Monthly Horoscopes from Jessica Adams at


Your Monthly Horoscope​
for August

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for August. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast



The Leo weather is here. The Sun, the New Moon and Mercury are all in the zodiac sign of Leo, the lion in August which helps with new beginnings. A fresh start! Soon after this, we move into the Virgo weather with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all moving through that sign, so this is the second set of green lights in one month. Two departments of your life are about to be rebooted. Did you miss our Leo Weather YouTube event? You can catch up here now and enjoy the wisdom of Stephanie Johnson and Natalie Delahaye.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

Remarkable Friendships and Groups

You will make some remarkable new friends between now and Christmas, Aries, or go back to budding new friendships which suddenly went off your radar a few months ago. Some of these friends will be from other countries (they will hold foreign passports, or have noticeably different accents – even be bilingual.)   Perhaps this has already started to unfold since Christmas 2020, when the great Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, in your sector of friendship, took place. You may have gone into business with a friend, for example, or pursued unpaid interests with friends, which still opened your eyes to other regions, countries, nationalities and possibilities. This is all in a day’s work for Jupiter in Aquarius. Near August 21st and 22nd, when the Moon is in Aquarius, I would expect you to tune into one friend in particular quite strongly; you have decisions to make.

I’m not saying that the friendships or the groups, networks and circles which they connect you to – are easy. They are a peculiar mixture of serious challenge and great opportunity. Yet, it is through allies and communities that you will find you can achieve what would be impossible by yourself, or even with a partner. Aries,  you’ll feel as if you’re on a major learning curve about life, every time you get together.

Inner Conflicts and Polar Opposites

You can expect inner conflicts involving friends and groups, or perhaps real differences, but this should be grist to your mill. The grit that makes the pearl in the oyster.  These are more likely when Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are opposed by other planets in Leo, its opposite sign. Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd August or nearby; Wednesday 11th August; Friday 20th August or thereabouts.

Some people in your social circle will go to the next level with their education, career, or finances and this will also have an influence on you. Through their growth and development, you will also be able to grow.

If you have the chance to commit yourself (or re-commit yourself) to a group, band, team, club, charity, association, committee or other network of people now, it will open up a whole new realm of possibility for you, by Christmas.

Your fellow Aries guitarist Angus Young had this cycle on December 31st 1973 when he played his first gig with the Australian heavy metal band AC/DC.  Decades later, Young is still rocking and AC/DC’s success continues. So you see, what you begin when Jupiter is in Aquarius, can last for years. Having said that, it is highly unusual to also have Saturn (the symbol of limitation, restriction, delay, challenges) also in Aquarius, in your sector of collaboration, community and friendship.

So really, Aries, this is a double-edged sword. Yet you would be highly unusual if you were not tempted to take on the entire, challenging, rewarding transit in August – headlong.  There is more to say about August than just your friends and groups, though, so let’s talk about the Virgo weather.

The Virgo Weather

This is really about your lifestyle, daily workload, wellbeing, health and fitness, Aries. It is about your unpaid work and housework as well. You begin this new cycle around 12th August when Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, enters that sign, together with Venus alongside. Then, from 23rd August, the Sun moves into Virgo and it’s clear that you are proceeding towards a new beginning in September. What this cycle teaches you, is that your first duty should be to yourself – body, mind and spirit. There is no point in slaving away for others, doing the chores or being of exemplary service, unless you are also feeling 100%.

This transit, the Virgo weather through your Sixth House, is associated with the tiny details of everyday life, from the hours that you sleep, the pillow that you use, the toothpaste you prefer – to the stitches in time that save nine, with COVID-19 (masks, testing, vaccination, quarantine) and perhaps other health issues. Virgo rules mental health too, so anxiety and depression – the common colds of mental illness – may be on some Aries agendas.

What Virgo weather shows you is that you need to refresh, update, think again and restart in September. This may also be very much about your paid work and unpaid work too. How conscientious you are; how happy you are to update and improve your skills; how you feel about meeting others’ needs. Depending on your personal birth chart, the forthcoming trines from empowering Pluto in ambitious Capricorn, to your Virgo factors – may result in a new role, new project, promotion – or perhaps a departure, sideways move and so on. You would expect this no later than September, if so.

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Success, Status, Ambition and Position

This Jupiter in Aquarius cycle, which can only happen to you every twelve years, is going to open up new possibilities for success and achievement, Taurus – born as a result of obstacles and waiting games. This does sound like a mixed bag, doesn’t it, but then you have Saturn in Aquarius as well. This sign rules your career, unpaid work, vocation or degree. Consequently, to have symbols of both expansion and restriction in the same zone of your chart, can feel like a balloon ride with lead weights tied to the ropes. And yet – if you knew you were going to get away with the journey, you would still take it. Correct? If so, proceed to a Christmas finishing line.

If you work full-time or part-time, then your professional horizons will expand dramatically now. Expect an invitation to go forward, explore and trade on your gifts which may be almost impossible to refuse. New career territories, new jobs, new projects, new places and people…almost everything which is on offer now promises to take you away from what you know, and introduce you to possibilities which offer more of almost everything. As Jupiter has been retrograde, or appearing to go backwards, it is possible that August will return a lost chance to you. As I said, you also have some lead weights here. The issue may be that your current position is untenable, for whatever reason, so you have to take an alternative job. That can happen.

Opposition and Opposing Factors Within

If you don’t have a job; if you are a full-time parent, or if work is secondary to your other mission in life, then this general message of hope and expansion will apply to your overall potential for success, rather than any fixed professional circumstances.  You would expect there to be mixed feelings or opposition on the days that we see Leo weather pushing against the Aquarius weather: Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd August or nearby; Wednesday 11th August; Friday 20th August or thereabouts.

A sense of vision, hope, faith and optimism could take you to much higher ground now. Draw on your talents, your experience, your heritage, your connections – every gift and asset that you have. It is very important to have faith and believe, Taurus. No matter how immensely challenging a particular role, goal, project, person or organisation happens to be, there is a way out. And a way through.

The Dumb Luck Factor

And – never forget the dumb luck factor either. Jupiter so often puts you in the right time, at the right place, for benefits and protection which just lands in your lap. This may have happened to you in July. Yet, it must seem to you as if everything is a double-edged sword in 2021. This is correct. For every really thundering moment of good fortune, you find that there is some kind of condition attached.

Aquarian singer Justin Timberlake had this cycle on September 12th 2006 when his album Future Sex/Love Sounds was number one in the charts in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada, making it his biggest global success. That was rather different to you now, as Saturn was nowhere to be seen, but the general message about appearing to do well – seeming to be on top of a mountain – is something you can take away with you, Taurus. That line ‘They can’t take that away from me’ may very well apply to one or two accomplishments now, putting you in a very big space on a very big stage indeed.

As for the Saturn side of the equation? That is your karma and also your hard work. For all that you are being shown tremendous natural advantages delivered to you by a rather benevolent fate, you also have to look at your C.V. now and understand that the burden of heavy responsibility and the need for tremendous hard work can’t be dodged. And at some point you are going to have to choose your priorities, Taurus. It’s a very real possibility that you could resign by 2022, and choose a different profession entirely. If you have a great many factors in Virgo and Capricorn in your personal birth chart, that’s really not out of the question, and signs would be here in August.

The Virgo Weather

Finally, you enter the Virgo weather in August too. So, there is a new beginning here, either for or through the children in your life. Perhaps your son, daughter, godchild, niece or nephew. Maybe, younger people as a whole (so , a paid or unpaid involvement with infants or teenagers. Perhaps, Millennials). What the Sun in Virgo will do for you is make everything terribly public and obvious to others. This gives you a mirror to peer into. Others will hold up a mirror and reflect the details back. This way, you can see what sort of mother you are, or were. (For example).

Babies, Infants, Children, Teenagers

The Fifth House of your chart, where we find the Virgo weather is also associated with sexual relationships which may end in step-parenting, pregnancy or perhaps with younger in-laws. This can be a one-night stand or a serious new passion. Again, the Sun will show you a mirror. This is an excellent time, in all cases mentioned above, to promise yourself that you will make a fresh start in September.  It may be your daughters’ education (for example) or issues about vaccination for a godchild – or maybe the age group is rather older – adult sons, their children and so on – but you’re being steered in a useful direction.

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Foreign People and Places

Jupiter is back in your sector of foreign people and places (and travel in the mind). Gemini, a new opportunity has surfaced since July. Yet, it is not without its challenges. I’ll bet you are not prepared to just let this go, though. There is too much to gain. If you get the feeling that this could be ongoing in 2022, 2023 and even further, though – you are correct. This option on the world map is there.

Education, travel, publishing, academia, the worldwide web and a new life in a new place – all of these life options are now on offer to you, for the first time in twelve years. What is unique about this transit with both Jupiter and Saturn, though, is the sense of learning the hard way, since Christmas 2020.

Two Opportunities So Far

In fact, your chart suggests that you have been given two opportunities with these life areas (above) and one fell absolutely flat, while another has never really taken off. Now, there is a third. It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to imitate the Stranglers and Walk On By.  You could keep walking – of course. However, it looks from your horoscope as if you have not been given hard lessons about particular situations, organisations or people for no good reason. You need to use those aspects of 2021, to date, which might have let you down – so you can take yourself higher.

The educational or academic process now might be formal, so you may be attending workshops or seminars, or taking evening classes, or making a commitment to a degree course. Alternatively, you will learn in your own way, at your own speed, and this will probably involve much reading in your own time, and a sizeable amount of web surfing or discussion.

I don’t even need to detail the impact of the pandemic on foreign travel, foreigners, and so on. It really goes without saying. Saturn and Jupiter in unison tend to present as the change, the challenge and the reward. I’m not going to mince words, though. If you persist with this/them/he/she in 2022 it will be a very long rope ladder to climb and an extremely difficult tunnel to crawl through. But by 2023? Well, what you began way back in August 2021 will transform you and empower you.

Publishing and the Internet

Publishing (and associated areas, like the mass media, or the web) will also offer you a chance to move forward now. You could touch a great many new faces in a vast range of new places, if this is the case. Libran author Graham Greene used this cycle to resign from his job at The Times newspaper, in order to become a full-time published author, on October 7th 1929. Pisces musician George Harrison organised a benefit concert for Bangladesh with Indian musician Ravi Shankar during this cycle on 1st August 1971 and put India on the map – also cementing a lifelong connection with its people. Those are a couple of examples of people who pursued this Jupiter Ninth House transit in a very particular way. Now, let’s look at the Virgo weather.

Your House, Apartment, Family, Household, Town, Country

The Virgo weather which rolls in August sets you up for a new beginning in September, when you could easily renovate, redecorate, overhaul the garden, reshuffle the household, rethink the family, or even take larger steps with your town or country. If you have Cancer (Fourth House) factors in your personal birth chart then a couple of difficult moments in July might have led you to promise yourself you’d get onto some changes in August and September.

Even without that (or if you do not know your birth chart) you are still looking at an annual review of your mortgage or your mother. Your tenant or your bedroom. Maybe, your national identity or local origins, culture, heritage or roots. This transit can be quite emotional. Not so much about the kitchen cupboards, say, as a powerful set of feelings tied to where you come from, or where you belong. The Sun in Virgo will illuminate, expose and highlight who and what matters most, Gemini, so you will make a solid decision by September.

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Finances, Property, Business, Charity, Possessions

The money, property, possessions or assets which belong to people in your immediate circle – or big organisations or government departments – is now your key to the future. What is given, paid back, lent or shared could now give you enormous scope, and offer you a new pathway which simply was not there before. I am not downplaying the issues and concerns, as you are living with Saturn in Aquarius now and also next year. However, when Jupiter goes back into this sector of your chart, there is a feeling that the cavalry has arrived. There is rather a sweeping, epic feeling to this aspect of your life in August, Cancer. The future is calling to the present. The year 2023 is actually shouting back to you and so many of the decisions you make now, will put you on a particular path (or not).

Rubik’s Cube Puzzles

Jupiter is giving you an answer. It is also showing you a very heavy, very difficult Rubik’s Cube puzzle to solve. I don’t actually think you will ever solve it, given your chart, but you will do impressive things with it. I think the sense of achievement by 2023, in terms of your life budget, will be solid. You are an emotional water sign and people can talk to you about pounds, dollars or euros until the cows come home, but for you, the price tags are intensely personal and frequently do not add up to other people. For example – the freedom not to work for the man. The integrity of never selling out. The high cost of a child (priceless).

This life budget of yours is right on the line in August and for every solution now, you also have some arithmetic to do. I should have thought Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd August or nearby; Wednesday 11th August; Friday 20th August or thereabouts were days to give yourself more space. More time, too, because some calculations about the house, the bank, the objects, the apartment, the good cause, the company – will never be perfect.

You can be outrageously rich and still go through issues on this cycle. Richard Branson is a Cancerian. He has tried to escape while wearing a space suit. It cannot be done. If you were born between late July and late August, then the cycles time reveal some really hard decisions. Basically, you want to keep the great things you’ve just had delivered to you, but do all you possibly can to avoid what has just stumped you. Confronted you. Seriously concerned you!

Big Opportunities

You may well feel inexperienced or unprepared for the big opportunities which arrive now. That should not stop you from exploring your options, though. Others have a great deal to offer you now, and it is through taking advantage of this, or pooling resources, that you will be able to move forward. The Eighth House of your chart rules marriage and mortgage (sex and money) but also family and legacies (death and money). Into this broad arena we might find life insurance, the contents of your own will, but also anything left to you by others. A mortgage is the absolute bottom line of this August cycle.

If you’re prepared to learn rapidly, try everything (within reason), and exploit each deal, arrangement or offer as it emerges, you should take giant leaps into your own financial future now. 2022 will be serious. No way around that. Yet, from 2023 you could become empowered by the outcomes of the roads you choose now, and it looks like there are a couple of them. It very much depends on your self-control and willpower, Cancer.

The Virgo Weather

I’ll end by noting the Virgo weather in your sector of short journeys, the internet, the media, publishing and education. You are proceeding towards a new beginning in September. What gets you there is a process of enquiry, investigation and research. You are ruled by the Moon, Cancer, so the lunar cycle is important to you. The Moon is in Virgo and your Third House of trips and head trips, every 28 days or so, but not like this. Once the Sun changes signs in the third week of September, all eyes are on your words, images and ideas. All eyes are also on how you are getting around these days – these days being pandemic days. Others’ opinions are a really useful sounding board.

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Duets and Duels Which Benefit You

Well, Jupiter is back in your zone of duets and duels, Leo. He joins Saturn, who has given you a fairly hard time for the last few weeks. Now, you can see a solution. If you are single, and open to a new relationship, you will now team up with someone who can teach you about the world, or give you a much larger angle on life – never mind love. H/she may be from a different region, country, culture or belief system, or better educated than you, even if it’s just in the school of life. You’ll realise what a tiny world you inhabited before! Alternatively, you’ll end up with a partner who is keen to move or travel – or study. His or her momentum will also carry you forward.

That was a quote from an astrology book written over a decade ago, about a cycle which has just come to pass. So you can see how your horoscope works, even through the mists of time. Any new lover is a handful and hard work. No doubt about it. Does it get easier? If you are still together in 2022, the honest answer is no. If you are still together in 2023, though, the answer is – it empowers you. You find yourself potentially in a power couple.

If (for whatever reason) dating and relationships are not possible, you will team up with a person who will be your guide in other ways. This man or woman will open the doors, hand you the map of life, through work or business teamwork. You two could be sharing a house, for example. You two may be teaming up on a professional project.

Partnerships and Solutions

If you are already in a partnership which is basically good for your growth and development, it will take you even higher now, in terms of solutions and answers. Travelling locally, having children, moving, starting a business, marrying or moving in together, are all common outcomes as this is the cycle which answers the problem with the most tremendously hopeful, big-thinking answer. If you are married or in a professional partnership, for example, if may be that you have been absolutely stumped about what to do, but since July, the answer has become clear.

If your marriage or relationship is keeping you stuck, or stagnating, then this cycle is well-known for presenting you with the chance for an amicable separation and divorce, or very good therapy.  This can happen too, Leo. You’ll get successful counselling, or make breakthroughs thanks to self-help courses, useful books, astrology, religion – whatever it takes. In this case you may end up blessing the problem you began with. The thorn on the rose.

The Seventh House also rules enemies, rivals and opponents. Even someone who is against you can ironically open a huge door for you at this time. The duel, or the duet, is characteristic of this cycle. A weak rival or flimsy opponent can be a tremendous help at this time, for whatever reason, Leo.

Virgo actor Sean Connery married Diane Cilento during this cycle on November 30th 1962. Gemini singer Stevie Nicks married in this cycle, on January 29th 1983.  Taurean actor Sir Laurence Olivier had this cycle when he met his future wife, Scorpio actress Vivien Leigh. Libran politician Margaret Thatcher had this cycle on June 11th 1987 when her easy victory over Labor’s Neil Kinnock made her the first Prime Minister in 160 years to win three terms.

The Virgo Weather

To complete your forecast for August, Leo, let’s just say you’ll have the calculator out this month. You will make a firm new beginning in September, when you turn your attention to your house, apartment, business, charity or possessions and make a fresh start. You are in a fascinating cycle when Christmas suggests a substantial opportunity, financially. This will increase in importance by April 2022 or there will be a second one ahead. Having said that, not every Leo will be aware of a Christmas delivery in August 2021, so rather than deal in guesswork, let’s just say that the future does look very bright for you, and that the choices you make in August take you there.

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Lifestyle and Health, Workload and Body

Tremendous new options for your body, health, wellbeing and medical situation will appear in this cycle. Don’t miss a trick. I am not saying that they come gift-wrapped with a rose on top. They will come with a lot of hard work involved, and of course we are living in a pandemic, Virgo. The truth is, though, the combination of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, in your Sixth House of work and health, does rather suggest a magnificent if very demanding solution. Of course, your concerns with your health may have nothing to do with the virus. You may be thinking about your mental health (insomnia or depression are common at the moment) or perhaps you have another condition to sort out.

I know of no other cycle which opens the doors to new possibilities for healing, treatment – even cure – of conditions you have been stuck with for years. Seek and ye shall find. Sometimes you just need time or money to deal with your problems; if so, that may appear now. Alternatively, you just need medical breakthroughs, scientific advances, hi-tech inventions or new people in your world, who can improve your quality of life. The combination of Jupiter and Saturn is well-known for handing you the most tremendously large key, to a very new door. I suspect that happened in July. And yet, you go through the door and find yourself with a maze of more locks to open. In persisting with that, though, and taking the best professional advice you can find, you open up your world. I would hurry to get cracking with this, though, as the cycle ends at Christmas.

Jupiter says “Have faith, think big, don’t waste this chance.” Saturn tends to concern you, and you are right to have tremendous caution. And yet – I don’t think you want to just let this matter pass you by. It may be weight loss, or hypnosis, or meditation, or medication – come to that.

Given all you went through after December (dashed hopes) you were no doubt wondering when there would be light at the end of the tunnel. In this cycle, it will appear in a multitude of ways. So…explore, experiment, learn, grow. Your options, all this time, may have been far more limited than you realised.

You will get a new job in this cycle, retire, resign, or find your current position is reshaped in an amazing way. If you have full-time home duties you may enter the workforce, or just find that there is a new spin on your life at home which massively expands your horizons. This may involve furloughing for some of you, or job-sharing. There may be study to commit to or advance with. Again, get a wriggle on, as the opportunities close at Christmas, Virgo.

If you want to work in new industries or areas (full time or part time) then start looking almost as this cycle begins, with both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius again. The idea of the Sixth House, very close to your heart, is service and duty. Being obliged to other people (sometimes animals) from a sense of commitment and dedication. It’s quite pure. Yet, the key message of this transit is that you can’t be good to anybody, unless you are good to yourself. There is now a solution for your health question. It’s imperfect and it’s difficult but it should take you higher.

Long-term, if we are talking about work decisions which dovetail with lifestyle or health matters, then be a realist about 2022 please. This is not just a 2021 matter and you would need to take next year very seriously indeed. From 2023, however, when Pluto changes signs, if you do stay the course then you could be looking at breathtaking power and control up ahead, particularly as Pluto will eventually trine your Virgo Sun. Your personal chart will tell the rest of that story.

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Babies, Infants, Children, Teenagers, Millennials

Well, Libra, you are back in the game with some solid solutions for the remainder of 2021. A major transit of the Fifth House of your chart, which we associate with pregnancy, adoption, IVF, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and young people (particularly Millennials en masse) is here. This is your second or third bite of the cherry, and although you were so let down earlier this year – now there is hope.

I would say this looks like hope complicated with understandable caution. What or who came into your world in July has shown you how great life could be again, but you are also very rightly concerned about the realities. This is typical of this cycle, with Jupiter throwing you a solution and Saturn muttering and wagging a stern finger.  So what to do? Well, I just don’t think you can let this chance go by. You realise it will likely change you and change your life, and the astrology validates that. But – who are you not to change? Even if change is very, very hard work?

Let’s look at children first! What happens in terms of your own, or other people’s children, will help you to learn and grow, now, in the most amazing way. A confirmed pregnancy, or a big leap forward for (or with) your son or daughter is a very common outcome. Grown-up children could make big life decisions which expand your own horizons. Often, they get you travelling, studying or moving. Adoption or step-parenting could be in the mix too.

A separation or divorce can reshape the relationship with the children – that is another example of this transit.

We also associate the Fifth House with courtship and the royal bedchamber. With unplanned pregnancy, as much as planned parenthood. So there is a focus on sex, with this cycle. It may be about contraception. The children in your world now are also just as likely to be nieces or nephews; godchildren; grandchildren.

There may be teenagers you teach, or students you coach, as a volunteer. It’s on that level. Perhaps children are your concern within the healthcare system. Every Libra person will have his or her own, intensely personal, relationship with a younger generation in August.

Do expect challenges. The challenge to change is substantial. We can narrow this down to Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd August or nearby; Wednesday 11th August; Friday 20th August or thereabouts.

Libra, if you have Leo factors in your chart then the message is doubled. I strongly recommend you look at The Leo Weather event on YouTube. Some of what you experience with sons and daughters (say) points back to what you did not see (or was covered up) back in 2017, 2018. To give you some examples of Fifth House transits in the lives of well-known people – and how they manifest –  Gemini Sir Paul McCartney had this cycle on 12th March 1969 when he married photographer Linda Eastman, who had a daughter from a previous marriage. Sometimes the issue is stepchildren. Virgo Lenny Henry also had this cycle on October 20th 1984 when he married Libran comedian and French and Saunders star, Dawn French. Their marriage opened the door to adoption. Gemini Jamie Oliver had this cycle on March 30th 2005 when his campaign for children – Feed Me Better (inspired by his show Jamie’s School Dinners) – resulted in a large government grant for schools.

The children who turn up in this cycle often belong to other people. Boy Scouts founder Robert Baden Powell, a Pisces, had Jupiter in the Fifth House – as you do now, Libra – when he organised the first-ever scouts camp on Brownsea Island.

The Virgo Weather

Libra, you are also in for a spell of Virgo weather as August rolls on, and so religion, spirituality, Tarot, mediumship, meditation, hypnosis, therapy, counselling or just ‘the Universe’ is a top priority. In fact, there will be a fresh start by September for you, as you are ready to use all that you uncover and discover, from the final week of August, to help you identify who and what matters. This is not necessarily life-changing stuff, just the usual annual transits through your Twelfth House of inner life, soul and spirit. Yet, you do need that annual maintenance check – even on the inside.

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Ever since Jupiter and Saturn both landed in your sector of property, home, family, town, country, household and ancestors, you have been in the odd position of thanking your lucky stars for blessings, then turning your back on who or what disappointed you so much. Scorpio, this is typical of this unusual dual transit, but now the tide has turned again. August reveals a second excellent opportunity to you – with strings attached.

So should you go for it? Well, you are probably halfway there. August is thus best devoted to getting the details right. Your first thought is never necessarily your best thought during transits like these and it may take a reasonable amount of questioning, negotiation, trial and error to retain what you like so much about a situation and to try and dismiss the rest.

Opportunities to make much more of your home life will appear now, and you could easily move, build, emigrate, make home improvements, decorate or renovate. Whatever gives you a bigger picture in terms of your domestic life (even a more adventurous approach to family or flatmates) will suit your lifestyle now, as Jupiter encourages you to look for more possibilities in your life. What Saturn does, is essentially bring deeper concerns and a loud cautionary note. There is no getting away from the fact that 2022 will be demanding, if you enter down a particular road now. Yet from 2023 if you are still committed to this property or family matter, or to this place – it will transform you and your life. It will empower you.

Your family background or roots will benefit you now. Where you come from will now help you get to where you need to be. Your family can also expand at this time, thanks to new babies, or the arrival of an entire network of in-laws (along with a new partner.) Yet, for all that Jupiter opens doors and apparently removes old issues, Saturn is here to remind you that life is an education. You absolutely need to read the books now. Perhaps, you need to read the online forums.

Sometimes the turning point with property is offbeat. It is not about a standard home option. It’s in the alternative camp.

In order to make the most of your new unusual home, domestic situation or temporary residence, though, you’ll need to expand your perspective. Sticking with the same attitudes, habits and rituals is not going to help you. Try to be open.

You have until Christmas to use this cycle, Scorpio, as Jupiter will be in Aquarius in your Fourth House of belonging, then.

Sometimes this process of expansion can take place without you leaving the sofa! People may move into your home – or enter your circle of family or flatmates – who educate you. Your fellow Scorpio, Pablo Picasso had this cycle on 19th April 1949 when he became a father to daughter Paloma, expanding his family circle. Of course she became part of the family firm.

Jupiter tends to do this. It’s not just a new family member, it’s part of a dynasty or business.

The Virgo Weather

Suffice to say, you will have your work cut out for you with family or home, household or home town, in August. Yet, friends and groups are also central to your plans. Old friendships, your current social diary, Twitter, the clubs (or teams) which affect you most – are all in the spotlight. In fact, what you see reflected back to you so clearly by the final week of August will help an important decision by September. A fresh start. Scorpio, this may be your polo team or your charity; your Best Man or your most crucial girlfriend.

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Siblings and Cousins

The Third House of your chart rules brothers and sisters, cousins and the nature of your relationship with them. In August, we have a new wave of trends in your Third House. Your fellow Sagittarius Britney Spears has a sister who is planning a memoir, while her superstar sibling is caught up in the battle with her father.

How is this cycle affecting you? The return of your ruler Jupiter here, suggests tremendous opportunities for progress and problem-solving, but you also need to be so sharply aware of what could fall down in front of your eyes. Essentially, August is about seeing the potentially great things, and being ruthlessly practical about plans which you trust will protect you against outcomes you already see (in August) you do not want.

Your brother, cousin or sister could be your passport to a bigger, potential-packed world this year. Alternatively, your relationship with them will offer you much more scope for improvement. The relationship with your sibling may be close, distant, good, bad or indifferent. Jupiter doesn’t care! Instead, it just wants to open up your options. The sibling relationship to date has followed certain serious, limiting, deeply concerning patterns or pathways – but over the next few months, all that’s going to change. Jupiter will introduce a whole new set of possibilities into the equation, no later than Christmas.

Communication, Media, Web, Education, Books

The time has come to explore bigger, better ways to get your message across now. A foreign language class could do it. So could new technology – and the latest thing from YouTube or Tik-Tok could give you much more scope to explore the written or spoken word. Your ideas and opinions could travel a very long way at this time, and open up all kinds of doors for you. That speech, poem, blog, script, manuscript or petition which has your name attached to it could be your key to the most intriguing possibilities. The twin combination of Jupiter and Saturn suggests the media, publishing, academia are likely candidates for this new pathway.

If you can hang on to who/what pleases you so much, after a very lean 2021 to date, you will be helping to reshape an entire department of your life. Yet, you would be mad to just plunge in, given a late July situation which pulled you up short. You need to do your homework, Sagittarius. More research. More questioning. Certainly, a more intricate strategy.

Short Journeys and Commuting

I tend to recommend that clients take every short trip offered to them, at this time – and there will be more than one. Of course, defining ‘short’ really depends on where you live! Are you going from Limerick to Dublin, or from Melbourne to Hobart? The important thing to remember now is that time and money are actually irrelevant. It’s the ‘getting away’ that’s the thing, so a car trip to Glastonbury from Manchester can be just as life-changing as a cruise from New York to Spain once was, before the pandemic.

Of course you can stay at home if you want, but you will not get a chance like this again – for at least another 12 years. You will grow and learn more than you ever imagined, through your getaways now.  This is really a case of ‘local is the new foreign’ for you, Sagittarius. And the new economies which are resulting from the pandemic will help you. Bargains galore perhaps or just new travel options.

Whatever needs to happen to get you travelling, even in this unusual times, Jupiter will provide. Gemini astronaut Helen Sharman became the first Briton in space during this cycle on May 18th 1991. Your own expedition may be to the beach, rather than the galaxy, but Jupiter will still expand your usual horizons. The usual rules with Saturn on board, do apply, though. You will need to take quite strong measures to neatly sidestep what/who you do not want! I am fairly sure you will be aware of that even as August begins. As with the internet, and your siblings/cousins too, it is time to be strategic. Premium? Please keep reading.


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Saving or Making Money by Christmas

Your old way of earning, saving, investing or managing money will be left far behind in this cycle, as more intriguing possibilities open up. In fact, by the time this cycle is over, and Jupiter is on its way into your Third House, after Christmas, you could be on your way to vast business, property or financial possibilities. If your high hopes are backed up by practical strategies and a sound approach, you will end up richer – or just feeling that way. This is the standard view of Jupiter in Aquarius in your Second House, by the way. Yet, there are some cautionary notes too, as I am sure you realise.

It may be the practical considerations of receiving a new income source when you (say) are behind on your tax returns. Perhaps you are being paid by someone who may not necessarily be there after Christmas – you just don’t know. Capricorn, another example might be the old adage “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” when applied to that relative who is giving you rent-free accommodation. Maybe you are being offered a way to earn more, but are really weighed down by the risk of not delivering.

How on earth can something as glittering as that golden key, to that shiny new door, come with so many heavy concerns? Well, that’s characteristic of this cycle, when your serious ruler Saturn is in the same chart zone as Jupiter. You are happy about the way things just opened up, but at the same time, they feel tightly constricted or rather demanding.

So, a new income source, either through investment, a part-time job, a business scheme, or even a new job – has caveats.

An alternative way to manage your banking or accounting which would open up a lot more options – for example, by switching your mortgage type, or by changing accounts – comes with a wagging finger.

Capricorn, we associate the Second House with ‘cash in kind’ benefits, so it may be that you are offered access to something that would be rather expensive, but is being virtually handed to you on a plate. Uncle Monty’s holiday cottage in Withnail and I springs to mind. And yet, there’s a catch. Just as there was with Monty.

This cycle can only happen once every 12 years so don’t waste it. I honestly don’t think you’ll be put off, just by some obvious concerns in August. Yet, if you are going to stick with something or someone long-term you must be a realist about 2022. You have to understand how much hard work 2022 could be for you. If you do go in for the long-haul, though, from 2023 and beyond you will be offered tremendous control and tempting new empowerment. Financial potency in fact, if you pull it off.

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Image, Branding, Appearance, Reputation

For the five months or so that this final Jupiter cycle operates, you will be able to do more with/about your name, face, image and reputation than you know. In fact, it’s been more than a decade since you had this kind of opportunity. Trade on your outer packaging now, because it’s your passport to all kinds of people, places and possibilities. That means focussing on your CV, photograph, blog, website profile, personal style, presentation and appearance.

You were given a chance (maybe two chances) near Christmas and you have only gone so far with one or two of them. In fact, it looks as if you dropped one ‘me’ option because it was no good. Now, you are turning the corner into August and yet again your horoscope offers you a really tempting choice. This feels like a relaunch or appears to be another debut on the stage of life. I doubt you’ll say no, but it’s also clear that you have some serious and quite justified concerns. You’re unsure. You need more research.

Well, August is the time to get it. You are not going to find perfect or easy, Aquarius, but you will find worthwhile and rewarding. The only real caveat here is that if you commit to something with 2022 in mind, be aware that 2022 will be really hard work. And if you stay the course long-term (say with a new role, or new business bearing your face or name) then from 2023 this is life-changing stuff.  Actors who want to become famous have transits like this.

If there are issues about your face, body and hair then you will be amazed at how many possible solutions appear now.

You can take up more space on the stage of life during this cycle. Some people become better-known when Jupiter passes through the First House – even finding fame, or just greater fame across more channels. Once again, Saturn in Aquarius is the clanging warning bell. You can gain an upfront role on Zoom or YouTube, for example, but realise it means being on a really tight leash.Saturn tends to show you the extreme limitations of a situation, person or organisation.

The Virgo Weather

A final note, Aquarius. In August you hit Virgo weather, which will help you to save or make money in a substantial way after Christmas. You may be seeing your accountant, paying overdue tax, buying or selling property, starting a business and so on. Really focus on the numbers from the final week of August and there will be a fresh start in September, but it will not be until Jupiter changes signs in December that you start to see how terrific 2022 could be.

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Religion, Therapy, Tarot, Spirituality

Let’s talk about your soul or psyche. It’s the private, secret core of yourself which now offers the most room for exploration, discovery and achievement. It has nothing to do with money, sex or work, and everything to do with who you really are, when nobody else is watching. Pisces, the unusual combination of Jupiter and Saturn, both in the Twelfth House of your chart, suggests August is an inward search.

Meditation, which encourages you to turn inwards, can become central. Likewise hypnosis or counselling. So can yoga. Any discipline which encourages you to turn in on yourself will help you grow, develop and learn at an incredible rate.  And yet, Pisces, there is a certain amount of caution there. Saturn alongside Jupiter suggests quite understandable concerns about the opportunities of August. Part of you is tremendously grateful to a benevolent universe for the delivery and timing, but another part of you is no doubt full of questions. This feels heavy, doesn’t it?

Psychologists and Psychiatrists

Staying at home during the pandemic is a springboard for this kind of introspection, of course. Yet some Pisces people are seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist. You may be exploring your psychic abilities too, or mediumship.

The Twelfth House is about your relationship with yourself. It’s about looking in the mirror, or disappearing into inner space (the inner space of dreams, or tarot readings, or horoscopes) and finding out who’s in there. What are you all about, and who are you, really and truly? The search for those answers may take you until Christmas, when Jupiter departs Aquarius.

Even Humanists will find a space for their inward search on this cycle, and it may be your view of ’the Universe’ that draws you inwards. Even your fellow Pisces Einstein, took God seriously. We are living in a pandemic and the death toll is high. Where does quantum reality fit in with that? On quite another note, being at home more often in 2021, may well have taken you to the point where you have to question the substances which go into your system, as they alter your mind too much.

English Sagittarian politician Charles Kennedy had this cycle on January 5th 2006 when he publicly admitted seeking private professional help for his drinking problem. Jupiter in the Twelfth House often cures hidden issues.

The Virgo Weather

You have Virgo weather every year in your zone of duets and duels. It’s really not life-changing, but it does matter, as you must now put your former wife, at the centre – or you may want to sort out your son’s father. There may be issues about your first husband, or about a crush which you feel could become a date.

The duets are not always about love and sex. They can be about professional duets. Platonic friendships where the two of you are in a pair, for whatever reason. Pisces, the final week of August will show you what’s what, who is where, and what matters. You will make a strong decision by September as a result and be off to a fresh start.

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