Your Aries Stellium
If you have an Aries stellium, you’re a blend of David Beckham, Rocky, Tracey Emin and Aretha Franklin. True?
If you have an Aries stellium, you’re a blend of David Beckham, Rocky, Tracey Emin and Aretha Franklin. True?
Major events in your life are predicted by ‘perfect storm’ conditions when a number of patterns in your horoscope all unfold on the same day. If you think about it, this makes sense. A new job, for example, can result in changes to your finances, to your house or apartment (you might move) and thus to your household or family.
India was born on 26th January 1950 and is set for an economic revolution.
Can you spot bipolar disorder in a horoscope, and does astrology show a way of dealing with it?
Facebook has two birth charts. One for its humble beginnings on Mark Zuckerberg’s computer – and the other for the first trade it ever made.
What will happen to China when Uranus (the shock, the revolution, the new world) moves into the sign of Taurus? I am writing this on Friday 20th April 2018, and Uranus will make his historic move on Tuesday 15th May, so this is just under three weeks away now.
Taurus, you have to ask yourself why you have consciously or unconsciously put so many road blocks in your way since 2008.
I’m going to give you some dates for the Global Financial Crisis 2 which is coming in 2018 and 2019, based on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, FTSE and also the Ireland chart as the latter is home to tax-avoidance tech companies.
Do you have factors in Capricorn or Cancer? Are you finding life seriously hard work in April 2018? Hang in there. You are being put through a heavy Capricorn cycle – extreme Capricorn – which you have not experienced in your life.
How will Chiron in Aries in 2018, 2019 and the end of Uranus in Aries affect you?
The Twelfth House of your horoscope is ruled by Neptune and Pisces. This already has quite a fluid, watery feel, thanks to the symbolism of the ocean, and fish.
Money is ruled by Taurus in the horoscope and also by Scorpio. Using those two signs it is possible to make accurate, dated predictions about the sharemarkets.
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