other people, or if you are in the mood to challenge other people. Unless you want some kind of battle royal, you’ll be highly strategic about yourself near the 13th rather than just acting or reacting in the heat of the moment. Uranus is the planet we associate with the world turning upside-down. In turn, this delivers a new world of possibility when you must invent yourself or reinvent yourself. You’ve learned why everyone judges you on your soundbites or face (thank you, internet). Now, use every lesson you ever learned.

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The Capricorn Weather – Foreign and Regional Differences, Travel, Education, Academia, Books and the Worldwide Web
With both Saturn and Psyche in this zone of your horoscope in February, everything seems terribly heavy and serious, and also very much about the long-term – which usually means something goes online, or in print, which seems certain to be there forever. Taurus, you must now take a deep breath and look at your tactics. Your ruling planet Venus joins Saturn on February 18th and even though you are halfway through this cycle (which began in December 2017) you still have a long way to go. Understanding all the rules and regulations – and the traffic flow – on a two-way street will help. You are dealing with basic human nature here, and this other person is all too human! You have already learned some good lessons. There will be more. You’ll finish this cycle in December 2020, and in fact next year will give you all the solutions you need. At the moment, that easy downhill stretch is still around 10 months away, so – do what you must with those other faces from other places. Perhaps the issue also reaches into university or college life, libraries, the publishing industry or just the business of blogging, or running a website. When in doubt seek expertise and experience.

The Pisces Weather – Groups and Friends
Save yourself a lot of time and trouble, Taurus, and sign off on the really important priorities with friends, networks, social media and groups (of all kinds) before February 20th. That means the paperwork, handshake agreements or meetings – maybe the forward planning. You’ll hit Mercury Retroshadow from around the 20th and you will be dealing with retracted statements, rescheduled appointments, and a ‘dress rehearsal’ feeling about it all. The best way to use this notorious cycle is to actually commit yourself to first attempts or beta testing, from around February 20th right through to April 17th. Spinning your wheels with the association, political party, committee, trade union, rock band (or whatever it is) will work out far better for you than committing to launch! If you absolutely must go ahead, because friends or others in the group are determined to see things through to March – then have Plan B and C. Avoid signing or accepting signatures close to the Neptune-Mercury conjunction on February 19th as although escaping from the real world is marvellous, sometimes you can drift so far away from who and what is real, that you end up over your head. Be aware then.

The Aries Weather – Behind the Scenes, Below the Surface
What lies beneath, behind or below is at the heart of change this month. This is about an aspect of your personality or life which is far below the surface. It is hidden from view, or virtually invisible. It may even be genuinely mysterious or unfathomable. On February 13th, Mars conjuncts Uranus here so this feels like a depth charge at the bottom of the sea. You might even say, this is the last genuinely explosive moment in a whole series of them, stretching back to the year 2010 when this whole cycle began. We associate this cycle with MI6 as much as we associate it with the eyes of the worldwide web – where you always seem to be watched or watching – below the radar. We also associate this cycle with Tarot readings and dream interpretation, and in fact with the Occult as a whole, which includes astrology and means ‘hidden knowledge.’ You have found your own way into another, secret, unseen world over the last 9 years and this is quite a moment of truth. Slow down and cool down before you act.

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The Capricorn Weather – Finance, Charity, Property, Business, Precious Possessions
The Venus-Saturn Capricorn weather on February 18th reminds you that you are in this for the long haul, no matter if your concern is a grant, a tax return, your shares, your company, a legacy, family money, or marriage and mortgage. The great thing about astrology is that it gives you accurate timing, of course. Thus, you may want to look forward to December 2019 when at last you begin to see solutions and breakthroughs, not possible in 12 years. By the time you get to 2023 you will never, ever have to spend quite so much time and energy on financial matters again. At least not for another 29 years, and certainly not at such an intense level. Gemini, the best advice with Saturn transits is to rest up, take your time, seek expertise and listen to people who have been through similar experiences. Saturn is really only a test and a trial when ‘fools rush in where angels fear to tread’ and I think you’ve learned enough since December 2017 to slow down and do your research. This still applies, and it’s really going to help with what I can only describe as an extremely complicated relationship with another human being. If this is your past, present or potential partner then you need to be aware of the levels of fear or vulnerability involved. Saturn always, always delivers people or organisations which build walls. Now, you must try to assess those walls.

The Pisces Weather – Career, Unpaid Work, University/College Life, Status, Success, Ambition, Position and Mission
Gemini, get it in writing and get it done before February 20th if you can. There is clearly a crucial paper trail ahead of you, or a series of meetings and negotiations. These will get stuck, go backwards and forwards and even come to nothing by April 17th, depending on your personal birth chart. Mercury is your ruler and he is retroshadow from around February 20th. This is a really good time to rehearse and run things through a first, second and third draft for the next eight weeks or so. That way you get to reshape, rethink and reschedule. If you are trying to launch a project, begin a new position, apply for a job or award and all the rest – have Plan B and C. Double-check emails, telephone messages, the post, the fine print on documents and so on. Be aware that people who go back on their word often turn up on Mercury Retrograde, and as we begin with a shadow from the 20th of this month, you need to be aware. Be extremely wary of what is under discussion or on paper near the Mercury-Neptune conjunction on February 19th, as the potential for muddle is very high. Normally that would not have such a long-term impact, but I’m looking at March on your behalf and it’s very hard work, unless you are proactive now. That means containing and controlling situations where the everybody and everything is all over the place, all the time.

The Aries Weather – Friends, Groups, Social Media, People Power
Who knew that particular friendships or specific groups (organisations, associations, teams and so on) would play such a huge and ongoing part in your life? Gemini, you have been on this path since 2010 and the long and winding road does not stop until 2027. Right across this time you are being shown what people power means, what group psychology means, and why a friendship matters quite as much as a marriage. You can also feel married to a group (or a series of groups) on this cycle, of some 30 years duration. To say that life has been unpredictable through or for these people is an understatement. You have had one change after another for about the last 9 years and there is another one ahead, in February 2019. You need to think back to other episodes where freedom, space and independence were a central concern, either for you, or for a friend within the group. What did you learn? Another moment of great truth and tremendous heat and speed is coming near February 13th. Revolutions tend to happen when people feel impossibly restricted or confined. Any revolution always leads to the birth of something new – a different version of who or what was. That starts now.

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The Capricorn Weather – Former, Current and Potential Partners. Rivals, Opponents and Enemies
The person on the other end of the scales, or the other end of the see-saw, is a central concern near February 3, 4, 18, 21, 23, 26 and these decisions are for the long haul. They will live forever. They are karmic in nature, so you are trying to balance the scales or the see-saw, based on what you experienced back in May 2000. If you can’t remember back that far (the South Node of karma was in the exact same place then) just assume that the past is influencing the present, anyway. Old themes are returning. Old balance sheets and score cards. Four days after Saint Valentine’s Day, on February 18th, you must come to terms with what is real, unavoidable and part of life. You can’t really negotiate with Saturn’s conjunction to Venus. It is what it is. She is who she is. He is who he is! This is quite a stretch for you, with your former, current or potential partner, but I can cheer you up by telling you it has not been this tough for 29 years, and from December 2019, you get the most fantastic break from the tests and trials. In fact, Cancer, 2020 will bring you breath-taking solutions and answers. If you are considering a new relationship near February 18th please do your homework on this person. I would also add that February 26th is another moment to do some research. You can’t just get on the dance floor this month and expect a fun, quick and easy foxtrot. This is quite a dance. You will need an instruction book. Know what you are taking on. Cancer, if you are in a feud, competition, battle or contest with another – either because of love gone wrong, or for purely professional reasons – be sharply aware of the karma you create, near February 4th and 26th when the South Node is right across your chart. In about 19 years from now you will have to answer for all that you do and say, either with this person, or with another. Much as I’d love to tell you that V-Day is all about delicious chocolates and red roses, the truth is, you need to take a deep breath this month, take it slowly and take it easy. I am writing quite a long section on this cycle because first of all, both feuds and marriages are central to you. So is work partnership, or a serious crush. In other words, he or she on the other end of the scales/the see-saw is taking up a lot of emotional energy now. I think the Pluto-Psyche conjunction on February 21st is a moment of truth, as you realise that some things live forever. It’s one of those months when you have to weigh everything slowly and carefully – if not in your hand, then with your heart and soul – and think about long-term outcomes. How long? Try 2023. Between now and then, for around the next five years, it is very important that you know nothing is done and dusted quickly. Everything rolls on. The reason for that is the crawling pace of Pluto in your opposite sign of Capricorn. For this reason, Cancer, keep the stakes as low as possible. You’re going to have to deal with questions about power and control for another 4-5 years so why not do yourself a favour and keep the chess game with others as simple as you can, and of as minimal impact as you can. If you are going to challenge someone now, be aware of absolutely everything you are taking on karmically and know that it’s not just a 2019 episode. For the same reason, if you begin a new relationship or work partnership now, know that it rolls on, in terms of all that you must answer for and deal with, through to 2023.

The Pisces Weather – Foreign and Regional Differences, Travel, Education, Academia, Publishing, The Worldwide Web
Mercury Retroshadow begins near February 20th, depending on your time zone, and lasts until April 17th. Be extremely careful if you plan to take a vacation or a work-related trip. The same message applies to moving. If you are dealing closely with foreign faces from foreign places, again be very careful. Mercury is the planet which rules information, communication, transportation and negotiation. When he appears to move forwards, stands still, reverses, then stands still again – before retracing his steps – you are in for potential rescheduling and perhaps even a total turnaround. The best thing to do on this cycle is rehearse. Sketch out a plan to travel or export, or move, and give yourself the freedom to erase details and rip out pages for eight weeks. It’s the same with a course you are taking, or teaching – or any kind of education, actually. Just treat this as beta testing. Likewise, with the world of books. I would be extremely careful with language differences in this period, as they can be confusing and lead to classic Mercury Retrograde mayhem later on. You may also want to make sure you do not get in over your head near the Mercury-Neptune conjunction on February 19th. This is nothing you haven’t seen before, and hopefully you recognise the signs. There’s paperwork or a meeting, or news – but it is a distortion. It is all bent out of shape. Normally, Cancer, this wouldn’t be such a big deal but given you have all these standstills, reversals and waiting games through April, you really don’t want to just walk into this one. A cruise, for example, should be checked out with a magnifying glass on the fine print. Ditto, any kind of course, class, workshop, conference and so on. Be aware. This is a superb period for first and second drafts of a thesis, ambitious travel plan, relocation idea, essay, book, blog or website. Launch after April 17th and skip the merde.

The Aries Weather – Success, Status, High Society, Ambition, Mission and Position
I’m sure you know the line ‘freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose’ from Me and Bobby McGee. And you probably know the song State of Independence. This is really familiar to you, as ever since 2010, you have been on the freedom trail with your career, your unpaid work or your university degree. Even when you thought you wanted security and permanence, you were jolted – maybe losing a job or going through some other upheaval – and woke up liberated. February 2019 is another turn on the Merry-Go-Round. This is taking you towards the end of the cycle, actually, as from March this year, the chopping, changing, churning, twisting and turning stops. It will stop really suddenly, too, so you might say what goes down near February 13th is the end of an era. There is an interesting asteroid called Diana, in the Jupiter family, who is a symbol of wildness, space and zero compromise. She joins Uranus, a symbol of quite radical change and electrifying life storms- on February 27th. I’m going to finish your prediction with another song. It’s Now or Never. And I’m sure you know Revolution, from The White Album. What’s your soundtrack now? What song will you be singing? Ringo Starr is a Cancerian. He’s been marching to the beat of a different drummer for around the last 9 years. How about you? What do you need to drum up in your life?

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The Capricorn Weather – Lifestyle, Workload, Wellbeing, Duty, Service, Body, Routine
The reality of your situation hits home near 3rd February, Leo, when you realise that a project, task, role or goal is a forever statement. It will outlive you, actually, and so you need as much time and space as possible to give this the serious attention it deserves – it’s a weighty matter. Close to this time you will also need to deal with a complicated relationship which affects your daily routine, lifestyle and workload, no matter if you study, are in full-time employment or engaged in unpaid work. If all this feels familiar, it is! In fact, you are spinning your wheels all the way back to May 2000. You’ve been here before, or at least your karma has. Near February 26th you will feel the full karmic load as Venus conjuncts the South Node. There is a change in the balance of power taking place at work, university/college or home and it will take time. It may be official (promotions, departures, mergers) or unofficial (a psychological shift in how you deal with your boss, staff, lecturer, classmates, clients or colleagues). Leo, if your body goes to the top of your list in February, it is time to look at the whole picture. How your body, mind and spirit are in secret collaboration with each other. Clearly the relationship you have with your healer, doctor, dentist, surgeon, trainer, diet advisor and so on is at the heart of the matter. It’s time to see yourself holistically.

The Pisces Weather – Business, Charity, Property, Finance, Taxation, Possessions
Between around February 20th and April 17th you will hit delays and changes with the discussions or paperwork surrounding your finances, house, apartment, charity or business. This is the Mercury Retrograde cycle which always begins and ends with Mercury Retroshadow. Try to finalise everything before the 20th, Leo, or at least have Plan B, C and D up your sleeve. Read the fine print to see what would happen if there was rescheduling or a reversal – say – with the bank. Around February 13th you need to look at the communication issue with (likely) a partner or family member. What’s being said or put in writing – are you all/both on the same page? Someone will be a go-between or middle person at that time. Close to February 19th you are reminded of a lesson you have been made to learn since 2011, so over the last eight years. That lesson is about boundaries. Clear, crisp, contained and controlled agreements. Watertight arrangements. Unless you are right across that document or discussion on that day and get everything in writing as quickly as you can, you will hit the usual confused and confusing outcomes by April 17th. Watch out for potential line-crossing with others!

The Aries Weather – Travel, Study, Teaching, Publishing, Worldwide Web, Foreign and Regional Differences
Leo, you are in a long-term cycle of massive, ongoing changes with your travel, education, academic commitments, book career, website, blog and particularly your understanding of people from quite different countries, cultures or religious backgrounds. It started all the way back in 2010, so you’ve had about nine years of adjustment and it does not stop until 2027 – so, another eight years! Some months deliver peak experiences which are part of the story. Important chapters. This is one of them. Something (or someone) you had assumed was virtually over in your life will return near February 10th. Near February 13th life moves rapidly, the emotional temperature rises, and revolution is in the air. Independence Day. Try to cool down and slow down near that date and do not be rushed, nor pushed. You need a strategy. This is also true near February 27th when Uranus conjuncts Diana in the fierce, frank and fearless sign of Aries. Space is the final frontier. It’s also what you and others need. A new approach!

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The Capricorn Weather – Children, Young People, Babies, Millennials and Gen Y
Slowing down and taking it easy with the decisions is going to really help you in February. You need to pace yourself, Virgo, as you have a Saturn-Venus conjunction on the 18th of February, four days after Saint Valentine’s Day. Saturn is associated with lead. This feels heavy. Venus is about complicated relationships. We associate Capricorn weather for you with pregnancy, adoption, termination, step-parenting, teenagers, and particular generations you have to work with, for or around – like Gen Y or Millennials. We also associate this weather with fertility questions, I.V.F. treatment and fundamental questions about how children should be raised and educated. Lovers tend to come into the picture, particularly if they come with children, godchildren, nieces or nephews whom you sense would be a massive part of the story – or just the prospect of pregnancy looming over the bedside table. Saturn will test you, and test you again, until you get a break in the situation from December this year. It’s a downhill slope from there, Virgo, but just for now – try to understand that particular people or organisations have a whole stack of walls, defences, barricades and barriers as part of the baggage. Everything you say and do in February is loaded. It has long-term implications, to 2023 actually, which is the very last year you will ever have this ‘mother’ of a cycle, which began all the way back in 2008. Give yourself time and time off. These questions about parenting, guiding, setting an example, teaching, mentoring and the rest are tremendously heavy with lead-weight Saturn on both shoulders and as you clearly have some decisions to make, you need to do so in the best possible situation.

The Pisces Weather – Former, Current or Potential Partners. Enemies, Rivals or Opponents
Don’t get into negotiations or paperwork with/for this person while your ruler Mercury is going backwards and forwards – unless you like confusion. Between February 20th and April 17th (allow a day either side for world time zone changes) you will be dealing with rescheduling, reversed decisions and retracted statements. If you are trying to sort out some kind of feud, contest or battle then do yourself a favour and do it another time. Much as I wish astrology and history would let us all off the hook, you only have to look at all the public record Mercury Retroshadow research to see just how it pans out. Promises come to nothing. Big statements ring hollow later on. Even something like extreme weather can have an impact – you go on a first date and a storm sends you both in opposite directions! This is a perfectly brilliant time to play verbal ping-pong with your former, current or potential partner. To toss the ball around. To allow for things to change shape and even get stuck by Easter. If you want to separate or divorce, or deal with your boyfriend’s difficult ex-wife, or wrangle your old work enemy – think really carefully about your timing. Mercury rules Virgo and he appears to be moving forwards, running on the spot, moving backwards, running on the spot, then going over old ground – but this time in a totally different way. If you can imagine the man (or woman) who is front-and-centre doing this, you’ll get an idea of what to expect. There may also be conditions surrounding this person, or X factors affecting your connection, which mean a waiting game and even a total turnaround are possible by April. You have enough of a fog warning anyway, with the billowing clouds of confusion on February 19th, just four days after Saint Valentine’s Day. This is why I’m writing more about this phase in your life. You are essentially setting up March 2019, so be really cautious about what you walk into, and with whom. We all love a holiday from reality but not when you have this weird Mercury and Neptune weather!

The Aries Weather – The Money, House, Apartment, Charity, Business, Shares, Possessions, Legacy or Taxes
One of the great things about astrology is you can peer into the future and predict when the endless chopping and changing will stop. When the churning will stop. That happens to be March 7th, 2019, so you are weeks away now. You have had about 9 years of this, and February is really the last chapter. There will be a moment of truth on February 12th, 13th or 14th at the Mars-Uranus conjunction. Yet again you will realise that the cosmic plot since 2010 has been about forcing you to become an independent operator. Making you find your own path, inventing a new way to earn, own or owe money – innovating with houses, apartments, taxation, companies, businesses or charities. You can’t put a price on freedom. How often have I written that for Virgo over the last few years? Yet, it is absolutely true that ‘space’ (the final frontier) can’t be purchased, and despite all the years of hearing ‘No’ from others, or saying “No’ to others – precious, priceless space has been your rich reward. Take it one last time.

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The Aries Weather – Former, Current and Potential Partners. Rivals, Enemies, Opponents
The person on the other end of the scales from you (and you are chiefly concerned with balancing the scales) is important this month. In fact, near the 10th, 13th, 25th and 27th of February (and particularly near Saint Valentine’s Day) you must address the issue of space and independence quite seriously. This is likely about your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife. It may be about a professional partner – it can happen. Sometimes things have gone so far that you are daggers drawn with a particular man (or woman) and it’s now crunch time. All you ever really want is fairness. Equality. Perhaps legal settlement. You certainly need equilibrium, no matter if you are flying the flag for gay marriage, committed to feminism or feel like Michael Hutchence singing Original Sin – saying no to racism in the name of love. You have been doing it tough since 2010, dealing with one episode of rejection after another. Sometimes you have been spurned. Sometimes you have been doing the spurning, or distancing. Nothing has been as it normally should be, for around 8 or 9 years now. I recently had a Sun Libra woman in the audience in Hobart. She had been putting up with no Love Action (to quote the Human League) – none at all – for many years. She had been offered independence and freedom by Uranus in Aries, but that was all. Also, in the audience was a woman born under your sign who was considering leaving her husband of many years. Her third husband. Libra, I am making this first part of your prediction rather a long one, because ‘two’ really matters to you. So, does ‘me versus him’ or ‘me versus her.’ Stepping back from just about everything you have been through since 2010, I am sure you can see how you have ended up in a State of Independence. In fact, Independence Day has come over and over. Now, for the last time, you have Mars, the planet of action, next to Uranus, the planet of revolution, on February 13th.  Who or what will you choose, then, because you do have freedom of choice? In fact, you might call it ‘extreme freedom.’ Just a few days prior, on February 10th, Aesculapia conjuncts Diana in this same area of your chart. The former is a symbol of people or relationships which come back from the brink. Sometimes, battles which return, just when you thought they were over. Diana is a symbol of single life without children. She is Jupiter’s daughter and begged him to set her free from the prospect of marriage and parenthood. On the 25th, we find Salacia in this same area of your chart, suggesting there is more than one way to escape from the real world. She is opposite Cupido, daughter of Venus, in Libra – your own sign. There is an inner or external conflict then. A tug of war inside yourself, or between you both, for whatever reason. The month ends with Uranus conjunct Diana, on the 27th. That’s last orders. You have to find a way to give yourself and the other person space in February. It may be an agreement to differ. It may be separation or divorce. An open marriage. A ménage à trois. New rules for an old marriage or relationship. Perhaps if you are a single person it is time to give yourself permission to break your own rules, which may have included all kinds of stringent restrictions on who you will permit yourself to have dinner with and why and for what ultimate purpose! Libra, this cycle ends on March 6th. Not long to go. Until then, as Katherine Hamnett (Leo) once said on her famous Eighties T-Shirts: CHOOSE FREEDOM.

The Capricorn Weather – House, Family, Household, Apartment, Home Town, Homeland
You have been living with the usual Saturn situations (slow, stuck, demanding) ever since he moved into Capricorn on December 21st, 2017. Saturn tends to bring in people who are paranoid and also self-sabotaging, like bad tenants. Saturn can also bring in entire organisations, like councils, or governments (affecting your view of your country), or real-estate agents – which reek of fear and do nothing to help themselves. How interesting is that? You get to experience a Saturn cycle on the purely domestic, from kitchen to bedroom, but also on a wider level too. Then there is the family. Your own self-made family perhaps, or your in-laws, or your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and the rest. Saturn is joined by your ruler Venus on February 18th and at that point, a complicated relationship will become a heavy ask. That’s okay. You are halfway through the cycle. In fact, 2020 will be a wonderful experience all-round, as problems are solved and waiting games, tests and trials are over. Yet, for now, you have to slow down and get the measure of who or what is unavoidable. You also find Venus conjunct the South Node on February 26th so clearly this goes back many years. You are seeing the same basic pattern or theme repeat itself. We’re talking May and June 2000 – perhaps you can remember the Millennium. In fact, the karma stretches all the way back to September 1944, not to mention May 1907, so if you believe in past lives, you and a particular family member, flatmate or live-in partner may well have been here before. Dreams can sometimes reveal such karma. In the meantime, don’t do anything to add to future karma. What a month this is for developing your best self, as they say. A sense of humour. A philosophical, shoulder-shrugging approach. Tolerance. Compassion. All these things will help you greatly with your house, apartment, family, home town, homeland and so on. Builders, real-estate agents, tenants, house-sitters, house guests, neighbours may also be part of the story. Maybe you knew them in 1944!

The Pisces Weather – Workload, Lifestyle, Body, Daily Routine, Service, Duty
This is another long cycle, so if you feel as if February 2019 has been going on for years, you’re probably right. In fact, the escape from the real world you have been experiencing with your everyday workload, routine, chores – and particularly your body – has been going on since Neptune first changed signs in April 2011. Some common-sense observations may help. Prescribed drugs, recreational drugs or alcohol all have a more powerful effect at such times so if you’re Eight Miles High, to quote The Byrds, I don’t think that’s going to help with the confusion. Neptune is a symbol of altered states and something or someone is putting you there on a daily basis. It may actually be your particular line of work, or volunteering, or study. It’s very likely that the schedule or timetable is a bubble, far removed from what most of us would call reality! You normally muddle along quite happily but do look at the impact on your wellbeing and health, especially when Mercury meets Neptune on February 19th. You may prefer to avoid a deep discussion about your body, mind and spirit near that date, as it’s unlikely to assist much unless you’re conducting some kind of Timothy Leary experiment. (And even then, it may not assist much!) If you possibly can, Libra, tidy away all the mind, body and spirit stuff before that date. Work too. And university, or volunteering. The time to get it all signed, sealed and delivered is pre-February 19th. Apart from anything else, you hit Mercury Retroshadow after that date. If you absolutely must sign contracts or commit to things after then, at least allow for a time or date change, and perhaps have Plan B and C tucked up your sleeve. Mercury can be like that.

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The Capricorn Weather – Emails, Media, Websites, Speeches, Books, Communication
Dealing with life as it really is, not as it used to be, was the theme of 2018 when it came to the internet, multimedia and all kinds of communication, from the publishing world, to the telephone or microphone. You learned the hard way to work at it. You have also learned to be patient and just to put up with things! You may be wondering when this cycle stops. December 2020 is your answer, though it gets better in stages, and 2020 itself (the entire year) will be a massive improvement, so you don’t have that long to wait. February will bring a few facts home to you. You can no longer park this stuff ‘over there’ and hope it sorts itself out. Actually, it will require constant attention, time and commitment – rather like one of those annoying Tamagotchi eggs everybody had in the Eighties. What used to be another part of life is now something you have to think really hard about and probably play a waiting game with, too. Being heard and read, as you wish, by whom you wish, when you wish! This month, much of it comes down to the relationship you have with another person involved. It may be your editor. It may be your partner, who has an impact on your use of Twitter, for example. Venus is at large on February 18th and 26th. She is a symbol of complicated, heavily involved relating. Nothing simple or easy! This makes it all the more passionately involving, of course, but it will help you a lot with your internet use, project, plan, concept and so on – if you can pour time and energy into figuring the other person out.

The Aries Weather – Workload, Body, Lifestyle, Duty, Service, Daily Routine
On February 13th and 27th (allow 24 hours for world time zone differences) you must look at how much freedom you want, and how much freedom you have. This applies to your body, wellbeing, health and fitness. It also applies to your workload, daily routine, chores, tasks and duty statement. You have become hugely independent since this cycle first began in 2010, and the last eight or nine years has moved you into completely different territory. These days, you do your own thing. I Did It My Way, according to Frank Sinatra and Sid Vicious. Well, that’s you. You didn’t choose it, it was forced upon you, as you have been chopping and changing every year, for a very long time. You may be surprised to hear that this cycle actually has an end point. That’s March 7th. In fact, you already had a taste of what it would be like to live a calmer and more predictable existence from May last year, when the cycle briefly shut down for a while. This is really the grand finale. The last hurrah. Just be aware of the need to reduce the speed and also turn down the emotional heat. Anger is an energy. John Lydon sang that, in the Public Image Ltd song Rise. Anger is a fantastic energy, actually, and it can motivate you to achieve heroic things at work, at university or with your unpaid work. It can motivate you where your own body is concerned. Yet, you have to choose your battles, don’t you? And weigh up the tremendous strain that anger puts on your body, with what it actually does for you, in terms of giving you necessary energy. You’ll notice this most near February 13th. This cycle is not a million miles away from everything the American experienced with the British in 1781. They were furious about paying taxes without having any power over their lives. ‘No taxation without representation.’ That rage made them declare a revolution and they then changed their own history and the world’s with their Declaration of Independence. Slavery was also slowly on the way out from 1781. Good thing too. Anger is an energy. Yet, Scorpio, you need to really measure the situation this month and see if you would rather handpick some kind of master strategy. In any case, The Unpredictable Years are over on March 7th.

The Pisces Weather – Babies, Children, Young People, Lovers
Oh, what a confused and confusing world it can become when you have Neptune in this zone of your chart. He has been there since April 4th, 2011 and anything to do with your son, daughter, godchildren, grandchildren, the adoption or IVF process, planned and unwanted pregnancy, stepchildren, young relatives – and younger people as a whole – has become quite unreal. I mean that in the old-fashioned sense of the word, not the Australian surfer sense of the word (they actually pronounce it ‘Unrool.’) The unreality has generally allowed you to inhabit a different space to the rest of us. It’s La La Land. If you have been dating solidly for the last 8 years, then the fish who have swum in and out of your aquarium have added to the unreality. Scorpio do all you can to try and contain and control what is going on, either with a lover who has children already, or a lover who could make you both parents. Try to rein in and fence off, what is happening with the children or younger people in your world. If you can do this before Mercury Retroshadow arrives around February 19th, 20th (with Neptune in tow) you will be doing yourself a favour. Why? Because from that point forward until 17th April nothing is fixed, firm or final. Flaky children are one possible outcome. A completely unrealistic love affair forged around Saint Valentine’s Day is another. Holidays from reality look and feel fantastic – who doesn’t love a vacation? Yet, this time, I can see a bump ahead. Chiron is going to move out of this zone of your chart in March so there’s a real climate change coming. You have been taught what it is possible to get away with for years. Since June 2010, actually. Around nine years of fascinating lessons from particular people or situations, which have shown you where the goalposts keep moving to! Well, all that finishes in March. You need to be right across this, with no muddle, rescheduling, delays, reversals and all the other usual Mercury Retrograde stuff. So, do all you can to sign off on the crucial decisions by February 20th if you can. If you absolutely must proceed after that date, especially with negotiations or paperwork (your son’s education; an affair with a divorcee) then at least have Plan B, C and D.

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The Capricorn Weather – Money, Values, Valuables, Charity, Houses, Apartments, Taxation, Business, Shares, Debts, Banks, Investments, Credit Cards, Shopping, Selling
The key to Saturn cycles is to understand they have an end point! Yours will end in December 2020, though steep improvements arrive from Christmas this year, and the whole of next year will be a great deal easier than 2018 ever was. Discipline is required. Discipline is the only thing that will get you through. Putting one foot in front of the other and plodding forward is the best way to handle the reality check near February 18th, when the Venus-Saturn conjunction suggests there is more than one layer to a particular association, involvement or relationship. There is also karma at work here. Did you know? This may explain the feeling of uncanny familiarity you have near February 26th. In fact, you have been in this situation before, or one very much like it, and there must be some kind of settlement, closure, repayment or reward. You can go back all the way to May and June 2000 for this one, across the Millennium. If you believe in the theory that the Nodes show past life debts and credits between two people, you may even want to cast your mind back to September 1944. If you feel the word ‘rationing’ applies to what is going on at the end of February, or there is a deep emotional pull with a fairly trivial issue (like an eBay purchase!) then it may well be that you and another have agreed a soul contract, to end up together in February 2019 to settle some very old scores. In Indian, Vedic or Jyotish astrology, the Nodes are absolutely connected with this kind of reincarnation story and they are called Rahu and Ketu. On a more everyday note, the trick with these kinds of cycles is to put your head down and plough through to the next downhill slope – Christmas this year.

The Aries Weather – Babies, Children, Young People, Lovers
You were pretty stitched up and tied up before this cycle came along on May 28th, 2010. It takes insight to see it. Step back from your life and you will soon be shaking your head at how much things have changed. A child may have arrived in the last eight years or so. A son, daughter, or other young relative – perhaps a godchild – may have also gone. We associate this cycle with chopping and changing, and you may also have experienced it through an unwanted pregnancy, or perhaps by dating someone who has children from a previous marriage. Some Sagittarians have met the cycle in a broader way by a deep involvement with paid or unpaid work involving younger people, ranging from schoolchildren to Millennials. In February 2019 there is a moment of truth about the last eight or nine years, and it takes place very close to February 13th, so Saint Valentine’s Day. This cycle is also associated with lovers who make parenthood (or the push against parenthood!) a reality. Thus, you can’t really look at the sexual and emotional aspects of a relationship with a former, current or potential bed partner, without also thinking about parenting – or not. The Mars-Uranus conjunction the day before Saint Valentine’s Day is about Independence Day. For you, her or him. It really depends how it falls into place. Mars suggest anger, or at least a particularly old-school approach to life – kicking the doors down, kicking out the jams (to quote MC5) or kicking over the traces. This isn’t really helpful but if you believe that the only thing that will actually motivate you is the expression of rage, then rage, rage against something – or maybe someone (that’s misquoting Dylan Thomas). This is the last time you will know this kind of ‘rush and push’ feeling from others, or within yourself. You just are not going to see Mars and Uranus together in your zone of parenting, mentoring, senior guidance and substitute parenting until 2094. So, if this feels like the final sign-off with a person or situation, it absolutely is.

The Pisces Weather – House, Apartment, Residence, Family, Neighbours, Landladies, Landlords, Tenants, Household, Garden, Land, Home Town, Homeland
Everything and everybody has been all over the place, all the time – for a very long time. Actually, since April 4th, 2011. This is an ongoing cycle which takes a big of management. If you are a Premium Member you may want to download your eBook, Life Sweeping, which references the famous decluttering work of Karen Kingston, but also Marie Kondo’s equally famous folding! There is something about the actual room, apartment or house you inhabit at the moment which mirrors the lack of boundaries elsewhere. Particularly with family members, flatmates or roommates, or even broader boundaries – there may be some blurring of the lines about which region, town or even country you belong to at the moment. Having a contained and controlled space is a really good way to manage this transit. Try to do everything you must, particularly if it involves negotiations or paperwork, before February 20th. Keep things particularly reined in, around the 19th as well, when Mercury meets Neptune and it would be so easy to feel all at sea, or to end up over your head. The reason I’m saying to try and wrap everything up by the 20th is the endless delays, rescheduling or even the reversals ahead, between that point of the year and April 17th. If you have no choice, then allow for flummery in the diary until the middle of April and have back-up plans. I don’t think there is any astrologer on the planet who would tell you to just roll into buying, selling or renovating property now, or making substantial family or household choices.

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The Capricorn Weather – Brand, Reputation, Name, Image, Profile, Appearance, Presentation, Self-Promotion
You’ve likely discovered (back in late 2018) that the only way to stop being controlled by other people, or the world at large, is to use your self-control. Digging very deeply for all your willpower has actually empowered you, when it comes to how you are seen – and how you appear. This may have been weight loss, perhaps. Maybe you have been particularly self-disciplined with the internet, which is the hall of mirrors that reflects you. The alternative to running a really tight ship with yourself, has been to throw your hands up in the air and give in to something that feels quite powerful and just a little overwhelming. Thus, I am guessing that you probably realised the only solution was to go into 2019 with some quite rigid rules for yourself. Near February 18th and 26th you’ll become aware of another person’s role in the situation. This may be a partner, whose relationship with you advertises who you are. It may be a stylist or personal trainer. A public relations professional. To say the involvement is complicated is an understatement. Yet, you have to figure out what the other person wants, in order to get what you want – which is the best possible situation you can, for yourself.

The Aries Weather – House, Land, Residence, Apartment, Family, Household, Home Town, Homeland
Near February 13th, Mars and Uranus lay it on the line. This is the last time until the year 2094 that you will be dealing with these kinds of questions – freedom, space, independence – in such an intense way. From March 7th you can farewell 8 or 9 years of chopping and changing. All this has set you free from who/what used to control your world. It takes insight to see it and appreciate it, but just look at what has happened since May 28th, 2010, when Uranus first changed signs. You probably had no idea just how hamstrung you were by other people, large organisations or particular institutions or circumstances. Now you are a free agent. Occasionally things heat up and speed up, as Mars catches up with Uranus (sounds painful). Actually, it’s just motivation – if you want it, need it and can use it. Perhaps you need to fight the good fight against a high-rise apartment developer who has dollar signs in his eyes and could not care less for your beautiful home town. Maybe you have an axe to grind with a family member, the partner you live with, or your child. Perhaps it’s the household staff, or a specific roommate or flatmate. Only you can judge if this fleeting 1 to 2 day period is useful or not. In general, with Uranus conjunct Diana on February 27th, the issue of space, freedom, a lack of commitment, an unpredictable life, autonomy and no ties has seldom been so important. Yet, this really is the last time you will have to sort it all out, as from the first week of March the endless churning will be over. A new era will begin for you.

The Pisces Weather – Emails, Media, Public Speaking, Books and Publishing, Multimedia, Communication
Try to get everything truly important out of the way by at least February 20th if you can, Capricorn. After that date, you will be hit by the usual rescheduling, product recall, reversals, delays or other complications that come with Mercury Retroshadow. This period extends until April 17th. It’s a very good cycle for beta testing websites or rehearsing plays or radio shows. It’s an excellent time to sit down with a first, second and third draft before you get to final draft in the second half of April. It’s notoriously difficult for launches. If you must launch at this time (I am guessing, you missed the Mercury Retrograde dates I posted on this website last year) then have Plan B and C. This area of your horoscope also rules commuting and short-haul travel. Again, have alternatives to support you. Keep your insurance up to date and double-check the weather in particular. We will experience flooding and storms around the world from February 20th to April 17th, at greater extremes and across more important capitals than we usually see. This will affect your planning, and everybody else’s so take more care than you normally might when you are scheduling your life or going from A to B. Don’t buy a computer or telephone unless you have read the fine print, terms and conditions. As I said, it’s a terrific time to try things out. Not so great for ‘final’ outcomes.

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The Capricorn Weather – What Lies Beneath, Below and Behind the Scenes
On February 18th and 26th (allow a day either side for the world to catch up with itself) you must attend to what is below the surface. This is best described as another world. You have been here for a long time – ever since Pluto changed signs on January 26th, 2008. This is why you so often read about everything you do behind the scenes, or cover up from other people, in your horoscope. It’s an ongoing issue. To this we might add more mysterious matters, like the Occult (everything from Tarot to mediumship) and also meditation, dream analysis, therapy and counselling. Some Aquarians have been experiencing this cycle by engaging in top-secret, classified matters which will probably need to remain private until 2023 – five more years! In other cases, you may have been spending far more time alone, perhaps moving into a place by yourself or reaching a point where someone else must move out. Your personal horoscope will tell you how you have been living out this cycle, but if you have factors in Pisces and the Twelfth House, as so many Aquarians do, then life since 2008 has been life-changing in terms of your inner life. Your time alone. Your private life. Your role behind the scenes on projects where others are very much the name or face. As I said, on February 18th and 26th you’ll have to update yourself on how it’s all going for you. Venus, Saturn and the South Node suggest it’s rather hard work. That’s okay. You’ve been here before! Do pay attention to any complicated relationship or sexually and emotionally complex person who may be a feature near those dates, though. You need to be right across her (or him) and find out what makes this person tick.

The Pisces Weather – Taxation, Payments, Banks, Houses, Apartments, Loans, Shares, Business, Companies, Values, Charity Projects
You have been living with this cycle since Neptune changed signs on April 4th 2011, so you are well and truly immersed in another world. If you have handled it well, then you have been experiencing a holiday from reality. A vacation from the real world. If you have not contained and controlled what is going on, following common-sense rules and paying attention to the usual warnings and cautions – you will have ended up over your head at regular intervals. Borrowing money is a classic example. It’s not yours, but it feels like yours. It’s not real money! Aquarius try to get all the paperwork, handshake agreements (in writing, please, too) and negotiations out of your life by February 20th at the very latest. If you continue after that date you will meet with delays, reversals, mistakes or rescheduling. In fact, it may still be there as late as April 17th which is when this new Mercury Retroshadow cycle ends. My eyes are on Chiron in Pisces changing signs in March. For years now, in fact, ever since March 2011 (around the time Neptune moved in) you have found out what you can get away with. People or organisations (an accountant for example, or a government department, or a husband!) have shown you just how to move the goalposts around and alter the landscape. Chiron is associated with audacity and chutzpah, two key words given to him by the late Dennis Elwell. Thus, you have been taught by a punk. ‘Forget that old thing, try this instead.’ That stops quite dramatically in March, so this period just before, is really important. To avoid the usual Mercury Retrograde messiness and muddle compounding things, move before 20th February. If you must continue after that date, have Plan A, B and C. You should also be aware that people go back on their word, on this cycle. Be extremely careful if you are buying or purchasing after 20th February.

The Aries Weather – Emails, Media, Publishing and Books, Public Speaking, Social Media, Education
On February 13th and 27th (allow 24 hours for world time zone differences) a cycle which began in 2010, heats up and speeds up. Then, you are staring down a finishing line for some 9 years of chopping and changing, moving and shaking, rejecting others and also being rejected by them. (All that beastly unfriending on Facebook, if you still happen to be on it, or ever joined). The end date of what you may come to see as ‘The Crazy Internet Years’ will be March 7th. In fact, you already had a taste of what it would be like to live a more stable existence from May last year, when the cycle briefly stopped. There is anger in the mix. You’ll notice this most near February 13th. Be careful with that anger as it is very easy to put things online which are hard to remove later. As well as anger, we associate Mars (the planet then joining your ruler Uranus) with soldier instincts. The need to push, rush, fight, challenge, charge and take. This really feels as if a specific project or plan is at the heart of it all, or maybe a course. You will need to weigh up what the rise in the emotional temperature is actually achieving for you. Is it a motivator, when you always needed a kick up the pants? Or do you find it disruptive and unhelpful? Once Chiron replaces Uranus from March, just a few weeks away now, there will no longer be a continual feeling of ‘Don’t know, can’t say, have no idea what’s coming next’ about the world of communication – or media – or education – or publishing. It will still be an experiment, because Chiron wants you to see what you can get away with, between March 2019 and April 2027 (the next eight years or so). That will be astonishing for you, as you will evolve your written and spoken word abilities, and your use of images or multimedia, right along with the new technology ahead. For now, though, just remember: what is the extra heat doing for you? Or not?

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The Capricorn Weather – Friendship, Groups, Clubs, Teams, Political Parties, Associations, Charities, Social Media and Your Social Life
This cycle does end, believe it or not, and you will be put firmly on the downhill slope from Christmas this year. The very last of it comes in December 2020 and then you can say goodbye to the hard work. Saturn is in Capricorn, in your zone of friends and groups. That means everything has to be done very slowly and carefully, even if it bores you or seems like a grind. Who knew that just being involved with a particular team (like a polo team) or a good cause (like a children’s organisation) could be so demanding? It never was before, but then you never had this cycle before. One thing you may want to be aware of is the possibility of taking on extra burdens. Thus, an extra emotional burden with a friend, or a heavy commitment to a new group project or goal. That seems more likely when Saturn is at large, near the 3rd and 18th. If you already have enough on your plate just dealing with one aspect of social media, or a particular set of pooled resources, why take on more? If you are in this for the long haul, then you are likely to find that after Jupiter moves into Capricorn from the end of this year, right through 2020, you have your reward. You will also have a profound sense of relief and release from what is currently very heavy going. For now, pace yourself. On February 26th there is a moment of pure karma with one of your friends, or others in the group. It goes back to May and June 2000, and in ever-retreating cycles, all the way back to September 1944. If you accept past lives and believe in reincarnation, open your mind to the idea that some of these people may have been in the army, the air force or the navy with you! (And if you are old enough, of course, this may well be a moment of truth with your old pals). Pisces, by 2023 when Pluto, the last slow-moving planet, finally departs this sector of your chart, you will have learned a great deal about true friendship. It is also fair to say that people power is a potent thing – you have seen that too, over the years – but if you want to feel empowered within a group with such tremendous influence and clout, you need to use your willpower. There are some real issues, as usual, about who or what is on charge on February 21st when Pluto conjuncts Psyche.

The Pisces Weather – Brand, Image, Name, Face, Shape, Style, Profile, Self-Promotion, Reputation
Ever since your ruling planet Neptune first changed signs in April 2011 you have been enjoying a holiday from the real world where your image is concerned. In fact, you live with this cycle every day, which is why I so often refer to it in your horoscope. The Alternative World of You, You, You is a floating bubble, far removed from what most of us would call reality! You normally muddle along with the ‘me’ issues quite contentedly but pay extra attention to your name (particularly online), your photographs or video clips, any false names you use, your signature and the rest – when Mercury meets Neptune on February 19th. This particular conjunction is not madly unusual, but it is befuddling and muddling. I don’t really think you then want to tip yourself into Mercury Retrograde. The shadow starts soon after. Be it cosmetic surgery, laser eye surgery, an article in your name, a press release, a new title, a speech – if it’s about you, you, you – then hurry up. The time to get it all signed, sealed and delivered is pre-February 19th. If you must continue to promote yourself after that point or pursue image matters, or title/name/brand concerns – then have Plan B and C. Check the spelling on the draft document. This period (ending on April 17th) is superb for first takes, dress rehearsals, rough drafts and beta testing. It’s notoriously complicated for launches of any kind and history and astrology tell us that such matters usually go back to the drawing board. I posted these Mercury Retrograde dates in a website feature last year so hopefully you jotted them down. I wouldn’t normally be giving a basic Mercury cycle this much space, but Chiron also moves out of Pisces in March and that’s a big one.

The Aries Weather – Income, Taxation, House, Apartment, Shares, Pension, Superannuation, Sales, Business, Credit Cards, Loans, Charities, Possessions
You have gone your own way, to quote Fleetwood Mac, and done it your way, to quote Sid Vicious, for many years. Actually, you began all the chopping and changing, the churning, slicing and dicing on May 28th, 2010. That’s about 9 years of constantly adapting and adjusting to what is new, different, new, different. No wonder you have gone your own way and done it your way. You were forced to invent and innovate the whole time, as nothing has been predictable or to be expected. Many Pisces people have gone freelance in 2010-2019 and that may explain the erratic nature of your finances as even the biggest and wealthiest corporations are notorious for never paying on time. There may be other reasons why you have been zig-zagging. In any case, you will lead a predictable life from March 2019. In fact, from March 7th. You will be able to put your money on a timetable or schedule. A person or organisation which instructs you, sets an example, teaches, guides or mentors you will take over from the constant process of evolution you have been living with since 2010. I’m not saying life will be every day, average or ordinary. In fact, the experiments will be pretty remarkable. Yet – at least you will be able to get yourself into a position where you know what is coming next, why it is coming next, and how. In February, then, you have some prep work to do. On February 13th, or perhaps within 24 hours either side, the emotional temperature will spike and the need for speed will become evident. At that point you have to decide if it serves you to feel angry. If it serves you to want to push, rush, or do battle in any way. You might also ask the same of another person or organisation. Yet, Pisces, it repeats a very old lesson for you, which is that freedom, space and independence are precious to the point of being priceless. What goes down near Saint Valentine’s Day will show you that, just as you’ve seen every other year since 2010. You can’t buy ‘my way’ or ‘going my own way’ in the catalogue, though the songs are obviously on iTunes.

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