Mercury Retrograde in Libra and the Seventh House
Mercury Retrograde in Libra and the Seventh House – the missing pages from 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Personal Horoscope Guide.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra and the Seventh House – the missing pages from 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Personal Horoscope Guide.
Your Saturn Sign is triggered by your birthday from 28 through 30, but also once a year, when the Sun travels past. Saturn describes your hard karma. Your unavoidable fate. Your destiny, using astrology, is to work with it and minimise the issues! Here’s how.
If you have my ebook 2020 Astrology this feature expands the chapter on Sacred Geometry with video and information about five-way patterns in your personal birth horoscope.
Potter, Rowling, Horoscopes and Astrology. The uncanny links between the Harry Potter ‘birth’ chart, the natal chart of J.K. Rowling and the timed horoscope for the release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
Released on 1st August 2016 as an ebook, 2020 Astrology – Your 5 Year Horoscope Guide by Jessica Adams covers every aspect of modern 21st century astrology.
It wasn’t just about the British push for freedom from Europe. It was about a global quest for independence, which was global and local.
Leo has always been associated with royalty, princes and kings and so perhaps it’s not surprising that they are still wearing the Boy Band crown, six years on.
Leo, your way with words, ideas and images is extremely important from September 9th 2016 until your birthday in 2017.
Some New Moons matter more than others and they affect everybody. People will move, start jobs, fall in love, give birth, get married or launch projects.
Suddenly, the spirit of Margaret Thatcher is all over British politics again in 2016. The Iron Lady’s birth chart is connected to Theresa May’s very closely.
Your Moon Sign shows your maternal instinct. It reveals how you feed, nurture and care for people, either alone or in groups.
Cancer, you will move to a bigger, better apartment or house following solutions and opportunities which appear in October 2016. Alternatively, expect renovations or home improvements not possible in years!
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