Coco Chanel’s Oracle Cards
As my friend Justine Picardie explains in her acclaimed biography of Chanel, the cards still rest where she left them, lying in a moment frozen in time, in her apartment in Paris.
As my friend Justine Picardie explains in her acclaimed biography of Chanel, the cards still rest where she left them, lying in a moment frozen in time, in her apartment in Paris.
The most unusual line-up in years takes place at Christmas 2016, twelve months away, as I write this in Christmas 2015.
Our host, the amazing Kyra Oser, is also a medium and psychic who often picks up messages for callers on air. The last time I spoke to Kyra, she was in Los Angeles and I was in London.
When somebody’s Sun falls right on a horoscope factor in your own chart, it’s like the universe drawing your attention to that side of your nature.
What does the Sagittarius horoscope reveal from November 2015 through December 2016? Part of the story involves several chances for outstanding success.
2016 is not the first year Christianity has been under threat, and it will not be the last. However, writing this on 22nd November 2015, just before Christmas, it’s useful to look at the issues and the dates ahead.
It’s that time again. Mercury, the planet which rules communication, transport, information and travel is about to move backwards. Of course, he doesn’t literally do this. But when he appears to slide backwards and forwards, so do our lives.
The North Node and South Node are changing signs in November 2015. What does that mean for you?
Ceres is in Aquarius until 28th January 2016. With factors in Aquarius then you will have a process of power-sharing, compromise and a whole new order.
If one area of your life is a constant tug-of-war for you, the answer may be Pluto in your horoscope. How can you make bargains with this planet?
If you have three or more Pisces horoscope factors then you are strongly Piscean – and also under the influence of a Neptune cycle which needs very special care.
Each Jupiter cycle is like a colouring-in book which you must then work yourself. If you want to. Jupiter does not ‘make’ the end result happen, any more than a colouring-in book, fills in its own colours.
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