Your 2016-2017 Love Revolution
Your love horoscope from September 10th 2016 through October 10th 2017 spells the biggest changes in 12 years – and if you are open-minded, they will be fantastic.
Your love horoscope from September 10th 2016 through October 10th 2017 spells the biggest changes in 12 years – and if you are open-minded, they will be fantastic.
If you’re typical of your Sun Sign or have a stellium (more than three horoscope factors) in that sign, you may be a walking advertisement for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on.
We have a lot of Virgo patterns in March 2016. It’s the next big step for you with your health and wellbeing
When lovers have horoscope factors in Scorpio there is a major story taking place about sex and death between you.
Astrology is alternative timekeeping. History repeats itself and astrologers noticed. We look at the patterns and read the story.
If you have three or more heavenly bodies, points or angles in Pisces then you do not live in what most people call the real world!
What we lacked at the time was a referendum date, but we have it now – Britain will vote to leave the EU on 23rd June, 2016. That makes the prediction firmer.
Eclipses – when they strike the horoscopes of several members of the Royal Family at once – always show milestones for Her Majesty the Queen.
Pisces, from February 2016 and February 2017, you have the most tremendous solution or opportunity waiting with your former, current or potential partner.
Bracken House, London is home to a stunning astrological clock, which most visitors discover by accident, after seeing St. Paul’s Cathedral.
We have a striking number of patterns joining Neptune in Pisces in March involving asteroids, Nodes and planets. This is going to be a big month for Wikileaks and also floods, both ruled by Neptune – for obvious reasons.
Although we are dealing with a serious finance hangover in 2016, Saturn in Scorpio is over. You can pack it up for another 29 years, in fact.
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