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Your Monthly Horoscope​
for April

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for April. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


April really will feel new. It will feel like Spring on one side of the world and Autumn on the other. A genuinely fresh and exciting change of season. Why? Well the good news is, we have a New Moon in the energetic sign of Aries on Friday 5th April. That weekend is the perfect time to move forward with one special plan, in one important area of your life. Not only do we have a New Moon in Aries we also have Chiron in that sign at last. Read more about how, where and why the April 5th fresh start will have an impact in your horoscope.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

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Your Spirituality and Your Soul

These things are hard to share and harder still to put into words, but you have been sent backwards and forwards (since February) with your spiritual beliefs or the conversation with your own soul. This may be about the spirit world. About angels. About religion. About astrology, even – or your interpretation of quantum mechanics and the Universe. A caravan of factors in Pisces, one sign behind your own, has put you in the zone for much self-conversation and a fair bit of confusion. There have been no boundaries for years, now, so whether you are aware of it or not the veil has been very thin between yourself and the spirit world. Even if you firmly believe in nothing and nobody ‘up there’ Aries, I doubt you would have come through February and March without some odd experiences. Signs and omens? Dreams or portents? Mercury rules communication and it’s been muddy and muddled. That stops from April 18th when at last one ongoing episode is over. In the meantime, just be aware that there is quite a lot of distortion on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd and again on April 9th, 10th, 11th. This does end. But the general education you are receiving about your inner life, soul, spirit, inner world – and heaven ‘up there’ or the mystery of life – will be ongoing.

Your Career, Unpaid Role or Degree

On April 3rd, 4th or 5th you will be drawn into a demotion, promotion or reshuffle. Pluto is a symbol of power and control, and he has been circling your career, unpaid work or university/college life for just on 11 years now. You have learned so much in that time about the best way to guarantee your own empowerment and control. It comes down to using your willpower and self-control, every single time. Being the mistress or master of your own domain (not the Seinfeld domain – quite another kind!) It is about doing what you can to be the ‘boss of yourself’ even though April 3rd-5th suggests that bossy people, bosses and super-bosses are going to experience a tremendous change. This is such a big deal for you in April as on April 29th, 30th and possibly May 1st you will have to deal with the realities of success. The basics of achievement and ambition. The core truths about status. Saturn will conjunct the South Node, then, just as Pluto conjuncted the South Node on April 4th. You are slowly but surely moving towards the biggest and best solutions, breakthroughs and opportunities not possible in 12 years, which begin in the first week of December this year and run through 2020. For now, you have to deal with who and what is there. Slowly.

Your Image, Brand, Appearance, Profile, Name

A stellium in Aries, your own zodiac sign, guarantees a lot of discussion and many decisions about yourself as you are seen from the outside. You are upfront by nature, as this is how you shine – pushing forward, thrusting ahead, getting out there and being upfront/up there – is how you receive your best reviews. The New Moon on April 5th is a relaunch. It may be connected to the reshuffle at work (see above) as you are promoted, for example, or resign, retire or select quite a different role or title. There may be other reasons, but it’s a decisive New Moon. Allow April 4th, 5th, 6th to get the full measure of it, Aries. You test out the pros and cons of the relaunch on April 18th, 19th, 20th across the Full Moon. Avoid that period for decisions about business cards, weight loss, websites bearing your name, social media (the same), cosmetic surgery and the like – a Full Moon is an opposition between the Sun and Moon and it’s not the time. The biggest player in your chart is Chiron in Aries. Chiron shows up as a mentor, guide, guru, teacher, influencer, parent figure. You may or may not know this person face-to-face (it could be a YouTube star) but he/she has a huge impact on what you think you can get away with. What the new ‘possible’ actually is. Salacia is the other big mover in your chart. None of this stuff makes it into mainstream astrology, but Salacia is Neptune’s wife and when she meets Chiron on 30th April, you will know it. As you might imagine, Neptune is about floating, drifting, cruising. His wife is similar. There is a sense here of zero boundaries regarding ‘Me’ at this point. A holiday from reality is on offer regarding how you are profiled. Someone will show you where the boundaries just moved to. They are – quite out there.

The Wild Card

The spotlight falls on a shock to the global banking and currency system on April 21st, 22nd, 23rd which will have a corresponding impact on your own attitude towards banks and money. Price freedom and independence then. Price it right!

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Social Media, Friends, Groups, Supporters, Backers

This may be a trade union, a professional guild or something purely social. Taurus, you have been going around in circles since February and it’s not over yet. Mercury Retrograde is a long process going from pre-shadow to post-shadow and you’re in that space now. I’m not saying it’s not the most wonderful holiday from reality. You do, however, need to be aware of the zero boundaries which are in effect. This group, club, team, community, political party – or whatever it happens to be – may have rules and regulations but they have been null and void for years. This may be because of the drugs or alcohol consumed, which is not unusual on a Neptune transit. In other cases, it’s really because there is no structure. Everybody is all over the place, everywhere, all the time! On April 1st, 2nd, 3rd be aware that nothing is written in stone. There may also be computer, telephone or basic communication errors or failures at this time. I do think that the party atmosphere of Bacchus in Pisces is going to make April a delightful diversion and escape, but we have to be a realist about the actual agreements or paperwork. You might want to wait until after April 18th to make ‘final’ actually final. On April 9th, 10th, 11th there is a complicated relationship between those in the group, or yourself and a friend in the network, which has all the lust, desire, jealousy and vanity of some kind of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton odyssey. It’s really up to you. Do you want life simple or messy? In any case, on April 12th, 13th, 14th the opposition of Venus and her son Cupido suggests a time of reckoning up. Spa maintenance is a good idea. The spa needs rules. You can all get in the spa together or cast a sideways glance at friends ‘in there’ (in this bubbly and bubbling situation) but your horoscope says: time limit, temperature control, regular checks and just a few boundaries! Taurus with care and control your group or circle can become the holiday or escape from ‘real’ you know and like. Just find a spanner.

Travel, Travellers, Foreign Places and People, Education, Internet, Publishing, Academia

Taurus, on April 3rd, 4th, 5th you will experience a huge shift in relation to your holiday or vacation plans for 2019, your dealings with people from distant parts of Europe, or other far-flung areas – and your experience of the worldwide web. This is Pluto at work, and he is a symbol of a tremendous change in the balance of power. The pecking order. The ‘order’ in general. This does take you back to some themes swirling around the year 2000, 1981 or even 1962. We could go back even further into past lives, actually, as that is what the Node describes. Perhaps, exactly on April 4th, your knowledge base, permanent student-of-life status, internet use and information flow are profoundly affected by what takes place. Pluto tends to bring about a downfall for any person or organisation which has been too controlling; too dominating; too bullying. If any of this is ringing bells with your agenda regarding foreign people and places, university or college life, the internet, the book world – then the bells will be really loud as April begins. Pluto transits spell demotion or downfall so often it’s almost a rule. Conversely, Pluto transits tend to empower and promote those who lacked status before. It’s all very interesting! I would say the book-end to the story is April 29th, 30th, May 1st. At that point you have to get real. You have to accept the facts of life. The way things are. You cannot avoid or evade Saturn transits and you have one which you are slowly but surely moving through – one month at a time. You get a break from December, which helps you into a new cycle when solutions and breakthroughs appear for 2020.

Your Beliefs, Faith and Inner Space

The astrologers of Ancient Rome and the Middle Ages would have described April as a time for the Gods, or God. This is really about your religion, your belief in astrology (perhaps) or just the Universe ‘up there’ and how it all works. Christianity is associated with the cycle you are in now. You can expect a teacher, guru, or guide to strongly influence you. This may be a Rabbi if you are Jewish, or perhaps a book by the Dalai Lama if you are Buddhist. April is astonishing in terms of what it does for you on the inside. The New Moon on April 5th suggests a new beginning. It will be tested by the Full Moon on April 19th. Allow a day either side of those lunar cycles, as I have readers in Auckland and Los Angeles. You are being stretched by particular teacher figures to find out what is possible, what is acceptable, what is realistic – and that is rather more than you ever thought, back in 2018 and earlier. This inner space of yours is really important because it is a departure from the real world. A vacation from reality or a holiday from the ordinary and every day. Your beliefs are intensely private and personal. You may be a pagan or a Moslem. An Anglican or an agnostic! Yet ‘up there’ and ‘in here’ are the same. There’s a lot to learn.

The Wild Card – Uranus in Taurus

Like a lightning bolt, and sheet lightning illuminating the night sky, Uranus conjuncts the Sun in Taurus on 22nd April. This is rather like 18th century enlightenment but updated for 2019. It is about your name or face. Your image or profile. Your reputation, style or shape. If you are Her Majesty the Queen, it is about your profile on the currency, or in a portrait. Uranus sets us free from situations we had no idea, trapped us or confined us quite so much. Dance in that storm.

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Career, Unpaid Work, University or College

It can feel like a constant holiday to lose yourself in another world – not the world most other people experience – in your career. This also applies to your university or college degree, or to your unpaid work. You drift along, or surf, or scuba-dive your way through. This has been the case for about 10 years now, so it’s really a case of no change. Yet, you have also got in over your head, and found yourself without an anchor to ground you recently. This began in February when your ruler Mercury began retrograde shadow. It does not end until April 18th so please treat this time as a process not a final outcome. With Venus and Bacchus in residence, you will often have difficulty distinguishing between work and play. There are complicated relationships full of passion and intrigue involving your colleagues, staff, boss, lecturer, classmates, clients, competitors. There is also a genuine party atmosphere as Bacchus is a symbol of that old Spinal Tap quote “Have a good time, all the time.” There is also a tremendous amount of unreality here. The trick with this cycle is to avoid outcomes on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd when your ruler Mercury is conjunct Neptune and there is huge scope for distortion, confusion, mess or muddle. That is not the moment to accept news as final, commit in writing, make a statement and so on. Mercury is backtracking and he is also next to Neptune, which can so easily remove the usual boundaries. My eyes are on the future here, because you ultimately get to 2021 with a cycle which could bring aspects of April 2019 back. So, keep it real and keep it clear. Double-check and be mindful. You can and should enjoy the ‘cruise’ which has gone on for years and continues for years. Like all voyages though it requires hard work.

Friends, Groups, Comrades, Associates

This may be a professional guild, the Freemasons, your online community or your friends in a charity. Essentially this is social but it’s also about people power: what happens when you all join forces, as is the case with the Conservatives or Greenpeace (or a Hens’ Night). You have so much to learn about what is possible. What is practical. Where the goalposts are moving to! You will be taught or shown by a friend or acquaintance within the circle, or outside it. April is a big new start for all of you, or you may join a new group. This is likely on April 4th, 5th, 6th and it would be put to the test on April 18th, 19th, 20th. You have Salacia in this zone of your chart and so there is a reminder here about common-sense rules. I just mentioned the need for a few of those in your career, or at college/university, or with your voluntary role, or perhaps your full-time housewife/househusband ‘job.’ With friends and networks, you also need to be shrewd about what can happen if everyone forgets the realities. Yet, this is looking like a life-changing (for many years) journey. You’ll learn from the group itself, or the person steering it. This is rather like having a mentor, guru or father-figure. You’ll hit gender politics with one male/two or more females. Sisterly solidarity works better than buying into any kind of Henry VIII scenario with wives, groupies and girlfriends at court. Sisterhood works.

Mortgage, Legacy, Business, Shares, Property, Valuables

As ye sow, so shall ye reap. That is a phrase characteristic of Saturn, shown with his famous scythe, throughout history. You can now apply that to the situation with your house, apartment, bank account, pension, legacy and so on. I’ll start at the end of April, specifically April 29th, 30th and May 1st – and look at Saturn. You could go back to the year 2000 for this one, or even 1981, and ask yourself what was going on then. Themes return. The nodes are involved, so perhaps there is even a literal return about to take place so the house you mortgaged 19 years ago is now the issue. We could go back to 1962, 1943, 1924, 1905 actually – if you believe in past lives! Saturn is a symbol of time passing. The waiting game. Necessary patience. If everything seems slow and stuck there is a reason for that. You will notice it more in a marriage/mortgage situation or with a sex/money situation. What you can do here is change on the inside. You can’t change what is going on around you because it’s fated. It was set up 19 years ago and actually 29 years ago as well – maybe before you were born. The great breakthrough comes in December and actually, from that point through to Christmas 2020, there will be solutions, answers, remedies, breakthroughs and outcomes. Let us now go back to the start of the month – April 3rd, 4th, 5th – and talk about Pluto. Pluto always, always brings about a change in the balance of power. A new world, financially speaking, will be the outcome for you. It will involve deal-making and compromise. The best thing to do on Pluto cycles is to use your willpower to become empowered and your self-control to have control. The next best thing to do is understand the people politics so deeply that when the game of musical chairs begins, you know exactly which chair to take, and who to sit next to. Gemini, if you have been dominated unfairly by people or organisations with (shall we say) Fascist tendencies, this will be their downfall. No other way of saying it. Pluto was found in 1930 and is a symbol of the long road to demotion or disappearance which comes for those who take or take over. If you have been struggling with this in the world of finance, property, business, charity and so on – April 4th will be a time of reckoning. Read on if you are a Premium Member.

The Lightning Bolt

The lightning bolt that illuminates the sky and makes everything clear, is illuminated doubly by the Uranus-Sun conjunction on April 22nd. This concerns your ideas about heaven. About God. About astrology. About the Universe. About the Buddha, Christ or Allah, perhaps. It is not really understood or seen by other people. It may be about guardian angels or the Catholic church. A rabbi or something along scientific lines – The Mind of God by Paul Davies, perhaps. The world turns upside-down near this date and the sky is not where it usually is. Whatever/whomever you believe in ‘up there’ is not in the usual place. This will set you or other people free on some level. It’s Independence Day for the soul or spirit.

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Knowledge, Travel, Journeys, Exploration, Wisdom

Cancer, on a practical note, if you scheduled travel, relocation or emigration February-April then you may still be changing your plans, or there will be changes in store. You are going through the long Mercury Retrograde cycle which began with a shadow in February and ends with another, just before April 18th. This also applies to courses, classes, workshops, books, websites and the rest – as a participant or creator. Essentially what we have here is a long-range transit of some ten years, with Neptune (escapism) in your house of learning, study, teaching, exploration, travel – and travel in the mind. You can return to the bubble once you have sorted things out, as there is a kind of alternative reality in your life in 2019, which began around 2011, which must almost seem real to you! A bit of maintenance wouldn’t go astray on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd and again April 9th, 10th, 11th. The opening of April is more of a concern as you would be trying to book flights/hotels, organise the web, classes, courses, foreign visitors and so on – while Mercury Retroshadow is at large. Just double-check. Given that your chart shows life is all too real where your former, current or potential partner is concerned – or even an enemy – I can understand why you want to lose yourself in other places, or other faces from other spaces! The head trip is fascinating, no doubt about it, but there are ways to organise it and just plunging in – in the first fortnight – may not work out unless you do a fair bit of maintenance.

Former, Current and Potential Partners – Enemies, Opponents, Rivals

This person is firmly in your gaze on April 4th. Pluto will conjunct the South Node in your opposite sign of Capricorn, so this is about the person on the other end of the scales. Your wife or husband. Your ex. Your professional partner. Perhaps, the enemy. There is karma here going back to 2000 or 1981 – perhaps into past lives, going back to 1905 and further. There is likely a sense of déjà vu or uncanny familiarity about the situation. There may also be an inescapable quality to what is going on. You can change your response, but you cannot change what you are hearing and seeing, because it is so repetitive. This circular time (which they marked out at Stonehenge, by the way) is peculiar. It allows you to shift your attitude and approach, because there is nothing else to be done; you are in a loop or time warp with this man or woman. Pluto is a symbol of deep change in the balance of power. Those who had no power gain it. Those who have been misusing their power are brought down. Those who need to know what compromise means, will be made to compromise. We then go to April 30th (allow a day either side) and Saturn’s conjunction to the South Node. Again, there is a sense of all that is unavoidable or inevitable, as life repeats or seems oddly familiar. Saturn describes situations which test your patience. Situations which improve eventually and reveal a tremendous learning experience. This can and does improve from the first week of December, but you also have to pace yourself. Slow down. Rest up. Yet, from December into 2020 the sweeping solution you need will be in front of you. Premium? Go on for diary dates that may trigger your personal birth chart.

Success, Achievement, Ambition and Mission

April is a new job, project or fresh start as your ruler the Moon is front-and-centre in your horoscope on April 4th, 5th, 6th. What you begin at that time will be tested on April 18th, 19th, 20th. Essentially the paperwork, news and discussion will roll all month long, and the ‘new’ new story, which started in February – is about seeing what you can get away with. You are being shown, instructed, steered or taught by someone who is the least likely teacher you ever experienced. Yet, in person, or perhaps through books or websites, you are being well and truly educated. This is a journey of many years, Cancer, no matter if you work part-time or full-time, study, volunteer or have full-time home duties. There is a sense that achievement, status and success (in high society) is also a holiday from the real world. Salacia, a Trans-Neptunian object (and Neptune’s wife) is transiting your Tenth House of aspiration, achievement and ambition. This is where you rule. It’s where your ‘reign’ is unfolding and yet nobody would call it real-world. A couple of notes. Avoid gender politics with one male/two or more females by using the rules of Feminism 101. This is more obvious on April 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th when Vesta makes an appearance (twice). If a man or boy is playing the Pontifex Maximus, remember the sisterhood. I’ve described your career, degree or unpaid work as a kind of holiday from reality – this is intensified by the party atmosphere, the feelgood factor and the revelry of Bacchus in your chart on April 28th, 29th, 30th so you end the month with a celebration. You should toast the person who is the bridge, connecting factor or negotiator on April 18th, 19th, 20th as a go-between is important then.

Friends and Groups – Lightning Bolts

The Australian politician Julie Bishop, a Sun Cancer person like you, left the Liberal Party some weeks ago. Not so fast. She could easily return as leader in April 2019. Why? Shock changes in the Liberal Party on 21st, 22nd, 23rd April. I mention this not because you may be particularly interested in Australian politics, but because you are also in some kind of network, circle, tribe, community or guild. Expect a lightning bolt on April 21st-23rd. It will show everything as it is very clearly. There is a revolution here. A radical change. It will set you or others in the group free. These are your friends. It’s Independence Day. Uranus brings ‘freedom from’ or ‘freedom through’ so this is ‘freedom from’ the restrictions within a group – or it is ‘freedom through’ an important circle of people whom you join on April 21st-23rd or perhaps rejoin (once more with feeling). If you were an actress, we’d say it was the ensemble cast of a television series. If you were a singer, we would say this was your band.

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The New Calm: How Financial Muddle Clears for April

Leo, the long Mercury Retrograde cycle in your finance, house, apartment, taxation, bank, mortgage, credit card, charity, business and ownership zone is going to play itself out completely by April 18th and you can close the door on the paperwork, negotiation or computer issue which has taken you around in circles. This began in February and you can expect the numbers, news or discussion to change one more time. Close to April 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th you will need to look at just one word: clarity! Ask yourself how you can get to ‘clear’ faster. You also need to find a way to keep a complicated relationship simple. Be particularly aware of what is in front of you on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd as it’s not particularly real-world. In general, keep juggling your options – especially on April 9th, 10th, 11th when it would be so easy to agree to a deal which is bent out of shape. Yet, from the 18th you can pursue ‘the new calm’ in your financial life. It’s time to keep things watertight and as organised as possible.

Dream Destinations and Why You’ll Travel Far in 2019

You have a grand total of seven horoscope factors passing through your chart in April 2019, and they all point to dream destinations, which you will travel to, or move to, this year. You’ll either plan this over the next four weeks or actually pack your bags or boxes. The New Moon which you will see over the roof of your apartment or house on April 4th, 5th or 6th is your green light. Your ruler is the Sun, Leo, and when he lines up with the Moon like this, it’s a fresh start for you, either in a new area of town, or right across the world. You get to put things to the test on the Full Moon, which you will also look up and notice on April 18th, 19th or 20th. You would expect one of the most fascinating conversations, letters, advertisements or news flashes regarding this, as you see that Full Moon – big and round – overnight. Right up until the end of April you will be shown what is possible on the other side of town, around your country or across the world. It’s a real stretch. It’s also another world. The Chiron-Salacia conjunction of 30th April suggests ‘When the student is ready, the teacher appears’ in relation to this.

The Internet’s Fresh New Possibilities for You

Your life online has been so important for around 10 years now. In fact, it’s been a revolution. Now, you go into another phase with the world of websites, blogs, social media, YouTube, eBooks and real books. The internet has fresh new possibilities for you, starting April 5th and going all month long. A group dominated by females could come up at this time as near April 9th, 11th, 24th we find Vesta at large. Just be aware that female solidarity is a smart way to handle the male ego (or insecurity!) In general, the world of knowledge exchange, information flow and ‘a little life learning’ will come down to your teachers, professors, foster parent figures, mentors or guides. You may know them, or they may only exist in name, but this huge new chapter in your life will go for many years. The discussion on April 18th, 19th, 20th points the way to a fresh, fascinating future.

A More Powerful Daily Routine

Leo, you need to use your self-control and willpower to have an empowered daily life. This is really about your routine. The small details of sleep, breakfast, exercise, relaxation and so on. I haven’t even covered the relationship with your doctor, healer, surgeon, therapist or the rest. April 3rd, 4th and 5th really lays it on the line for you. Unless you take control, you will feel as if ‘something’ or even someone is manipulating you or dominating you. An example of this would be cigarette addiction. The realities of the body, mind and spirit connection are really laid out for you near April 30th when Saturn conjuncts the South Node in the practical sign of Capricorn. Depending on your age, this will bring back memories of 2000, 1981 or even 1962. The Node also covers past lives, so life may be just a little bit 1886 at that point! The fact is you have had over 10 years now, Leo, to understand that the body is the machinery that serves the mind and spirit. And as you cannot avoid or evade what is staring you in the face, if you want to be more empowered at work, at university/college or with your unpaid work, it’s time to change.

Taking Back Control of Work

This idea of taking back control of work is really important in April, Leo. There is a real moment of truth on April 3rd, 4th, 5th as you deal with people politics. This involves your boss, colleague, staff, lecturer, classmates, clients – or perhaps those at home, if your full-time role is there. There has to be a carve-up or compromise otherwise the whole situation is too lopsided, and you are, in fact, heading for that over the long-term. Every so often you get a reminder. We have these two decisive patterns in your chart in the first week and last week which suggest you need to step back from your ideas about service, duty, the daily routine, your body (and its impact on your mind) and your point of view and attitude towards life (and its impact on your body). Nothing is ever a walk in the park when you have Pluto and Saturn around. Life can feel quite heavy and demanding! Yet, Leo, April is about taking a deep breath and taking back control. Not controlling everything and everybody, any more than you are prepared to put up with that from others. Just – steer your own journey. Take your own wheel. Once you arrive at 2020, you will be delighted to see the biggest and best improvements with work, housework and the daily routine possible in 12 years. In fact, that cycle begins in the first week of December. For now, though, just be the boss of yourself.

The Wild Card: Uranus in Taurus and Success, Status and Position

The wild card handed to you in a deck you first handled in May last year, requires a new game strategy on April 21st, 22nd or 23rd. The stakes are freedom and independence. How you play the game depends on how flexible you are. How adaptable you are and how much you respect your own and other people’s space – boss, colleague, employee, lecturer, classmate and so on.

Are you a Premium Member? Read on for diary dates that may trigger your personal birth chart in April. They take place in the zodiac signs of Pisces, Capricorn and Aries and may thus affect your secrets, your career and/or your image.


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Pregnancy, Children, Young People, Partners, Lovers

Virgo, here are a couple of dates which will turn things in a new direction for you as a parent, lover, partner – or as someone concerned with your foster children, godchildren, adopted children – or ‘the young’ in general – people who may as well be your children. The first is April 4th – allow a day either side. This may be the expected delivery date for a baby, or that moment your son brings his new boyfriend home. What we are seeing on April 4th is Pluto conjunct the South Node. This takes you back 19 years, so if you have someone in your world (or a lot of young faces) around that age – this is karmic. You all knew each other before in a previous life. It may even be about 1981 as well as 2000, or 1962. The symbolic repetition of themes and experiences from those years may well come back in the first week of April. Essentially there is a transformation in the control, power and influence – the reach and the position – of yourself, he, she or they in the first week of April. If you are a guiding light for younger people, this may be a work reshuffle. Pluto is really a process. He empowers those who had no power before. He also brings down – completely – people or organisations which take over. Which take – and dominate. Pluto also describes compromise. Sharing! This may be about child custody for many Virgo people. On a deeper level I probably do not need to remind you that Pluto was the ruler of Hades or the Underworld where departed souls went. He kept his wife Proserpina with him there for half the year, and for the other half, she returned to Spring and Summer to be with her mother. Pluto is about a process, as I mentioned, and this seems like a fairly diluted way of saying it – but ‘give and take’ is what it’s all about. This is going to be a new state of affairs. No doubt about it. It will work best if you can both/all agree to disagree. We reach the same issue again – taking you back to 2000, 1981, 1962 or even into past lives – on April 30th. This time the question is about patience. The waiting game. Accepting that time usually resolves everything. Actually, time and luck are on your side starting in December this year and continuing into 2020 as a whole. No matter how relentless and difficult 2018 was, and how challenging 2019 continues to be, you will be thrilled at what comes to pass next year. All that you do and say now has an impact next year so set yourself up for a bigger, better, brighter future.

Your Former, Current or Potential Partner. Your Enemy, Rival or Opponent

This is really the Romeo and Juliet cycle. Montagu and Capulet. Opposite sides, couples, lovers, rivals, enemies. This applies to your former, current or potential partner. To anyone against you as well. The face on the other end of the scales or the person on the other side of the see-saw. You have been sent all over the place in February, March and April’s first fortnight is going to take you back a few weeks. This is your ruler Mercury going back over old ground. The news, paperwork, discussion, agreement – with or about this person and you – was never final. Yet, from about April 18th you will at last know where you both stand. Try to keep it real. Try to find the anchor that grounds you and holds you. Without an anchor it is so easy to end up feeling in over your head, or all at sea. Neptune transits (and you have had this one for about 10 years, either with the same person, or a sequence of them) are tricky. Did you know a feud can be as much of a holiday from the real world as a marriage? That an ongoing conflict or contest can be as much of a bubble to float in, as a passionate love affair? Virgo, this is a really good month to step back from what is going on and see if you can be objective about it. The best outcome is really a partnership, professional or personal, which is your sanctuary and your vacation from the ordinary and every day. That is going to involve an anchor, a lighthouse, some red and yellow flags, a compass, a map and so on. Don’t be fooled on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd – not because it is April Fool’s Day, but because the news, the letter, the email, the text, the discussion is subject to noise. By that, I mean distortion. It’s like listening to signals in a submarine with the wrong gear. Mercury Retroshadow conjunct Neptune in Pisces is not to be messed with, where this person is concerned. If you do have an enemy, rival or opponent be extremely careful with your boundaries. This is particularly important online because phishing (associated with Pisces) is rampant.

Your Financial Fresh Start

Virgo, this is really about the marriage and mortgage. The alimony or childcare payments. The legacy or inheritance which involves your family, or yourself – actually. Sex and money may be the story, or just the ‘Until death do us part’ aspect of your old marriage vow. We do associate this cycle with the bank if you are younger and single, as your binding contract is with the bank manager sitting in front of the beach posters. You are on a totally different road in April and the green light is dazzling in the first week. New Moon on April 5th, Full Moon on April 19th – that’s a cycle. It gives you about a fortnight to sit with the new, unreal, reality. The new ‘cruise’ or vacation from real – a life less ordinary and every day. The numbers or ideas will be put to the test at Full Moon and you may want to avoid 18th, 19th, 20th for big moves as it’s hard work anyway. You have a lot to sort out, given that you are now being guided, instructed, taught or shown the way (and it’s all so different and unprecedented). This may be an accountant, for example, or a money guru author. It may be a real estate agent, investment banker, charity guru or similar. This is an amazing new part of your life Virgo. It goes on for years. This is baby steps time! Yet, if you are prepared to do your research now and for some time to come, about what is no longer ‘impossible’ or ‘out of the question’ then you’ll do well from this. You want, need and deserve a holiday from reality. I suspect this is linked to a house, apartment, family circle situation or holiday home, given your excellent stars for the year as a whole.

The Uranus in Taurus Wild Card

Sudden and unexpected events, turning the world upside down – affecting your view of Europe, America, Asia and further – will take place on April 21st, 22nd, 23rd. This may be about the people, the culture or the places but this is a revolutionary change. Freedom from, or freedom through (insert a word here) is on offer then. History and astrology tell us, freedom is a good move.

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House, Apartment, Homeland, Hometown, Family, Household

On April 3rd, 4th, 5th you will experience another change – you have already had two unforgettable changes since 2008 – affecting your ideas about home. About family. About the household, your town or country (perhaps) and certainly about where you feel your roots are. Pluto conjuncts the South Node in Capricorn in the Fourth House of your chart. Pluto is actually a process. It depends where you are at in the process. Is this the empowerment and new ‘promotion’ in influence and control, of someone who never had it before? Perhaps. Sometimes teenage girls acquire this when they find a rich boyfriend. Perhaps you are experiencing a downfall, demotion or departure in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps this is the end of a chapter. This often happens when there has been an imbalance in power or control, somewhere along the line. It is as if the universe cannot allow it to go on, so everything transforms. There are profound questions here about how power is to be shared. How a compromise can be made to work. How control, influence, clout, responsibilities and rights are to be divided up. Sometimes this is about greedy high-rise apartment developers. Sometimes it is about your mother-in-law. There is often a story with Pluto that someone has been sidelined, ignored or not taken seriously. The situation is always corrected on this transit. The South Node is a sure sign of repetition from the past, so the themes, events or experiences of 2000, 1981, 1962, 1943, 1924 or 1905 are absolutely present. Perhaps your house was built then, or a family milestone took place then. Libra, we then go to the end of the month and find Saturn conjunct the South Node on the 30th of April. Again, there is a sense of karma at work, or the wheel of time turning backwards all the way to 2000, 1981 and so on. Been there, done that, seen it all before. Nothing new under the sun. Saturn describes long and demanding learning experiences with a solid outcome. You will see that solid outcome from the first week of December this year. In 2020 you will have profound solutions and sweeping answers. For now, you need to wait. I am sure you feel you have waited long enough, with the house, apartment, family, household, home town or homeland question. Take heart: the cycle is two-thirds over. And Jupiter’s change of sign is only 8 months away when answers appear.

Lifestyle, Workload, Body

You have been in a holding pattern since February with your daily routine, lifestyle, workload, housework and particularly your body, if your health, energy levels, strength or fitness has been affecting your ability to do your duty. Now, you find that everything comes around again for final closure. You can sign off on this thoroughly confusing episode just after April 18th when Mercury Retroshadow ends. You are being taken back to March or February, particularly with plans or promises made then in the context of your job, or even your doctor, diet, healer, personal trainer and so on. You need to be mindful of the potential for muddle and mess on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd and again on April 9th, 10th, 11th. If you feel that you are in over your head, then you need to rethink the rules. This is about the calendar and the clock. It is also about boundaries with your boss, colleagues, staff, lecturer, classmates, clients and so on. There may even be a feeling of mess and muddle with the dog or cat, who come under the rulership of the Sixth House of your chart. The overall aim, Libra, should be to preserve the bubble you usually inhabit. It’s quite a nice bubble to float around in, offering you a total escape from the real world, and you have been drifting along now for quite a few years. Occasionally the bubble gets thrown around by strange currents and February through mid-April was/is strange. Later on, in April, as you get towards May, think about creating a new, improved bubble. One that is more contained and controlled. I daresay you have been in this space for so long you don’t even realise how utterly out of the ordinary and everyday it is for most people! Another little tip: avoid drug, prescribed drug or alcohol overload at the Mercury-Neptune conjunction on April 2nd and the Venus-Neptune conjunction on April 11th. Neptune was discovered in the year that ether was publicly pioneered and although Comfortably Numb is an excellent Floyd song, it is not where you need to be for clarity.

Your Former, Current or Potential Partner. Your Enemy, Opponent or Rival

Libra, this is the beginning of a new era, for or with this person. He or she, on the other end of the scales, is the face you are concerned with on April 4th, 5th, 6th when there is a green light and fresh start. This will be put to the test on April 18th, 19th, 20th so from New Moon to Full Moon. This is the famous lunar cycle known to the ancients and you will see it yet again delivering an important new beginning, and then a passing test, to see what shape your first decisions are in. This is way more than it first appears. You have Chiron and Salacia, two slow-moving horoscope factors, trawling your chart together. Thus, the future is really being set up, no matter if you are divorcing, signing off from a feud, dating someone new, or making a decision as a couple. Professional and business partnerships may also begin, change or end at this time. Chiron is a teacher, guru, guide, mentor or unlikely lecturer. He is often described, mistakenly, as a wounded healer. He was no such thing. He knew herbal medicine and yes, he was wounded – but he was essentially a foster father figure and educator. He knew a bit about a lot of things. Music, primarily, but also herbalism and hunting. If you are eligible you may fall in love with someone like this now. The business of being educated about what is possible, legal, practical, permitted and all the rest is now in front of you. This is the time to stretch your imagination and set aside any limiting ideas about what used to be beyond the pale, or unthinkable, or out of the question. Actually, Chiron would like you to consider all that. Salacia is Neptune’s wife. A Trans-Neptunian object recently discovered, ignored by mainstream astrology, and extremely important in your chart. The situation with this person, be it love or war, is not only an education, it is also an escape from the real world. It exists in its own sphere, a long way away from what most people would call the real world. Just see the above notes on keeping it real at work, and in your daily routine. You really don’t want to be so far out that you end up not waving but drowning. That is a fair thing to say when we see Salacia in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners – and enemies – and her husband in your lifestyle zone.

The Wild Card – Uranus in Taurus

Marriage and mortgage. Sex and money. Family and property. Legacy and inheritance. Bank and customer. Which will it be? The known world is over on April 21st, 22nd, 23rd and although it was hinted at in May 2018, by all the laws of astrology, the Uranus-Sun conjunction will be a shock. The new world, seven years, hence, meets the known world right now. Unless you actually work with a bank, with the treasury, on the markets – it won’t be so personal. If you do, please search ‘Uranus in Taurus.’

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Pregnancy, Children, Lovers, Partners

You have not been able to gather the facts (such as they are) or make anything firm and final for weeks. Even months. You are still looping the loop in April, but from the 18th things settle down. This may be the arrival of a grandson or your budding relationship with a woman who has a child from a previous marriage. The Fifth House is tremendously personal, and you may be child-free and relationship-free but have a godchild, young relative or perhaps an entire class of teenagers you ‘parent’ on some level. What we are seeing is the need for some tidying-up, sorting-out, organisation, method and order. A few boundaries wouldn’t be a bad idea as either you, he, she or they cross the line all the time. That can lead to confusion and more. The ultimate aim should really be to preserve what you have (at best) been so transported by, for years, and that has been the world of babies, children or young people – perhaps the world of sexual intimacy, on the understanding that babies are born from such wonders. This has been an escape from the real world. A holiday from the everyday. A vacation from ‘normal’. Your chart suggests if you avoid getting lost, dazed, confused or in over your head near April 2nd, 10th then you’ll steer straight. The trip can continue – it’s rather like a surfing safari from the 1970s – but you do need an anchor, tide chart, map and compass. This applies if you are dating a man with children in a rom-com manner, or losing yourself in a Mary Poppins mothering fantasy, and so on. Neptune is the departure from the real world. It’s as entertaining and as absorbing as anything from Hollywood or even the imagination of P.L. Travers but there is a really good case for finding a compartment to put this in. Also, perhaps, to look at what is under discussion, emailed or texted on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd with the cool and steady gaze of an impartial observer.

Multimedia, Internet, Communication, Publishing, Television, Speeches

The Pluto process involves a few stages and you will be at one of these on April 3rd, 4th, 5th. Firstly, a takeover or passionate (some might say obsessive) attempt to have total control. Check? Maybe this is about the comedown, downfall or take-down of a person or organisation, affecting your communication, which is ripe for it. There are other possibilities Scorpio, and this is very likely to involve the internet. Perhaps somebody who never knew how central, important, pivotal and influential he/she was, is about to gain that power. There may also be an end-point compromise. One in which the controls are divided up between all of you, or both of you – or maybe with a corporation like Google or Facebook (or Apple). As I said, Pluto is a series of stages and it really depends how far along you have come since 2008 when this cycle began. In any case, you can trust the process. It ends in resolution, breakthrough, opportunity, solutions and improvements all round, for 2020, and that begins in December 2019 actually. The other key dates are April 29th, 30th, May 1st. This is also when you have to accept a process. It is a waiting game. It takes time – a lot of time. You also have to be a realist! Yet, from December, you will at last get a big break.

Lifestyle, Workload, Duty, Service, Body

Everything is connected. You have to be fit for work, or you cannot do your job. If you are only half-able to complete the housework, the demands of your course or position – then you can only produce 50% of requirements. This may be a mental or physical health issue as the Sixth House covers both. Figuring out the work and life balance in April is important. You will make a new start on April 4th, 5th or 6th on the New Moon and put it to the test on the Full Moon of April 19th. You currently have Chiron and Salacia in this zone of your chart, where you sort out how to work, how to look after yourself, and how to honestly fathom your work ethic, as this is about serving other people, not reaching for the giddy heights of super success and high status. Chiron was a teacher who specialised in herbal medicine and gathered herbs from Mount Pelion. The Romans viewed him as a music teacher as well – in fact he ran a school for heroes. You have something to learn about prescribed or recreational drugs in April. Also, something to learn about naturopathy, and even the old recipes of the apothecaries. Don’t expect the person, the book, the video, website and so on to be conventional in any way – you are dealing with an outsider here, or outsiders, plural. This feeling of being in another space and in a new zone with your work, and your body, is emphasised by Salacia. In fact, you will be operating in two worlds at once, like the ocean and the sea shore. There may be two roles or two projects, both outside the realm of ordinary and every day. This is the time to find out what is possible, these days.

The Wild Card – Uranus in Taurus

On April 21st, 22nd, 23rd you will need to be light on your feet and ready to make changes as you will suddenly be presented with freedom from your former, current or potential partner – or your enemy, opponent or rival. In other cases, you will acquire freedom *through* this person. Independence Day is here, and it involves the person you were with/are with/could be with. If your foe is more important to you than any partner, it is this person you will be able to break free from. Farewell the past.

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Pregnancy, Sexual Relationships, Adopted Children, Young People

On April 4th, 5th, 6th you could easily become pregnant, give birth, adopt a child or begin a sexual relationship with a parenthood-potential partner. It really depends on your personal birth chart, but the New Moon when the Sun conjuncts the Moon is an ancient symbol of male and female union – mother and father – and conception. Of course, astrology is symbolic. What you conceive might be a new teaching program for a small class of teenagers who treat you as a parent figure. Whatever begins in your life – and it may be your son’s new guitar lessons, or your daughter’s approval for a job – will be tested at Full Moon on April 18th, 19th, 20th. If you are in a teaching or coaching role with children who are like your own, then you will yourself be ‘taught’ by a senior, or an influential author, broadcaster, expert and so on. If you are a parent already then you will become aware of just how massive the impact of a particular teacher, lecturer, coach or professor is on your son or daughter. This figure is here to show what is possible, in 2019. What is allowed – what is not out of the question – and never was! A music teacher who specialises in the work of John Cage might be one example. Sagittarius, we also associate the Fifth House with one-night stands that lead to pregnancy so be aware. It is very much about the importance of children and young people and with Chiron and Salacia here, plus that lunar cycle, April is the start of something astonishing. The 18th, 19th, 20th of April looks significant and what you hear, read or discuss then will help you to choose the road you’ll be on for many months to come.

Money, Valuables, Houses, Apartments, Charity, Business, Possessions

The Pluto process now will catch you at the start or end, depending on the choices you have made about your income, bank account, mortgage, charity and so on – for the last 10 years. There may be a takeover. A person or organisation may seek to seize total control. (It is ultimately doomed if so, but that is another story). There may be empowerment. Those who never had any power, influence, clout or control may have rather a lot of it. There is likely to be a divided situation, either current or looming, where the reins must be shared between two or more pairs of hands. This requires delicate handling and sensitivity as feelings run so high. Another possibility is the great need for a new deal. A fairer deal. A different world, actually, but one in which no one person or organisation can be allowed to dominate! As I said, it really depends on where you are at in the process. There is a return to the past on April 3rd, 4th, 5th regarding this. It will take you back to the themes of 2000, 1981, or perhaps into prior incarnations. These kinds of returns or time loops are unavoidable. Yet you can control how you respond to them. There is another real moment of truth about the money, the business or the property on April 29th, 30th, May 1st. This time you have to trust the passage of time, actually. The clock and calendar. As Morrissey and The Smiths told us once, ‘These things take time.’ It should be a relief to know the cycle becomes much, much easier from the first week of December and in fact, the year 2020 will solve and conclude just about every issue that is there now. One step at a time. Find out what worked for others.

The House, Apartment, Family, Hometown, Household, Homeland

I’m assuming you read the Mercury Retrograde caution dates a few months ago so scheduled your renovations, property transactions, family reunions and so on, away from late February to mid-April. If you are still going around in circles because of people changing their minds – or technical issues – perhaps extreme weather – it ends April 18th. Before then you get to see what life would be like if you could secure the bubble. By that I mean there is nothing real-world about your house, apartment, family, home town, household or homeland situation. It falls under the jurisdiction of Neptune, a symbol of alternative realities. It’s a bubble or aquarium all by itself – a spa or swimming pool. This has been with you for about 10 years, so you are quite used to it by now. You know that when you lose the plot and just allow yourself to be taken here and there by the currents, you get lost. You get out of your depth. You also know that when you section off part of your family, property, or hometown/homeland existence as its own ‘safe experiment’ area, it works. That is how to manage this cycle best. You allow a paddling area or a scuba diving section. The rest of life is just the way every other human being experiences it! Try to move all this to the final days of April if you want to make some kind of plan your mission, as it will be easier when Mercury is out of retroshadow. The entire astrological internet will be telling you not to sign, discuss or agree April 2nd. I agree. Allow a day either side. Sagittarius, the central issue throughout is boundaries. This is about the relatives, the family, the flatmates, the person you live with. The neighbours, the council, the government – perhaps. Borders. Walls. Fences. Lines that get crossed or blurred lines that disappear all the time, like the tide in wet sand. This is worth taking a look at in April. Is there a way to sort this out, at least for 2019, so that you don’t end up in the messy and muddled situation you found yourself in, in March?

The Lightning Bolt

The last thing you or anybody else actually expected would happen, will happen (in connection with your daily routine, workload or life-work-body balance) on April 22nd. It will turn the known world upside-down but that is what happens when the forces of nature demand freedom for all. Independence Day is here.

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House, Apartment, Hometown, Homeland, Family, Household

You will move, renovate, reshuffle the household, make fresh family plans or other big choices about your home town or homeland on April 4th, 5th, 6th. These will be put to the test on April 18th, 19th, 20th. Your personal chart will reveal just how important this new beginning is going to be, in your life. It really is quite sweeping in its importance, as you just ended one very long cycle in March and it’s only now that you are really seeing how different life could be. A person, organisation, author, broadcaster or professional will show you how to proceed. You do not know what it is possible to get away with, until you try. Outrageous? Not really. Audacious? Well, that’s a nice way of putting it. This may be your investment properties or your houseboat. Your in-laws or your new flatmate. Chiron is the teacher who is, as Dennis Elwell called him, a heretic and a gadfly. He is an outsider and he is now in residence, in the area of your chart which describes your roots, heritage, culture, sense of belonging, security, sanctuary and so on. Kith and kin. ‘My people and my place.’ This is why things seem so open to experimentation in April and right down to the end of the month, on that Chiron-Salacia conjunction on 30th April, you will be discovering that 2018 and prior is really irrelevant to the way it’s going to be in future. Capricorn, I know you heard a lot of the ‘No’ word with your family, or flatmates, or live-in partners – for a long time. It may have been with a landlord, tenant or neighbour in some cases. The ‘No’ word has gone. What you now hear is ‘Yes, that’s not out of the question.’ That’s big.

Image, Profile, Reputation, Brand, Title, Name, Appearance

April 3rd, 4th, 5th suggests a time of reckoning, in terms of your reputation or public face. This is obviously carried on social media, but depending on your career or social position, it may be a bigger concern than that. Pluto essentially asks you to find out how much control you have over the way you are perceived. Pluto also reminds you that power, influence, control and clout have to be shared. It may be the uniform you wear in your job. It may be a partner who wants you to strike a pose. Sometimes Pluto turns up as a situation, not a person. Thus, you are put in a position where you have to draw on all your strength, willpower and self-control to take yourself back, from circumstances which feel very much beyond your control. As always with Pluto, it’s a process with an end point and actually, the turning point for you will be the first week of December, with just about every issue resolved in 2020. You also have a moment of “me” awareness on April 29th, 30th. This time it is deeper and more profound, because you realise that you have to be practical about everything. You have to be a realist about yourself. Some things are facts of life and cannot be avoided. I said next year would fix just about every ‘Me’ issue there is. This is correct, in astrological terms. Jupiter in Capricorn will always trump Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn! For now, though, time and space are required. This is personal, because it is about your name or face. Not the real you. She or he is hidden and private. Yet, you do need to come up with some kind of plan or strategy at the end of April and stick to it. Find out what worked for other people dealing with their face, shape, style, name, reputation and so on – their title, role and other superficial labels.

The Internet

The whole business of communication has been circular since February and now you are back where you started some weeks ago. The muddle or mess of March can be explained by Mercury Retrograde, but the story with your computer, telephone, television, radio commitment, website, book, course or similar is now ready to complete. I have to mention that something may come to nothing – but you knew that, right? I posted a long story on Mercury some months ago, so you’d have the dates. A classic example would be a webinar series which ends up being scrapped because you began it in February – and your personal birth chart was involved too. Anyway, Capricorn, the ultimate outcome of this cycle is that from April 18th you finally, absolutely know where you stand with your internet use in particular. From that point forward you can once again return to finding a niche or space online which feels like a holiday from reality. Truthfully it is. The rules with Neptune are really to contain and control the bubble of escapism so that it does not pop and make the rest of your life messy. This is about your mobile telephone (cell phone), YouTube account, Skype or Zoom account, WhatsApp and the rest. Even proper old-fashioned public speaking or poetry recital. It’s about how you get your message across. How you are heard and read. Don’t buy a computer or telephone or launch your website/broadcast near April 2nd unless you actually like chaos. Some people do.

The Lightning Bolt

On 22nd April, Uranus conjuncts the Sun in Taurus. The symbol of sudden and unexpected change, bringing relief and release from situations which are tight, tense and trapped – emerges. It emerges alongside the Sun, which makes everything very bright, very clear and quite exposed. This will concern your pregnancy, baby, child, godchild, young relative. It will concern children who are like your own – perhaps even young adults you guide or influence. It will involve a sexual relationship with parenthood potential. History and astrology tell us to dance in the storm when the storm arrives because it sets you and others free.

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Uranus in Taurus – House, Hometown, Homeland, Apartment, Family, Household

You are ruled by Uranus, a symbol of new discoveries, freedom, independence, and all that is unconventional and unique. Uranus is associated with the cutting-edge of technology and innovation. Invention on all levels. You will experience your ruling planet quite directly, in connection with your home, roots, heritage, culture, relatives, family tree, flatmates, live-in partner, tenants, landlord and the rest – on April 22nd. When change comes, change with the changes. That’s standard advice for this transit. It may be about the mortgage market, home loan interest rates or property value. Perhaps it is about your passport.

Money, Business, Property, Charity, Valuables

What was done, has come undone from February or March. What you assumed would stick has come unstuck. This is textbook Mercury Retrograde. The cycle ends with the final shadow around April 18th depending on where you are in the world. Thus, you replay the rehearsal. That is all the discussion, news or paperwork was. A tax return, perhaps. A business arrangement. You tend to find that people change their minds on Mercury Retrograde. Emails go missing. The more interesting part of this cycle is that it has shown you how muddled things become when there are no boundaries. Next time put them in. You can also look forward to your usual ‘alternative reality’ back again, towards the end of April. This time you will also know to build it and protect it more consciously, perhaps. Rather than just floating along, or drifting along, you can now create a watertight space, sectioning off this part of your spending, your shares and so on. The house or apartment. The charity. The possessions. Just bear in mind the potential for distortion is huge on April 1st, 2nd, 3rd. What is news then, may not be news at all. A lot of pro astrologers will be telling you this. Mercury conjuncts Neptune on April 2nd in Pisces in your Second House of money. Mercury is a symbol of letters, emails, texts, negotiations, news. Neptune is a symbol of altered states, other realities, what is invisible or mysterious, what confuses or muddles people. There is another risk of distortion – things being bent out of shape – on the Venus-Neptune conjunction on April 10th. Allow a day either side for world time zone changes. Venus rules complicated relationships and Neptune is about the total loss of sensible boundaries so talk about the cash in bed some other time. This also applies to mother-son discussion, or daughter-in-law/mother-in-law arrangements about the house, flat and so on. If you want the holiday from reality you need to work at it, and the best time to work at it, is after April 18th when Mercury firms up.

Your Soul and Spirituality

Be you astrologer, Buddhist, Catholic, Jew, Pagan, Anglican or Humanist – you have your own way of interpreting the unseen and invisible world. Your own idea about God and angels. Perhaps gods and goddesses, plural, which are the archetypes behind astrology. You reach a crossroads with your beliefs and ideas on April 3rd, 4th, 5th which is really a question of control. Self-control puts you in control and willpower gives you power. Unless you are the boss of your own spirituality or soul, you can find yourself feeling dominated on this cycle, which has been with you since 2008 and occasionally peaks in intensity. The other crossroads is April 30th. This time it is Saturn who presses the point. Things take time, sometimes. Time is the only thing that will resolve them. This is true of your chart now. The turning point is December and 2020 is the epic solution. This matter is for the confessional box, your diary, the mirror, or your pillow. For a candle, perhaps. It’s intensely personal and quite mysterious to others around you. Only you really know and understand and your April choices, are a matter for you. They may however take you back to the years 2000 or 1981 as this is also a Nodal cycle transit.

The Internet

Aquarius, you will begin an amazing new chapter with (or without) the internet on April 4th, 5th, 6th as the New Moon in Aries brings a new beginning. Your way with words, ideas or images may embrace new technology or the cutting edge of the web. In other cases, you may be exploring spoken word performance, lyric writing and singing, acting, public speaking or podcasting. Less ambitiously you may be drawn towards a different way of approaching social media, email and so on. This is part of an incredible learning experience for you which will take many years. You may acquire a second language, for example. Chiron and Salacia in your Third House of communication suggests an outsider as your professor, tutor, lecturer, trainer or teacher. You may never meet them at all (they may only be a YouTube presenter or author) but on whatever basis you are ready to learn, you will be taught. Salacia suggests a feeling of escapism – this isn’t ‘real’ in the old-fashioned meaning of the word. It is certainly not mundane, ordinary or every day. You will put it all to the test on the Full Moon of April 18th, 19th, 20th and then see what it is possible to get away with. The Third House is very much about books, lectures, ‘the word’ (whatever that means to you) and also networking – getting things out there – around the web or in the local region. Chiron here will be with you for some years, but this passing traffic in your chart suggests April is the beginning you will always remember.

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The Internet – Independence Day

On 22nd April, Uranus (independence) joins the Sun (it’s public) in the internet zone of your horoscope. Freedom from the internet, or some aspect of it? Freedom *through* the internet? It’s your choice and depends on how you feel about your computer and phone, or microphone.

Profile, Name, Face, Shape, Style, Reputation

Rather like mist descending, or heavy fog, Neptune has been moving through Pisces, your own sign, so nothing has been clear or confirmed. This may be your business card, the name on your Twitter profile or your photograph. There may be greater issues. If you have a personal birth chart with Capricorn factors that seems likely. The roundabout of discussions, news, letters, emails or text messages concerning you, you, you have been spiralling since February. March was a muddle or mess. Now you are in April you can go back to where you began. There may even be a decision to forget about one idea altogether. The period after April 18th is most useful because you can start to take stock of everything that just happened and make some overdue changes. There usually needs to be a fair bit of organisation, method and order with the ‘Me’ issues coming out of a cycle like this.

Friends and Groups

On April 3rd, 4th, 5th you are reminded of a frequent lesson from the last 10 years or so – the hive mind, or the psychology within a group of friends and like-minded people, takes a lot of time and energy. Depending on where you are at with this club, team, society, association, guild, trade union, political party or similar – you will need to either start from the beginning or prepare for a major change, further down the track. To say that collectively you all share powerful stuff is an understatement. Collectively you suggest something which can move mountains or create a new order, from the old. The art of getting there is really about sharing. Compromising. This is difficult when the emotional stakes are so high. There is passion in the mix here. There is also entitlement. There is also the appeal of power. On April 29th, 30th a different note is stuck. Essentially there are no shortcuts or easy answers. You have to honour the passage of time and it will take longer than you might wish, for everything to end solidly. If you do stay the course then 2020 is remarkable as solutions, opportunities and breakthroughs appear in December which sustain you next year, with these people – or concerning them. There is more than a hint of ancient karma here. Perhaps you all go back to 1905. Maybe you go back centuries, to the days when blacksmiths had their own brotherhoods. The sense of a collective destiny is useful as you will go further if you include everyone in the outcome, rather than trying to look at this from your own point of view, or from the angle of just a couple of the players. This has to be all or nothing, including everything and everybody and it (obviously) has to be for the greater good. It just takes time. And thought.

Your House, Money, Charity, Business, Apartment, Valuables

This is the start of something very new in your life. An education that goes on for several years showing you there is no longer any question of ‘impossible’ or ‘outrageous’ or ‘totally unacceptable.’ You will be shown where the limits are in 2019, 2020 and beyond and it really begins with a modest New Moon on April 5th, which you will experience either side, depending on your time zone. You can test the numbers on the Full Moon of April 19th. There is usually something quite jaw-dropping about the organisation, situation or person which shows up on this cycle and I don’t think he/she/they/this passes for conventional. Yet, you are enough of an escape artist, ruled by Neptune, to want another world. Nothing like the real world, thank you very much. The truth of this arrives at the Salacia-Chiron conjunction of 30th April. It’s really like Dumbo. You’ll believe an elephant can fly. I suspect that the microphone-drop moment on April 22nd when either the global money laundromat and/or Blockchain makes headlines, may have something to do – with what you aim to do. It’s really about figuring out where the new normal is, and it’s unlikely to be anything you or the bank ever dealt with before. Even the Queen was only a little girl when this cycle last appeared. It is her royal assent, by the way, that has made the global money laundromat null and void. Whatever kind of player you are, and you may not care about money at all, and buy charity shop clothes – you would have to say that there is a lesson out there which is as fascinating as it is challenging and perhaps confronting to others. And It is about who and what you value most. Who or what is precious to the point of being priceless?

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