Finance, Property, Charity, Business, Valuables
You really don’t need me, to tell you that you are in a rare and unusual cycle for your finances. We include your house, apartment or lifestyle situation here. Also, any business interests, your pension/superannuation, budget, possessions, charity, company and the rest.
You are going through a sequence not seen in your lifetime. First, Saturn in Aquarius. Then, Jupiter in Aquarius. Finally, Pluto in Aquarius.
Aquarius is the sign that rules your joint and shared financial agreements. Marriage and mortgage are typical. So is child support. Government assistance is also typical. Shared house or apartment arrangements with roommates, flatmates, or partners. The family and particular wills or legacies made out to you by relatives, but also the contents of your own legacies, to them.
It’s time to think about all this, and go on thinking about it, owing to the triple sequence of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto passing through your chart.