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Asian Astrology

Asian Astrology

You know your regular horoscope but what about your Asianscope? You might assume you have a Chinese sign, but in truth, you actually have an Asian Sign. Asian astrology combines Chinese Astrology with Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Tibetan and Japanese knowledge – all of which evolved at the same time. The biggest common factor across all these different kinds of Asian astrology is the importance of the number twelve (twelve signs, and also the twelve-year cycle of Jupiter, which in Western Astrology we associate with good fortune.) This ‘rule of twelve’ links Eastern and Western horoscopes in a surprisingly accurate way. Jessica Adams uses a blend of Western and the best of Eastern horoscope systems to give insights into what’s in store for you.

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Asianscopes October Forecast

Jessica Adams blends the best of Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Thai, Tibetan, Vietnamese, and other Asian horoscope systems, with Western Astrology to provide a unique forecast, with insights into October, as observed from both your western and eastern horoscopes.

Asianscopes 2024 Forecast

Find out what the new year has in store for you with Jessica’s predictions for the current Asian horoscope year.

The Asian Zodiac

Learn more about Eastern Astrology uses the best of Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan and Indian astrologyTo work out your sign, match the year of birth to your sign for your Chinese Astrological profile. For an in-depth reading each month, view your Asianscopes forecast.

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