Astrology and Tarot Podcast: The Smith-Waite Deck
The Smith-Waite deck created by Pamela Colman-Smith and Arthur Waite has coded zodiac signs, astrology archetypes, planet symbols and pure house meanings, in every illustration.
The Smith-Waite deck created by Pamela Colman-Smith and Arthur Waite has coded zodiac signs, astrology archetypes, planet symbols and pure house meanings, in every illustration.
If you have more than three personal horoscope factors in Pisces then you have a Pisces stellium. No matter what your actual zodiac sign, or Sun sign is – you are strongly Pisces. What does it mean?
For the first time since 2006, Jupiter moves into Scorpio the business, finance and boom sign. There will be a ripple effect around the world which will benefit you if you have planets, asteroids or other points in Scorpio in your birth chart.
In this 25 minute exclusive Love, Sex and Astrology podcast, I reveal how to use astrology to learn more about your love and sex compatibility.
The August Astrology Show features Adam Smith, astrologer for The Sun Herald and Sunday Age in Australia, talking about the horoscope of Robert Plant, as well as Jessica Adams, Neil Spencer and special guest Bethea Jenna talking about the astrology of football.
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