Top Ten True Astrology Predictions From 2014
Every week in The Astrologer’s Diary I predict media headlines using horoscopes for countries (many people are surprised to hear that nations can have astrological charts, but they do)
Every week in The Astrologer’s Diary I predict media headlines using horoscopes for countries (many people are surprised to hear that nations can have astrological charts, but they do)
Your sun sign reals how you ‘shine’ and how you light up the internet. If you have other heavenly bodies which create problems for the Sun in your astrological chart, though, it’s a struggle.
I have been working with asteroid astrology since 2006 when Pluto was demoted. Astronomers reclassified him as a Dwarf Planet.
Jessica Adams explores what’s in store for you in 2015, with these brand new fresh predictions.
How do people born from late July through late August reveal themselves, in modern 21st century astrology? Some things never change.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the classic ‘need to be needed’ which comes with the territory, is channelled through the Moon sign.
Research on psychic tests prove that people do better when relaxed, so here’s a fast five-minute quiz to help build your confidence.
If you want to use The Astrology Oracle like a pro psychic, the first thing you have to do, is drop your longing for a firm ‘yes or no’ answer.
Astrology is concerned with time because astrologers use a book called an ephemeris which looks like some version of Doctor Who’s Tardis instruction manual.
The typical Gemini has a distinctive way of speaking, honed after years of school (and real-world education) to help the message hit home.
There are many different kinds of Aries. You may also have Mercury, Mars or Venus in Aries, for example, so you are far less patient, more assertive and more physically energetic than others born under your sign.
Brand new for 2014! Find out what’s in store for your year ahead. To read your horoscope from Jessica Adams scroll down to your zodiac
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