House Systems and why all Astrology is not the same
People are often surprised to hear that all astrology is not the same. In fact, every astrologer has to choose what is known as a house system.
If you are a fan of astrology, or if you make it your profession, sooner or later you are going to run into skeptics. They believe that astrologers are frauds and they ‘make it all up.’
Alternatively they believe astrologers are well-meaning idiots, along with astrology believers. This is quite funny, because these skeptics are the same people who live their lives by the clock and the calendar. Both of which are also made up. Frankly, the time and date are about as real as Narnia, lying behind the wardrobe in the famous C.S.Lewis classic.
I realise that astrology is about as real as Narnia to people who are educated in a rational universe with only science and mathematics to hold them, but at some point, you have to challenge skeptics and ask ‘Why is your reality, more real than my reality?’
Join Jessica Adams for all the latest astrology in The Astrology Blog.
People are often surprised to hear that all astrology is not the same. In fact, every astrologer has to choose what is known as a house system.
Learn how to read your premium personal monthly horoscope at
Work out how to decode your own personal horoscope using heavenly bodies and work out which area of your life will be affected and how
Born with the Sun in Virgo, you now have Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, in your own sign for the first time in 12 years. Between now and your birthday in 2016 you will have access to the best hairdressers or cosmetic surgeons, if you want them.
Astrology predicts that Hilary Clinton will win in 2016 if she can get over two things.
If you want to sell to thirtysomethings then start with the idea that travel, study, teaching, publishing and belief systems are special.
Every day at you can check the position of the planets, the asteroids and other important heavenly bodies, in the twelve signs of the zodiac. These positions are calculated in real time. The best way to view this is with your premium member birth chart handy.
If you are interested in Astrology then follow the podcast free on this website and join the conversation on Twitter with @astrologyshow
In this week’s free astrology lesson, Stephanie Johnson, who also tutors at the Sun Sign School, will be discussing profections via her Podcast.
Natalie Delahaye has created a new relaxation meditation for you based on a tropical beach; it will let you unwind and recharge as often as you need to, throughout the day.
We are days away now from the historic change of the North Node and South Node into new zodiac signs. In astrology this takes place every 19 years.
If you have an interest in writing and a passion for storytelling and Astrology then you have what it takes to be a Sun Sign Astrologer. With the Sun Sign School you can learn from some of the most influential astrologers of our time. The Sun Sign School offers online courses and tuition from a range of highly visible and successful media astrologers. Find out more by visiting the Sun Sign School website.
A curated list of Astrology topics to help you better understand Astrology and the influence it can have on your life and those you love.
In Roman myth, Pluto and Ceres were involved in an epic power struggle. In your own horoscope, Ceres reveals where you face the most intense issues about your own control (or lack of it) over your own life.
Your Mars by Sign and House shows you where you push and where you get red in the face. Just like a toddler crashing and banging around in the house (or the supermarket).
Some people seem to think that I can tell them how to run their lives, or make their decisions for them. This is quite wrong.
Born in 1970 or earlier? You are among the lucky few now on the planet who can recycle their past to control their future – more powerfully than you ever will, for another 240 years.