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When you work with the Astrology Oracle, you need space, peace, time and total focus. What you are actually doing, when you open yourself up to this parallel universe, is letting your mind wander into the future. The future is a reality. It is already coming towards us, based on where we just were – and where we are heading now. When you use the Oracle you let your mind race ahead faster than the speed of light. You report back to yourself from the future.
The questions are really important! I often see questions from people who are obsessively in love and are desperate to know if it’s ever going to work out with the person in question, or if they have a future (if they are together).
Spend just as much time exploring and appreciating your ‘now’ cards as you do, racing towards the future.
If the present is not being powerfully, accurately and richly described by the cards, please restart the process, or if it does not work a couple of times – come back later.
Try to ask constructive questions which will help you, rather than racing to an outcome.
The Astrology Oracle can assist you with it’s unique, specific solutions for problem solving and crisis management. The question to ask is ‘What is the point of this situation?’ Or perhaps ‘Why am I being put through this situation?’ You might also ask ‘What is the higher purpose of this problem in my life?’ When you ask these types of questions you can open the door to a new pathway of possibility, triggered by the answer your receive. Look up the symbol card and the house card and line up the keywords (written by the description on the cards). The guidance you need will come when you spot something from each key word list that really hits home. That immediately and powerfully makes sense.
If you want to use The Astrology Oracle like a pro psychic, the first thing you have to do, is drop your longing for a firm ‘yes or no’ answer. By that I mean, questions like ‘Is he coming back to me?’ Other common questions, and quite understandably so, might be, ‘Will I get the job?’ Another mistake first-time oracle or Tarot readers make is to look for a time (‘When will I meet my husband’). In order to get the most from The Astrology Oracle, begin with the present – from the point of view of all the participants in the situation. This is usually just one other person, so I will use that as an example.
My client Nell wants to know if she will have a serious relationship with Paulo, the man she recently met. She is even curious about marriage despite the fact that he has a girlfriend! So the first questions must be ‘Where is he at?’ and also ‘Where is she at?’
If our lives are like newspapers, what are the headlines for Nell and Paulo right now? You can use this technique for yourself as well no matter if your question is about love, work, money, health or anything else.
What are the headlines in Nell’s life now?
Mercury and Sixth House – The Oracle says, it’s all about the written and spoken word, the computer, the phone, the media, the internet – and in connection with work and Nell’s relationship with her body.
What are the headlines in Paolo’s life now?
Sun and Fourth House – The Oracle says, Paolo has his apartment, house, family, household, home town and/or homeland as the priority and there is a big spotlight on his people and his place.
If you can imagine time as a gigantic map, full of roads and hills (almost as if you were looking at your life from an aeroplane window) then it is possible to see Nell’s path and Paolo’s path converging. We know that Nell wants Paolo (despite the girlfriend!) so how will their paths cross again? What or who brings them together?
1. Read for the other person/s in the story too so you can see how all your paths are crossing.
2. Ditch any idea of definite yes or no answers – or specific times – as this map of time does not work like that.
3. Fix yourself in the present first and you will get a strong feeling for how the Oracle works.
4. See time as a map, like the ground laid out from an aeroplane window, and see how people cross paths.
5. To get what you want from a situation, make sure both/all participants are fed what they need. Go for win-win.
The symbol for Psyche is the butterfly and it is amazing how often butterflies (real or illustrated) turn up when you choose this card. This is a symbol of metamorphosis. The Romans believed that when a person passed away, a butterfly was seen hovering over the mouth of the dying person. When this card appears something or someone will live forever. Just as a chrysalis becomes a butterfly, and the soul flies free from the body, there is now something about yourself, or your world, which is also ready to soar. In the Roman myth Psyche was adored by Cupid but resented by his mother Venus. She was subjected to tests and trials, but always helped by the universe, and ultimately rewarded with immortality by Jupiter. Psyche describes what it is about yourself and your life that some people love (like Cupid) and some people envy (like Venus). Most of all though, Psyche lives forever. This is not just another chapter. It’s an everlasting story.
Psyche is the immortal or eternal achievement that comes if one is prepared to work patiently through all kinds of trials and obstacles. As a person, Psyche is a beautiful woman who attracts jealousy but triumphs over everything and everybody to live forever. When this card turns up, something or someone will become immortalised, perhaps living forever on the eternal digital world of the internet. Or – what is produced/created is there forever.

There are two versions of the Psyche myth. In the first Cupid falls in love with her, but asks her not to find out who he is. Psyche’s sisters who are jealous of her, persuade her to defy Cupid and find out. He rejects her – but in the end the couple reunite. In another version, Venus who is envious of Psyche’s beauty, sends Cupid to trick her into falling in love with a monster. He accidentally pierces himself with his own arrow and falls in love with Psyche.

Psyche in the Eleventh House describes jealous women – and a everlasting group project.
Psyche is about tests and trials, but always assisted with help from the universe too.
An ant helped Psyche with one of Venus’s impossible tasks – separating grains and legumes.
Psyche shows envy from others, obstacles and tests, yet a special result that outlives you.
Psyche in the Twelfth House might point to a secret project that stands the test of time.
The Butterfly
The Twelfth House is associated with Neptune and Pisces in the natural zodiac. As you might guess it has links with the sea and fish. These symbolic links revolve around the idea of escaping into a different world. The ocean and the beach represent a holiday from reality. The rules are different over there – or down there. In the year that Neptune was discovered, anaesthetic had its public debut, raising questions about where human beings went to, when they were unconscious. In the same year spiritual mediumship took a great leap forward. The Twelfth House card describes any escape from reality where you go below the surface (just like scuba diving) and are unseen. It is associated with keeping secrets but also any invisible role without recognition. The Twelfth House is also about the unconscious mind, the spirit body and dreams.