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Your Monthly Horoscope​
for August

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for August. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


From August 15th, 2019 some hard karma is about to come down, in relation to the Jeffrey Epstein under-age sex scandal. It was never just about teenagers, of course. It was also about large amounts of money. The astrology shows that the fall-out from the Epstein arrest will take place from August 12th through 29th when the world realises how many cover-ups or mysteries there were in August 2017 and August 2018. My original long forecast about the Leo weather across that period, which namechecked Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton, and the Donald Trump family (including Jared Kushner), as well as the novel Lolita by Nabokov, is here. That prediction was made two years ago.

A Guardian report is also here detailing strong statements and denials from the major players linked to Epstein. The astrology behind all this? The historic Leo weather of 2017-2018 which is having its ultimate fall-out in August 2019. Watch. Wait.

If you are curious about the Trump clan and want to see a prediction from 3rd February 2018 where the Epstein arrest date was actually mentioned, look here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

You have been on a long and winding road in terms of babies, children, Millennials or young adults. You have also been on a long and winding road with sexual relationships with parenthood potential. You started out on this road way back in 2017 and now, in August 2019, you have some backtracking to do. That’s putting it mildly. What you experience in terms of your son, daughter, godchild, niece, nephew, grandchild, bedroom partnership – may feel like a re-run of June and July 2019 – but it’s actually going to take you back to everything that you failed to see, or simply were not given access to, back in the. Years 2017-2018.

I include pretenders to the throne here and your young heirs. So, you may not have children yourself, or any particular youthful replacement (no important godchildren or young relatives) – but there may be a younger dynasty en masse of other people’s infants and teenagers. Perhaps it’s a class you teach. Maybe it’s the audience you entertain.

The fact is, you spent 2017 and 2018 caught in a loop with all this. Much as you tried to alter things, nothing really worked, because you were in the long North Node cycle of karma, which required considerable patience. You had to go through certain things to ‘settle up’ with the universe, and perhaps other people. A settlement also needed to be made with you, in many cases. That is why life had to take the course, that it took.

During this period you were absolutely in the dark about one crucial matter, likely around the eclipse of August 2017 or August 2018. You were flying blind, as eclipses conceal, they never reveal, what is actually going on. This may have been about your son; your fertility treatments; a passionate affair; a teenage football team you coach. You get the picture. Now, as you go into August, you have to go all the way back to discussions, decisions, paperwork, planning or even the mail, as it stood in June, July this year.

Mercury Retrograde does not finish his own loop until 15th August (allow a day either side for world time differences). So, until that point, you will be going over old ground and realising that nothing was actually final. This may be your daughter’s vacation plans (but there is so much more to it than just a holiday) or your ideas about adoption. Every Aries will have her own story, or his own story, and your personal birth chart will tell you what the personal ‘loop’ is really about.

You can make a firm, fresh start in the second half of August with all these intensely personal concerns about the younger generation, and those who come after you. Because that is ultimately what all this is about.

There is also something very new, at the end of August, and that’s the Virgo cycle, which is about your health and wellbeing. Your fitness and mental health too. Your workload. Your work ethic. Your daily routine and your sense of duty to others. You are up for your annual life review where all this is concerned, and an epic decision will follow by September.

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The shift with your family, homeland, hometown, household, apartment, house and/or property investment in July was substantial. There is a reason for that. You are being taken into the future, which will be very different to 2017 and 2018, when you were caught in a cycle where nothing you did, had very much effect! This was the North Node cycle of time-warps and circular loops, when it must have felt like Groundhog Day to you; the cult film where everything happens, exactly the same way, every single day. That film lasted hours, but you had Groundhog Day with a close relative, your home, your country or city or flatmate/roommate for about two years.

Taurus, during this period you were also in the dark. I am sure you remember the Great American Eclipse of August 2017. Eclipses are peculiar periods when we just do not see – and simply do not know – what is going on. It is only now, in August 2019, as you backtrack over the discussions, plans, emails, news and paper trail of the last few weeks, that you are likely to realise just how much you will never know.

Eclipses do that. We end up with a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing, and no full picture. The puzzle is never actually put back together, ever, in completion. So, to some extent, Taurus, you have to walk away from 2017-2018 in the second half of August 2019.

As I said, recent discussions, paperwork or plans which likely circle you in July, should now return for a final decision. It is possible something may be scrapped (completely reversed) or you may need to reshape what was agreed – or apparently ‘final’ – back in very late June or most of July. From August 15th, though, you will know exactly where you stand.

After that, you can turn your attention to other matters; namely the world of parenthood-potential sexual relationships; babies; schoolchildren; teenagers; young adults. These may be your own or other people’s offspring. The final week of September turns a huge spotlight on these matters, and they are up for inspection, with a decision pending next month.

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For other people, the simple business of Twitter, a mobile phone/cell phone, the internet and communication in general may be just another part of life. For you, it is what drives you. Thus, the years 2017 and 2018 have had a massive impact on your destiny, even though you might not be entirely aware of it.

Your Third House of communication, information and also transportation (and short haul travel – helicopters, domestic flights) has been well and truly swept by eclipses. In addition to that, the North Node of karma has also swept your chart.

Now, that should (by rights) be ancient history, but the past must now be reviewed and absorbed. Gemini, your ruler Mercury has been retrograde since the end of June, when he first went into shadow. I am sure you know Mercury is the planet which rules your telephone, computer, fundamental communication, car, public transport, travel and the rest.

Thus, nothing has really been straightforward for weeks now, and it will not be until August 15th that you finally have normal transmission resumed. You may have been affected by the extreme weather in Europe hitting the trains, for example.

What you are essentially doing is catching up with late June, through July 2019 – but so much more. This straightening-out of your internet use, telephone, involvement with multimedia (perhaps), transport or travel is deeper than it first appears.

You are actually straightening out the last couple of years, as so much of what happened then was out of your sight. You were blind to it, or you were kept in the dark. Now, you are going to find out how much you never knew, or never saw.

This, combined with the catch-up of August, when so much of the initial story in July is going to change, or even be scrapped, gives you a long backwards look. From there, you can make new plans for the rest of 2019, in the second half of August. This may be about your Twitter account, your laptop, your car and so on. Perhaps we are talking about really fundamental communication issues like hearing, speech, comprehension, literacy or language – eyesight or memory, even. It can happen, depending on your personal birth chart, Gemini.

In the second half of August, you settle up with the past, accepting what you never knew and did not see – and begin, at last, what looks like a new chapter in your life, in terms of the worldwide web in particular. Something quite new begins around this time. It is a fresh focus on your family, your home, your hometown, homeland and/or household. Gemini, you have decisions to make by September. You also need to allow a great deal more time and space in your diary, quite beyond the demands of your job, unpaid work or course. The reason for this, is a constant lack of boundaries involving the same. By this, I mean you (or others) have been crossing the line for months. This situation will come to a head pretty soon and so even though you will have one eye on your family or home at the end of August, you also need to have as much space as possible, in terms of stepping back from the work, unpaid work or university/college situation and trying to see just how the boundary creep began, and how you can stop it.

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The rather stuck, changeable or complicated situation with your finances, house, business, charity, apartment or valuables will move forward, with no more questions, from August 15th. Allowing 24 hours either side for the world to catch up with itself, you will then have the full, final facts or figures that you need.

This will also help you come to terms with May 2017 to November 2018, when you were caught in a loop. This was down to the Moon’s North Node in Leo. You are ruled by the Moon, too. Nothing you did or said made much difference, and even in 2019, you seem to have spent June 28th – through now, early August – dealing with financial flux.

This may have been about currency exchange rates, your salary, a zig-zag paper trail, the bank, insurance claims, and so on. You have essentially been taken to this point to know your values really, really well. What you will (or will not) sell your soul for. Who (or what) is so precious it is priceless? Being made to wait like this, or ‘given the runaround’ as they say in Australia, has forced you to really get the full measure of your own life budget.

Cancer, you have also been caught by blind spots or tunnel vision regarding your finances, or property, across a chain of eclipses from August 2017 to January 2019. It is only now, in the second half of August 2019, that you can finally make some headway and move towards a fresh start.

Keep your eyes on the long-term future as although the second half of August will help you sort things out, and understand just how much you did not see – or could not know – it is 2021 that will change everything. That year is a game-changer and a life-changer for you, financially, as Jupiter (opportunity, expansion, growth) and Saturn (serious method and order) move into an area of your chart associated with family money and partnership finance, as well as mortgages, legacies, and the rest.

That’s all rather a long way away but it pays to plan ahead financially, and the turning point will be Christmas 2020. For now, take a deep breath, Cancer, because you have an awful lot of catching-up to do. If you feel the urge to consult a financial professional in August, then I don’t think anybody in your circle would be exactly surprised. Just remember the Mercury Retrograde cycle always starts and ends with a shadow. If you are curious about that you can hit Search and look it up, along with the hundreds of comments readers have left over the years, about their own experiences.

Cancer, one final note. The most important period of the year, in terms of your internet or multimedia commitments, starts at the end of August and runs into September. This cycle in the Third House of your chart is also associated with your car, public transport and short flights. You can expect a long overdue period of inspection, research and decision-making, likely involving your computer and phone – as much as your way of getting around – from the final week of August.

One thing that will come up repeatedly is the true extent of the confusion regarding a trip, relocation, website, book or course. Give this a ton of time and space as August closes, as your financial concerns will subside, but you also need to be right across this long-term question about life organisation in September, specifically with projects, plans, ideas or commuting and travelling.

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August is about the biggest period of backtracking in 19 years, Leo, as you finally come to terms with everything you missed about your image, reputation, title, role, brand and appearance in 2017, 2018 and also earlier this year. We are seeing the end (at last) of a very long cycle affecting your First House, ruled by your own zodiac sign, Leo the lion. The First House in modern astrology is associated with personal appearance, first impressions, image, self-promotion and presentation. The Curriculum Vitae or professional resume – today a Linked In profile – is about showcasing and pushing oneself forward. This is a First House matter and August is all about that.

Vitamins of course make for a healthy appearance. Weight, body language and posture are linked to vitality and form the impression you make. Thus ‘vital’ first impressions are also linked to the First House. When people tell you their life story, or their life is summed up in a biography, or even an obituary, it is often the First House that is expressed in words.

Pictures can speak louder than words sometimes, so it is to the overall vitality, posture, body type and so on that we turn to judge someone. Being overweight or underweight is a First House matter. So is a job title and of course, both first name and surname, this being at the head of any Curriculum Vitae. Leo, this is a ‘Me’ month with good cause.

All the above is a direct quote from my guidebook, The Horoscope Houses, for my Sun Sign School students. Yet it applies directly to you in August, Leo, because it is really clear to me that you were in the dark, regarding your image, near August 7th, 2017, August 21st, 2017, January 31st, 2018. July 27th, 2018, August 11th, 2018, January 21st, 2019.

You have also been dealing with Mercury Retrograde in Leo. This classic period of misfired communication, missing links, waiting games and even scrapped plans, began with the shadow on 28th June this year and does not end until August 15th. Thus, you will spend time going over old ground, and getting to ‘final’ with a matter concerning yourself, either in terms of your title, photographs, film clips, internet profile or portrait.

Even then, some things will always be a mystery to you. For example, you will always be partially or wholly in the dark about matters of image, going back to 2017, 2018 or early 2019. What is really welcome, though, is the knowledge that you can now move forward. In fact, you will be able to do this fully, from August 15th until 31st, without any of the complications regarding yourself, that were there before.

The new focus from that point forward, with the Sun, Venus and Mars all in Virgo, in the finance zone of your chart, will be your money, house, business, charity, apartment or valuables. Now that the ‘me’ aspect of social me-me-media can be put behind you, Leo, you can move into one of the most important financial decision periods of 2019.

The time has come to set aside the second week of September, in particular, for a long overdue examination of all the confusing and confused situations affecting everything you own, earn and owe. Bring your awareness to boundaries, in particular, as you finish August. Reinstating boundaries or even installing them for the first time, with your bank account or budget, will make a terrific difference to 2019.

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The Twelfth House of your horoscope is associated with your soul. Your inner life. Your spirit. Your secrets. Your unconscious mind. Virgo, you have a lot of catching up to do in this department, as throughout 2017 and 2018 it was impossible to effect many changes at all! In fact, most of the time you were caught in a loop with yourself – stuck – and also dealing with a total lack of vision, at various points along the way.

This may have affected you in terms of your religious beliefs, or religious people or organisations around you. Even a cult. It can happen. It may have been an issue with a psychic, psychiatrist or psychologist. That can also happen.

Now, your ruler Mercury is backtracking in the Twelfth House of your chart and after a very stilted, complicated few weeks, you are at last turning the corner. I am not going to promise total enlightenment. That is not going to happen, because the eclipses of 2017 and 2018 mean some things will remain a mystery. They may never be cleared up for you, actually.

This means acceptance and letting go, as they say. You can also look forward to a new beginning. Having been stuck for so long, and also left in the dark for so long, you owe it to yourself to use the period from August 15th (when Mercury is out of shadow) to commence a new path. It may involve a rabbi, priest, therapist, counsellor, medium and so on. Perhaps it’s just about interpreting your own dreams or using a journal. A journal can be a very good friend at a time like this.

Essentially you are forging a new relationship with your own soul, and it is coming very late in the story, but not too late for you to make a fresh start.

On a totally different note, you will be in the spotlight between the end of August and third week of September. All eyes will be on your photograph, name or YouTube clips. This is an annual event and it’s overdue, so feel free to step back and think about yourself in the third person. This is not ego, it’s sensible! When others are more interested in you than usual, you need to be prepared.

September is also going to show you just how confused and confusing the situation has become with your partner. With a former partner. With a potential partner. Perhaps, with an enemy. But that’s another story, Virgo. It would make sense to anticipate that your birthday in 2019 is time to clear the decks though and get stuck into who/what is all over the place, everywhere, all the time.

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The old Leo weather of 2017-2018 found you caught in a loop with a circle of people, among whom you counted old or new friends. This community may have been a political party, rock band, theatre cast or meditation group. The reason for this rather stuck couple of years was the North Node in Leo, which always sends you back to the beginning, even if you think you are genuinely trying to make a difference. The repetition of 2017, 2018 helped you develop a sense of humour; a philosophical outlook; a greater knowledge of yourself.

Now, you must be having all manner of flashbacks, as you have also spent the latter part of June 2019, July – and now early August – also going around in circles, thanks to an ongoing plan or discussion within this network of friends and others in the group – which has been so complicated.

From August 16th, the delays, changes or even the complete reversal of plans, is at an end. By that stage you will also be much more aware of how much you did not know, could not see, or were not informed of – over the last couple of years.

You can thank a chain of eclipses for that. Yet, from the middle of August you will be on your way with a completely new approach to your friends, and the group. To some extent you have to write off the jigsaw puzzle, with all its missing pieces, as part of life. You may have to put particular friendships or group commitments down to experience. Moving on, really will feel like moving on, from the second half of August.

That point in your life begins to move other priorities forward. Your own soul, for a start. Your spiritual life. Your secrets. Your relationship, with your God. The Sun will move into the Twelfth House of your chart, where you might also see a counsellor or therapist; a dream coach or psychic. It is intensely private and suggests a lot of soul-searching and the need for time alone, right into the month of September.

From that point, you will also begin to address a matter which was obvious in March. This is the ongoing feeling of being all at sea, or without an anchor, in your day-to-day life. This may be an issue about your physical or mental health, Libra. In other cases, your concern about drifting, may actually be with your housework, paid work, unpaid work or university/college degree. If you get the feeling this is coming up on your list of priorities, you are absolutely right, and from late August you should be able to see why September makes a firm decision necessary, to put you on solid ground again, rein a situation in and bring you back down to earth.

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Scorpio, at last you are in a position to make final sense of your career, unpaid work or university/college experiences over the last couple of years. You were kept in the dark in August 2017 and 2018, and it is only since the end of June 2019, that you are being held up (or going around in circles) with the information, that you realise there was so much more going on – than you ever imagined.

The Tenth House of your chart, where we find this Leo weather pattern, is not only about your paid work, unpaid work or studies – it is also about your social position, your status and your life in High Society, so to speak. Again, you have had a couple of years of really unusual repetition, and a fair amount of missing information, to deal with. So many mysteries!

Much as I’d love to tell you that every single mystery will be revealed in August 2019, I think at a certain point you will have to leave things as they are. The truth is, neither you, nor anybody else, will ever know. This may be because of a cover-up, or just a general lack of facts, insight or information. In addition to that, as you spent 2017 and 2018 stuck in a loop, when nothing you did or said made any difference to proceedings, you should really be celebrating the fact that the loop is long gone. (It vanished when the North Node moved into Cancer, November 6th, 2018).

What you are now left with is a clean-up operation, as best you can. This is not just about the last couple of years, though, Scorpio. It is also about the circular or complicated nature of a paper trail, endless chain of emails, ongoing discussion, so-called ‘news’, and even that great White House favourite, ‘alternative facts’ in some cases. You have a lot of sorting-out to do from the last few weeks, alone! Yet you will know, once and for all, where things are – very firmly – by August 16th. From there, you can proceed.

I know there is not much you can do about the row of questions marks you still have about your career, status, unpaid work or studies in 2017-2018, but at least you can make a genuinely fresh start in the second half of August. You should also know that on a basic lifestyle level, you are going through the wildly experimental Chiron in Aries transit.

This is with you all year and it means that you will be educated about what is no longer ‘impossible’ or even ‘unthinkable’ about your day-to-day existence. This involves housework as well as any paid or unpaid work, for others. Chiron is a tremendous teacher and there may actually be a person who does not fit the usual categories, showing you how to get away with things! That puts a whole different spin on what it means to have a particular role, goal or project. And as I’ve said, the second half of August will allow you to release the past and move on.

The other interesting thing about August is the new, sudden importance of the group. This may be a charity, or a trade union. It does involve friends. You will do your annual stock take of these people and the state of the ‘people power’ within the community, through to September. At that point, you will also need to tackle the baffling situation which encircles a pregnancy, baby, child, teenager or young adult in your world (or perhaps younger faces, as a whole). Your entire answer is ‘boundaries’ because there are none at all – or they have been slipping away. But I’ll leave that for your September prediction.

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You are well-known for your life as a traveler, student, teacher, worldwide web presence, migrant, explorer, author or publisher. It’s what Sun Sagittarius people do, and at your brilliant best, you shine brightly. You have also been enduring 2017 and 2018, when nothing worked as usual in your life, and instead you were caught in an endless time warp, when the situations around you were on repeat, and nothing you did to be proactive really worked. Those days are long since gone, but you have some catching-up to do.

You also need to be aware (and you will be, in August 2019) about all that you did not know, and could not see, at the time. You are effectively catching up with eclipses, which are always times when things are concealed, not revealed.

A lot of nonsense is written about eclipses in the name of astrology on the internet, but I am sure you can see that any situation where the Sun and Moon are overshadowed, or overshadowing each other – or even turning parts of the world dark – leaves you with patchy information or even a total blackout! This was especially the case in August 2017 and August 2018, and here we are, a year or two later, and you are finally realising what was being kept from you, was a pretty large part of the overall picture.

No matter. You need to get on with sorting things out as best you can, with an end point of August 16th. Part of the general messiness is down to all that was in motion from the final week of June this year. As you can now see, nothing was ‘progressing’ at all and this would have involved a trip, a traveler, book, website, course, workshop, foreign place or nationality, regional differences and so on. Classic Mercury Retrograde stuff. I hope you didn’t fall for it, Sagittarius!

Unravelling the tangled ball of wool will take you the first two weeks of August, by which time you will also see why the overall pattern of your life in 2017 and 2018 was so uncharacteristic. From that point, you can release the past, shrug in your usual philosophical way, and genuinely move on. Some things have to remain mysteries.

What is quite new in your life, and very important, is the focus on your career, unpaid work or university/college degree, in the final week of August. September will bring a decision. Also, ahead of you in September, is a moment of truth about the fuzzy situation with your apartment, house, family, household, town or country. To say that the boundaries have become blurred is an understatement. You’ll spend September sorting that out.

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You are slowly moving through the third year of an epic, life-changing, finance-changing pattern, Capricorn. It peaks in intensity in the year 2021 and from 2023 will transform your values, for many years to come.

First things first. The facts and figures dating from the end of June were never the full and final story. July has shown you that. Right up until the middle of August, you will be circling the circles, as the numbers never did add up, or the words did not hit their targets. Part of this is the notorious Mercury Retrograde cycle, which began with a shadow in late June and will not end until August 15th-16th, depending on your time zone.

Beyond the most recent lack of confirmation and certainty, it is also really clear that you need to catch up with 2017 and 2018 when you had blind spots, or were completely caught up in a story that left you in the dark. In August 2017 and 2018 in particular you were flying blind. Your bank, your property, your business, charity and the rest should have been laid out so clearly in those months, but there were some things you never saw and could not possibly have known about!

Now, you know – what you did not know. So, mid-August is a time of acceptance (hopefully) and a certain resignation. You will make a new beginning from that point. Further ahead, it is certain that December 2020 will find you making historic decisions which completely later your financial destiny in the years 2021, 2022 and from 2023 there will be that massive shift in your values, which I mentioned at the start of your prediction.

In the smallest of ways, the month of August 2019 contributes to that, Capricorn. And by ‘values’ I mean who/what you sell your soul for (we all do it) in 2019 is not your choice at all by 2023. And who/what you consider to be so precious it is priceless, is again, taking you in a hugely different direction by 2023. Allowing yourself the space to switch is a sensible thing to do.

By August 16th, 2019, you will be completely over the endless fixation on the dollars, pounds, euros, property, taxation, bank, company, charity and so on. Ready for something completely different? You should really turn to September as a chance to sort out your use of the internet, your phone, your communication in general (perhaps involving the media, education or publishing) and related issues like email. You are rapidly approaching a time when you can face who/what is so confused or random.

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You have your enemy, opponent or rival – perhaps. You may have your partner, former partner or potential partner, in love or work. Perhaps you have more than one set of scales in your life, Aquarius, with one reserved for your former boyfriend (say) and another reserved for a rival in your career.

This idea of a set of scales or a seesaw is central to August. You also need to realise how clever you were to avoid Mercury Retrograde (I hope you read the warning dates on this website last year). Why? Because from late June through to mid-August, from shadow to shadow, you are in a cycle when words do not stick. When mail or email is affected. When transport or travel involving this person (or both of you) is hit. I am sure you know all about this cycle because it went mainstream a long time ago.

Anyway, you now get to ‘normal’ by August 16th at the very latest, as you rewind, reschedule, rethink and general put the prefix ‘re’ in front of whatever was under discussion about/for this person. Again, this is the man on the other end of the see-saw from you, or the woman on the other end of the scales.

Beyond this, Aquarius, there was a blind spot or cover-up in August 2017 and August 2018. This may have been about this specific person, or the institution of marriage, as a whole. Perhaps the whole area of a work partnership, or a professional feud, or a legal conflict. A battle, or a matter involving an engagement, common-law marriage and so on. All this would fit.

You did not know, and could not see, what was what (or who was where) in August 2017 and August 2018. In fact, the entire last couple of years has been one blackout after another, or a long road where you were driving blind, as if your headlights were knocked out.

Now, you realise just how in the dark you actually were. There is a lot of catching-up to do in the first two weeks of August, not only because late June through July has taken you round in circles, but because it is only now, in the middle of 2019, that you realise how utterly misled you were before.

Take a deep breath and move on. You now know, what you never knew, nor saw. That’s fine. This area of your life will now be quite a straight road for you, and to some extent you have to throw your hands up in the air and resign yourself to karma.

There was a large amount of karma to get through in 2017 and 2018 and it went back to the late 1990’s, and even further back for so many Aquarians – right into past lives! Your soul had a debt and credit sheet of spiritual scores to settle or have settled. This person was at the heart of it all, or the general area of marriage, sexual relationships, work partnerships, feuds or rivalries was karmically loaded. Thus, not an awful lot you tried to do or say, to change things, made much difference at all, these last couple of years.

Now, you get to mid-August 2019 and realise, utterly and absolutely, ‘That was then, this is now.’ Release the past. The new focus for you is on your finances, charity, house, business, apartment, valuables, taxation, insurance, legacy and the rest. The bank or the piggybank. This will be really obvious from the final week of August and by September you will be staring down a confused and confusing situation which has been building in the most subtle way since March. It’s time to sort it.

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You will no doubt be waiting for the part of your August astrology prediction that is all about your former, current or potential partner (in love or work). Perhaps, too, your archenemy, rival or opponent. Pisces, it is quite true that a decision is coming, but it won’t really be made with full information until Venus conjuncts Mars on 24th August and then the New Moon on 30th August seems likely to ring the changes, for good.

An associated issue for so many Pisces people is the karma involving pregnancy, adoption, stepchildren, godchildren, existing sons or daughters, miscarriages, abortions, and so on. This is the stuff of the Fifth House in your chart and you are only just now emerging from a complicated cycle, dominating July, when nothing was ever going to stick, or go according to plan.

The upshot is, from the end of August, you know for sure where you are headed with this person in September and that New Moon (look up and you will see it, as August ends) is your signal. Moving back to the biggest story of all, you must now revisit the years 2017 and 2018 in relation to your work, unpaid work or university/college degree. It was impossible to separate that from your physical or mental health then. It still is now.

You were operating in the dark for the last couple of years and completely missed seeing important information in August 2017 or August 2018. Perhaps both months. Eclipses tend to make things very shadowy, or even blacked-out completely, so you were either ‘blind’ to what was going on, or it was actually concealed from you anyway.

August 2019 is the time of reckoning and although the story from July is set to change, be held up or even scrapped – you will get to August 16th knowing that at last you can proceed. Letting go of the last two years is not a bad idea. You simply could not control things, and as the Leo weather in your Sixth House of mind, body and spirit affected everything from housework, to volunteering, to paid work – not to mention how well you were able to physically or mentally function – you have quite a lot to sort out, in the first two weeks of August 2019. From the middle of this month, though, it will feel as if all your ducks are in a row at last. You can then move on from 2017, 2018 and go forward.

As the month ends and you become more aware of the other person – your former, current or potential partner – perhaps, your great enemy or rival – decisions obviously loom. The other concern here is actually your image, title, persona, online profile, personal appearance, name and the rest. To say this has been as clear as mud is an understatement! Near your birthday it became very clear how unclear things were. One way or another, Pisces, you’ll get cracking with this in September and deal with everything that has been allowed to slide.

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