The Sagittarius Birthday Horoscope 2020-2021
2020 has delivered at least one milestone, possibly two, in terms of the paths you take and the forks in the road that find you.
2020 has delivered at least one milestone, possibly two, in terms of the paths you take and the forks in the road that find you.
Ceres in Aquarius is with you until the 9th of November, then the pressure is off. Until then, there will be a process of division, sharing, territorial claim.
Happy Birthday Libra! What does the next year (and beyond) hold for you?
You hear a lot about this phrase ‘releasing the past’ when people talk about letting an astrology cycle go. This one has been a really long time coming, Virgo.
As you go past your birthday into the second half of 2020, you will be wide open for change and quite rightly ready to have your head turned by those who are so different from you, but also so interested in welcoming you into their part of the world.
Go back to the years 2001, 2022 and ask yourself what you need to (still) resolve or tidy up. What needs to be balanced, settled, and sorted out?
Even if ‘there’ turns out to be just a dream in the end, if you experiment and explore with different pathways, you will find something special in the end. Happy Birthday!
In your personal birth chart (using the Natural House System which I prefer for accurate prediction), I can see you are living with Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus (your own sign – the material world) in the Second House (finances).
Famous for your drive, competitive nature and full throttle thrust, you will power through 2020 and hopefully take every solution and opportunity for your career, university life or unpaid work which is offered. Happy Birthday Aries.
2020 will be unforgettable for you. It’s painted in strong, clear colours and shows a couple of life-changing stories.
We are seeing a double whammy in both chart systems I use for you, in 2020. The double whammy comes from a similar story, told twice. In your personal birth chart, which you know as a Premium Member, you can see the Sun in your Eleventh House now. In your Sun Sign or solar chart, which is the second method I use to forecast your year, we find karma is coming for your friends and acquaintances, and also for you.
From the final week of December 2019 until the third week of January 2021, what is in store for you, Capricorn, from one birthday to the next?
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